LF5bTuh.-ib.v The Northern Interior.FrinUnZ Company. I.imiteiU ^ . . WEDNESDAY, ^Tlu< year 11U,:).. which, is rapidly drawing to a close,' has indeed-been an' important one in the development of Canada. noUvMthstaricftng the financial stringency which, prevailed throughout the •.-civilized world during a considerable portion of the yuar, both our British and foreign trade him increased hy lea.ps and bounds while, immigrations -ftp tbis country continues at < a rate greater than over before in our history. The Balkan war and pie" Whey stringency that followed aa a consequent had a,'beneficial rathe^ than a" dtpTcBsing effect upon -^nis country iimsnuicli as it demonstrate* /'tire"ability of^madiarf^aiiks, railways, etc.'.' t.o wij.h-stand^such. a stringency wftiiscarcelvX single failure or l08S.and but tether demonstrates the^souiM flnaiwial basis on wlnteh 'such insti£tffibus are 'founded ...... -Is undoiibte.dly the greatest pha&Fof our national growth Has the wonderful railwa)\,devel(>p-„,«,....that has taken place in the'last year, ami in no part of Canada have the railways made greater . strides than in BrUish Columbia... 'The map; of. this province hits .been rolled jiip for two hunitoritS-miles by Ujty-can etruction oMhe Grand TrtinK Pacific railway .through the noHliern part of lMtish Columbia;,anil we'are .eh abied aa aAonsoquence to obtain i 'small idea of, th/vast resource's tHat this country, contains.' Its lakes and risers, teeming with, fish' and wild fowl.'/-present rare bits of picturesque and rugged scenery;, ij^/for-/ests densely olad with valuable timber is a veritable haven' to the ; sportsman, andwlren cleared is well suitable to "dairying and mixed farming; its mountains contain'; a hidden mineral wealth .whose value iY would be inijiolisibie to; estimate. Experts It axe declared-that therV is enough'coal .in this 'district alone to keep up the engines-of the world till the angel ^Gabriel's trumpet .'-shall Bound/'Cease working."- These-are but a few of the vast resources/that this country^ contains and are but waiting, for the hand of the settler. , But the GraiM^Trunk ia but one of a great network- of railways that i* being constructed to connect and open up for development different sections of .this wonderful- country. Btotjjrogress has not been Confined' \to ralTway.deve!o.p.m£ii.t.a;loiie—many iiew mamTfacuirirg Tnduatries have sprung- into bemgJn this provihea in 'the past: year; in -fact in every branch of our agricuhuHvJ. comtner-; cial and industrial life we hVve mad<9' great, progress^ -¦/' .¦¦'. ,' r^V • Unquestionably South FortGeoi"gV has. witnessed within the past year : a period of unpreccdeqtpd^.progfefB. The population has. doubled', if ¦ nof trebled, and she has witnessed/fin tho-King—w &C _ y ly arrived. Britohj, he4a;nonc {ho lens valuable1.to tiie,land of ha adoption! "This is particularly Jrue of South Tort George and district where !iia»»y of our residents were born and~br-ed in the (United States, and today among thefiest class of citizens residing in this community are thoa who came to us from across the line. SHOULD IIRIVAL the springing in'to'being of her, sifter ^tawn Prince Ueorge a--new dityj in theniAking. All sigWindicate that An tHeNjpniiiig yj«r£ this town I*ill witncBB a greaL-development, and; tile same spi rit/\vnbh has been siwh 'a factor" in^mafiingSouth Forf Geo /if is today will still stron wha orge, stronger in.biillding up a-'greater South Fort George. - ;~\.; Bst TRIBUTE TO AMEHIC.VX . Sunset, thje"j I'a.cific.'"Monthly; s& •magazine published' in San Francisco, contajua an interesting article' by AlexandeKl'-O-weli; c-ntitled "Chopping a Path to .-.Tomorrow."-. Thel article is a.'description'of conditions, in British Columbia, and- fhe writer i Is well-de'servrig for tho fair aiUl of congratulations impartial stimiuary and its. he gives of thiajproyirice ¦ future outlook. • - !. • ;. Speaking.of;t,hc former citizens of the United States who have.taken -up -Ak?ir. Jiqmes Jn this province, he saya: . ¦' <: • ' ^::' : :h- VtheBe.Bett.lers' who are .trekkiag .nprthwards bv rail and road are the "very pick of the farming communi-tiee of our Middle "West," inesi'd'es -^bieiirg—men. or^jjne - physique. -aritf splendid charactervan'd of a rugged-honesty that is characteristic of Jhoae closely associated ' with the ^soil, 'they take, with thenv