NO. 8. SOUTH FGin. GEORGE, B.' C.[ SATURDAY, GGTOBEK 25. 1913. SUDDEfl DEATH GF JAMES COWIE Will Sell Over. Fourteen Hundred Lots Splendidly Located' on Eastern End V ¦A' telegram r.cceived by the Herald. that. Mr. Charles Miller, ny states m, "together ^vitn' J\ T^Carruth- of '-Montreal and others, are the of MfiO .lots {in the -Prince townsite.- leaves Toronto t'o- t!i is place to sell the large c,v.--,er.H (Jp- for -%¦¦.¦'(";mr\ bj private sale. The lots owned by Mr. Miller and his associates-were deeded to" him by ti'e .'i.T.I'. its the outcome jqt^ ;i;: iiiMit between them at the time .,;' tii" ijurcha'se. of the townsite from the Indians whose reserve it was: The Miller- holdings arc-situate at tne Suutli Ea^city-^section, of the townsHe, ininreaiately north of the i'iiilsojjis^Say, property .and the area his land is. about two . acres'. and held by Mr. Miller is, 'in in ion of The Herald, some of oiee'st property in the whole !'.\ Situated . on the ' upper the land lies at ah elevation .-.of about I(M feet-higher than the land •¦north of the bank at Patrjeta Avenue. ' ¦ . \ Mr..Miller, we -urn the^N^hqle arao-dnt stand, will sell of his property i .••:¦. ing^-hts personal selection for a ii^iTu1 bite. The firm of Wesley & corn here for Mr. Miller. Mr. .Miller," in his wire to The ¦H¦¦•, . slated that he was leaving '/Toronto today. He should teach this lilace-about November tho second. a pioneer real estate con-,• will handle the property AMATtUR NIGH Thp first night presented Theatre drew a last Thursday night. jig theatre was ^crowded to its. capacity,•-'and many Wfe^TitfUKling when, the amateurs*came--' on ..the boards late in^ihe^evening. Mr. "Bill" Lan,^ McDonald wh^fecited the BLAIR BDILBING IS PROGSESSINO RAPIDLY Rapid progress is being made oh the new Blair building on Hamilton Avenue. When completed this building will be one of the largest in the north, country. The frame »work and inside walls are. being built of the lumber from the dismantled scows which landed the huge consignments of freight brought down river by the Blair firm this.summer. The lower floor on Third street is taken by. Messrs. Williams, Murdofi' & Gething, the well known Vancouver realty firm having taken vJVIr. Gething into partnership. Several new buildings, are being erected on the Prince George Jnown-site already. The McCaferty building on Third Streetf near George is approaching completion, and this building, at the ino'ment of writing;, is the most pretentious structure on jthe townsite. ; ; Well-known'Resident, Once Hud-—-i) son's Bay Factor Here, Di,es Suddenly. . FIRE DEPARTMENT BENEFIT ¦; The. fire'department benefit held in the Fort George Theatre last Monday evening", waa a success both from the standpoint of the entertainment features and from the more important es-pect of finance, from' beginning to end. The big theatre was well filled, and the large amount raised, by tha bidding arrangement covers all the outstanding obligations of the fire department. A, statement-will be issued shortjy--shoming what has been accomplished and what equipment^the town now has on hand. „. ^-^ The eveni^largely owes its succes^to' the cfjafls of M. C. Burr, a ]ox*a1real jptiite man and one of those interested in the Fort George,Theatre. "Cremation of Sa Dob. Horvicejs^bett, Jwas cheered the eclio^-^but did not gO/irt IcGee" one of, -to" J.tliers who did nice work were Mr.' on Hifeiiarjmi'nica and Mr. on the human- ligrejisj Boehner announces that lights will be given every and the seating capacity ise will be increased to care o\vda| that are now' flocking ortvGeorge Theatre'* where 'always something doing." ATTACKED BY A GRIZZLY ' Duncan Mclntosh, a prospectpr well known ih>Sout!i' Fort George/nearly lost his life iri'a-struggl«rw.ith..a grizzly bear at Hunters'Baajn, near Telkwa, recently. The bear forced his way into the cabin where Mr. Mdntosh^jvSs sleeping. Mr. McIntoshawrOlce and fired-at the intruder^-fetffnot before he was badly bi^terrSnd clawed. Exhausted and-dUTeeding, he walked seventeen ea into Telkwa. The: body