VOL. [South Win ibcir G First Game at Football The South Fort George Foot-Ihall'team won their first game in the present series for the Mont-Limery shield on Sunday, Prince George furnishing the opposition. The game was fast throughout, with South the aggressors all the time. WhOe pretty football was levident at times, goals and not ipplause were chief aims, the esult of the game meaning either life or death to South, as a defeat on Sunday would have put the local boys practically out of bie running. As it is all three Hubs have one win and one defeat each, leaving the table in a ery interesting state. / With one or twoj; changes in Bst Sunday's team we^look to ee South go throagji^he rest of he competition without defeat. George have a good team id should/tfccount for Prince ?rge on Sunday next, although tie Princes have already beaten hetentrsl boys twice this sea- Will ENLARGE THEA1 Owing to' the rapid growth of South Fort George the directors of Fort George Theatre.on Hamilton avenue are considering plans to enlarge their premises. The theatre, is the largest in j±he, Northern Interior, but it is still inadequate to house the large' crowds that attend nightly./f he management intend to/extend the building to the full length of the lot, one hundred'and ten feet. The floor will be arranged amphitheatre and.will have a seating capacity of seven hundred. The/fixtures and furnishings wilj/be ordered direct from Chic- ediators ADDITIONAL TROOPS TO BE SENT TO VERA COBHTjiESSION The County Court of Cariboo opened on. Tuesday with Judge Calder presiding. Ihe present sitting is the largest on record, ago. Much Boehner success tained the public. credit is due Manager for the efficiency and Rebels Set Oil Wells at Tampico on Fire Causing Considerable Damage (SPECIAL TO THE HEBA&D) WASHINGTON, D.'.C; 'May 6.-The chief work of the South American Meditators sitting on the Mexican question appears to be the suppression of the War inove-ment and to hold Carranza in check. . At a sessiorfof the meditators in the Argentine legion on Tuesday they planed as their -first move to go together to the State Department for,the appointment of a delegate for the United States/ The Huerta delegate it is believed will be Joa-quiivD. Casusand. the Carranza delegate will probably be "- Rafael Zubarch. Dn. IVESTER BORNE DIES NEAR TORONTO [Toronto, May 5th.—The Rev. Ivester Home, the well known ;r of the British House of (imons fell dead on the deck the Niagara steamer Corona Iturday, at the feet of his wife. fThe reverent/flfentleman who presents Ipswich in the British When the alterations are Completed South Fort George will be able to boast of a show house quite befitting.Jo:either Vancouver or Edmonton, and will be in a position to stage any troup oi theatrical company that will ap pear at either Edmonton oi Prince Rupert. McBRIDE LEFT TO JOINJ. S. ARMY Mr. H. W. McBride once paymaster at Fpleys Cache and wel rant was try/for on the a visit to this purpose of de- rerifig a series of lectures at ale University, these were con-iidcd and he was on his way to jronto as a result of an in vita-from the Canadian Brother-Mr. Home was the Presik Intof the Brothwrfeood move- ntin Great Britain this year. Buffalo he complained of not eling wellbut having apparent-recuperated, decided to con-ue his journey to Toronto by 0i mi iPfil [Mrs, Home left Montreal terday for England taking the aalns with her. •f Tick rat Ctfcnor Carnal | London, Eng. May 8th—It is jnounced that Alexander of ek.has been appointed Govern f*' • ' ¦ -A aft* j-^^ ' ' • . • has left to rejoin the the known in town, G. T. P. service U. S. Army. The taken, from the Journal.'' /' " H. W. McBride^an American citizen, leaves the "city to-morrow following is "Edmonton for Chicago Avith the object o\ and will-succeed 1 General ake of Connaught the Prince 6etrg< News progress on the new town-is being somewhat held buck by delay in th« arrival of building Grading on Third Avenue is reading rapidly and many builders ve already started construction on it avenue. All the bigger buildings street are making rather progrtM on account of the scar-material. Work on the first ey of the hot*! is completed and attraction on the Kef.-r Hall build-:i« about completed.