VOL. 4, NO. 43. Extend G. T. P. Senrice Line Now in Operation From Prince Rupert to Priestley, • 337 Miles From Coast Advices received this morning at t he local office of the Grand 'Trunk Pacific Railway state that transcontinental line is now open for regular freight and passenger traffic to Priestley, 337 miles east of Prince Rupert. Service has been resumed on the entire ope now stretch of track from the Pacific terminal on which trains were rated earlier in the year. Slowing thfe troubles with the slides soon after the linking up of the sections from the western ami eastern ends of construction, t raflic; was temporarily suspended'; The line has now been cleared and a large force of men is in ballasting the intervening uncompleted portions- -of the -railway between Priestley and Prince beorge, a gap of 130 which is expected to be iy for permanent service late The bridge which (miilt built across the Nechaco the G. T. P. is nearing com-ion and will be ready for ser-next week. This will ob-use of the ferry now i by the railway for the cross-and save transferring pas- SOUTH FORT GEORGE, B. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 27. 1914. |3 PER ANNUM of Chamber of Commerce Several important Matters Dealt With. mi lei rtaily this summer. is The Chambei>of Commerce held a generahneeting in Burch's hall on luesday evening last for the discusion of important business. The following were present : F. W. Crawford, secy.-treas.; Messrs. Gething, Murdoff, Mclnnis, C. Brown, Armstrong, Close, Bronger, Flynn, Johnson, McElroy, Wright and Brown. Opening of 4th Street through Hudson Bay—Mr. Armstrong reported after the reading of letter from Land Commissioner Thomson, that he had received a request from Mr. Thomson to secure bids for opening up streets through the Hudson Bay property . The secretary after much discussion was requested to take up with Government through Mr. Fraser, also through Conservative association for an appropriation for bridge and grade, also to handle with Hudson pany in conjuction bay Com with Mr. vice viate the use ing sengers and freight. Ken- four-piece orchestra will furnish music at the Grand Opening • of Ritts-Kifer hall, July 4111. ; ;\ . Fare and one-third from Mc-Bride and all intermediate points to the Demonstration here on. July ] st. Good going June 28th and good for return July 2nd. HYMENEAL Seaman—McArthur A large and fashionable wedding was celebrated last Thursday, evening in the English church here at 8 o'clock/when Miss Ruby Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur of town; was united in marriage to ¦Mr, Harry Chipman Seaman, the popular manager of the Royal Bank. The bride yiraS/given away by her father and her sister. Miss Hattie McArthur was bridesmaid,., while Mr. Neville Montgomery was groomsman. The bride -wore a/dress of while silk and carried a bouquet of white roses andiilies. A large crowd attended the wodd+ifg after which a reception. ,was held' at the home of the bride, during which th 3 health of the bride was proposed by the best man. ,- . ' Mr. and Mrs, Seaman left the R. C. Ex. for Quesnepwhere they will spend the" next few days and upon theirretum will reside in the Hughes house, (Marshall Wells-K: Syl vis—Sherman Armstrong.. The Government to be asked to improve grade and street across the Miller Division. Secretary read further correspondence with Railway Commissioner Dray ton, and reply- lots and Recreation grounds. Letters in reply to petition for Port of Entry and Customs In- Man Found In Fraser Thrown From Raft into Nechaco June 2nd Early last Monday morning ii man by the^name of W. J. Wright was found in the Fraser river, just below the bridge by men working on the constfuct- spector for Prince George was, ion of the P. G. E. ralroad. copy to Mr. Donaldson relative station site at foot of George street. Letter from Premier McBride on P. G. E. route was read advising that Attorney General Bowser would investigate on his coming visit Resolution similar to one filed by Prince George Chamber of Commerce relative application of water rights by the Citizens Water Committee by J. H. Johnson, was ordered sent to Water Recorder. Letter was authorized sent to Commissioner of Lands, thank* ing the Department for action taken in respect to reserving from sale. Fire Hall lot, Hospital read and the Secretary instructed to follow up. :.. Letters were read from Department of Postal Customs re Parcels Customs Post and the Secretary instructed to follow up the matter. Letter from Fort George Board of Trade re Incorporation Committee was read and ordered filed as the matter had been handled at a special meeting of the Executive Board June 6. Letters re Road Improvements were discussed and Secretary instructed to