U ¦'"O VOL. II., No. 47. FORT GEORGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1911. $3.00 A YEAR LARGE INVESTMENTS BY DUKE OF SUTHERLAND Will Found Settlement Near Fort George and Spend Immense Sum in Colonization Project —Other Members of Party Considering Similar Schemes VEGETABLES ARE BUILDING STILL A BANNER CROP All Kinds of Garden Produce Yielding Enormously This Year-Top Prices Being Offered for Potatoes remains active Two New Business Places Now Under Conslruetico and Activity Is Particularly Marked. The Duke of Sutherland, and every member of his distinguished party, is more than pleased with the Fort George district and its remarkable possibilities. Capt. C. B-Hutton, who was in charge of the British capitalists, returned George Ovasko, the oldest settler After completing early in the in the Fort George district, is now veelc the handsome store building-|harvesting his potato crop, . Hejon Central avenue, immediately estimates that he will have at least j adjoining the Tribune building. LIBERAL GOVERNMENT GOES DOWN TO DEFEAT Reciprocity Measure Overwhelmingly Refused hy People of Canada—Conservatives Will Have a Substantial Majority in House of Commons Montreal, where the Duke of Sutherland's yacht, tlie "Catania, '' awaits their arrival to take them back to the Old Country. Without doubt early in the spring evidence of activity will be seen at the new town of | j g eighteen tons of the tubers, and | Contractors lookhout & Davis arc I ^r ' ¦ ,L 1 • . e 'l\ ¦ *.- -l e n-x. pm i , , , . , arrt(dv «n«. o» * * . 7 Never in the history of the. ation speeches of Champ Clark has already received an oner ot six now at u- • .- A ' ^ \ ¦• " . ».i u i j n i , . ,, . . , it Ł,, , , the most optimistic Conserva- ¦business at the old stand, he Knnrc /^nh r\i rrnc no re tin *« nirmt*\ Will lu> Tilturf iih f/if .it^Mftnt^.^ 4r J . . I , ' said. WILL EXHIBIT LOCAL PRODUCTS District ot Fort George Sending Exhibit of Agricultural Products to Fair at New Westminster. >e fitted up for apartments., Contractor Lewis commenced Thursday a two-storey building, report phenomenal crops of veRc-120 by 40 feet, in Block" 82, Central Consen-aTive part^'of "Canada tables, particularly on land that i avenue. Tlie upper portion of this w^j take ^ rejlls of power; early next month \vith a solid majority of at least 50 behind: them. The defeat of Liberal Min- ,. ,, . ¦ , , , isters Kiutf, Patevson, Grn- the first crop as follow. ng years tivity in oeal building the posffc* halll) Borden, Tenipleinaii and \ anous explanations are given of days, and many who had occupied Fiel(]ino. is most significant' this, the most generally accepted tents during the summer months „,¦ i :„ ^L«e.^rk--,j ^,, ^,,,^i,ot;,. M. C. Picrerott leaves early being that the ground for the first are preparing more comfortable nrotest-affdnsYreciplroatv next week for New \\ cstinni- year is in a sour condition and. residences as winter approaches In British Columbia Premier ster in charge of an exhibit of does not conduce to growth or and thc nights grow chill. HcBride's prediction that this Fort George agricultural pro- had been plowed previous to last 'buildingis being-finished especinlly j spring. It is becoming a well- lor a fraternal organization. A j known fact that land newly cleared larjje glass-front store will be un-! and seeded immediately after beiiiR j'derneath, plowed does not produce as well There lias been considerable nc- nity to purchase. White's Landing* is 42 miles south of Fort George, on the Fraser. As a consequence of this satisfactory inspection hundreds of thousands of dollars will be expended on this land, a settlement will be started to be called Sutherland, roads bi d d men! Will Show Permanent Deposit Fort George is fortunate in having as a visitor at present Mr. F. A. Jones, of Alberquerque, 2s'.M. cond uce vegetation. Early fall plowing is preferable for first crops as this allows tlie dead vegetable matter time to decay. Very little grain has been sown I this year, but the limited acreage.' has produced very satisfactorily Several prc-cuiptors north of tlie p province would send a solid ducts which will be on view ;it is town arc erecting houses.-prepara- Conservative l .f.rl-Y "l °,ct°" on their clnhns, ,»r{fi«i Of tlm «Jv mmnl bcr- Ihc exhibit is a sphii- Knowledge of the Right Sort. Mr, Bryiin Garrett, of the built, land cleared, experimental farms started and numbers of thrifty Scotch farmers will be brought out next Reason to | his n as to ^ locate on this land. The!,r(_ _^ w K_ „, North Coast Land Co. has As a geologist and mineral expert and attained marvellous growth, .toria realty firm of Edgar Cllild Mr. Jones has few equals on the There has been absolutely no dam- jand Co., after spending a fortnight American, continent. The recent sold:i discoveries westcf tlxe town having caused considerable Interest mining' circles, Mr. Jones was to visit the properties, and ag-c froin frost, yielded abundantly. Timothy hay and verified. Of the six rcprescn- ... , . . . . tatives nov declared elected did one aucHs gathered from all are Conservatives, and ™eP'^art of tlie dlstnctJ II only remaiiL's Coniox-Atlin to includes many varieties ot^ar- ^ heard 'from. ,;den produce, grasses anclgiiiin ^ defeat of Liberalism in ; au<^ wu^ furnish a concrete The request has been complied' Robbers Make Big Haul New Westminster, Sept. 15.