PAGE POUR FORT GEORGE HERALD PROVINCIAL AND GENERAL NEWS An appropriation of $2,000 has been made by the provincial government for for the construction of sidewalks and, grading streets in New Hazelton. "I didn't mind paying $6 a week for board in the camps and as for the unsanitary conditions, they could be remedied with a little trouble; but 1 certainly did object to paying 50 cents to the con- ! tractors for an armful of straw to put in my bunk," said, a husky Irishman, one of the strikers, who came down Irom Yale a lew days ago and joined the colony of idle strikers now at Vancouver. Victoria claims at. ieast one family v.'hich should interest\uid delight ex-president Roosevelt andNyhich sets a praiseworthy example thatif followed would have a material bearingNUjjon the next Dominion census. The "ikmiiy" consists of five, all under one y<.ar\of age, twins having honored the happX parents some little time ago, to be f dlowed by triplets within the past few days. The trio are all prospectiye suffragettes und are til living. Steamloating on the Ske'ena river -that is to say, steambLating between Prince Rupert and Kitselas-iB practically a thing of the past. While no dojbt there will be many a private boating trip_in the future for a hundred miles along what is one of the finest scenic streams in the world, the regular schedule Bteamboat service has concluded. Just in proportion to the laying of steel eastward, the volume of steamer borne traffic on the Skeenahas lessened. Today trains are running to a point beyond the canyon, and early summer will doubtless see the iron horse in Hazelton, about 130 miles from Prince Rupert. Fifty-one men and women are in line before the Lethbridge, Alberta, land office where they will camp until homesteads are thrown open on May first. The first in line is Carl Jones, of Philadelphia. They will have to withstand the rain and snow storms, and one of the three women has a baby in her arms. "Just let ub getJim Hill to build a railway through the country we are after," said one of the men in line, "and we will be millionaires some day." During the night blankets are extended on the sidewalks. The council of Lethbridjje is objectieg to the sanitary conditions of locality and may disperse the line up. The proposal of the Dominion government to issue silver dollars has been deferred for the present. The late government, at the reqnest of the people of British Columbia principally, passed an act authorizing the making of "cartwheels" in the Canadian mint. Dies h*ave been purchased in England and are now at the mint. Hon. W. T. White, after looking into the situation, is of the opinion that the time is not ripe for the issue of Canadian silver dollars, and the making of them will be deferred. The coining of five and ten-dollar gold pieces will be proceeded with,' although it is believed that for the purpose of general circulation guides not likely to replace paper money to any great extent. Blind pigs cannot thrive in Bulkley Valley, and it is all owing to a way the local police have of scenting game of that kind and running it to earth. Recently a man named Christianson undertook to operate in a quiet way in a secluded nook under the eave of Hudson Bay mountain a short distance back of Chicken Lake. But he had no more than got his pig nicely in shape to produce some eaBy money when along came Chief Calkin and Special D'Egyille and confiscated the whole plant. Next day Christianson came up for trial before Justice of the Peace Murphy, who, upon finding him guilty, promptly imposed a fine of $300, or in default nine months' imprisonment;' for daring to introduce the industry into the valley. After a little hesitation the three hundred was paid in to court. And that was the l«Bt of the first blind pig caught in that part. just as much the government's duty to protect citizens from such outrageous treatment as irom the burglar and highway men. Quesnel Forlis has just experienced a seiicus fire, which was responsible for the wipineLPut of the residence of Mr. William Stephenson, with its contents. Robert Spinks South Fort George : B.C. Manufacturers of High-Grade Confectionery ICE CREAM and all kinds of SOFT DRINKS Catering " Tobaccos and Cigars FOURTH STREET SOUTH FORT GEORGE Labor conditions in the plants of the U. S. Steel Corporation were denplniced as "a brutal system of industrial slavery" in the senate labor and edii^ cation committee's report in the,pro-' posed eight-hour law for xijovernment contract labor. This government is bound in its own defence, for its citv> Unship, its life, to interpdse between the strong and the Weak, "\ theTreport d eclares.., ',*Nb man can meet the obligation's and discharge the duties of citizenship in a free' government who is broken in spirit and wrecked in body through such individual peonage. It ¦• TO INTENDING BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS /We invite inspection of our large and well-assorted stock of carefully \ manufactured LUMBER. This Lumber was manufactured during the \summer of 1911, was carefully piled and stored for the winter, and is rto.w THOROUGHLY DRY and in prime condition for building, and sells at "THE SAME PRICE as any other Lumber. Dimension, Boards, Siding; Shiplap, Ceiling, Finish MOULDINGS and SPECIAL SAWINGS or DRESSINGS of any kind The Fort George Trading & Lumber Co., Ltd. THE PIONEER MILL. * SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B.C. Puon§ 11. Chas. E. McEi.roy, Mgr. Our GUMLESS SPRUCE SIDING and V-JOINT will not warp, check nor shrink endways, and contains no gum to cause the paint to peel. . B.C. MARKET, WHOLESALE AND RETAJE^DEALERS IN Fresh and Cured Meats Poultry, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Etc. FORT GEORGE AND SOUTH FORT GEORGE ?: ?; ?: ?: ?; ?: ?: >: Roberts, Jones & Wilson EDWARD ROBERTS Notary Public. E. E. JONES. A. J. SELWYN-WILISON. Auditor., REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS and ACCOUNTANTS. FOR SALE: Farm Lands. Garden Tracts. Timber limits. Mineral Claims. Valuable town lots. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS /E R I N" FORT GEORGE, B. C. Offices: Hamilton Avenue, South Fort George: Central Avenue, Fort George, B. C. BRITISH COLUMBIA EXPRESS =—=— COMPANY ..... Send for a folder- Stages Send for a folder OPERATING Autos Steamboats From Ashcroft to Fort George, and all points in . the northern interior of British Columbia, carrying the Royal Mail, passengers and fast freight. . The Palatial Steamer B.I Awaits the Arrival of the Company's Stages Head Office: Ashcroft, B.C. Freight consumed to steamer at Soda creuk will be promptly forwarded. The Time The Place The Store 'ITH SPRING everyone wants something NEW. Try this store for the best the market affords. We are showing a particularly nice line of If your storekeeper-has not got it, toy QuesneUs leading merchant ' DON'T BUY ON PAPER We don't ask you to purchase South Fort George lots by making a pencil mark on a townsite plan1—You would be safe in so doing, but if skeptical COME TO SOUTH FORT GEORGE Investigate Our Proposition and you will find a good live town--Two banks, saw mill, pool hall, newspaper, two general stores, splendid 7 hotel, bakery, stationery store, mail-boat landing, scores of buildings, and crowds of satisfied buyers . WRITE FOR INFORMATION TO NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT CO. 172 Hastings Street, Vancouver, B C , or the resident agent, g. e. Mclaughlin Fourth Avenue, South Fort^George • I Front Street , '"*» Mail Orders Deceive B.C. 1836 Assets Exceed Fifty Million Dollars The Bank of British North America Your money is safer in the Bank than in your house or in your pocket. It is not tied up. You can get it out at any time without delay. NOTES discounted. Local and Foreign Drafts bought and sold. COLLECTIONS made promptly. Money Orders issued. FORT GEORGE BRANCH: J. MUNRO, ACTING MANAGES The Average Deposit of the Canadian People Is $122.00 per Person Saving money can be made a habit. A portion of your weekly or monthly wage deposited regularly in a savings account will soon bring you up to the average, and you will be surprised how rapidly $2 deposited weekly will amount to enough to make a substantial payment on your home. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S6.800.QBO , TOTAL ASSETS, $52,000,000 XHEjrRA,DERS^BAN K H. C. SEAMAN, Manager - ~-- . - - S«wtVr*rt Gtftri* ~ THE BANK OF VANCOUVER =3 Head Offlce: VANCOUVER. ¦. C. C-----" CAPITAL AUTHORIZED •:.'-• - $9,000,000 DIRE CTORS: R. P. McLENNAN Esq., President, McLennan, McFeely & Co. Wholesale Hardware, Vancouver, B. C; L. W. SHATFORD Esq., M. L. A. Vice-Pres. Merchant, Hedley, B. C. HIS HONOR T. W. PATERSON. Lieu- tenant-Governor British Columbia. M. IJ. CAKLIN. Cnnitsilist. Victoria. B.C. -A. ISTEL Esq. C. S. DOUGLAS Esq. Robert Kennedy, New Westminster. * ' . , J. A. MITCHELL, E»q.. Capitalist' Victoria. B. 0. . E. H. HEAPS. Ksq.. E. H. Heaps i Co.. Lumber and Timber: President Columbia Trust Co.. Ltd.. Vancouver. B. O. J. A; HARVEY. Esq., K.O.. formerly ' of Cranbfook, B.Cr^Vancouver. B.l*. ~K. L. DEWAR. General Manager. . ^GENERAL BANKING.BUSINESS TRANSACTED FORT GEORGE BRANCH-F. LIPSCOMB, Manager. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. In every case lands were !(Pistrict. Nechaco Valley Bulkley, Valley fullv^ln^ectedby pertcruisersbe-fore we purchased THE GRAND TRUWl PACIFIC RAILWAY will make all these districts accessible to all the world. Every, rail laid adbs/ to the value of the land ^ / North Coast Land Co. Ltd. V ¦•¦¦ - • . ¦ ¦' ¦ ' - -¦ '' ¦ ¦- :- -r General Offices: 610 to 024 Metropolitan Blds^Taacoaver.B^ London Office: 0 Old Jewry. \ PAID-UP CAPITAL, ¦_- '" >" '..-'" - $l»500,000.