«5fag 2i>vavs on ;---.-¦¦ ,-<.-d t-r». censed Ernbalrner. . Manager.1 Fast,Motor Boat Service, Kit ^/ji-Aekc-rs arid prospectors to ror* r Frasef a:id;:Gi.?cornbe Pdr-iage';;-service. Call, wire-or phoned bans H'V.el. So*:ih Fort George: or/ i'.N'T ';•,'.. '.J'.hr..¦:•'.'.'. Eik.-; S.'Fort George: EXCELLENT CUISINE i: Third South Fort George." B.C. dern ono'r Rates $2.50 and $3 Monthly and weekly rate* on ap-" . pllcatloo Albert Johnson, prop. Beef FOPOLORGE'AXD $01 TH FORT GEORGE Prince George Builders Co. Ltd. FOR. SALE ¦ -¦'¦}¦ ¦ - :..¦:;-..v: '::. Block 293 > :.' s :.••¦,•. ,: f'ri:,t<: Goorgt-) -O\ Mgr., Corner Lastlle & Seventh ;'i ¦• SOL; II fORT GEORGE BARGAINS IN BUILDERS SUPPLIES. FROM HA.SUFACTOR TO CUSTOMER DIRECT ' ';'•.¦- e'fwt fr: iirinrrn'iir Kkvinte on WiriHcws, fj-.->r-. Moukliivw. Porch Columns; etc;, BuiW-:->>'!'a;*r t-.fi fcuii-i'---' Hardwarfi by boy in if di.-fec*. t,:.- r.'jiil NOTE THESE PRICES: 5-crosg pane! doors for light stain or oil 5-croi= panel doors for dark stain or paint Window Frames . . Door Frames . $1.35 EvtrjfiluBj in Jto-.k for immediate jkl .We s«!l !& snyoct. Ship WRITE FOR NEW.ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE A. B. CUSHING LUMBER CO, Ltd 806 POWELL ST. VANCOUVER, B. C BONE DRY LUMBER Costs No More Than Other Lumber) .Sawn last summer and. thdreugh-. ' iy v.f-jithtr- and freest Dried. ' ,i , _i p~" ; —ALSO--'--- . \ / Hilln Dried Finish^ ahd Mouldings. :.- DOORS' /^ SHINGLE^' i/ PAPERS' - •/ READY ROOFING .. O.V78 COTTAGE FRONT WINDOWS $3 per Cord Delivered e Trading&Lumber Co., Ltd. J n '..SOL-7H FO;4 every Wednesday.' with freight and passenKerH for CJ1SCOMBE. SEEBACK & HUBBLE Conservation Re-Afforestation Enumeration $ Do you contemplate f< * BUILDING? B; * Th«;ri invwti^ate* our worjimanhhip *nd R < DAXFORTH 4 MTOIS T' jj Ojntract/jrs j Hamilton and P» ^ and BuiWeri) ' First »tr«rt» m Corner Fourth and Hamilton - __Sooih Fort George, B. C. • - '- ;; A NEW AND UP-TO-DATE HOTELS '~ On American Plan. "" ; Rates po Application. •^ Bright and comfortable rooms and ' , - .• _v. ~ ±__> suites at the^ Empress. :¦ ; «' . AMBITIOUS SCOPE OF WORK LAID OUT BY DOMINION COMMISSION FOR Mr. R. D. CRAIG Mr. Pionald D. Craig, for 7 years a consulting forestry engineer' in British Columbia, and an expert, on timber, is at present* engaged upon a—task, th•:- results of which are of paramount in wrest to this province', and indeed, to the whole Dominion. Mr. Craig., -i. \v,bo is working under the supervision of the . Dominion commission of conservation, i.s to take an- inventory'of the timber resources of the Dominion :oi Caaada, com-mencing' with British Columbia which province is estimated will take in the neighborhood of two . \v ar- to thoroughly cover. - Dr.. II. N. Whit ford, who is assisting' with the task, is at present in' tike interior collecting:, data as U) the standing timber; its quality and species, which information/ when received at- 'Mr. Craig's office at 'the. provincial court house, will be indexed; and maps prepared showing its- disposition throu-" out the various districts-. Valuable data is also being supplied by Mr. G. D. McKay, of the provincial forestry department, whose knowlege of the.forest wealth of ihe province is of great assistance. Mr. Craig intends covering the west coast! .and anticipates that by .the fall of the year he will be in possession of an accumulation of figures which will keep.Lim busy during the wet season working dut__totals and preparing" maps.'. . It is the Intention of the com mission while taking note of the qu unity and quality of the timber, also to investigate the quality of the soil in the different pans . of the province with a view to ascertaining what class of farming it is adapted to. This in itself is a thing-of,inestimable, benefit to the province and Dominion at large, as by this method those areas which are suitable f6r agricultural purposes and those which are not can be indexed Jo.r re: ference, and used for tbo ^pur-pose for which they are suited. The system used up to the present... .in...: determining the quantity of standing timber in bhe province Das been that of taking the estimates of various cruisers and working out a total on tl*e basis of the areas covered, which, it is quite feasible to believe,'.