of the grizzly was found near the cabin. RAILWAY An official from Otta^rtfT emanating Tfrdin secretary of the railway that "the" board of rail: commissTonefs~~wili: convene at Edmonton to hear and discuss matters' wtxhinr their jurisdiction, ;on or 'about Octbber 31. The meeting will commence at\10 a.m. \ The railway Xebmmission ha-s arranged the follow! western tour: Vancouver, October 2 Calgary, October 30. Saskatoon, November 3. Moose Jaw, November 4. Winnipeg, November 5. Fort..William, November 7. ¦ Chairman Dray ton and" ¦Commissioner McLean wjll probably maku the trip. • -j JALO\*a THE G. T. P. IN-' THE :CARIB6O .DISTRICT view of the lake cbuit«r:ln DECISIVE Thei (Qurth game" in the After a short illness, which (.level- j the Montgomery football shicld->wlll oped from si cold into an" attack of be played tomorrow ojv-'t'he grounds pleurisy, Mr. James Cowjoj at one'time I here. T.W, garci.e--la"st Sunday result-officer in charge of the 'Hudson's Bay j ed in a' victory for the Fort. .GcoVge Company's post here, died at his home IboysTby a score of 3 to 1 in their in South .Fort. George last Tuesday [ faVor. morriing alioiit 10 o'clock.' The.depth of Mr. J nines .Cowie came most.unexpectcdij- and 'only a -few of his most 'intimate friends'were aware I of his serious illness before death oc-U -Gives B. 13. Eelli- Order for ' Work to Commence Immediately ' In the Kame tomorrow will ¦win the shield"; ANOTHER DROWNING Another fatal accident occurred this vvce'iC when an unknown jiinn dropped off a. gasoline boa-t in tin. Fort George .Canyon and was drowned in the. racing flood.-No details a cuned. ¦ Ti-o funeral ¦•took place from tlid homo o:i'. Wednesday afternoon at 2 u't'lock. find the service fit. t.he church was attended a Icirgervcoogre^jation than the Beating capacity would a'c-1 available as the case was reported to coiniriodate. The pall bearers were the provincial", police at'Queshel. drawn from amongst 1 lie friend;! of the j . .. —7—-------7— , , ^deceased from ' the ti;nu wlu-n they j The Oddfellow's Masquerade Ball, .very :inionf*st (he siiiiill proup <-i -whUe j to iJc'lieiil in the hall of the Order next "Friday • ni-ght, promises Well1 to prove a huge'success. Special prizes . , In accordanct with representations the victors ' made through Auctioneer .Frank Al. I Ellis, after the Kilriiontcm auction ¦ 1 sole of ' I'iMhcc- George lotn 011' fcjbp-tplnbcr 23th, Arrangements ara' ticny being completed [\>v the grading of Gepi'SQ Street on 'the tt'.T.ri ' town-tiitc -IroMi .the (I-. ut to princtPB. squuro, the strategic' cenlro of tha-tbwnsi't'Ci Tlic -grade is also to bo Imilfc around tlve-' c.11;tcn'i -extremity, of Gonnau 'tisc upper rht Paric:; gi.y iieucn from iig:access to: the ¦ G.T.P. men gathered ground his post in the early days. They were Messrs.- A. G. riamiltcJrT, VV. F. Gookej Ncil..(!(.if.nin.;r, John Iiconfer, J. E. T. Ar/hsfrong and ¦Ino:.'Lawrpnee,' ;i stepson': Mr. Cov.'ie v/as in the,'servjce of' the fiudaon's Bay Cornpaiiy For thirty-five" years. Ho was a lyrical H.udsdn/s Bay ofTicer of the old school. ."Coining, here frorn'MaUa.wa, a post 0:1 the G.I'.li. north of Ottawa, he took charge of Fort George in the company's New-Caledonia district,- as British Columbia is known on their record?, in the y;ear 1007, and retired from the service al^ this-post-in^ June, 1911. ¦ '. ,-¦'.:: :js^- Mr. Co,\rie commenced liis^sevvice Hudson's Bay^G " r sorviee.between the Shetlaniljsjjmdd and York Factory, Hd'fW B t Lik i Born, at Ler.wick, in he naturally; followed tlie traditions of the islanders, and at an••jn.rly lp first lists, as p'etuly sold out ri, yesteniay );y the HI!is stated that he offer a rnijnber of Int.;. Of both towns. The are eers joined Mr. Stewart here and the; quarters, paVty left for the western end of steel by way of the Nechaco river. Vvcek he sold million dollars lystfitcd, li conalruction ',¦• during the co ly. naturc-fur trado With tiie and the pg of the ever-, advancing ing ,-an elecii.fic button at the nile ;Ilou3'2 ,l:'st .vce'.c, President W'podcow Wilson cxplodod trie Uistob-slacle in the ^reut inter.