—practically no rk will be done on Hood building the arrival of more building ial. b on ttw Tadla Block at the cor-°f Second and George is progrera-» lerge rooming house on ond between Gaorjre and Queen is erconatHtetiori. The Union Bank I Canada hsve opened for business at eir branch on George and Third. Mr. p; Eckstein has opened a lav office Haight Building on George but •till retain bis office at the Rail-Headquarters adjoining the Bank [Ottawa. ' Fort George Drug Store are con-*ting the establishment of a neh on George Street ' e German Bakery will build a | bakery on Queen Street ou the U»er Addition! ^At a meeting of the Executive Com-of the Prince Chambei of Bmmerce it was decided to postpone ¦« monthly general meeting until the Public meeting to afranise a Connive association was held in Arm-0I>8 4 Ellb's offieei last night. Th* , Packed. Wn. MacPhewon • elected president, F. A> JWaviflaav ?M-*.aa MrrGulliy«Mr«wppoint-v'Wretary. ¦ ,'.-..<;•;'_:•' .¦.;¦¦ f;~~~ k. >¦¦ a8suming^cornmand of jLcompany of soldiers ready for service against Mexico. Mr. McBride has been employed for some^tinie past a» i fi8pector" of 'bridges con -struction on the^Gfrarici Trunk Pacific west^of the city and on hearingr^of the, outbreak of the jvar with Mexico he wired to-tlre States to s!ee if he was wanted. The reply came telling him to come prov|ded. he could recch Chicago within 10 days. ^T McBride at once packed-^up and "goes to assume his-tfld command. His father>is a colonel in the U. Smarmy." DUKE OF ARGYLL DEAD The announcement of the death of the Dyke of Argyll will be-received with regret all over the Dominion. .——T--: : The Duke, who was son-in-law of the 'ate Queen: Victoria^ died at East Cowes on Saturday night at"the7age of sixty-nine. Over on this side "the Duke was better known under the title of the Marquis of Lome under which name he acted as Governor General Canada. of the Dominion of Thursday's train arrived with over 250 passencers, taking over fifteen hours to conie from McBride. The bridge at Willow River is now fixeu. It is reported that a freight train is within two hours of here.. This, ought. to gladden the hearts,of the local merchants and contractors. A full1 practice of the football team is billed for six o'clock this evening, if possible two sides will be played and all players and members are requested i Tfc ds have :•.¦: The meditators are hopeful of finding some common ground of adjustment to prevent any open*rupture or warfare. '" Tt*. Mexico City is giving them some grave concern as- it is realized that a crisis might come from that quarter at any time. General Huerta reported utterance that he will never resign is not taken seriously. He is said to be sencerely desirous of bringing the whole controversy to an end. v The, mediation envoys went into canference with Secretary Bryan today! Socretary Bryan said that some announcement would probably be made later. An Anti-American movement is gaining strong hold in Germany, the liberal and milita press severely criticising Wilson'i policy with regard to the Mexican question.* The German Government ai"e greatly^annoyedat thii extravigant outburst and have caution^d^tiie otfending press that they must be more careful-aiid reserved. The warning does, not appear to have much effect however as the newspapers continue-to' look upon the Mexican im-broglie from the Mexican point of view. VERA CRtfZ, May .9.-Word has reached'¦"'here today tliata^cipher mersage sent by General Funston to the ^feate department at Washington has led to a; secret war meeting of the cabinet and as a result addigonal. troops will^e sent there. A despatch states that two large oil wells at Tampica have been fired by the Rebels causing considerable damage to life and property. The fall of the i d these being, appeals from former sentences handed down by magistrates. Large crowds are attending the sittings and the small cour house is packed to capacity daily The first case on Tuesday wa the appeal of a sentence of si months on the charge of boot g Jby a man named Brad Excellent lhu*pHlitii» Service farf h The announcement isM/deifr the Fort Georgi© Lumber Co. Ltd., that Lumber Co. Ltd., ments have been 30hdtt4ed whereby the steamers 6% Operator an^ Conveyor,'^ ^ pt mmercial truffle «nd from McBride. He was defenc ed by Mr. Mclntyre of Kam