Tjge hau a mail be even a ^ to at times over the Imperfect facilities, This summer, with greittly increas&d volume of mails, and a much larger population depending on the -various poatoffices, the iryiil eeirice is infinitely worse than it vats a year ago, During the winter naoiilliB, when every condition was adverse, and tke mails , were carried o^ver the rotd from Ashcroft hy flUgre, they arrWed in Fort George fairly weel on time, with few exceptions. We are a busy people, wrapped up in our own personal and Intimate troubles to an ex tout that often causes us to be careless about public matters. But it 1b tLm« that something should be done about.the postal facilities accorded us. Naturally enough, a policy ol inertia -will be construed .to mc-an that we are satis-fled with what we are getting. 4 SOUTH ^__LaBt -week The TrIUuae printed tbe news ttiarthe owners o>f South Ha.z-elton, a G. T. P. towiLalte at' the junction of the Skeena. and Bulkley rivers, had given up an unequal flght and had sold out their property to; the owners of the rival townsLte of New Hazel ton. The Incident was worth recording for the benefit of Fort George readers. As bearing on the situation hers the experience of South Hazel-ton is both interesting and. illuminating. The case of South Ha.2elton demonstrated clearly that ties prestige of a railroad, company is not sufficient to build up a new town wlien opposition, backed by de\elojpment, exists. In the case of South. Hazelton tlie railroad company, or rather Its jaufb-aidiary townslte department, do-liberately attempted to wipe out the .rival-. .townslt©-"0f—-Hew;: ~ Hazelton, three miles away, \>y tie use of the railroad name and th« promise of liberal development. The railroad company "was even able t» secure a re-hearin^fjt^H&l^rleiii' tbe" -ii»'-S£::ai' "aid of UilSfW-of old town cut oflcTrbm "tlie actual line of the railway by th« Bulkley a-ndi Skeena rivers, in securing this xa-. hearing. It was able to enow that the B. C. government had gone In with the O. T. P. en. a. joint auction of lots in South Hitzeltoa prior to the commission's deciBion, On the surface these matters seemed to be mighty* factoxs is favor of South Hazelton. like railway «»ia-mission granted a Btatlon finally, and it appeared that South- Hazelton hud an even chance with its rival, But, apart from Its activity in appealing the case tie: Q, T.'T. town-site department' did nothing.' Its promises of development at South 'Hazelton were never fulfilled. Wblle the owners and people "of Nev. Hazelton went ahead progressively, tbe Gr. T. P. did nothing. The result—South Mazelton falls by the wayside, a moaument to the futility of attempting to litigate a town into existence. FRANK OLIVER B WELL IMPRESSED . ji«r Minister of Interior on Visit to- Fort on its .side. But this trig gives a different impression. Froan nrhat I have Been I believe that youba-ve a tremendous area of land "with rich agricultural possibilities. It is not like the prairies, of course, In beiag all Teady for the plough, but tho work and time spent in preparing it for cultivation- is nothing a.fter all." Mr. Oliver stated that tbe people of Edmonton had been amazed this season at the magnitude of tli-e trade Saturday, August" 2, 1913 originating' at Fort George. '"They.ltnew nothing abomt tbiiB country," ae remarked. ""If they wake up and stay awake tliey ¥111 derive a great deal of benefit from Fort George. Development si ways makes trade, and you are o>n the e^ve of tremendous development liere." SCENIC BEAUTIES ON FRASER ROUTE It. Eston Phyfe of Hartford,. Conn., Enthusiastic Over Possibilities of Grand Trunk Pacific:, Full of enthusiasm over' th.« scenic Buulea of the upper Fra-ser Toute, week. ^ lsit: WortiOeorge fora Mr. Phyfe was here last 8umr mer for" a short time, coming an that occasion via Aahcroft. He owns c< s|dei"able property in Fort George. Speaking of the country to the east of here traversed by the Orai-d Trunk PacLlflc line, Mr. Phyfe said that the acenery was wondrously beautiful. ^ j "While there are but few moun-(itaine that compare in grandeur with. those alonjt the Canadian Pacific In British.Columbia, tbe scenery on the whole is wonderful, and will, after the completion of the railrotul, prove a great attraction to tourists. "1 believe that it would. b« an excellent idea for the railroad compa/ny after tho line is through, to stiL maintain a steamboat service on the Frailer, between Mile 142 a-ncl Fort OeoTge/— The