communicate with the various Departments interested with view to having the work prosecuted in the Northern Routes in Stuart River to Omineca Mine Country and via the Rocky Mountain Pass via Giscombe Portage, Mr. Gething, McElroy, C.Brown and Armstrong were selected as Committees to work with Prince George Chamber of Commerce, to wait on Mr. Bowser, Attorney General, for. a County Court Judge, Supreme Court Judge and Land Registry Office for this District. Committee of three Messrs. Armstrong, Brown and Close were selected to confer with similar committees from- <• Prince George and Fort George to see if ways and, means/could be found to amalgamate the three Chambers and Boards. Balance in Fire fund reported as $215.19. Z h a m b e r of Com- merce Fund $161.12. The .following bills were auth orized for payment: to Drug Store $8.25. _. of Commerce to Secy. $26.00. Telegrams Messenger Service 86c. ¦uvii- Dept m The body was taken to 'Gross &; McCarthy's undertaking establishment. We learn from his brother Mr. J. 0. Wright that they were coming down the Nechaco river June 2nd, on a raft together with . Mr. C. J. Oliver, when they struck a. sweeper throwing the whole threa .into the water, he and Mr.. Oliver managed to get to shore, but his brother went down and never again, way Fort came They to the were on surface their down from Mile 294 to George coming for the purpose of locating land. Mr. Wright has been searching .for his brotbnr along the river ever since, ten days of which,he was on the river day and night. Tha lata Mr. Wrght came from Nantwitch, Eng., about eight years ago, besides his brother here he leaves his father and mother, two brothers and one s ster at home to First of July Cdebntitn IN THE RING Arrangements are about complete for the big celebration here on Wednesday next July 1st. The different Committees have thair work well in hand The following have been . appointed : Ohicial stari:ri Chet McTntyre; Jucjijes, A. Gv Hamilton; T. W. Hern and J. T. Armstrong..: On account of the larj^ number of sports and with a view of haying every thing a success each event will be pulled off sharp on time. Tn the hose reel, and hub and hub races there will, be . lour entries,^ Central^ Prince, Cache and South'.'. The horse races will start Blackwater • from the foot hill and finish of at the Imperial Express company's office on Fourth street. The baseball game for a purse of $250.00 will take place between the two lead ng teams of the league. Tfy!s means CbampionBliip Bout July l*f Special BoutB Tonight < Chet Mclntyre who has /been giving us some high* class- boxing bouts in the past six weeks has arranged two very interest-, inir boxing' bbut&» Th> first special boxing bout takes place tonight at the Fort George theatre here at MK30 and will be two six round go's the first will be between Len Halliday and Bert Hughes who have recently boxed twice, Halliday getting the decision in the first go and Hughes getting the decision in their last bout This will make th'ngs very interesting as the fight backers are very eager to. sea these boys meet again. The second go for tonight will be between Harry Anderson and Kid Manson of Regina and will also be very He was 27 funeral took place on Wednesday morning to the local cemetery. mourn his loss, years old.. The South will play either Central interesting as both are in the or the Cache, Sunday's games pink of - condition. -yS] . - --¦''<"• will decide which of the latter/ ,/ McKay vs. Mclntvre teams to face South. * Prince have droppen out of the league and amalgamated with "yva% Cache and either Central or the Cache will make^H jprvn game of baseball*^ The la- Mimsters Coming July 7th and 8lh A letter was received from Dr. Scharschmidt to the Conservative Associatson here that the Hon. W. J. Bowser and Hon. Wm. Rots will behere on the 7th 8th of July. OiV/Tuesday pveningHhis w(eek •%s Laura Belle Sherman of ralacious,' Texas^was-united in marriage to Mr. Perry Sylvis of t; \vn Rev. A. C. Justice performed ? he ceremony which took P'acc' in the Knox Church Manse. ¦;.(.;.rajid' Opening of the "Ritts-K.tfc?r: hull 'at Prince George on 1 »ly 1 th. Dance with first-cluss music. CLASSIFIED AD& ¦01T SALE—10 Acres in D. L. 2166, , c Frontage, |6000;00, Address Box 188 Herald. terms. '¦<>USE TO RENT-Three roomed ¦coHaKe, furnished. Appl nwe, Northern Lumber ! )ly F. D- Whit- 27-6-tf FOR , SALE - 6000 feet Good Scow J;iimhor. alao2TarpB.-A. H. Booth. '•inior Fourth and Dominion, Prince S'Oorp TKbalre'; SALE-Large Business Tent, site 0. In excellent condition, price V.dozen Chairs i%\ each. Apply lace of Sweiete next to Dreamland 27-6-lt .SALE.-Scowand Boats for SaleT Boad- made to order. Orid block ;.the B.X. Steamboat LandihK. -o1 &:CarlBep, Boat Buildeni, South George,, .P.O.