lopps, Mr. L. P. Eckstein prose cuting. Evidence for the crown showed that Bradv was in po: session of a quantity of liquo but . no direct evidence- wa brought forward sufficient t convict him of selling1 whisk without a license. The appea was granted, Another appeal from asentenc for the same charge against woman named Grace, Wright also of ¦ McBride, was iiiealt witi at Wednesday's constables from sitting. I., c Bride Tw( gav Huerta regime is expected at any tima and. greatly feared a crisis has been reached at Mexicp'City, anarchy is holding sway and it is believed that this state of affairs has resulted in the present activity of the War Office. The War Department have been, severely criticised for their action in withdrawing the Battleships from Tampica. In a statement from the Department of the War Secretary states that this action was taken at the request of the British Naval Captain who pointed out the grave danger of a disturbance and that the presence of United States Battleships were liable touring about, a ^massacre of American and other foreign subjects. The' British command undertook and did transfer refugees from Tampico under the British flag. BASEBALL AMD FOOTBALL AT CACHE TOMORROW p to report on time i grounds have l been greatly improved by the removal of alkthe Btones and shrubs," next week the ground will be rolled and will be in perfect shape for the match with Central Fort George ^Sunday-week, Mr.- F. W. Wilson who has just returned from a trip to New1 York announces that he he has sold his law practice in this town and will leave shortly for an extended trip to Europe. Mr W. E. Haskins, a well-known Van-over Mr. Prince George .have arranged full programme of sport for to-morrow. In the morning at 10-30 the local boys will play the South Fort/George team at ball, a large number of fans fh m louth will be present to see this •ame. This will be South's first real work out this season. A strong line up has been, picked and a number of-new men will be onstrial. Foleys beat Central last Sunday in a very one sided game. In the^ afternoon at 3 o'clock Central Fort George a.M Prince George will meet at football, the game is bound to be exciting and both clubs wijl be at full strength. Both games will be played at Foleys Cache. xr .. : couver lawyer, has taken Wilson's practice and -will, arrive in town within'the next few days.- A large building is under construction on the corner of Hamilton and the quarters of th pany when completed. Creamery Will Probably BoiM Here. Reports are current, that one of the largest Creamery and Cheese Factory's in Ontario are enquiring into conditions here with views of building one of the largest Creameries in British Columbia in thisidistrict. It is said that their location will probably be on Fr^i^Gomry*^*1^Hu<^n^y Addition on the waterfront adjoining this towni WORK OF EXTENDING STREETS WILL COMMENCE VERY SOON Announcement is made that work on building streets from this town through the Hudson's Bay property to the G.T.P. town site and depot will be started within three weeks and will be completed in sixty days. Several contractors are preparing to submit bids for the work. I The streets to be opened '.up will be Fourth and Third, these streets when epfnpleted will con^ nect up with^Queen anH Ontario respectively on the G.T.P. town and will shorten from the railway the distance depot to the heart of the business district of this town considerably. H. A. BLACKBURN'S BENEFIT A very ^d€i«rvintf benefit will be given in the Port George Theatre on Monday night on behalf of Mr. A. H. Blackburn, vho so unfortunately broke his leg while coining down stairs from his rooms iri the Richis A darke. building sometime ago and has. since been confined to the hospiul. A large number of local ittrahaye agreed to appear and th§ best variety entertainment ever staged in this district is assured. Tickets will be 50c admiting to any part of the house. The shows will be given at 7 ki. Persons wishing ,to evidence to having- bought whis key in defendant's house. Th charge was denied by defend ant's council, who admitted tha the constables did receive liquo but that no money was paid fo same and that the men were un der the influence of liquor at th time. The judge found accusec guilty but withheld sentence, A