-may be billions and' billions,of feet short of 'the actual figures. By a "thorough and systematic cataloging of the various districts of >the province and Dominion, Canada will know to a nicety what the wealth of her.timber amounts to. Further the knowlege. gained and references to be drawn there from, will, in all probability, give a still greater impetus ' to the re-iifForestation scheme which will eventually he the saving of the forest wealbli of our land. FOURTH STREET 1 CLEANED UP HERALD WANT ADS n The Government, are at prc-sont removing the stumps olF FourtU street and in ,the future plan to do considarable work ,n this district. We would not object if Fourth Street were repaired and brought to -gradol HONOURABLE H. Rr- EMMERSON DEAD Former Minister of Railways Passes Away in New -Brunswick Dorchester, N. B., July 9.— Honorable 11. R. Emmerson, at one time minister of ralways in tlie Laurier cabinet, died this morning after a lengthy illness Ho was 61 years old. 3Ir Kmmerson, who was of U. E Loyalist decent, was for three years Brim" Minister of New Brunswick* before entering Do.m in ion politics. He was ekcte ed to the House of Commons for Westmoreland at the genera election of 1900 and retaihec the seat until his deadi. . The Geographic Branch of tb:. Surveyor General's office has completed several new issues o the pre-emptors' maps. The Fort George sheet has recently come to hand, and the Lake la Kache sheet is now in the lithographer's hands. A num her of Lhe old names of creaks and lakes have changed, to avoid duplication. Bear Lake and river are now named "Bow-ron." Four-mile creek, near Quesnel, will be ''Barlow,' , in thi> future. Four.mile near Alexandria, "Cuisson"; Six mile Lake and Creek, "Bouchie Deep Creek, near Soda Creek will henceforth be "Hawkes"; while Mad Lake is to be callec "McLeese." Considerable new information is given on the maps as surveys are extended and foresty reports received. Sing-Je copies of the maps maj lie obtained free,from the Chie: Geographer, Surveyor-General's Department. For several copies a charge of $1.00 a dozen is made. SIR DONALD MANN COMING TO HU ON C.X R. WORK Sir Donald Mann. vice-pres ident of/the Canadian"Nortihern Padiic Railway,, is expected to arrive in Vancouver some time towards thu close of the month According to a despatch receiv )d by the company's local offic lals from Victoria, Sir Donalc has advised Sir Richard Me Bride that he will spend a few days on the coast about July 20 or 25. Sir Domvld is reported to have stated that he "would bring with him instructions to start work immediately in Brit jsh Columb'a on several G. N RSundertakjngs, including the False^iGreek terminals, the Kam loops, Kelowna & Vernon ine and a further extension of the Vancouver Island C. N. P lines. Sir William McKenzie is re ported to have opened negot iatj-ons with English capitaKfor the sale of the C.N.R ^45,000, 000 issue and the company is expecting that a good price will be quickly obtained for the bonds so that an immed i-ate, start, may be niade on . ad ditional C.N.P. work in British Cohihnbia as well as elsewhere in Canada. Several large shipments of rails are being receiv ed by the company at Kam-loops and more-are expected to. -arrive at Port Mann within a few week's time. It. is the intention of the company to get all;the steel down on its main line through British Columbia before1 ,the snow flies and having everything ready to comptete the banking or ballasting of the troflk .early in the spring of 1 Mr. T. G. Holt, fourth yicc-presidcht of. the G.N.R. and, next to Sir Donald Mann, the railway's chief in ^British Col-umb'a, . is. ^xpectedto accompany the latter on, his visit to the coast. ' Full Steam Ahead on Traiiscontinental This the Policy Insisted on by Head of the New -i Commission. Ottawa, Suly 8.—The new transcontinental commission, consisting of Hon. F. Cochranc minister of railways, and the officers of the old commission, ohief Engineer Grant, Assistant Commissioner MacPherson, and others, held its first meeting since the resignation of Major Leonard this morning. The uncompleted details o{ the road were discussed-and a policy of CANCELLA^ON OF RESERVE ed upon by the newhead of the commission, Mr. Cochrane. The minister will press the work with all possible speec with a view to its earliest po.