1PAGE SIX E 0 R C,;E~*TEi R A1..D SATURDAY, _N0_VEMBER jLaNTED mZ i.jtw*./« Engineer Aylnier, vof the Dominion Public Wonts Department, who is inl the district in,connection with the opening iip of the rivers for navigation, is also looking into the. matter of a government wharf here. Surveys for this project are now being foarte. The surveying of the grade from the lower flat to the Miller holdings on the Prince George townsite, \ round the eastern extremity of Connaught-Park, commenced this week: 1 he grade wil run west of the road now being used, and itf.will cut into the foot of the hil which forms Connaught Park. The steamer B.X., which left here last Wednesday morning for Soda Creek on what was reported as the lasc journey of the season, will return here immediately, according to reports just received, with Charles Miller on board. Mr. Millerr as we have already announced^ will sell his laroe holdings in ^Prince George by private sale here. Halloween, a fixture on the calendar intended as a safety-valve for fools and mischievous kids, passed by last night with the usual inane stunts of the prowling joker. If it wasnjt for Halloween a lot of people would have "very little to look forward to during the year—it is "their" day. The mail service, since the Imperial Express Company have taken the con* tract over, has been excruciatingly rot-. ten. We are now receiving exchanges for October 11th, and this appears to I e the latest second-class rmail matter received. We recently receiv^d-^ffo'm a Quesnel lawyer a legal advertisement mailed in Queanel on October 7, calling for insertion iifthis paper in our issues of the! 1th and 18th. This letter was riot delivered here until October 20. Great improvements have been mad* to the Hotel Northern recently by Al. Johnson, the progressive proprietor of the h\g hotel. The office; dining room and sitting room have been covered with pressed metal of pleating design, and painted. This improves'..the ap-ipearance of the rooms and at the same time protects them against fire to a large degree. <^ . The Montgomery Shield, coveted trophy of the football-players, was won last Sunday.by the Fort George team by a score of 1—0. Throughout the game the local'boys put .up a splendid battle for the trophy, but the heavier players from the Nechaco townsite proved top strong, for them, [and in spite of the excellent play of the local team they were unable to score. Mur-f or the Fort;George team, played a splendid game, scoring the only goal. Both team ; REAL.ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Roller Rink Bldg., Third St. South Fort George, IN FORT GEQRGE DISTRICT Caref u^j^selected land at reasonable pric^and on long terms. We own eyery acre we offer for sale, ^nd can ;iye guarantee^ title. ; R. R. WALKER, Resident Agent of the North GoastLand Co,, Ltd. . South Fort George, B.C. North Coast General Offices: 619 to 624 Metropolitan Bldg., Vancouver,B.C ^•"^ •/- London OflUcc: 6 Old Jewry. ' j PAID-UP CAPITAL, - - - $1,800,000. of the choicest locations in the Port George District, being Lojt-2172V Crown granted, containing 252^acres, and havinglla mile of waterfrontage on Six-Mile sale at ?21 an acre, on terms of one-third cash ^ and the balance in one and twofyears. ^ix per cent, interest. . ^ - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ >¦ - .'.¦ _, .¦ ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ •l* Also Six Sections of (land-(5068^ acres), eight miles riprtheast of Government Buildings at South i^prt George, for sale at $7 an acre, all cash ; or $7.' 50 an acre on terms of one-quarterN cash, balance in equal payments at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months, with interest at 6 per centT The above snaps are forquick sale only and subject to confirmation oy the The Northern Developmei — Company, Limited 403404 &u^te^(^6t BniUnw - . - titacouw, B.C. for our Vancouver office. If your prices are right, we have the money. lams, "To be Incorporated." Gorner of ^Third and Hamilton. Look at Some of Our Price: Special on Baking Powder. Price's Baking Powder, 5Jb $2.50 » " " 2 1-21b ll25 . /•« " " 12OZ.-V .50 Cow Brand Soda - „ - - .15 Silver Glow Starch - " - .15 Celluloid Starch - - _^.15 St. James' Tea, 11b v> ^ -40 Tetley'iTea, Ub and 3'lb 'tins.jjerlb - - - 46c Kippered Herring ¦• - .25 ^Lobsters - -*'¦-. - .50 Yeast Cakes (Royal) 4 forr<25^ All kinds of spicejj^-^V hi Grape Nuts ^<^ t - - ,20 ,Bu^heat Flour( 10 lb Canned beans and peas Van Hoiiton's,Cocoa Brown Beans/ -Lima Beans -Lipton'f Tea, half lb Christie's Sodas (large) Supply-1 This is Less than Cost! Getr your Winter while they-last. Close & Brown Company, GENERAL MERCHANTS. Laselle Avenue and Second Street : South Fort George MEN'S , FURNISHINGS HAMILTON AVENUE SOUTH FORT GEORGE Spme 200 Pairs Heavy Tweed Pants So a Pair Overcoats, Mackinaw Suits,-and Cold Weather at lowest prices ever seen in the Cariboo. FULL LINE OFVDR. JAEGER'S WONDERFUL WOOLLENS. ' Call Here:First-We Sell for Cash, therefore cheaper. ; 50 YEARS AGO A small stage line running- from Fort Yale to Barkerville carrying miners and others to the new Eldorado of the Western World long before the railways came to B.C. TtDAT A complete system of stages, automobiles and steamboats, the largest of its kind in Canada, carrying passengers and express to Fort George and tKe large Cariboo district. The fastest, safest and most comfortable way of reaching Central B. C. , British Columbia Express Company j^—-- Auto, Stage and Steamboat Owners. AatU EicwJ Fifa Miffiio Dolhn ... Tour money Is safer in the Bank than to your houst or io your pocket. It is not tie* up. You^ean %et it^otit at any time wiia-put delayj NOTBS discounted. Local and Fowlfn Drafts.bouiw tly. Money Orders and *old. COLLECTIONS made p FORT GEORGE BIANCHi Capital Paid Up: •U.680,000 Capital Authorized: 126.000.000 yal Bank of Canada Incorporated 1869. -WITH WHICH 13 UNITCD- The Traders Bank of Canada SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AL BANKINGjBtJSrNESSvTRANSACTED----- -XT