¦ PACK SIX . Mass will he held in Birch's Hall, oil liiUiiiftu'n "Avenue, next Sunday morning; at 10 o'clock. Rev. Father CoccoTa will conduct the service. P. I'.uriiH & Coinininy's abbatoir, now under construction at th.e foot of La-sello Jiyinne, is rapidly progressing. The building is being erected in a substantial and well finished manner; The .plant and inn'chinery for the cold storage is expected lie re'shortly. Hon. Trite Ellson, minister of tin' nnce and agriculture fur this province, accompanied by his son and/daughter arrived here this veelvj-'en ronte to Friiser Lake. The minister uf finance has large intercuts at Fraser Lake, where the Dpntinion Stock anil Komi ('orporatjotiT pf. which lie is a director, is setting u townsite. ,nained; Fort [¦aeer. In the 'first football game for .the o;itgomer^y"'"shield. .played at. ¦¦ Fort 'ji>;•>¦¦ o-¦'last Tuesday, the local team tied with the Fort. George players with a snm? of one goal ail. There was some dispute about a goal score by the. South Fort George team, which the referee claimed was won after the call of tiiiK'. - The game was played in the driving rain, on a field that resembled a morass, but in spite of it all a "very enjoyable time wa;rhad."; The Fort George Fair, hold in the town .up the Nechaco river, was pulled /oft -this week with marked suc-cess. We were not honored with press tickets hut visitors tell us that the agricultural exhibits were splendid examples of what the country can produce. The enterprise of* the gentler men who are making a yearly feature ot this agricultural fair is worthy-of " the highest commendation. ^--'' ' Captain Foster has-^fiurchaseil the cottage on Hix-th 'Street recently, occupied by-'Mr; Merriam and will reside here with' his family in future. .Mr.. Merriam has^moved into .liis new, cottage at the/foot of Second •Street. Harry Alexander, of Calgary, i*ŁP; resenting^':.an English.,, syndic-a^e^bf i land^dwnc'rs' - arrived on -^yesterday's boat. Fie leaves Motiday^tfTlook over a large tract-riKlii^fompany's land in Stuart, /Lazier, accompanied by irrived hej:e-'6n .the stearrw X. last-Tuesday evening. Dr. . ..•tfrjyas"'married "ofr\the .coast re-(^nlly'to Miss Daisy Jla&c^of St ^JolVnrfxNew Iirunwrclc. Dr. anchors. ..:IyHzj.jr aYe^recKiying the. gob'd wishes" of their many friends, to which The ^MSrald adds itVbest regards. The Indcpendent^Order of Oddfellows are arranging for.a Masquerade BaH,, - -to-ho -;heliHiKbut-TTie- end -of- October, iW - their hlill on Hamilton Averi-iltT will be given for jeosfumes. andj^-the dance will lie-made society-s"annua] social ev ^---"Mr. James Murphy^uie^well known lifinistei- .of-'^rfWoXkf has.-.entered into iiartrtJvFSflj^t/ .'. with Mr. ' Neville icrv-^of^ this city, -who has practicing here for the ' past7 months. The name of-.the iV>wiei,ral firm : will he Murphy. & .Montgomery. The firm, will.-"cfury on , a general law ¦bii.s.in.Q&f in the North-j-.erii Interior, with Mr. Montgomery -i-n charge at this end._As"there is no' Itasident; judge, or land registry .-office 'here yet, Mr. Murphy will remain, at Ashcrbft for-tlie : present—ifiJiete the . new Jirm'v. business- -will- have his at-tu'ution. The littered condition of -the water-front before this town, and stretching up the Fraser as f ar - as the .eye] can .reac^ I., a matter which should be dealt with by the authorities. The scows, two-abreast i,n-places, which lie full of putrid water from -the foot of Hamilton avenue andf"alqng the Hudson Bay Company's'waterfront, should be removed. Not only do these acawf. endanger the public, health but that, they "are dangerous to property also was proved tfyiis week- wher/a. boom of logs, being landed by a" man named Chris .Jacobson, bumped into another 'boomNvhilst trying to make a landing impeded by the. scows, and broke • the boom which it struck, losing the logs Jacobson was obliged v to jump in the deep water with a heavy line and was nearly drowned. Minister. I (ioii'fcykuow." whothcr that"; would be a pyjnilar muvemcut or nnt .inf B. G.'i but I'know one felling diiit would be a popular movement, and that is to trade" oH the Attorney General, and if our southern neighbors- demur at the offer 1 wmtld give them the .'.'.president of the Fort Frasor towns;tc to/''hoot and we might throw iii/the-president of the N. S, Oov,; Ufa; we could get along nicely witiiout them, and we could usei^Secrctnry Bryan as1 a living nroiuiment to our dear departed. I am satisfied that would he a popular I movement in Cariboo at least. 1 - Yours truly, VOX POPULI. FOR T G E OR G ,E,- with the adjoining pockets.