r NO.'29i ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ J~ ¦ - , •• _, -r ¦— «- SOUTH FORT (3EQRGE, B. C, SATURDAYVmaRCH 21. 1914. lurch's Hall was packed to the jors^'on Thursday evening to ja.r J. A. Fraser, M. P, P.; and quM'X for this district give an (•count of his stewardship- and summary of the legislation en-cted at Victoria during the-lessiun recently closed. Mr. Neil jVtliing",' president of the local isi'ivativc association .was in -cl.iair, and iii.trod.uced the iemborVitli a few well-chosen Mr. Fraser was^given a good soeption and an.inte.nt hearing 1 unrig tfrte course of his^speech. % outlined briefly many oŁvthe district in particular and the province in general when this road was ah accomplishment. The wealth of the vast and fertile valley to the north would build up a commerciarcity of import- y ance here, and credit was due Premier McBride for a masterful policy in opening up this broad domain.. Mr. Fraser's speech was^_exr. haustive in its scope and covered many subjects, of particular interest to. this . portion of the tion of the province. v At the conclusion .of the member's remarks, the chairman invited any one in the audience to ask questions of Mr. Fraser on statements which were not clear to thernX^l'he opportunity was immediatelyN^eized by a young man named Fay^-a recent arrival from the prairiesNsMr, Fay at once outlined what hexdeclared was the Liberal policy. Hejiad no questions to ask Mr*. Contracts Awarded for First Hundred Miles of Pacific Great Eastern Vancouver, March 18.— The Pacific Great Eastern have awarded three contracts south from Prince George to Kelly Lake. These total 100 miles and are to be completed this year, The contracts are awarded to H. E. Carieton& Co., 25 miles; A. E. Griffin Co., 25 miles, and Burns & Jordan, 50 miles. —Work will be under way by May 1st. Naval Estimates Are -7 the Largest in History of Great Britain London, March 18.—Mr. Winston Churchill on Tues. day introduced the naval estimates, the largest Jn British history by more than fifty million pounds. He insists that the program must be accelerated owing to the absence of Capadian warships. Fon.v A. Fraser, M.P.P. Ills that had itutca of the krticular- alte passed pro>inc paying MTfiv ¦"the Timber and the .the guarar In ad i a teeing Nortjie rn f o nds of the addi- piial $lu,O0Oa mjlewas exi the company's propos; I build a better class of road, in ct a road having the easiest ades -on the continent. Mr. aser explained that the world-de financial depression was re-onsibie for the greater discount bond flotations, which made ffi'erissues necessary. the Pacific" eace The extension of 'eat Eastern, into y.er country from^tliis point] is diit lined by ^e^eakeif; vtfio e\y -a bri^Jitpicture "of. the* nefiis iMtwould accrue to this but he had a large stock of personal abuse which he proceeded to heap upon the civil service from police to magistrate. Making no specific charges orx statements, he castigated Hheri<6ne and all. S^ The audience, scenting a little^ diversion, entered into the fun, Mr. Fay winding up his peroration with a Latin quotation and the ajr/of duty nobly done. ¦¦¦¦ Mr. John Mclnnis^Socialist ex-member;.-for Grand Forks, also made a few disclaiming, howeyeff any affiliation with the^previous speaker. Mr, Mcln,nis^wanted particularly to know^vvhy the government refused to} lffvesti'gate the miners' trouble on fche Islands, and concluded by moving a vote of confidence in the opposition leadership- of Parker Williams. The motion was refused, by the chairman. ..^x- Mr. Frase*4n a clear" and concise manner ^rfca^fvMr. Fay a lesson in wjiar constituted good citizenship^ declaring thatvtf any specific violations were brought .to the govern ment they would be th^ouglily investigated/ '" It ^ duty to uphold the BY ilTTLE SON e\v Westminister, March 21, — Frank Dean, V relative of tnu.r McBride wasaccidental-tshot and killd -by her nine* w-okl-son at Pitt. Meadows. raps. STANLEY GUP Toronto,.March '21.