scenery from Wile 14 to this point is too good to "be lost and the ra-llroad line, which does not MONEY SITUATION IS GROWING EASIER Canadian Northern 1'aciHc D«tMn-. ture Issue .PuLlr Sub- scribed. . . att «tt Tancavver mtti Port ^tfann was fvlly subfioribed before the expiration of the time llrnlt. A large issue of Vaacouver city bonds was also fully subscribed i at tbe B&tne interest ra.tfr. ¦•¦• Among other Canadian securities officially- listed is an isBii* of Victoria .city consolllateel. bonds of 92,-BOO.OOi) at 4»r4 par Improvement Is confidently: looked' for, as the:great western wheat crop means continually increasing revenues and trade, .V Forty thousand harvester* -will lkely be required In tbe West this season to cope, w'th wlia.t is exp eetftd to be a 'record crop. Wheat cutting will, probably staTt' tlie. third w«ek> in August. Work haa :t>«Bun oa federal. grain, elevators at Moose ' Jaw, and Saskatoon. follow the river, misses m-iicl of it.; Mr. Phyfe states that w or* on the ¦bridges at 14 2 and 186 Besoms to hav« been discontinued, probably owing to the protest made recently against blocking navigation on th< Pra.aer by close bridges. GREA.T BHITIAN RB1OSKS Report States .That She Will Take Part in the Ptuutma / ^Exposition. ,.;: L^ritfon, > Jul*^80^(SjMay—It it reporUd that Oreat Brit Ian has offleiftlir tdvlMd WMfataittfctbat ilie flxtpjQi Tbe ini fcr tais iterp Are. not jlven. i "Che report' 1b ^not creditawl In Ot-ttiwa. * "¦':'¦ ¦ • - ' / '- '' Washington is said to ba hopefu that Great Britian will become recon oilfed. SITlTATldN UNCHANGED .Pivc D»ys' Truce While Teuice Con f«rence is Being Ilel-«l. - London, July 30.—(Special) —¦-Thenvar situation in the Balkans is unchanged. A five day* truce has been declared while a pe-ae« confer' ence is being held. , Bucharest is believed to be safe, the Rctmajtiaxis guarding the Bui gar iana' •¦ rear; and preventing the ad van«e of the Turks and G-ro«eks. Now Kunnin-g Salmon have Btarted to run in tbe Frcuser arid tributary stroanaB Four vere caught at Mud river "weighing a total iof 123 pounds. CANADIAN made from our new / factory at Windsor, Ontario, try Remington-UMC Arrow and Nitro Clubs this season^ Their absolute reliability has made them the cK'6icc of sportsmen all over Canada. ; The highest priced ammunition sold in the DoVninion. We have yet to find the keen sportsman who balks at paying the price. Certain d^ni]« of manufacture are a liltlo more rigidly watched in Remlngton-UMC ihouhclla. Mny we send you a booklet «"npl» explaining U,e«e and other technical point»> Your name and •«!-drcai on a postcard will bring it by return mail. ' Hemington Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Windsor, Ontario BUSY NEXT WINTER 'reighting Along Grade Will Make Fort George Centre of Activity. Railroad men state that Port G«orge will he a busy place next ivinter, owing to the great amount f freighting to this point and points west along the line of G. T. P. con-tmction. Last winter there were 10OO earns freigning out of Mile 79, and it times the place looked like a coun-ry fair. Mile 79 is now deserted, he work coming this way. It is stated that steams shovels will operate right through the win-er, as they did up the line last win-,er. RYER INVESTMENT COIVtPANY SPECIAL LISTINGS IN FORT GEORGE -PROPERTY- Smipa in Close-in bustness CROfKRTV Correspondence SolicileaV 601 Hoge Building SEATTLE, Wash., U.S.A. KETCJKNS TO SPOKAJJE J- W. Whito Plans to Return to Port George Next Spring to Stay. J. W. White, who has charge of building the large annex to the Fort George hotel, left this week for Spokane, his home town. He plans to to return to Port George nest spring, when he will go into the building business on a large scale. Mr. White believes that there is all tie necessary material here lor the manufacture of lime, brick, and oth er building materials, and that with little further development rapid progress will set in. Move to New Offices. Hoffniaan & Harms, real estate have moved to their new ofllceB on block south of The Tribune, on Cen tr&l avenue. IGER Plata, Blue Prints and Specifica-¦. '¦ tiona made to your own '_£. «at\sf action. WfTc&n build you a house anywhere In the district— large or small. It payi to get our estimate. Shops: Office: Third Street n Second Street Phone No. 26. SOUTH FORT GEORGE:, B.C. BAKERY AND LUNCH ROOM Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies daily at the popular store at popular prices. — Hot