PAGE SIX FORT GEORGE HERALD PROVINCIAL AND GENERAL NEWS and the murderera may circle that neighborhood for days before they are driven out. Among the appointments appearing in British Columbia Gazette is that of Herbert John Gardner, of Stanley, as a coroner for Cariboo District. H. Gallagher, roadmaster ontheG.T. P., while traveling eastward t"rom Terrace on a railway motor-cycle, was struck by a train coming from Van Aradol, injured or killed, and flung off the line into deep water in the Skeena river. His body haa not been recover* ed. Word comes from the Nechaco of the serious wounds received by a man named Ben Murray, from the attack of a grizzly bear. Mr. Murray was walking on the trail when the animal attacked him, badly lacerating his head and face, and tearing out one eye. He was taken to Quesnel for medical treatment. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, the militant suffragette leader, and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lawrence, joint editors of Votes for Women, were all found guilty and each was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment on the charge of conspiracy and inciting to malicious damage to property. ¦ The Kootenay Central Railway Company has taken over seventy-five acres of the William J. Barry ranch at Spill-imachene, on the east bank of the Columbia river, and will lay out a towmite to be known as Spallumacheen, which will be placed on the market in the near future. This will be the central town-site between Golden and Lake Winder-mere. Three years in the penitentiary was the sentence imposed on a clerk in the Vancouver postoffice who was found guilty of the theft of money from His Majesty's mails. The young man, who has been a well known resident and a trusted employee of the postoffice for the last six years, felt his position keenly, while his weeping mother, who was one of the spectators in court when sentence was pronounced, was led away in a state of collapse. TENDERS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and marked on the envelope "Tender for Buildings, Fort George Reserve," will be received up to noon of Tuesday, July 2, 1912, for the erection of the following buildings for Indians on the under mentioned reserves:— * On Reserve No. 2, Fort George, B.C. 18 large dwellings for Indians. 6 small " " 1 Church. 1 School house. On Reserve No. 3, Fort George, B.C. 4 large dwellinga for Indians. 6 small " " On Reserve No. 4, Fort George B.C. 1 large dwelling for Indians. 2 small dwellings for Indiana, rians and specifications may be seen at the offices of Mr. John Fv Smith, In-j dian Agent, Kamloops; Mr. Peter Byrne, Indian Agent, New Westminster; Mr. Win, McAllan, Indian Agent, Fraser Lake; Mr. A. M. Tyson, Inspector of Indian Agencies, Vancouver; Mr. W. -E. Ditchburn, Inspector of Indian Agencies; Victoria: and the post offices at Ashcroft, Quesnel and Fort George. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank for ten per cent, of the amount of the ttrder, made payable to the order of the undersigned, which will be forfeited if the person or persons tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be rot accepted the cheque will be returned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ,The unauthorized insertion of this advertisement in any newspaper will not be paid for. / J. D. McLEAN, Asst. Deputy and Sec'y. Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, May I, 1912. '41 COUNTY COURT OF CARIBOO The sittings of the County Court of Cariboo will be held as under: Clinton—Thursday, June 6th, 19J2, at 9 a. m. atthe Court Hojsc 150 Mile HousE-Monday, June 10th, at 10 a. m. at the Court Hotlse. South Fort George - Thursday, June 13th, at*4 p.m. at the Government Office. QUESNEL-Saturday, June 15th, at 2 p. m. at the Court House. Richfield—Tuesday, June 18th at 10 a. m. at the Court House. By Order. C. W. GRAIN, Registrar. IN THE MATTER of the Companies Act; and IN THE MATTER of Cooke, Peden & Company, Limited. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Cooke, Peden & Company, Limited, wil at the expiration^ of one month from the first publication hereof apply to the Registrar of Companies for approval of change of name from Cooke, Peden & Company, Limited, to "The Northern Lumber & Mercantile Company Limited." Dated this 4th day of May, 1912. E. J. AVISON, Quesnel, B.C. Solicitor for Cooke, Peden & Company, Limited. The Little Nugget ; Cafe The most modern and best-appointed cafe in Fort George. FIRST-CLASS CUISINE Meals - BO Cents Short Orders a Specialty Mrs. F. C. Nahrwald, Proprietress Cor. Hamilton and Third \ South Fort George. Joe Lasalle, the well-known trapper of Goat River, arrived in Barkerville last week with a large bunch of 4fine furs, principally marten and Beaver. He estimate* his catch for the season at $1200. After resting up for a week or so in town from his winter labors, Joe intends going out after grizzly and black bear, which he states are very numerous in the vicinity of the Goat river. Speaking at*the banquet of the University of New Brunswick alumni, Hon. George E. Foster deplored the fact that the public men of Canada were kept so busy that they had not the time fully to consider the problems of the country. Members of parliament while in Ottawa, he said,' are harassed by an enormous correspondence, produced by the patron-age system, which was simply damnable. Members of the government and parliament had not the opportunity earnestly to consider the matters before them, consequently their decisions were often hastily given. At the rising townsite of Nicholl, the G.T.P.'b first divisional point out of Prince Rupert, situated at Mile 119 on the railway, there is a thriving scene of bustle and activity. Since the sale of the lots in Prince Rupert interest is focussed more sharply than ever upon the new