rAG!5_SlXv ¦ X public meeting of the Conservative Association will be held in'the 'Burch Hall on Hamilton Avenue on Tuesday evening next at 8 o'clock. ^.Important biisinclis will be discussed, ANUJcfc of over a hundred' sheep from Old Cariboo arrived here, this week for iVli\ Enomark of the. 13. 0. Market. s. • Mrs.' llcginali'l c'1. Tlamlali, who was recently called to the death-bed of her mother, returned here this week. Mrs". Randall was unable .to reafch^ her mother lief ore her death. X A meeting of the charter members of the Northern Interior Club will he held in the. club premises over the Li rill, on Hamilton Avenue, next those Who have signeh the ' charter membership .roil will please attend. In the second match of the series--for the Montgomery- football ^hield, played bore last Sunday, tjou'th Fort George won with a jjcOre. of three goa-s tn two. jJtfCh teams played a good ganie^antl tho spectators •thoroughly enjoyed the game./'. !\k:' Anthony VVedgis,. one/'of South _^-For'.t George's live wires,. ffiis week opened to the public his splendidly appointed rooming house, the' Palace,.off Fourth street; Jhe palace is one of the largest .and most modern rooming^ houses in the city. "The high ceilings and elaborate furnishings hiake this new rooming house a most desirable place of abode. The size of the built'-ing is 30xlUU feet, and it contains 24 rooms. The first bowling alley in South Fort George, and the "first one in the Fort George district, was opened this week at the Bon Ton shooting gallery and1 bowling alleys, on Third street by Messrs. Jorgensen and Roy. The new alley is a Brunswick-Balk of standard size and adjustable. At present only two alleys are in operation, but Jorgefisen states that he will hav^lwo more alleys in readiness shortly. The afternoons./of Tuesdays^apfl Fridays, between the hours ol-^/and 5, are reserved for fa'dies.-"' Mr. Neiljaethiagf one of the organisers of-'-'tHer^Pfince George Townsite Syndicate, y*dii<:h purchased.:.a. large property in the Prince "Georg^townsifes, arrived here yester-the steamer B.C. Express. Mr. ¦fething>stales that the sale of the r'G. TnKvtowhsite was an extraordinary" ^-succesVfrbm every point of viewV Mr. IXs -date store. ~ ¦ ..'. . '.' - W ANT A D V ERTIS MENTS T-r-Dinmond prescent pin set in Platlniun. A re^'.a't^i ofl'iOO will be paid for JTiLCoyjepyj__!io_iLue^Jtipjns asked. Address I3ox'B., Herald. , STEXOGRAPH El}—Male, d'eshes position with mercantile housed, or any business looking for stenographer ,;and general ollice man. Apply Box ~k, Herald. ^ ^ ""sp.27-1 LANUV;KOR SAliK—ti.r»S acres for sale iwi'lvc miles south -of Fort George on maiii wagon road, cither q.s one ^ tract, • or two. tracts, or^.four tracts! A fine creek runs across the N'.K.comer. On each^iuarter are twenty acres ready for cultivation, ¦ and the halaiice very easily cleared only small scattered trees and a snap" considering' how la'nd is selling—apply to owner, H. rt. Hnu-na. 302-3 Holden Building. Vancouver, 13. C. . - -' ,; Those who have been unable te consult DR. ORNER THE SIGHT SPECIALIST will have an opportunity of doing" so next Wednesday and Thursday at the Fort George Drug1 Co. We have buyers for -your lots. Telegraph or ..write Immediatelyif^ou wish to buy or sell. ,¦-' ¦ . We are the pioneer Prince George specialists. s. .^ J& CO. M. C. BVKR "Honest Prince Ceargtr«Htlsh Columbia FORT GEORGE DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY We Rave just received as fine -a line of HAIR. BRUSHES as is carried in any store in any city. P. BURNS & CO. Ltd. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all Kinds of teats . Butter, Cheese, Eggs; Highest Prices Paid, DELIVERED TO ALL f\RTS OF CITY. Fort George and South Phone 36 tuth Jort George or Hides and Live Stock """ s. j. McDonald, ¦ ¦ . Local Mniger SON and FINLAYSON RY WOOD FOR SALE All lengths/delivered to any part of the city. Stopping Place.