-Toronto fl^-./clab; wins the Stanley eiiibiemafeic of the world's ampionship, having taken ree straight games from the club, champions of the coast. ... ': ¦ Were f"edown nd Mr. H. C. Mer-ainong the passengers who on the train, last night. ' : : nmrria^c took place last evening )0 Pl^lj.Vtonan Church of Mr. ^ Alexiiiidor Gillqijist, ¦ of Pfinco ^ree. to Miss EM Mathilde PatWr- Mr. A. Wipiblft J.rtctl the groom, while Miss Laura " or perfourned a similar'service for uncle The bride was attired in.* ", ,*J.Velll"K suit with liat to match. .-. ^'t this morning on an eastern 'I'- Naring wJth theni tiiegood ^j °f,a liost of frienda in_the>dif.tricti officers in the performance of an arduous duty, instead of slander^ ing them without an iota^ofr proof. ' illflfflP MEXICAN MUTINEERS SHOTJN SQUABS Mexico City, Mex., 'March 18. —In squads of 12 men each, 130 •mutineers were taken from the barracks at Jokutla today, lined up against a stone wall, and ex* ecuted. It requirecMess than half an hour to slaughter-all the -prisoners, -wjho' had rebelled gainst, serving- Huerta. ST. PATRICK^ DAY DANCE 1 Over one hundred\eoup]es attended St. Patrick's danc^ held in the Burch hall last Tuesday night. The .hall was very ap^ propriately decoi-ated with shamx-rocks and green bunting forxtKe pecasior. The, danced v\ai enjoyed by everybody present and dancing was kept up till the wee sina' 'ctur.sf' The music by Senior's orchestra was especially PROVINCIAL MINISTERS HUBEjARLY IN MAY Mr. Fraser, M. P. P.,°made the announcement b e f ore leaving here that early in-May Attorney-GeneralBowser and possibly Minister,of Lands Ross, will visit this^district. Some of the Vancouver members are also expected with the party. :.¦.'•¦ ¦ct««itsy!;.'' r'P^^y^k .-^'''^Mf^Wh M.P.P., serve on here, will be t emptors during the co mer. The exact date s not local •ious locKiioni aw timber ? ' university J«ie«re». re still remaiiir an enor-area splendidly waited to ficulture. On tlieo 1'W®>r reaches there are a'humluBr of squatters located, -/.J It is not the government's intention to throw open this land DOUKS THREATEN TO DISROBE. Declaring that the members the Doukhobor community, num bering over six thousand/people have-decided to take off thei clothes and show themselve naked oh the^streets ot Britis Columbia cities if the governmen in enforcing the law in respect t the^registration of births an deaths, should even take $1 wor^h of property by force fo fines/Vletter signed on behalf o the members of the -Doukhobo community has been sent to th attorney-generaCxThe letter ex plains the motives ofxtlie Douk obors and declares their Caver good and/many encores were-fe-¦; 8ion to registerirj? birth's, marri spoiidedto. Anumber^of people'^^ and deaths, to allowin p ^ pp^^ and deaths, to allowing f^om the Cache ancl,^entral\v^i€;Yneir children to attend schoo present. The management wish j to thank J^re ladies who were | kind errough to donate the cakes and'uiose generally w?ho helped to make the dance one of the niost successful of the season^ to doing.military service. STEEL WILL MEET JN / TEN DAYS^flME DEFEATS RIVERS Los Angeles, Calif., March 18. —Freddie Welsh, light champion of England, won a decision over Joe Rivers, of Los Angeles at Vernon Arena yesterday after 20 rounds of fighting. Welsh had a lead on. points -nearly all the way. He kept Rivers in the glare of the sun and worried him: withTTTis~qTiick punches^ arfd iively footwork. In the fifth found the re feree cautioned Rivers about using his elbow on Welsh's body in a clinch. In the thirteenth round Rivers forced Welsh through the ropes but failed, to land any damaging blow. Welsh is now, in line for a fight with Willie Ritchie the champion, possibly on July 4th. tlWELHALL yicJoria, March 19.