VOL, 4, NO. 38. Chet. Mclntjrre will Stage big Boxing Tonraaineotat Prince George To-night To-night Chet. Mclntyre stages his J big boxing tournament at Prince George. The new Ritter-Kefer Hall has been fixed up for the occasion and preparations have been made to Houbu a record crowd. The programme includes two J ten-round bouts. In the first bout Illarry Anderson, the Pacific North-west champion 125 lbs. meets Billy Souls, the [Coast champion 125 lbs. both boys are j well-known and are welUmatched. In [the second bout Bert Hughes, the local SOlJTfi FORT GEORGE, B.C., SATURDAY, MAY 23. 19147 BflVT. AND RAILWAY OFFICIALSjISIT HERE Result of Petitiqn to Premier McBride. Mr. Gamble Chief Engineer for the Railway Department for the Provincail Government and the Pacific « • *. S? V for the Pacific Ureat Eastern Railway Company paid our town > visit last fuesday in cqnnection with the ques" f h [who won the Pacific Coast championship jlast month, 115 lbs. Hughes" is well- Iknovvn us a clever boXer und a good out should result. Mr. Murray of ^entralFort George will referee. featherweight will fight Ben Holiday ques"on of changing the pre-u,ho won the Pacific Cuast championship 8?n.t r.ou*e of the railway. This visit is the result of a petition made by the Chamber of Commerce of South Port George to the Hon. Sir Richard McBride, Prmier; Hon. Thos. Taylor,-, W. J-. Bowser, andofficials of the P.G.E. This petition asking that present plans of the railway be changed to cross from east to west bank into I). «L.' 93'* or some other available point between here and Fort George Canyon up through South Fort George. Hudson Bay, Miller addition and Prince Gi-orge. Among those in attendance were noticed Messrs. F. W. Crawford, Seaman, Me Mrs! Oliver has opened up a store in |the Palace Sample Rooms, 4th Street, nrhere "Khe will ciirry an exclusive li|,e of Ladies' Ready-to-wear Millinery, B,. etc., etc. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN The Editor, The Fort George Herald, outh tort George, B. C. Dear Sir, . Referring to an article which ppeared on your front page of the last jsue of your paper entitled "G. TV P. Iridge still continues to hold back city." [wish to take exception to some of ths latements in this .articl*, which, I am ure will create an erroneous impression n the outside t;s t j the condition Of the [umber market in this district. There is approximately 3 million feet Manufactured Lumber available here . thin time, and from 30 to 4J thousand eing manufactured daily, which is re than sufficient to supply all present d these lines and had no doubt but what it would serve the purpose, and admitted that the arguments put forward were jugt i and deserving of attention. Mr. Gamble said he had listened with great interest to all the arguments put forward in favor and contrary, but he had nothing at present to offer, but upon his return to "Victoria would prepare a complete re-portof what had transpired and submit same to the Premier. * In their petition and present- f h h ing of the Government arguments to the and railroad offi any other consideration into this town. ./ The traffic is here, the road is needed, our rulers have the say; as to whether we shall receive this vital assistance or whether the road shall continue to be built where it can never so long as the road exists be of a dollars worth of value to anyone. We have only the kindliest of feelings to the president of the Pifi Auction Sale at Vancouver Realizes Over $400,000 LIST OF LOTS TO BE SOLD HERE It was evident that this district outside at the government sale of lots in Vancouver on Tuesday, Wdd d Thd f h LOCAL ITEMS Several prosplifctiiijr have left this ,.\ district for O»-ineca and otlner parts north. :': Father Coda is visiting our _ and will Birch's hall on Sunday a. m. ts i V o Tuesday, \ ; , .;: Wednesday and Thursday of this \ - The Fort George Theatre wiU week by the large attendance of ^ Mday (Victoria :p»y) y y week by the large attendance of b f ll f h cials of the Pacific Great East ern Kailway why their roa< should come through on th west side of the Frassr, th business men of the' distric are to be congratulated tha they succeeded ?n getting" a h.:ar in.g from the Government am there is much to said iii favor of the Government; Premier M< Bride nhd Mr. Stewart the pre ideht in that they journeyed to South Fort George to give the matter their personal attention the Premier sending his able representative Mr. "Gamble. Again the people and the Cham ber of Cominerce-did-well ^—to Laughlin. Johnson, Murdoff,) secure from the railroad pres- [Like the writer of the article above ferred to I feel that a great injustice is been dune to the mills which depend the Fraser River for their logs, and transportation of their lumber, by blocking of traffic at the