-octfiliic watt1 -y\y RfiifosB Pan urn a; This is .the 1 e-inrmie; of the -end of fh()se itnmens'e similar nionth and a;- activities'•whiuti uricler the direction 64 wheels of civilization "have coine gr.eaj, changes over what- y*'as once "New Caledonia.". On Juri* one¦hundVed-tind. nve^yi«jrf5 agot Fra§.or'eTreamped^frrthe _, -the Nexdiac^r NortMla:s'J. that time ' the .jr^^affsmyeys of , ^ .cater triblite could. be p ;id t the G.T^iwere ^cin^^ and raost man (n m ^ rtagni(ic,nt qfci fiw of theJocatioiV plans ot t^main.line l^^ tHe words i^Md upon M between the summit of the^How- beaver parch-ncnt,: signed by'v.ho head and the suinrhit .of tne ¦t>u-Fft4^>'-1 were revised' in the old_J>o§t, whicr> was the engineers', headquarters in those days, whep -the hospitality of. the de-ceaaed was famous in the northland. Through the strenuous days before any .townsite development, ¦ Mr. 'Cow J. ;ple he ^V^Kuntii- his built up a splendid trade with the pio- j \a'^ ^ neers aiidcontinued-tiiejtraditipna'i fur- \ ^ir. /•; trade with the Indians. As a fur buyerj'p1 ,x .. h&Avas an acknowledged expert, and j. MucB, of course, remains tn be done.; ' Gr.sat slides aficl uistnrbances have to ver. nn epiaxie | be guarded against,' bnt the 111,-in' ol>-that-i3: linketUrrTcTeiibly to fmi'"hearts, ; ah. ,— 1 way fri- c repine. a;id ¦ the' .o'n_..Jhi}'. slvip'a of ¦:V.¦¦¦!} t-he water-5c-ean h> ai Hurnlvcfti utterance d«nt Ivopaeye.!t; it h d vvho aeidbnv express thehisalve t :ou'sly.'renio"to frorn Cowie -dicT/not "sfa'y~a"wriy-Xvo?n- -tiohs-(>/-poiit'ic^IyTi;! 2-long, hovvever, returning neei-3' f here. last"N^ar .he;bLiilt a .house over- pi:dfes5-|jnal iiltp p. and lived amongst:.the .ed toIdur-e^fiu —. • ¦ . .¦ „ ¦¦...¦ kit irnpruui.ittt.uii -he was bejpve'd- a3 greatly by the In-"j gg^^g anci"'thp ¦•riiari'q ni?'Fw the white pioneers, ampncjst j "> M^-..i ci ¦ w;hdm he was highly respected and ; popuhtr. ¦ On tlie occasion of^his" retirernen from the service of ''the company1 1'Sll. Mr. (Toivie v;as accorded a-f afewe H.bariquet, the memory of- r, .ability vi' bcon s work. Every 'en taken tp-protiiej oiVi ii still finds "reference in therc^iiniscenses , - Mf C(jwie i:, survived by x#\dL6§:, to of all tl|e old-timers^-He was-pre&ent- ^|^..thfecouivt|.y.llt-large ex ;ed%ithia pyrsBo bld and the fpilow-; ; p^ ; &j^ . ing-inscriptijHT; written upon a beaver I acld 0,u. slu^i. .^it^was compiled by Mr. W. J. j > ¦Majekaj, of The Herald staff,: who has j ¦since .passed also across the • greatTdi-vide:'. ¦,' . . ... ' . ' ; ':. • ;'; , June 11, 1911. To James Cowie, Esq., ¦ ' ' OtTmial in charge of the-Hwdspri's s; ' Eay Post, "^ort Ge.orpe, B.C. "¦". Dear.Sir,"—>It is.vv.tth'.'failings of dc'op refe-ret ¦ that ¦ we have" Eeardj of your withdrawal from Fort Gfcorge and re-tirem'efi.t fvornHhe.Post^fter thirty-fwe years'.RctivQ connection "wft>h the Hiid-soh.'s'vB'ay.' Company. We say regret because \v^ htwe come to look upon the Po'strand the grolip ..of • buildings that liave liraved so many winters as the embodiment of Itome to tnany \veari6d and .tirod ¦ straggliers; whose fortunes a kind, or dnkiiirf, providence; hac feit uito t'lio- geographical center, of a province. • Pevviijdeed ai*e those g^ ared liereHmder t>i3 foofitqn5ght'who biaye not in some, measure'of degree enjoyed your proverbial hospitality a? d benefited by your considerate and \Lk\d-. of the Gore . & .Me-' statl, ¦;l,eft. here todtiy irhihation for thc-^P'rgpX vincial .Land Sui^eyprs -R'jr\ir.e..-5lr. "Doc"' Campbell,,' abadur well known Gore & McGregor sui\CTor, passed ' hi^' exam Successfully an.u^i^ now a. full-fledged I'.li.S. /v~~^-. ALONG. THE G. T. P. IN THE CARIBOO DlSTlUt'T;" \ -sympathy, to which we beg'to^ own. j : '¦ \ -;-¦- -1' -^ '¦¦T7 y\ mtaksmtm ^^»^;.;. ¦.; - .¦' }-S '.'¦¦ \ -. .¦¦''" ¦• ;£¦".¦ .*;*£¦ --'•>" l*.\-K\. _V, •' >"i,'t&'-nti(i> ,.., y ¦, ¦ ¦;- ¦ '.'m : '¦ I AuBcene on thes Willow River, ckst of this place, at. the mouth of which-the G.T.P. are establishing--an important point. _ \ , •