a substantial amount of ^capital—probably a thousand dollars at least,-on ::an average,n his hands and goes namn " tonga at the ta»K of making ^Qd building a-horaef—Ib'e fittingly celebrated. The eseiice of the Prime Minister, of this province, and other prominent men, would serve to further call the attention of tile public, to the (merits of this district,! and we trust \tnat some, public-spiiited citizen or body of citizens will adopt our suggestion in order that this event^ shall be made one of. friore than passing notice. • -¦¦"¦'.; p D rill CAXCELIjATION OF ItKSERVK NOTICE IS, HEREBY GIVEN that he: reserve, notice^ of which ap->eared in the B.^C. Gazette on the 29th day of^August, 1907, is canelled in^so far as it relates to the East half of Lot 5316 and the West Kof Lot 5314, Cariboo District; order that the sale of same may >e made to the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company, Limited, for ight of way purposes, etc. - R. A. REN.WtCKv Deputy Minister of Lands. ?mds Department, Wictoria, B. C, -, 25th November,. 1913. . 3moB-dlO-mar 10 Sealed Tenders addressed to the ndersigned, and endorsed "Tender or Immigration Detention Hospital uildlng, Vancouver, B. C," will be ;ceived at this office until 4.00 p. i., on Monday, Docember 29, 1913, or the erection of the above-named uilding. ~~~ \ Plans, speciilcution and forhi of^ ontract can be seen and fonris/of ender obtained a-t this'departraeni; t the office of W. Henderson, jEsq., lesident Architect, Vic^ofia^B.C., nd on application to Mk A. apply for a licence.-^to^prospect t Coal and Petroleum over^the fol- wirig described' lands:— ^v- Commencing at a post planted 3 w hains south and 40 chains w«st of te South West corner of Government eserve, Mtirray Lake, thence^fest » chains; thence north 80 chains; lence east 80, chains; thence south 0 chains more or less to point of nniog, containing 640 acres more r less. ' -.'"¦¦ ¦' """'.............' HERBERT MICHELL ROLSTON ctober 19th., 1913. -^ , John Michell Rolston, ageat. - iWATfcR NOTICE. APPLICATION °for a Licence to take and use water will be made under he ''Water Act'' of British Columbia, follows:—The namo of the ai pplicant ft South Fort George, B.C. he name of the stream is Three-mile ,ake. The stream has its source in ^ake on Lot 629. Th«^rater is to be diverted from tiie lake on the south side./sbout 100 yards from 6-mile Lake road;; The purpose for which the watei will be used is domestic. The landpi which the water is to be used, is described as follows: The southwest of water applied,.for is as -—.-,--3000,' gallons per, day, This .notice was posted ,«n" the jrround on the ,6th day oftNovember, 1913. A copy of «w notice and—«ii-application -pursuant thereto and to the requirements of the) "Water Act" wiJl^filed in theomce of the Water Recbrder at South Fort Georee. Objections may be nled^.wW* the said Water Becdrdfer.;pr with ,th Comptrollor~or Water /Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C. i /. — l?M«iv Go; j(apDMcanO d«r Dm* Go. (applican Georgb Haas (agent ^ i-\ .A'-. .;¦ ¦ ¦ -.^ ¦¦¦ ¦ .1 Sea|edjfc—District of Cariboo . TAKE/Hotice that James-Rr-Mc-L.ennan/of Edson, Altav occupation Prospector, intends to apply for permission to lease the following de-mbed lands:-— Commencing at a post planted 10 chains north of S.E. corner of t 6332, thence north 80 chains; ;heace east 40 chains, to Door River, thence up-stream to point of commencement.— L k . JAMES R. McLENNAN. leptember 24th, 19U. ' \ James JR. McLennan, agent. Toal Act: \ Form of Notice fORT PRASER^LAND DISTRICT TAKE notice thaKl, C. BS. Cart-wright, of Vanco'uvaf^BVvpM occupa-;ion Civil Engineer, intends to ap^ly for a licence to prospect # for Coal and petroleum on the following described lands:— .:. >-^ Commencing at a post planted 80 chains south of intersection of south ine of Government Reserve on Mur-ay Lake with south shore of lake: hence north 80 chains; thence west 0 chains; thence south 80 chains; hence east 80 chains more or leas tor at of beginning, containing 640 acres more or less. « / CONWAY EDWARD CARTWRIGHT Octobe>19th., 1918. / John. Michell Rolston, agent. Joal Act: ¦ • ^-YForm of. Notice FORT PRABBRyLANp DISTRICT TAKB noticVihat 1, John M. Rol-on, of Vancouver, B. C, occupation Civil Enginerr, intendiKto apply for. a licence to prospect for Coal and Petroleum on the followiog described r ¦ */ ___._ ¦ ¦. \ . /Commencing at a post planted 160 chalns6sputh and 40 chains west of he South West corner of Government leserve on Murray Lake, thence east 0 chains; thence north HO chains; hence west 80 chains; thence south 10 chains more, or less to point of beginning, containing 640 acres more or less. . JOHN MICHELL ROLSTON October 19th., 1918. . 