— Unable to get increased" pay for militia on strike duty at Nanaimo. ;Col. Hal 1; in charge oi the soldiers on Vancouver, la\»vSif has resigned DEAD Picton, Ont, March.19 -H^n. William Patterson, ex-minister of customs, died here yesterday. WILL BE APPOINTED ROAD SUPERINTENDENT George Snell, of Milne's Landing, has been iiv^ town the past few days. Mr. Snell has been a foreman on govern men t road work in the Nechaco Valley for the past Ijhfee seasons. -It is un-dergtood that he will receive^the appointme'nt of road superintendent for this district in place of Malcolm McNevinr"resigned. ^n a card game at Decker Lake a foreigner thought that he was being cheated, and took an axe to two of the players. As a result he is in jail and. the two others are in the hospital. T;he axe iriethod Is a sure but dangerous way to beat a poker game. — Ledge. • Steel-Laying Gangs Are Rapid I Decreasing the Gapf^ ^ Ten or eleven days more should see ...rthe-jends of/steel meet Both gangs are^claying at the rate^of three^miles a day. The W estern^gang have abou t 1 miles--still to complete while the Eastern- gang have about 23 miles more to lay making about 35 miles in all. As stated in last weeks Herald the gangs wil meet somewhere in the region of Fort Fraser. SANITARY INSPECTOR VISITS Chief Provincial Sanitary Inspector DeGray paid the town a visit this week on his tour of inspection. His report is not to hand, but it is understood that a resident sanitary inspector has been appointed for this district. Thomas Porter, of Edmonton, representing the Brack-man-Ker Milling Co. and the International Harvester, Co, this week purchased from Robert C. Finlay the two lots on the southeast corner of First avenue and Dominion street He will proceed at once to erect a large warehouse on the property for the handling of the products of the two big companies he represents. Edward Hall, district agent lor the Ford automobile^ purchased this week a valuable.. k|t | on Third avenue on. which he is starting immediately tcf-^reet a garage for the handling of the Ford company's cars. j Charles H. Holling, of Edmonton, representing the MasseyrHarris Company, has bought a trackage lot facing Quebecstreet where he purposes erecting a largi" warehouse for the handling of farm implements and vehicles. Somerton &^Watson put through the three above deals. yet been received at^the government offices^but it is un-.____............ . derstood that/sixty days' notice Tin a block, as considerable 0team than !ast seasons is anticapated~~ A three team league is now a ertainty; afc a meeting of Soccer men at the Cache this week it vaa decided to enter a Football ;eam in the Montgomery Shield ompetition this year under the ame of the Prince George Foot-all Club. Following are the officers of he South Fort George 1 Club for he coming season: Hon. Pres. W. Herne,Hon. Vice Pres, H. Seaman; President N> Mont-joriiery;OVice Pres. John. Brqn-er; Secy-Treas. D. P. Lockhart, loyal Bank. Committee: Mes-ers Ansell, Mclntyre Hillhouse, utcliff, and Richmond. The election of a: captam^vas* left, ver till the next meeting-. Members are requested to urn out to( practice tomorrow fternoon at three o'clock at the GOVERNMENT DRAFTS ULSTER aseball grounds. London, xMach 21—A critical situation prevails in Ulster. The government has stationed troopt at several strategic points, and thirty warrants have been signed for the arrest of leading Covenanters. Sir Thomas Edward Casson received a great welcome at.Belfast. •. :^ UD1ES ENTERTAIM Ef A We understand from very good authority that Mr. John Fraser was the honored ©ieat of-4he—)a4ie8^of^«jttth7 F^i George last Thursday afternoon at the home^ofilrB.; Q. JEL ifo Laughlin^After a; very: dainty lunch-had been served Mr.Fraser atihe request of the ladies made a short address and was afier wards put to the task of answering many questions, amongst other things [Mr.>-Rr»i»r) was made to promise that he would vote in favour <^:yolm ^it women. Among the ladies present were: Miss Crawford, Mrs. McElroy, Mrs, Armstrong and Mrs/Fowler. .\ ¦-" ¦ • - .- ¦* ' EDIT01 MW Paris, March 19. —Gaston Cal-mette, editor of Figaro,was shot and killed by Madame Cailltux, wife of the finance minister. ENGAGEMENT ^ Washin gton, Marsh 19. -The engagement is announced of leanor Wii 1 son, youngest daughter of President Wilson, to William McAdoo, secretary of he treasury, , Messrs B. Dyer and J. Brown, T. P. engineers were in town yesterday.. ;~r.^ ¦;' . . ;¦;: '..'-¦ '/¦ ¦, D. F.1 M. Perkins, notary pubic, has opened an office iir the Blair building.