and Cold Lunches served throughout the day in the coolest spot in town. ,' WM. SCHMUCK Proprietor. Central Avenue, Opposite Bank of Vancouver. P. A. Landry J. H*McGregor J. F. Ttsmtixk»' T. A. Kelly. Timber Department gore & McGregor Civil Enginaor* - British CdttmbU Land Surveyors L»n4 Ajwrti ¦ .Ttabw Crab«n aiiccr^lStoniOers,,IOD YARD Your wants in FIREWOOD supplied in any quantitj1 from one cord up in lengths 16 ins. and 24 ins. Drop a card to P.O. Box 30 when in need of any. Prices, delivered, $7.50 for 16-inch and J56 for 24-iuch. Terms cash on delivery. N. C. JORGENSEN Land Agent and Locator. Centra.) Avanue, Fort George, B. C, At klight •zpeni* I can locate you da good government land, which -will have a rapid increase in ¦valuo, close to a market paying highest bricea for all farm products. ; Now la thok time! Get some of thla land. Aet at one* vhlle othert are thinking afcout it. I- nave fcl«o good land tor »ale, irtUdi I ih«wi-wuiwi ? perMially, and catt tell *t proper piic«i and lerou^^j^^wr^yea conataatlr engaged la cruising and locating land* in thl* Tlcinlty and 'will make an unbiased resort on any land la this region for. proapectlve purchasers. B C RESTAURANT (Opposite Tribune) ' - - ¦ / is now open for business and In line to cater to the best class of trade in Fort George. .The* proprijtorB invite the patronage of the public and guarantee prompt service, excellent cuisine and Reasonable Prices FORT GEORGE (W. It. Hartley, Prop.) BOTTLING WORKS Manufacturers of SODA WATER, CIDER AND FRUIT WINES, ETC. WE WASH EVERYTHING BUTTHEBABY fancy wear. Office Hour*: 8 a. m. to 8^0 p.m. ; Fort George Willow River, British Columbia The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway ompauy are now disposing of the remaining portion of their lots in the new town of Willow River at the confluence of the Fraaer, Salmon and Willow rivers. By those who are in cIobo touch with the true conditions, his town is considered to be one of future importance in Central British Columbia. In investing in Willow River property be sure that your property comes o you direct from the Grand Trunk Cor. Al Jen & Hammond greenbrCborden&co. Civil Engineers, DominioB ani B.C.Und Surveyors. Surveys of Lands, Mines, Townsites, • Timber Limits, etc._________ Dominion Estates, Ltd. The New Live Real Estate Firm Complete lists of all property owners. . We have some double corners and lots in Section A, in the line of present development. Three bungalows cheaper than you can build, them. Several snaps in improved business properties. *t Information cheerfully given. Come in and talk it over. Dominion Estates, Limited Winchester and Alden Streets FORT GEORGE - - - B. C. Pacific Railway Company—make so mistake in this. There is only one original and official Grand Trunk Pacific Railway town of Willow River at the confluence of the Fraser, Salmon and Willow Rivers. It is located on Lot 785. Station site was approved by the Board of Railway Cominia-BionerB under date of March 26, 1912, Order No. 16,179. We have no interest in outside subdivisions. For authentic Grand Trunk Pacific Railway maps of Willow River and detailed information call on F. W. Crawford South Fort George, British Columbia or address TRANSCONTINENTAL TOWNSlTK COMPANY, LIMITED Authorized Agents Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. WINNIPEG "117E have some, inside property in Sections A and C, ** also lots on Central Avenue, Hammond and Winchester Streets for sale at rock bottom prices. 'it Kindly write fus for information. Fprt George and Fraser % Limited Head Office: 539 JASPBR. AVENUE EAST, EDMONTON, ALTA. W. MAGILL, Manager, Fort George Branch. P.O. Box 13 Nechaco Stores, Limited Cor. Central Ave. and Hammond St. We now have on display absolutely the finest line of furniture ever seen in Fort George. Fumed Library Tables Dining-room Sets, Buffets and Fumed Rockers Also the higher quality of RATTAN CHAIRS, cushioned in very attractive patterns. Agency for the well-known MASON & RISCH PIANOS PHONOGIWJRH And aix doable-faced records Included—Shipped to any destination for .......... ,...,i.'.................... ..... $12.50 Also the latest nils in music at 20c a copy. Send for bulletin. The Popular Music Store 59 Jasper West EDMONTON, ALTA. Jacobs and Batchelor Brps. Architects, Builders and Contractors Building* designed and constructed to comply with building ordinances of modern cities. Plans and Specifications Reasonable .. ESTIMATES FREE