« sible completion. / • •/.# * •/. ' FRENCH LOAN IS FORTY TIMES SUBSCRIBED FO MOTICE IS HEREBY *\ the reserve existin lands in; the Cariboo ¦ an \uCtn' ^e of whith v' the B. C. Gazette r>n the tember, 1907; also the re upon Crown lands within cording Districts of Ca looet and the Kamfebp Yale Land Ilecordinj,' D of \vhich appeared.in H the 4th of April, 1911, iV so far as the same-res lands from liase under of the Land Act. Lands jj_ ^ R Department, Dep V ictoria,B.C 22r.d April, 1914. S- OIV d Ca ^ p E.V !?hed in *wl Li;- r (V :enavick utv Miniitir Applications For 8161,000,00 Would More Than Pay French National Debt Paris, July 7.—Although th Bank of France has not mad any official announcement i was reported on the Bourse t day that the public had appl ted for more thaji fortiy- time the amount of the.issue uvaa to-day of 8161,000,000 af^ government 3$ percent loan If this should prove true th applications haVe amounted U more than i'he entire nationk debt of France. The/foan on its admission t< the! Bourse to-day immediatel 'rose from 91, the price of issu to 91.92. The general market did no respond symapttajtically, as i usual when gopernment loan art! so well received, probablj because capital in France i under the apprehension tha hda^- special taxes ate likelj to be imposed. the on Passengers arriving on Royal Mail Steamer/B X Monday last report having an exciting race with P. Welch' steamer the .'Conveyor' on th previous day. The c^ptaJbii of the B X and Conveyor hac agreed to an hour's race after leaving Soda Creek, each ski of tlr) river. In spite of male ing three landings with mai during the race, the B X was in the lead at Alexandria ferpy where the race ended. Thicr B X arrived here earlv^Monday having the satisfaction/ o carrying a brbonrf at mastheac wnile the'peppie of South Foil George JmkI still- greater plea sure of getting,:their mail several ^hours ahead of schedule time. / FINE SCENERY ALONG ROUTE Lillooet, July 7.—Grading on the,line of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway is reported as practically complete from Lillooet westward to headquarters, which is fourteen miles in from Squa'mish (formerly Newport) Trains are runnjng from Squa-mish to headquarters and steel is laid for, eight miles east of that »point. There is some leavy tresLle work now in Tirogress in the vicinity of Bear Mountain..- The scenery s said to be-very fine , along the route, and the timber and ¦ — ¦— \-\ —'¦• waterpowers are valuable. , - .« # « • •"* '*•,¦' Private telephone service has oeen installed between the Railroads headquarters and the Un^ on BankTdf Canada and Eelc-stein &~Wi|son's offices in- the i*rince George tpwrisiteV ^ , :r— NOTICE; OF DISSOrJUTl'lo: OF PARTNERSHIP ' Province ok British Co; ¦¦¦¦»: ¦«, "' COUXTIKS <>y Atlin axdCakiboo. .NOTICE ia thereby ¦¦•¦¦-- -partnership heretofpn iween'us, the und<.-i> Keepers and .Merchant of Aldermt're, 1'rk-it Kathlyn and eis'ewhe-British Columbia, has dissolved by mutual co owing'to the said part paid to John J. McNeil ; aforesaid, and all dam.? said.partnership art- x<, \ to the said John J.1 Mc>j the same will He seti DATED at Prir.e day of June, A. . Witness : y Lh'M- I Irving N. Liirtfell .JoHv 27-6-4t ¦ ' r. Hugh Stewart, ARCHirECT, GEOBGE STREET*. -BRINCE 6E0R6E ROOMS TO RENT- AT THE ictoria Hotel (Formerly Grand Unior.) opposite-^club-cafe; Third Street F.ort Gconr*". B.C. • Victoria^ H " F. P. Burden. Msr. F. C. own. lter Nel»on. U.C.. A.• H. Caw. )iit. Green Bros., Burden & Co. Gil fjqjmtm, Dtosinion i B. C Luii innrjm Survey* of IjimLi Minos. Towksites, Timber r/ Limits, Etc. . ECKSTEIN & WILSON Barristers, Soi.irnOK.--, Etc-.. ¦ ¦¦"•'" ¦ - i , '¦ or Haight .Bldg. Prince |GF.yp.«E, a. t-. P. E. Wiuso.v. :: L. !'. Kaihit'.s:- antifactiirer D. PENN OK i1 The Jeweli^rmai of '¦Artistic and Platinum Repair work of all bind: / • prompt attention. Block - Third Street South Fort Georze City Express_jmd Cartasre Company Express Delivery Baggage Transfer \. General Draying J. T. ftUSH '- P PHONE 51 ., QTlaherty & Thonjc All kinds of Fruit, Ice Cream Sodas and Confectionery. .('¦•¦¦ Hamilton Avenue - South Fort George Pianoforte Lessons , R. L. CONDY