-box 82. v Vallf , TO EXCHANGE U-acre Garden '"^tedjn the beautiful Okanagan ' *~~ll»n------ .MAI8c t Georra. B.C. / • x ThePresby tery of Csriboo con-vened in 1st Church, Central >rt George, Thursday at 10 a.m. sv.A. C Justice was elected Moderator; Rev. C. M. Wright, Clerk; Rev. vW. Stott of Quesnel, Treasurer. y / , Mr. Stott gave a rep6rt/of the recent Assembly and the situa tion ltcally was thoroughly .can- vassed. M Rev. P. T./Pilkey who is hold-ihg" Fort-Fraser and yv& account of ^the work showed he^ was the right man in the ritftft place. Ar^vote of/ congratulation to to the minister and people of Central Presbyterian Church wa> heartily-iendorsed. x Special music at the big dance in Ritts-Kifer haJl on July 4th. Horse racing, Hose racing. Men's, Boys and Girls foot races at the celebation here on July 1st, THE CHURCHES of England ReSadler,- pastor, next Sunday\|lie following services will be heldj Matins 11 a. m., Evensong 7v30. Presbyterian Church Rev. A. C. Justice, pastor, Service at 11 a.m. Sabbath school and evening service are withdrawn to enable all to attend the *' Peace (Service " 3 p,m. and Church Opening at 7.30 p.m. in Central Fprt George. The occasion and the presence of Dr. MacQueen, Edmonton, make the event notable.«- Wilson Committed For Trial Fred JSVifson, week the ex-pro the Club Cafe, who arrested in Vancouver before last was brought week before last was brought .here by. boat last Monday by the local police. He wa; brought before Majistrate on;Wednesday\morning Was sent up for ^ril probably be about and will 21st, »ENING Ritts-Kifer Hall at Prince The JSfrand Opening of the Ritts^Kifer hall at Prince Geo-on Saturday, July_4th will celebrated with a dance. This is one of the most up-to-date halls in the district, having hard wood floors and the floor is 60x60. Refreshments will be served at the hall on the night of the dance and the music will be furnished by Kerr's four-piece orcht&jtt-a of Central. Everyone will be invited and the management reserve the right to eject undesirable individuals. Those wishing to enjoy a good dance with excellent music should make it a point to attend. $17.50 - for the return trip .torn Quesnel to-~the celebration here on July 1st. Celebrate the 4th of July and attend the dance at the Grand Opening of the Ritts-Kifer hall, Prince George. music at the Ritts-Kifer hall b'g on Special dance in July 4th. , One mile canoe race on Fraser, winner $30. second $20, at the celebration here July 1st. 1590 NOTICE 1914 to all brother Orangemen, you are earnestly, requested to attend a meeting on Sunday. June 28 at 3 r^in the_ Ritts-Kifer hall, Prince George, to discuss organize a^g "God Save ^ Lane, sec.'P,roteiP BASEBALL •.. South Beat Cache 16 to 0 On Monday last South defeated the Cache team by 16 to 0. The Cache only got one hit off Henry and. played very loose 'ball making 10 errors South lined up as follows: Blake, c. f.; Brown, 1. !.; Mc-Burney, 3 b.;' Hanover, % b,; O'Flanerty, a. s,; R, Henry, a.; Sullivan, \ b.; Harris, r. {.; J. Hew?y, p. 4422 Squth " Cache music. g crosse club are cjoing their best to arrange a good game on the 1st also. ( -;- ;i The days sport will Be wound up by a large dance in Burch's hall with music furnished by Kerr's four-piece orchestra of Central. Cheap rates will bs given ove all lines and if you are der of a , good sol.d clay's make it a point to. be A\ Fort George on /Wednesday next, July 1st. y^^ An elaborate-progrAmme has been arranged and 41,000.00 will folio ven in prizes, sports will bs The on 1 ourth Street Wet Hose d Hb To F^nrCentral Association. the morn* 1 Ho Bi 150 yds.; ub and Hub Bats^t-150 yards; Horse Race. Fs»%4k» Alljjjest two out of thra« heat«; Race, under 15 hand^^ out of three heata. '/he lowing sports to be held on the baseball grounds com-encing at 1.30 p. m.—100yd. free for all; standing broad^ump, free for all; sack race; Boys^race, 100yd . dash, meeting for the purpose of under 15 years; Girls race,v 100 forming a CentraTConservative yd. dash, under 15 .vears; chijd-Association for the riding of ^— . •- . ,:. North Cariboo will be held in Burch's hall here on Thursday July 2nd at 8.30 p.m. At a meeting of the South Fort George Conservative Association held in Burch's hall on Thursday night, Messrs. J±. G. Hamilton and D. F. Perkins were appointed delegates to attend the above meeting. X /'""..; '¦¦ A Picnic will be held; at the Ball Grounds onv Tuesday afternoon, June 30th, Prizes for the various children's races have been donated by Ritchie & Clark, Hoods, Blairs, Northern Lumber rens racey^SO yd. dash, under 10 years. Ktmniog the ^hases. free for all. 3.30^p.jm. ball game betwe?ri"ei£her Bride or=Quesnel ancTX Fort George for a