temporary idge, but 1 alto feel that statement* ch as two of the articles on your unt page contain, will do more to re-ird the growth of our little city than ke bridge obstruction can possioly do. (The report going abroad that there is Ishortajre of Lumber in this district, ) bound to influence intending visitors fid settlers, and it s; ems to me that if ke advertising of this fact ia necessary, [would be wise to wait at least until ke condition exists. [I will be glad if you will investigate g y g is matter thoroughly and contradict is report in y t i " |li8 report in your next uite sure you iindation. Yours ver will find it uth Forr Geoiy< B. C, May"- ""--¦ CLASSinED ADS. lICYCLE FOITSALE-Gent's Bicycle at Herald Office. .-Young team and harness krsale cheap." Apply B.C. Market. 1IATH8 Porcelain tob. Hotel Roberta. OR SALE—10 Acres in D. L. 2166, Kiver Frontage, $6000.00, terms, I Address Box 138 Herald. . )R SALE-^Shoe-shine Stand (Hotel orthern). Best location in town. be sold. Boy in Khaki. )R SALE-Get. a bargain. 12 Pigs, .rods of.-hog fence, weight from 40 180 each. Call Block 820, .* r-rin.ee SALE-80 acres of land three es out of town, and 160 acres four ei t f t Ii P B Jilei out of town! ;Fort George. Inquire P.O. Box jn20 >V WANTED.-A strong, industri- ' boy to learn the printing business. with a fair education preferred. »s a good opening for the right Apply at Herald Office. Brown. Blair and others. Mr. Crawford, secretary-tres., introduced the visiting gentlemen and in a very capable and forcible manner commenced the discussion in favor of the railway changing their route and explained the many different reasons and the necessiy of su-.k a ' change. In the first place the question was most vital to tho province, Government, people and the greater town of Prince and Fort George affecting not only our passenger and freight service but the deve'op-men t of the country>in general. He went onjto show that "75 per cent ^f/the freight tonnage was takeiTcare^ of, large manufacturing concerns who afe~ desirous of locating here cannot bring in their heavy ^nachfaiery required for manufacturing purposes, further that there had \xari 10,000" tons of freight 1ian°dled here in the past • year, and this was increasing all the time./ The P;G;E. running up the east side of the bank along the Fraser would always have trouble with land slides, the cost of which would go a long way to the purchase price of another new bridge. The GrT. P? had absolutely refused to consider running a ^spur line down to serve us, (giving excuses for not doing so. ~Fort George was badly in neod of the PGE d fih th ident admission that their cause was just that the route ol thfl railway as indicated by them was the only proper place for it to run, that to put a road along; the cut banks opposite South Fort George was a wicked place to build abroad, find that we were ihtttled to all we asked but that it Avas a question of money, the extra cost of a bridge and right-of-wov>-6nly, and all argrument was centred on that question. Following are the letters forwarded to the Premier and the President of the road : South Fort George, B. C. May 20th. '14 Honorable Richard McBride. Prenver Province of British Qolumbia. Victoria. B. C. Dear Sir,— _ . • -y The people of this district through thier Chamber of Com-merce^wjsh to express to; you their appreciatipri^o, your act-Gamble, Railways Departinent, to investigate on the^irround their request and petition for a change in route of the Pacific Great Easx ern Railway from the east, to to: the west bank of the Fraser at this end of the line. pp ion in sendiriff Mr Chief Etfgineers^.of Pacific Great Eastern to Mr. I buyers * from all parts of the from Gamble the Prem er's represent-' United States and Canada. It is ative, they met us like men,'' impossible for us at this stage to they went into the question Ket a full list of property sold with us thorough y and they an.d price* pairl but we have re- j he Fort Geog open Monday (Victoria :p»y) l 30 to 9 p. m. Sffec'al *wi|i be shown for the The Ladies Auxilafy of the with us thorough y and they prt? P t e ae re| The Ladies Auxilay q admitted all our positions, but ceived word that over $400,000 Presbyterian Church: will hold the question of,additional cost worth of property was bought. a mecting Tuesday afternoon and this question was. dealt 9*°**? 8tl'^t and Third »yei^e j ntxt at the home, of their pas-with only as to:its present sta "1^S^SSL^ tor Rev Mr Justice, 1 with only as ^^^3m^^^m^m tus the future and the greater j ^ de)U d^ We again wish to expiera our appreciation 6f youi>fourneyins to Fort George<£o look into this question, and hope weshal many times have the pleasure af mee&itig as kindly and court jous^ gentlemen. We dare to Relieve and hope for your fur ther consideration on ths sab Very truly yours, South Fort George Chamber of Commec >R SALE. -Scow and Boats for sale; 0 Boats made to order; One bloclt |wj (he b.X Steamboat Landing. ard & Carlson, Boat Builders, South wt George, P.O. box 82. \ ANT TO EXCHANGE 5-acre Garden pact looted in the beautiful Okanagar. lalk-y for-good lots in Prince Georgr ??lmt'J?