You 3, N^ ttft- Jan. 4.- rMerich \\ ilhelm-Hohenzollern PRESIDENT IN ITALY. Milan, Jan .7.—Journey ing m Rome to Milan, President Is-un stopped at donua, where iv.-ts greeted by large crowds. P5.000 MORE PRISONERS THAN RECORDS SHOW One 01 the youngest Canadians the e conference is made b j -—— to, enlist tor active service, Jack the British s> Immediate ac-1 ..' )N r1?1}^!1',H?lh W ilson left here early in I9I.5 tion is declared necessary to stem I V "edench \\ ilhehii with thelfamous 67th Battalion the tide of?chaos^ now threatening niadeaij unsuccessful attempt to western Scots. He was then but: Cerm because of the Bolshe- cscaPe Jro™ hls exile here, it is 17 years „! age \\ ncn the 67th ; vikj movement and to prevent feporte^foday. No details could .vas disbanded he was drafted in-1 declarations of the congress from; to another first-line regiment and ht.collli me]1e ..scraps of paper;"] '.vent years of the Klanders. more than heaviest fightim two in PALESTINE FOR HEBREWS. TELEGRAPH BRIEFS. London.- Tor»>nte\ Jan. 'Hebrews welcome Canadian Baron von Zu Beklitz, a friend of the former crown prince, has I gone to Germany to ask the gov-j ernment's permission for Frieder-j ich \\ ilhelm to return to that country. The baron, it is under- the statement 1 stO0(1/win ask the (|erman auth- As an outcome of the oi Dr. I. D.eSola that Palestine isjorities to assign t]ie former crown negotiations carried on by the to be seciired tor the Jewish peo- prjnce to a residence where he e are 1 London; Jan. 4. -The; 0 more British pri>oners/ in ermany than the British records i'>v*, so that a number ol men jous'ly gi\en up as dead or will return to their homes itat'ed here today. The issin was itsli had contemplated getting last 2O,Q00 prisoners out of rniany within a fortnight, but (icrman records show that the lainin'g prisoners in (icnnan luiicls number 35,000 men, of ii"iii 15,000 through the falure tlie (icrmaiis to report their capture, and the men's failure to nununicate with friends, had en listed as dead. PROBE SUSPENDED. •ceedhig • illegal lave been [ah. 3.— Further] the int|i;iry into | B. C. j of |y sale of liquor in suspended until next Lapaclian trade committee. Great P.ritain will buy S40.000.000 worth 01 lumber in tlie Dominion. The \\ est is to get a share of this business. London. -The Allies sank or captured 202 U-boats during the war. Fourteen moife were destroyed by the Germans them-¦el \ . s during the w ar. i arjis.—Armenia has^asked for a plac'e at the peace -conference. London.—-A special committee has been appointed in Britain to deal with the problem of emigration. A woman will be one of the committee. London.—For plotting against the republic, the Bavarian premier, Kurt Ersner, has ordered the arrest of a number of officers including five colonels, who will be tried 1 -y special court. Paris. - - The *Excelsior says: Germany pleaded for an armistice when it learned of the Allies' plan pi e^-Montreal onst:ration and announcement. ews held a dem-applauded the SETTLEMENT BOARD OPENS ITS LANDS Victoria, Jan. 6.—The Land Settlement Board have announced that on February 10th they will open the first allocation of holdings in settlement areas Nos. 1 and 2, situated in the Bulkley can live with his wife and children —under a guard if necessary. On New Year's Eve he mingled with the people for the first time -nice the recent unpleasantness connected with his gift o\ a pair of silk stockings to a modiste. He attended a public dance but he neither, ate .nor drank, fearing, it is believed", he might be poisoned. IN CANADIAN CORPS. yj and Xechaco Valleys. A commit-: Ottawa, Jan. 7.—Prince Albert tee composed of. three members! is now on the staff of a Canadian d d of the board and four returned soldiers, representing- the Army and Navy Veterans, Comrades of the Great War, Great War Vet Provincial' Return Commission, will army corps-. The ladies of Fort George, in preparation fort heir -Red Cross dance next Friday night, are determined to even surpass their 1 erans andt he ed Soldiers' make the allotments, and applica- enviable reputation as entertain-tions from returned soldiers pos- ers par excellence. Everything SQSSing an honorable discharge that will add to the enjoyment of are to have tlie first preference. the evening has been thought of There are about 95 parcels in and prepared. Those who do not the first offering ranging in size care to dance will be provided for from 18 acres to 320 acres, and in fat the home of Mrs. F. P. Burden, iV as a result of the action! .- , , , .._ ¦ , «¦ f I for a drive on.the Lorraine trout...[.price from $3 to $15.40 an acre, where card tables and other forms J-JTh.e high command realized thatI.Th'eav erage run of the offerings i of recreation will hold sway. "If xrii-i a catastroP'n^ 1]1 the form of Ger- j]S IDO acres at $6 to $7 an acre. you miss it, you'll miss it." Thea pplicants under the board----------------- have to furnish information about; Mrs. Towndrow will hold an of the A. L as a courts today on . r.artshore, who witness by edv GUILTY OF HERESY. r eirolea, Jan. 3.—Rev. William who lias been pastor for man troops in Belgium and Ardennes being cut off was inevit- able. Their plea was accepted by Marshal Koch to avoid further bloodshed. ( Htawa.—At the Northland in- their nationality, size their At Home on Thursday and Fri- families, previous farming ex-j day afternoons of this week for perience and military service, if pupils and their friends, any. Owing to there being snow, llt t r tluee years of the Methodist' quiry Sergt. Smith gave startling ion most of the allotments at: A reorganization of the Vancou-reii here, was found guilty on evidence and said no human be-1 prosent, returned soldiers receiv-.Ver police force with the demand esj charges, according to a ing could eat the meat furnished, j ing allotments are to have the' for the resignation of Chief Mc-rtict of a special church court Everything was of the poorest! privilege of exchanging their Rae and Detective Jackson is a special church cou; yg p pg the London Methodist confer-' quality ; the water was scarce and ' land or having their money lice. 1 had a"salty taste. ' j funded up till April 1, 1919. re-! one of the developments in regard to* the liquor scaYidal.