—We also have stable room for 60 heai'pf horses, and provide meals and beds on the first stopping-0lace out of town. ' /<^ Phone us .for accommodation or for your wood order. Call No. 17; Three Rings. - -IN THE-——(l.-- GE0RGE DISTRICT NECHACO VALLEY Carefully selected land at reasonable prices and on long i&rmsv We own eyery acre we offer for sale, and can give guaranteed title. —R. R. WALKER, Resident Agent of' the North Coast Land^jpo,, Ltd^ . - South Fort George, B.C. North Coast Land Co. Ltd. General .Offices: 619 to 824 Metropolitan Bldg., Vanconver,B.C y liondon Office: -6 Old Jewry. PAID-UP CAPITAL, -- - - $1,500,000. , ?20 per acre, one thin;'easily balance i ;onortwo anil- three ycat^.. This" is We have a number of choice tracts of Farmfng Land in the rich Ne^chacq, Valley that are worth care=ful attention by the F^arrner or Investor. Lot 842, located some 12 miles west of the Mud River and having over biVmile of vvateivf rontage on the Ne-chacp River. Jtadioin Trunk Pae'ifi'l on which they are to build a station and yards." Thisiproperty is Crown Granted and can be purchased at $25.00 an acre on good-terms* VVjthinone and one-half miles of the town of South Fort George we have three five-acre tracts of Garden Land which we can offer for a few days at from $125j00 an acre on easy; payments. The soil is river bottom deposit. Blocks of Land from 10,000 Acres Up for Colonization Purposes.7 Particalars ' , and Information From. /, The Northern Development r Company, Limited fff i| ^rter-Cpttdn BuildSiH^ ^^in^Vamaum; B Cr \ ?: ¦4 I i '4 '4 4 4 4 4 Special on Baking Powder. Price's Baking Powder, 51b $2.50 ..•• " 2 1-21b 1.25 " " 12 oz. .50 Cow Brand Soda - - . 15 Silver Gloss Starch - -' .15 Celluloid Starch - - ' .15 St. James' Tea, 11b - - Tetiey's Tea, 1 lb and 3 lb tins, per lb - -"- - 45c Kippered Herring - - .25 Lobsters - - - - .SO Yeast Cakes (Royal) All kinds of spices -Grape Nuts PostTostiea - .' Buckwheat Flour, id ||., Canned beanB and pens Van Houton's Cocoa Brown Beans' ~-Lima Beans . ; ,. ' Upton's Tea, half lb Christie's Sodas 1 for Jv this is Less than Cost, Get your Winter •¦ "• " whilq they last. i i *i 'i 'i 'i .10 . a: Supply ) fNERAL MERCHANTS. 1 a '4 Laselle Avenue ancTSwond Street : South Fort Gooifro I HAMILTON AVENUE -3 /MEN'S. FURNISHINGS FORT' GEORGE" The lines We Carry: Dr. Jaeger's WoollentJoods. W. G. & R., Regal, and Deacon Shirts. Leckie, "Beresford, Floresheim,' Am^Holden and McCready. Shoes. . ,^^ Waterproof Tin Pants for Menr Complete Lines of Sweater Coats, Sox, Mitts, etc. Fall Shipments If you don't, they will get stalled, at Quesnel. Navigation closes, irt a few •weeks. The quickest service is given by the B.X. STEAMERS The fastest and best equipped boats running into Fort George. DON'T DELAY-SHIP NOW! British Columbia Express Company A^uto, Stage and Steamboat Owners. The Asicto Eicced Fifty Million Dollars | 1913 erica Tour money la safer In th« Bank than In jour bouse or in your. pocket. It it not tied up. You can get it out at any time without delay. NOTES discounted. Local and Foreign Prafts bought and sold. COLLECTIONS made promptly. Money Orders Issued, FORT GEORGE BRANCH: J, MIINRO, Capital Paid Up: $11,560,000 Capital Authorized: t2S.OOO.O0O The Royal Bank of Canada Incorporated*1869. -WITH WHICH IS LfNITED— The Traders Bank of Canada SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT A GENERAL BACKING. BUSINESS THANSACTl-^____ Head Ofllce Fort Ceorjre Branch. D. MURRA.Y. Manage Montreal H. W, GROSS V SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B.C. " ^ General Hardware and Sheet Meta All kinds of,tin and sheet-Iron work aum. Camp Stoves, Hotrair f^naces, Etc. Sole Agents Nagel-Chase Celebrated Gksojine Lightly S>st< ' '''''J AMERICAN PLAN Corner Hamilton & Third The liewest and most modern hotel in the northern interior Best of w lnes^_l_i liquors arid cigar*