-- . - , . , , with and a thorough examination: At au early hour this morning.fro)n tj,cto^,u to gi[\n a knowledge pronnsedto equal tneaeveiop-!oftheclaimswnsmade. Mr. Jones, three men entered the Hank of of the country that will be valuable menttobemade^ here hy an unprotected capitalists on laiids_tliat will, th eTts w]l0 reccnUy inspect\ little window in the rear, dug be retained by it. Tims the progress will be doubby rapid. m ..Monday for hU home tlie province of Ontario is tie- idea of tins country s ajp-i-cuL ntft»l city. This1 bei«.K'cisjTei JKctttl-tlS Indicate that: *"««¦ possibilities. Mr. Garrctt's first visit to Fort of gr} CO11 tested seats the Con- Business men oi the entire Georpre, he hns investigated fully servatives have secured 70 district have contributed g^n- the topography of the town and hi our own district of Yale- crously to tlie fund required surrounding: country, in fact he I? as (Cariboo" "Martin Burrcll t}-]C to fonvurd this -exhibit and no travelled miles in every direction Conservative candidate 1ms better advertisement of flic out bva liaiidsome inaior- ^'H^dcrful potciitinlities of the v,, tlie exact figures of wiiicli country could be conceived, to him ns a .^.q ]1()^ y^ ^-(> l^aiul, realty. The firm of Child ,O0O in gold on the bed into the ;has K;1i3)ed an cvinble reputation disappointment as the names ra i" Victoria gs thoroughly reliable! of .scores of qualified voters The Fort George district has again withstood the critical inspection of renowned men of keen perception and astute business minds. It is pleasing to all who have already staked tlieir future on , • , . 1 ¦ i c nun at me u the ultimate development of of n)ck ^ eyery Ihpir'fSrth-is received "the °f the fiml bei"ff a "10St vT in .¦*¦ . ... r .: *; ? ijttj liup on their own ac-i' at White's Landing and entertained by the Walker Bros., local agents for the North Coast Land Co., who had prepared a camp for them. With the exception of Captain Htitton, -who came tip to South Fort George to attend to some the liardeau; Another: old-timer; of the l,ardeau: who Has made a good strike in the same district is Silly Holloway, who, it is claimed, lias located one of the biggest showings of gold and silver-ore ever niade in tlie north countrv. little cleaning^up on their own ac-• • count, and tefore the Chinaman could ffive tlie alarm he was sand-; bagged, (^ffged and tied to a chair. I ^^^^ Then the robbers proceeded, to collect the gold and hills from the vault and left the building some the owners Jurying! •f irate Libcmli Ontario ¦ L3 Quebec ¦ 36 ICovu Scotia 10 Mew Brunsvick 8 Pr. Ed; Island 2 Manitoba - 1 Saskatchewan 7"& AJberta - 4 IJrit. Columbia 1 Conservatives 70 Frnser I,;ike road from Uliickwiiter and nrv now in the difficult portion of their journey. On tlieir arrival id Fraser Luke they h:i e . j u 1 xt *.t 1 a nuarter of a m on dollars with * , associated Mr, and Mrs. kelson a nuartcr ot .1 m 11110...... turkey fgpbbler belong tig t and W. Douglas. The ore samples j^etn,..and leaving about S10D,00( from these, properties arc now in Nelson being assayed, and arrangements are being made to-develop the property this winter. in the vault behind them. the robbers is llIK1 ¦31. was literally torn to pieces within a few yards of the door. A ii cl eat majority of 50, with _ r yet to hear from which will probably increase thc Conservative majority. "Yukon's election icolici-v course. During the winter months there -will be no. regular Methodist services here. Grouse arc reported unusually plentiful this year;"especially in the country north of the Nechnco. telegrams, the party remained; K.L.Wright is expected tore- tor, who says that two of tho men |were short and small, and that the ithird man was a big fellow, All three wore masks on their faces. The bank authorities state that quarter of a mil- js c()ilcecied ti,c" will be , ruicl it will be agreement with the llicse abominations liave s accorhers. f , . . ,„ ;ici;ui pcopit- '(1"nntl safe froni.-thcir depredations. The owncr-i of the swine are hereby re-e Hitt, who ([nested co attend to their live stock For Tete Jaune Cache. A. K. Bo inch it-r .left this week for Vete Jsiltlic Cache, lie took with lit in a barge load of supplies and equipment for thy opening: of There will Be no reciprocity. ;i geller;l, s(OK. lhcre u wil| )MO. jbably take three weeks to make the trip. The "Fort I;raser" \v;is expected to make thc journey to Uk1 Cache and a nuniher of people were prepared to make the trip, but (nving to repairs uccessfiry to the boat and the lateness of thc season it \v;is decided to abandon United un-vcrdict of tho Can- T/VFT DISAPPOINTED, Washiugicin, D.C., Sep. 22. tinsmithingand hardware business.' property.