town. Business men are arranging to locate there and before long | the townBite will be, bristling with new j buildings. Everyone has assured confidence'in the future of this point. Its selection as the first divisional point out of Prince Rupert places it in the forefront of Skeena river townsites. Manufacturers of High-Grade Confectionery ICE CREAM and all kinds of SOFT DRINKS Catering Tobaccos and Cigars FOURTH STREET SOUTH FORT GEORGE a Seed Potatoes - $5.50 per 100 lbs. Carrots, Turnips, Beets, Parsnips and Onions FRESH MEAT and RANCH EGGS our specialty/ 2 FORT GEORGE SOUTH FORT GEORGE TO INTENDING BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS We invite inspection pf our large and welj^assorted stock of jjare"fully manufactured LUMBER. This* Lumber was manufactured during the summer of1911, was carefully piled and stored for the<^intcr, and is now THOROUGHLY DRY and in prime condition fortmildtyg, and sells at THE SAME PRICE as any^tKer Lumber..^ . \ Dimension, Boards, Siding, Shiplap, Ceiling, Finish MOULDINGS and SPECIAL SAWINGS or DRESSINGS of any.\ind The Fort George Trading & Lumber Co., Ltd: THE PIONEER MILL. SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B.C. Phone 11. Chas. E. McElroy, Mgr. Oar GUMLESS SPRUCE SIDING and V-JOINT will not warp, check nor shrink endways, and contains no gum to cause the paint to peel. The chase after the Indian outlaws, Paul and Spintlam, has shifted from Canoe Creek to the head of the Bona-part. Their location, at last reports, was 100 miles southeast of Canoe Creek at Fish Lake. They abandoned the horse they had stolen from Napoleon Pigeon and stole another from an old squaw at Fish Lake. The squaw saw them taking the horse and went out to investigate, but before she could talk to the outlaws they were gone. There are now sixty officers on the work. A cordon has been drawn around the desperadoes to keep them from getting into the Clearwater country, where it is expected they might be safe for several years. With their retreat to this stronghold cut off they can not but fall back on the Canoe Creek and Dog sections, in which event they will be caught. The head 'waters of the Bon: -parte, where they were last Been, is replete with brush and small creeks, Roberts, Jones & Wilson cu; EDWARD ROBERTS fUtatrhblk. E. E. JONES. A. J. SELWYN-W1USON, «*&«. . REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS and ACCOUNTANTS^ FOR SAIi: Farm Lands. Garden Tracts. Tinber limits. Mineral Gairaj. Valuable town lots. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES WITH US. rift tMitt, B. i. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS "E R IJN" FORT GEORGE, B. C. Offices: Hamilton Avenue, Sooth Fort George: Central Avenue, Fort Ceorge, B. C Choicest Seasoned Lumber We have specialized in the Lumber business/ which means that we know this business thoroughly, and cln give satis-faction by filling orders from a stock of the highest grades. We Make a Specially of Seasoned FIR Lamber of the Best Class Get estimates from us on all kinds of Building Material. Northern Lumber Co., Ltd. Head Office and Yard, South Fort George. Branch Yard at Fort George. Men's Gothmg and Furnishings WE wish to draw your particular attention,-to our stock of Men's Clothing and Furnishings.•/All our goods are especially the needs of this Country. General Merchandise While we direct especial attention to our Clothing line, do not forget that we carry a complete stock of General Merchandise-Groceries, Provisions, Boots and Shoes; Hardware and Building Material. We Can Supply All Your Wants at the Most Reasonable Prices Close & Brown Co., Ltd. GENERAL MERCHANTS Lasalle and Second Street Soutl Fort George, B.C. 1836 Assets Eiceed Fifty Mittipn Dollars Bank of British North America Your money is safer in the Bank than in your house or in your pocket. It is not tied up. You can get it out at any time without delay. NOTES discounted. Local and Foreign Drafts bought and sold. COLLECTIONS made promptly. Money Orders Issued. J. MDNROff ACTING MANAGER The Average Deposit of the CanadianPeoplfe Is $122.00 per Person Saving money can be made a habit. A portion of yjaur^weekly « monthly wage deposited regularly in a savings account will soon bring you up to the average, and you will be surprised how rapidly |2 deposited weekly will amount to enough to make a substantial payment on your home, y /^- CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 36,800,000 TOTAL ASSETS, S92,OO0^M THE TRADERS BANK H. C. IEAMAN, Nw«f tr S««t» Fert G«Ort» THE BANK OF Head Oflaect VANCO CAPITAL AVTHOMIZED . DIRECTORS: R. P. MclJfeNNAN Esq., President, McLennan, McFeely & Co. Wholesale Hardware, Vancouver, B. C. h. W. SHATFORD Esq., M. L. A. Vice-Pres. Merchant, Hedley, B. C. HIS HONOR T. W. PATKHSOtf. Lieu- teimnt-tiovernor British Columbia, M. H. CAKLlk .-l— . Cnnrtnllst. Victoria. B.C. A. ISTEL Esq. C. S. DOUGLAS Esq. as.eoo.ooe Y Robert Kennedy, New Westminster. J. A. MITCHELL. Eiq., CapitaUit. Victoria. B. 0. >„ t B. H. HEAPS, K«q.. B. H. Heaps * Co.. Lumbw and Timber; Fw*J Columbia Trust Co.. Ltd.. Vancouver. B. C. J. A. HARVEY. Esq., K.C.. formerly of Cranbrook, B.C.. Vancouver. »-t-A; L. DEWAR. General Manager. GENERAL^fiANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED- FORT GEORGE BRANCH-F. LIPSCCWB, Manager. FARM! LANDS BRITISH COLUMBIA. Fort George District. Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Skeena Valley In every case our lands were carefully inspected by expert cruisersbe-f ore we purchased THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY will make all these districts accessible to all'the world. Every rail laid adbs to the value of the land / North Coast Land Co.Iid. General Offices x 618 to 694 Metropolitan Bl«ff^ Vancoavcr, B ^ London Oflleet g Om Jewry. - - V •1.5OO.000. PAID-UP CAPITAL, ,\ \ ¦¦¦¦.. n