- :'.ii v The blast was fired in 'tw-o sections, the lower end, or about a third of the whole, charge,, being exploded late, last week, and the balance of the shot was put off last Tuesday. The first shot ward in great masses toward the sky. i Very little sound was heard, and not a .rock-was thrown into Carey's camp, ! only-about'100 yards. -. Superintendent McCoy, of the Siems* Carey Construction Company. Engineer Mickey, of the G.T-.P. and 1). J. Carey, ¦ on whose work the blast was located, I are well pleased with the result of the I work, the preparation of which was i commenced some months ago, as. it I was seen some seconds .after the switch I had been thrown that the long and ! carefully planned explosion lvad effect-j ed the desired lesult in the most satis-\ factory manner possible. The Hk-Qtor:. , ~v South Port George Herald .. J-i i r:— ¦ ¦ ' r In. yoiir last'- issue on article appeared as coming from some paper in San Fransisco wanting ^to trade off Secretary BryahAfor our Prime WANT A 'by ERTI SMENTS ":>\V A NT ED—-'Gi fl •' f o r "gene'raLh'Qij; semidci nliout October^ 15th.—Apply Mrs. .F...|-.J^lVTiPtmorc. Sixth ''St.- City! - -" FORT GEORGE DRUG CO., PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY We have"just received as fine a^ line of HAIR BRUSHES as is carried in any store in any city. P. BURNS & CO. Ltd, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all Kinds of islhi GOODS DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF CITY. Butter, Cheese, Eggs; Highest Prices Paid for Hides and Live Stock Fort George and South Fort George. S. J. McDONALD, Phone .36 Tn the m^wmm district NECHACO VALLEY ^^. Carefully selected land at-reasonable prices and on long.terms. We own ^every acre we offer for guaranteed title. R.^R. WALKER, Resident Agerjtfof the North -Coast^and'Co., Ltd. . So^feh Fort George, B.C. . - North Coast General Offices; 619 to 624 Metropolitan Bldg., Vancouver. B.< London Office: 6 Old Jewry. . • ( PAID-UP CAPITAL. - - - 91,500,4 We have a number of choice tracts of Farming l in the ricii Nechaco Valley that are worth careful attention by the'Farmer or Investor. \^:j •" ¦.;. Lot 842, located sqme 12 miles west of the Mud River and having over one mile of water frontage on the Ne-1 ch'aco River. It adjoins property owned by the Grand Trunk Pacific on which they are to build a station and yards. This property is Crown Granted and can Hfe purchased at $25.00 an acre on good terms, Within one and one-half miles of-the town of South Fort George weiiave three five-acre tracts xof Garden Land which we can offer for a few days at from. $125.00 an acre on easy payments. T?he soil is river b'ottom deposit. Blocks of Land from 10,000 Acres Up for Colonization Purposes. Particulars and Information From. N~ '-;:'¦ The Northern Development Company; Limit€Ml 403-404 Carter-Cottoni Building ¦ Vancouv«vB.Cr Special on Baking Powder. Price's Baking Powder, 51b $2.50 "'; ..... " "2 l-21b 1.25 •' " '." l^oz. .50 Cow Brand Soda - - .15 Silver Gloss Starch - - .15 Celluloid Starch - - .15 St. James5 Tea, lib - - , .40 Tetley's Tea, 1 lb and 3 lb tins, per lb - - - 45c Kippered Herring - - .25 Lobsters - - - - .50 Yeast Cakes (Royal) All kinds of apices Grape Nuts ... . '- .;..' PostTostiea - : Buckwheat Flour, 10 lb Canned beans and peas Van Houton's Cocoa ' Brown Beans - . liitna Beans Lipton'sTea, half lb Christie's Sodas (large) for .10 .20 1.15 .10 •'15 This is Less than Cost."' Get your Winter while they last. GENERAL MERCHANTS. ^ Laselle Avenue an,d3Se'cond Street : . South Fort George 'A HAMILTON AVENUE SOUTH FORT GEORGE TKi» linPC Dr. Jaeger's Woollen tjoods UK; uuea. w G &R Regal> and Dea C*rrv Leckie, Beresford, Floresheim, ¦¦ Ame.s-Holden tdliy. and McCready Shoes. : . ===3 Waterproof Tin Pants for Men. Complete Lines of>SweatŁr Coats, Sox, Mitts, etc. UP Those ^ Fall Shipments If you don't, they will get stalled at Quesnol. Xa^%S tion closes in a few weeks:" The quickest servi by the ^ ^ B. X. STEAMERS Fh^ fastest and best equipped boats running^nto Fp^George; DON'T DELAY-SHIP NOW >^^ British Cplumbla Express Company Auto, Stage and Staamboat Owxietf^ Assets Exeetd Fifty million Dollars Your moMf la tatcr in th« IMrik/tban^in your bouae or in your pocket. It it not tied up./'Ycwijc™ «•* ie out at any' timl l't outR delay. NOTES diicoifnt«aVl.ocal and Foreign Drafti bouini and sold. COLLECTION Unlade promptly. .^.Money Ordcn lesuea. j. MPRO, MANAOEI Capital Authorized: I2S.O0O.0OO ' Royal Bank of Canada Incorporated 1869. -WlTHiviHCH IS UNITED———~ The Traders iBank of V SAVINGS BANK.DEr>ARTMEN'J?/ •,|A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TKANSACTKU^. SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B.C. General Hardware and Sheet Metal -Wdrkers All kinds of tin and sheet Iron work done Gamp Stoves, Hot-air Furnaces Sble Agents Nagel-Chase Celebrated Gasoline AMERICAN PLAN v.. Corner Hamilton & Third ¦ The newest hotel in the noiiherh interior ___BeW ofSvines, "¦¦"¦'. liquor* fkndcitfa^a South Fort George^ \ \1:\.