>~MAJt' SCHBNK,;Box 8; trt George, B.C. " „„ D between Arcadia C*fe and Nortfi-rn Barber Shop, Gentleman's Mpon-lt»e R!nK o|» »mall fob strap. Finder mm to W. H: Flei.hrhan, Arcadia to Herald Office. Reward" of '* dollars, PIANO POK SALE, high-grade rew 5 chfaP tor cash. Owner leaving pwn only, reason for selling This is s F"1 t't»rc"ain_ Innln T d nf. • ..r.n L. B. Walker. h F l^ly P.O. BoiTg&ffi, Fort George NOTICE/ ERS will be received up to M»>- 25thk 1914, by The Pacific ia"J. Townsites Company, Ltd., IritiS rRl.chtrdl< Street» Vancouver En''ht?olul»W«. ftr fHlling, bucking C£iJ*g*«. »nd>- slaahing.^ piling f rning bnwh ai,d tons^and for clea?! K -ru VP°n the TWnsito-uf-Wn-¦ 5tr '?Jlated «J»a Diatrict libt receivediupon application. reJ«t 'd ifl ppl tenders [Signed) CQM^^^T*"rMSIT1B P.G.E. and can furnish them witii, ample business to repay any money they may be called upon to expend we were * ihi larger of the three towns, Central next with Prince George third, and that railways should pnsa us up was beyond all understanding. Of course it is said that they are the only railways we-~have, therefore w« must give them our business, he didnot consider this a fair argument. Mr. Crawford brought out several other strong points and coupled witb those of the several gentlemen prci sent should go a long way in helping tl*e Government and officials ..of the P.G.E. in deciding in pur favor. In reply Mr. Stewart said it was merely a question of dollars and cents with thb cqm-pany and that they had considered just such a proposition as had been Chamber a pp suggested by the of Commerce. It f Chamber of would mean the expenditure of an. enormous sum of money,first to build a second bridge and the "purchase of a Tigbt-of-way through the townv They had an agreement with the G. T.P. which lallowed tnem running rights over their bridge and eveji into their yards. The only suggestion he had io; offer was io prepare another peut-ibn to the railway commission asking them to compel either the G.T.P. ot the P.G.E. to run , a spur (line jdown ttffoueh tne town to a point half a^mile below it, this in his estimation only-way -*o...ov»oortj. He would bewiU A free frank and full tion of the matter was goife in to yesterday in a meeting; ol this Chamber of Commerce with Mr. Gamble \ and Mr. Stewart the president of the Pacific Great Eastern. The exchange of arguments brought from Mr. Steward the acknowledgement that our pet ttion \yas in every respect reasonable, that /the cut banks across from this town was a wicked place to put a.railroad, that we were entitled to a road on this side, that the very place for crossing we pointed out and suggested was the only place for a crossing- and that, without doubt develop ment and welfare of the town and area to be the scene of the buildinff of this great d call- ed for the road'to cross as we had asked. The ra lway^__com-pany had gone into ajl tte facts and considered the ^cross-iner.at the point indicated. ¦ Why then are. w* not to sb-cure what is so obvious and to which all agree? It hinge8^on the additional cost of another bridge and riglit-of-way but more obvious still it hinges on an agreement with the G. Y\ P, or between the interested r«6ads. that the G. T. P. demand the! handling of tra^;at( their tw-minals for fiO^yeara, that ir-) respective of...jtJie needs' of the community, its welfare, its de* development and assistance of the railroads, to that end. s^ must^willy .nilly take: our freight^ '-tfroiai the-^poiht; the ta\''. roads tell us we must. Were, it a question of competition vhe the dfficulty He would ue win Pacific Great Baprtem, ^^k to give his ssistance along «ros» irrespecive^\oOo*6- w th ii i About hine'iyclock Sunday vening a..fire.which might have jro^ed/idisastrous to our own was narrowly averted by he prompt action of some Oi our citizens and the timely arrival of the chemcial engine of tha fire department. The fire started under the stairs in Brown's pool room in the! Blair building and it- is supposed- to have been the result of care-leesness of some person throw-away a cigar or cigarette stub. The Blair building is a. frame structure built from scow liinoi-ber with a good amount of ith i pitch h on it and had the blaze once gained head way, nothing would have stopped it from wipping out the entire block. Right here it would be well to advise parties throw n£ away partly burnt matches, cigar stubs, etc to bs more careful in the future*yjfor a blaze like |what w^"were threatened with might wipe out our entire town. NEW JOBBING HOfrSE Sanford Wolfe x>f San Francisco is in town and experts to open a wholesale tobacco shop opposite the Empress Hotel; corner of Third and Hamiltbn 'June 1st. He ha« a large stock of cigars, etc. on hand and is in n¦position to supply . the -demand for any quantity and deliveries will be made promptly. Victoria on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. For the benefit:of our readers we are giving a list of the lots in South Fort George to be sold here on the 9ih, 10th and llr.h of next month. Armstrong & Ellis, ol Vancouver and Prince. George. are the authorized auctioneers for the government at ail three sales. District Lot 9\3. Block 7. Lots 1 to 16. / Block 8, Lots 1 to 8. y* Block 10, Lots 1 to \%.y Block 14. Lots 1. to.18. Block 19, Lots pSfrld. Block 21, Xotsrl to 8. ~ Block 26,/Eots 1 to 15. Lots 1 to 16. .•¦•-¦•' District Lot 934. . •. lock 12, Lots 1 to 16. Block 13, Lotsl and 2. Block 14, Lots 1. 2 and 3. Block ] 6, Lots 1 to 16. FRANKS WILL HGHT WINNER OF TONIIiHrS BOUT Maddison of Spokaiieimissed connections for his light against Franks. However; Fran.ks has arranged to fight the winner of tonight's bout on Monday night, May jJStny in the Fort George Theatre This will no doubt tor, Rev. Mr. Justice. We underst.anci on good authority that.-the popular cashier at the Club Cafe is about 4to join the benedicts and we cot gratiilate the bride-to-be,v;;^ on her good choice. ", > . • Mr. Jack Broodo of Eilmpn-ton is in town this week on ' a business trip in connection with some of hi^nroperty beroij It. is hiR intention to open up ':a jewellery store here in the future. y j Theatre. prove a g This will no doubt better arid more inter- esti'ig arrangement. - Franks has been training hard all week and is in perfect shape. Franks leaves immediately after the fight* for Missoula, Montana, to fight Abeatle, formerly featherweight champion of the world, on June 15th. Mr. J. R. Cameror>4ias the contract for sprinkling the streets for the^business men. We are infprnied ithat his catt will onerale shortly and he wi)) sprinkle alj; tha business streets jytfa not one or two corners as the present sprin'Ier is do'ng. R. Leigh ton has now severed his connecton with' the ?Ifrtperijil Express'Company and will go |ii-; to business with Jno. A. Bovflek^ rents' furnishinjts on Hamilton. The firm will be known as Leipfh-ton and Bowles, abranjcn.bf w»|b business will be operecj shortly on George streetb^tween Second and4^^Third. y)/HC William Kennedy will be.incharge of the new Among the arrivals on Tuesdays boat was Mr. Crosbii, Superviser of British Co: " Superviser for British. -;- (|J«j|^; unibia for tfoa Royal Baiik iil Canada. Mr. Crosbie was hen some 'two years-ag Vattcouver - and ^hile tliei|> will look into various matters connected with the industrial progress of this townr ~*'" ^ = • CENTRAL BFAT S31TH H In a fast and interesting game of football last Sunday afternoon Central defeated South by a 01 e ffal mri '::Stith^hidtti' y a e margin, ':':Sptith^.:hjBid-'''ttie.' better of the play throughout but they had hard luck in shoeing1. The score yvks 2 to 1. £ BASEBALL OPENS MONDAY . f The baseball season opens Monday with two games, morning and afternoon. Prince George' and-foleys will play in the morning while South and Ceht&lIwfllS meet in the afternoon. In an exhibition game last week South gave Prince a bad b :-.-< COURT SESSION CLOSED ^ The County Court ^session Avas brought to a close yesterday after sitting for three weeks, the longest on record for the Cariboo Court. During the' session nine criminal cases'; and over twenty civjl caae8'were tried.:. The next court will sit about the month of July, and in future a tesaion. will be held every two months. v v „, LATEST FROM MEXICO j . A despatch to-day states thait * Villa has captured Tepic with I* loss of over four hundred men" and with a force of50»(K> is march- -ing on towards- Guadalajarii, Villa s men are also surrounding Mazatlan assisted by seven hundred Yakai Indians. V- ; ^ ; Jack KooTfouki Gwfcy of Vancouver^ 22nd May — The Chinese youth Jack Kong was to night found guilty :of manslaughter iiv the Millard murder case, sentence was defered. v I An emergent meeting of all mason* " standing wHl b« bald in the ttffices of A^nutrong 4k Ellla, G^rg« Street, Prinlce George; on Tuesday evening 28th Inat.. t» ©onaidar matters of importance to Mto craft ^.,.[ Aaericu Golf OaasiMs Beala it . . Anutew Sandvvich;; Eng. 22ndt May— All Americans were to - day knocked out^ of running in the amateur championships. Tubbn the young Englishman who beat Ouimetwashiragelfb^atelitchday New Ybrkv May 21.—Lieutenant Becker was tadaV found guilty of murder and sentenced to death. " a ~ ..vi .¦ ':¦ •'" -•' *." " 'j^