purse |!250.00. The following will be held on Fourth Street in, the" even'ng at 7 o'clock : Putting shot, free for , all; Running broad jump, free or all; high-jump, tompanv, Hudson pany, O. K. Bazaar, Bay Com-J. Bowles and others. We hope to see parents and friends of the school at the Ball Ground. We are in receipt of the Chal-copyrite, a . paper published to attract the attention to the min- ng resources of the northern ir-terior of British (Columbia. Mr. J. A. Riley a well known newspaper man throughout this district is the editor and the head office is ' at Skeena Crossing. This paper, by devoting its attention to the mining Interests should help devolepment along considerably. ' The Ladies' Auxiliary of Knox Ihurch are holding a Silver Tea on the verandah at the home of Mrs. Ross [ McMurray, Fifth St. Tuesday, 30th. 2 to 5 p.m., in aid of a destitute family. Refreshments will be served and a a liberal response is hoped fopf tlje cause is worthy, the need urgent Those having articles suitable for little girls of two and six, boys of nine and thirteen are asked to donate them. ^ free for all; to be followed a one mile canoe race to held on the Fraser River for all. bv be free Special donoe in 'music at th« Jbig Bitts-Kifer~r1iidl on Coal Dealer—\Vhy_jclon't you wheel the barrow along more cjuiokly,'-Pat?"It's -'riot- a very job; there's an inclined WILL TRY FOR REPRIEVE. Frank Bevaqua, the young Italian convicted and s?ntenced tos be hanged on Septetnber 1, for thi murder of Dominic Gentile, lost all self-composure when takenxto his cell after the completion of the trial, according to the provincial police, and begged, with tears in his eyes, for some of the police officers to comfort hiin. He" stated tb.it he was to youn^ to die. and wanted to be allowed to live. Bevaqua's friends intent doing everything in their er to obtain a reprieve i/ftext Wednesday, July 1st in the Fort George Theatere here Chet McTntyre tackles Fighting McKay of Winnipeg in a ten-round bout for the light heavy weight , ch ampionship of Canada. McKay box^dThere sometime ago getting/a draw from Curly Smith and knocked out one-round Hblbrook in the 3ifl round. This promises to fc)B the best^ bout so far thiB spring and Should pack the theatre to jbfae doors. There will also be a ten round preliminary aail although we can't say between whom, but just leave it to Chet and he will give something good. McKay works out at the Fort George Theatx* «rery afternoon ana Chet is i/oipi hit work in. Al. Jobtuamm gymnasium. rC; ''. . " ; *%M-%::> ' Chet McTntyre arrived in May and since then " be: n putt ng on some bouts and ai a promot«r second to none. So if yon wish i food evisfliajE's iDort taks in both these boxing bouts. '' !:¦' BANQUET TO MB. SEAMAN On. Wednesday evening last a banquet was tendered to Mr; Seaman on the eve of his marriage by a number of the business men in the private dining room' of tb» Club Cafe. Montgomery was chairman and following are the toasts: Visitors, by Mr. Wright; Ladies, by>Mr. Wiggins; Press, by Mr. J. BM)anieljs; Old Timers> hy Mr. N. Gething; Bankings by Mr. Munro; Old Time Graduate, by^-Mr. G. Brown; Youngest Baehelof,^bv Mr. D. P. I^ock-hart; Benedicts, by Mr. ijOrthtr ing. The following business men were present : Messrs. F.. Flynn, B. Peden, Close,/ Doc. Campbell, W. Crocker,/ F. McArthur, C. F. Richmond, F. W. Crawford, T. Sea ton and A. Crozier. :y- 'I Celebrate the. attend the danc lMM July and at the .Grand / . Opening of th^R'tts-Kifer hall, JPrince Georj j^ A. Blair returned from Edinontbnytnis week, where he d been for the past two wesks on business. He reports business yp" there better than he expected to find it and lots of building. ' %<¦'¦:¦ 4 j; plane to relieve1 y ^tA master, rAye; master, t plane be inclined, but hang me "What do you think of married life?" asked the henpecked man, addressing the youthful bridegroom. :'- \ *•:- "Bliss is n ginning^to move. Passenger and ^freight traffic are showing considerable jrapro^e* ^tfient. ,.-•" \\ _.:¦.' ¦' ¦" >f. On the C.P.R, this improvement, is very marked. Ine recent statement by Sir Thomas Shaughnesay about the country being sound at the core is every day being more proven. Local C.P.R. men are confidently optimistic. > j "The worst is over/' they! say. "Confidence is returning and we shall be all right in a jiffy. and Give xm good 'weather, let the crop come on al- right and we bave nothing to fear." ,. It is true that the C.P.R. is hot undertaking any development work outside of finishing up what was started last year, but there is some improvement work going on and the general feeling 'among railway men is .that business improvement will continue. . /__ > ; j \ \. -':.: Refreshments will be served be held in