case of much local interes was tried on Thursdaj', Wm Benning of South Fort George appealing from sentence of six months on a charjje of selling liquor without a licensed Thre witnesses appeared for the crown and gave evidence to show that accused had the liquor in hi possession .which 'he sold for money or on thie promise o money/ Mr. Montgomery. ior the crown, contended that while ho money had ch'angred hands ai the time pf transaction it was understoodjbetween the..parties interestepKhat the liquor woulc be paja for at a future date. Noywitnesses appeared for the endant, his council pleading that the liquor .was intended for a gift and Chat the defendant expected no monetary consideration whatever. The case was trie'e by ju'ry, a verdict of not guilty being returned. At yesterday's sitting.an ex-policernan named Thomas, who was for some time on the Joeal staff, was tried, on four different charges, two on the charge of issuing cheques under false pretences, one of theft and one of breaking jai 1. The prisoner on Wednesday morning: electec^-to" be tried by jury,. This^etfse was disposed of in y^i^fshqrt time, the accuseds trenig" found ffuilty on all charges. He was sentenced to three terms of three years and one of two, making eleven years in all. " 'I MEV-^TERPRISE- Cf-t x ^ sSOllTH FOFT GEORGE The first evidence that this district is going to be the wholesale distributing points for the whole,, of Central British Columbia will present itself within the next -few days. The Northern Fruit^Co. have under construction, at the corner of Hamilton avenue and Fourth street a large building where they will establish a wholesale warehouse. Tfiey wi h to an-. nourice that they will have a arge consignment of fresh fruit and vegetables, butter and eggs o meet the ev^r^increasing demands of the l^cal sfara^e and surrounding district. !' •-"- - . attend ___ gvt tiMJr MMMatarly and avoid delay, j^he'r date, show are requested ; to^ontest has been The Church of England ^Wrestling '•¦rz?rr-/,;M; cept commercial truffle further more ^Hat an ageous arrangement has concluded whereby; the Inland Ex press Company Limitedi ^the Royal Mail & Express into Cariboo, will connect"; these steamers, maintainirifir * garage and auto, station at Quesn el I, thereby establishing: in immerliate connection; for dovirn river passengers at Qdesnelland eliminating the' waits t^at-in.: previous years have been/gii<&an objection to travellers. / : ; Shippers and travellers vrili nt> doubt, be pleased to.learn of thcie increased facilities for transpoart-ation. To those who know the steamers Operator and Cohveypfy which are the most tiowerfiil stern wheelers in Canada, it will be a pleasure to learn thait the famous meals ^served on &&& boats are now accessible to the public, The steamer 'Hammond* is also a great addition to the fleet . inasmuch, as that her exceedingly light draft is an assurance ". to the public that frelgrht:" will be carried by thii line in the lowest possible stages of watfTi The steamer "Hammond" leaves the Hamilton Avenue wharf every Monday ani Thursday morning at 7 a.m. for Qua*-nel and all southern points. H«r return trip from Queenel is n»td« each Tuesday and Friday ing at 3 a,m. Autoe alwi tier arrival at Qe^____ lay ia incurred. '.." ^L" r The steamers Operator bnveyor have no competitors freight handlers. Their immense k. wwer enables thera to, hjmdle/T tons on deck and 160 tori oti -skow, the total niovi ng capacity of these two boats beinflr^OO tons /' per trip and if neces^arj they cshr v make the Quespell-Fort George round trip in-f home comforts to their taste,.^:l; The Fort George Trading and number Company/limited are he agents for the line and are in • position to sell transportation M r handle freight-^^i T, R^to destinalionv Some excitement was caused n town on Tuesday by the spectacle of a forest fire on the other [d^°i uhe ^er^^e ftrii^rai tarted by a camp fire belonging o the railwa> construction camp t that point The fire was got well under control on Tuesday ju'ght by District Forester Mar-en but a strong wind the next morning started the fire again. Ranger Ifownsen^^ cene, however, and dispatched ord immediately to the department in town, who^ wilh rtl^rS^ tejkance of the construction itieii; »ftt ^ell under coQtn>l. N