5oal Act: Form of Notice FORT FRA8BR LAND DISTRICT N TAKE notice that I, Robert Lowe, of Vancouver, B. C, occupation Civft Bngineer, intends to apply for a icence to prospect HF^r Coal and^Pet-oleum bit the 'followiog described andsJ"™™-., ¦ * ¦ ¦ • ¦ .¦ Commencing at a post planted. 160 chains south and 40 cnains.weat of ha Bouth West corner- of > Government Reserve on Murray Lake; thence south 80 chains; thence mmt SO chains; thence north 80 ehataa; thencs east 80 chains more or Jess to point <40 acres ROBBRT LOWS October 19th., If 18. John Miehell Rolston, V>al Act: E1W- Form of Notice FORT FRA8ER LAND DISTRICT ¦TAKB notice that I. Philip Broke Freeland, of Vancouver,] bTo>, bc-««t9°n^ Civ» Bnirtneerinntends to •WIT jot^ a licence M>prospect for SSiSS .petIoleUltt on th* Allowing scTiDea lands:—- - •- . ¦•¦ ¦ ' '-¦¦ •Commencing at a poat planted 1(50 p 5% JpwK^ chains tht-^Bouth West corntr of of ^is9^ T* cbaln chains inorf br less east *0 chains . t to point of ° f mo?e Rolstoni a-ent interestyou If you are furnishing a Home a Kitchen a Bedroom FURNITURE. FLOOR OILS and t LINOLEUMS FINE WOOL BLANKETS and ElbERDOWN / COMFQRTERS, BRASS BEDS ENAMELWARE, STOVES, Etc., all at unusually low prices. ° FINISH The best timber product of Briti^ii Colurn bia > manufactured almt li position to,provide the building public with an assorted stock of this excellent lumber both Urge and well seasoned, our plant will run night and day during this winter, being supplied with logs by the, largest outfit ever operated in the interior. 1 Our prices and quality are right for all -material that goejs into your Souse from cellar to roof. ' ~\ Come in when you are in town and see iis. You are welcome whether you buy or not.. SECOND STREET - " - South f4t George f. F. COOK, he* EUSSBL mtM. fmhm. 6. E. icUUGBUN, S -—- limited Fort When you Bay Life Insurance :: From a non-resident agent . you are at^a disadvantage, e's here today and gone jrt w. The resident efft is here resdy to stand nind his contract. He .rjnds in your- town the commission produced by the transaction. He can meet , your insurance requirements, « so be well advised and L Buy It from a :: Resident Agent. WILSON & OGSTON AG6NTS Great West Life Assurance Go. The Mecca Cafe ; IN SUCCESSION TO THE GRILL the above cafe has been taken over by experienced restauranteurs. We solicit the patronage of those who enjoy good ifood well cooked. V ¦ " TRY tiS OUT; WE NEVER CtOSE American Cafe Hamilton Avenue - Opposite the B.NA. Come and see us. Always open Hamilton Avenue, South Fort George STATIONERYTCIGARS PATENT MEDICINES And the most complete lines of SOAPS and PERFUMES in the city. Geo. B. Williams s Edgar Cole LA S ALLE of Bark^rville Issues challenge to all comers for a wrestling match. Terms, time "and date to be arranged, PORT GBORQB LAND DISTRICT District of Cariboo — ---TAKE <¦ notice that Frank F. Bur-dett, of Edson, Alta., occupation Merchant, Intends to apply for permission \ to lsase the following described landr.— L •' -. . -' V~ *~ CommenciBK; at a post planted at H.K. corner of Lot 8332, thence west .20 /chains; thencs north 20 chaias; thence east 20 chains; thsnes south , -20 chains to point of ebmmencemsit. ^ FRANK F. BtJRpBTTT x September 24th, 1911. - .; 'James R.! McLennaa, agent. Comer of Dominion Street and Fourth Avenue —— PRINCE GEORGE — The management announce that this hotel will be open December 1st. This>is the pioneer hotel of Prince George andTwill be^equipped with modern conveniences throughout. No pains will be spared to make the dining-room the Mecca for quality^consistent with reasonable prices^ \S ___- .¦ % ¦ ,-. The Managers, Mrs. Burton and Miss Rig-gles, have iiad extensive eicperience in hotel ienty which assures satisfaction. , . IN THE FORT GEORGE DISTRICT Carefully selected laitd at reasonable pri6e8.-and/pii';:l9^^:iterms. We own eye^sr a^.;we:oif^f9r::-sa;le, and can give j^aranteed title. ^ R, R WALKEK, R&ident Agent of the North -Coast Land Co., Ltd. . S