PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN CLASSIFIED WANTS, [j localVndPersonal. ? Ailvt'l'li •jr. rents 1 50 rents', minin. -"» ords. FOR SALE a 1.1 dim this headirigH *+???*????¦?•?¦?'?? The Hitnk of Montreal has opened a branch at Terrace, S.C, ? ? • .Mrs Coverl has moved to Mr. B. Keegan's residence on Fourth avenue, where she has opened up her stuck of ladies1 wear. ode] Stradi- vill sell for Wash hum ell for $15, |)up ill lloti I. soil for jul9,3p F V partj o coiintr> of mining i laims Utfrde men where left this week with a lor the Peace River he will survey a group \i-i-: Mill' .11. ied .i 'hull. phonograph, .ersal repro- ioti, with 30 [iply to John ling cabinet, , ialty), per i i|Uick sale : *\ u d rawers. ables, $2 50! i and double ¦ I I lu- nun iron lot ll rilay ii him a in lie ha; il Dun. .i I.and :¦' i 'ulumbiii end in.ik Honthea; i li Adams returned on Sat-,, Lhi3 roast bringing with , Gray-Dorl car for which agency. t ? * 11 .M uuro, director of the lenient Hoard of British u ,i:- in the city last week->¦ linal arrangements for Mr. und Mrs. .1. H. Johnson and little daughter, Virginia, left yesterday tor a short visit in Kdmonton. * * * The famous $4 000 theft caBe, In which a number of local Chinamen are involved, will corne up in Magistrate Daniell's court tomorrow. Mr. Stuart Henderson, of Victoria, Is up-pearinK for some of the Orientals involved. * * * KKTURNED soi,iui:kn. Feu Canadian .soldiers have seen longer service against the Hun "over there" than E. H. Hurdeu, an early day land surveyor in this district and nephew (ieor^e. of F. P. Burden of Fort Enlisting early in 1916 in the C.M.R., "Ernie" went through all the desperate battles of the early days. He received a shrapnel wound in the foot at Ypres and for a time Men's Summer Underwear at Isow-1 it appeared probable that he would lan this d settlement city." area hand Fon new bod; i lass shapi F< i i; \;. hit ni' KM N \ Size 1 r»x 111 £O< id i price * HI i»f «'. L. I'eti h'l >l •j. uml il h lluor Millie spen just n hi.I Mrs. Al. John cher al the Fort ml. left Sunday for i he holidays. eived all kinds Sweaters, ungest son of jon, arrived in lagon, I.I.I. Mr: All \il.iln i urdayj i with Gei Johnso i a visit owing irge, H i are nvvr the Adams. '.vpected 2tp Uronze i Ad I'" ill ill land. s reopened mi Snturda best in the in In- shown he Dream-last. The film world at the good iaiiil. cli in, nirai el ion per ; Hoys' overall and Sliirts at lzow-i sk\ ¦<¦ t laxton i.i'Mi'.i:i: FOR s \ FOR SALE one Leith Bros. G ks for use Aleza Lak V: set of logging ole road. Ai>-Prince George. in Phyf Special mill ly dan ee of the Fort il IH' co in in i ittee will he held hall on Friday. July 18th. ft oft s art' beinjj; made to of a gooi 1 crowd at this FOR SALE- I! wagon, in good iu; 50, 2S 11.. LAM) I-'OK SAI.I. miles east i>f town, , Also Itsn ..i U2U ii< i' 1 own, near BliU'ku at. I>«-i- acre, Apply j, . U eorge. roii sai.i;. Hansard Lakr s., Limits; ready I'm lier in gontl ( Prince George, If.t •h Sti: 'ion. leba ker Phone 3tp as the new piano is expected mi hand, and of course, every -I! waul to hear it 140 acres, foui *(>.."><i per acre. \'l miles liimi mad, at $6.50 A. Shearer, Fort II ill LEASE, the Mill and Timber i iiit-ss and linn-It. <i. \\ illiani>. uW-tf Tr Tube' Hall ¦ad Tires, $22.75; j; Gasoline, 4."ic Inner Ed. sky's. * . ? . ? A meeting of the G.W.V.A. Women's Auxiliary will be, held on Tuesday, July L'L'nd. * ? * The publicity member of the G.W. V.A. has no report from last meeting. * * ? Dick Corless, the furniture man, has taken the agency for Chevrolet. Dodge, Hudson, Chalmers and Cadillac cars and Republic trucks. * ? ? C. P, Thomas, Stony Beach, Sask., is spending a few days in the city. He has recently become interested in land south of the city and expects soon to become a permanent resident. * * * The Women's Hospital Auxiliary meets tomorrow (Thursday) evening in the council chamber. All members are urgently requested to attend. * * » Don't forget that you always get a good bargain at Izowsky's. * * * Jack Wilson and Miss Judy Wilson left Saturday by steamer H.X. for iSoda ('reek, from which point they will make a bicycling tour of the Okanagan, later going to Vancouver where they will attend the University of British Columbia. The deal for the Hudson's Hay j property at Quesnel has been com-I pleted and the new owners are now 1 in possession. The Allison Drug Co. | has the corner store property on Front street. E. J. Avison has the lawn section behind the store. Miss Thompson secures the portion the house occupies. The next 25 feet is to be left vacant as a fire break. A. J. Klliott gets o? feet, and the balance to the corner of Reid street goes to D. H. Kelly^of the Royal Bank. l'arber Towels at Izowsky's. Ladies' Overalls at Izowsky's. and Silk Waists IK YOU WANT TO SELL your homestead or, acreage, list with the Reliance. We can get you a purchaser. .Bon. 39. WANTED. tin s work Ex-Citizen WANTED—Boy of lti on a farm near Prince Geur perieuced with stock. Apply office. WANTED—Will pay ca*h for Ford automobile, either runabout or flve-passenger. Apply Citizen office, tf WANTED—Woman to do dressmaking and repair work. Appl) F. B. Tapley, phone 27, 1! rings. WANTED.- Saw Mill Concern. Our client will purchase either a going concern, complete with timber limit, mill and equipment, or is open to buy timber limit anything up to hundred million feet. Let us know what you have to offer, Whyte & Company, Limited, Business Brokers, JiMmonton, Alberta. MODERN LOST. DENTISTRY Dr. K. B. Casselman, of Prince George, will return from Burns Lake, July 12th. Make Your Appointments Accordingly. Dr. K. B. CASSELMAN Oppotit* C.T.P. Telegraph Of fie* GEORGE STREET LOST- Two goats (djoea) one fawn, one white—four-legged. Reward. Box 93, Kort George Post-office. :',tlJ Dance K'lTTK-KlKKK HALL, FRIDAY NIGHT, (JULY 11th) Funds t<> Im» used for Hie purchase oi instruments for the establishment of an eight-piece Gibson orchestra for IVince George, Citizens! Remember that you have one of the finest Motion Picture Theatres in Central British Columbia. A. House that would do justice to Vancouver, Winnipeg, or any other city. It is now open with the best line of Pictures to be had, accompanied with good music at popular prices. Ladies1 Auxiliary «»f the G.W.V.A. will furnish supper General Admission - •"() Cents Dancing at 9 sharp. MATERNITY AM) iUHDICAL HOSPITAL KiKhtli Avenue, Close to City Hall. Massage and Manicure. Hours, 1 to 2 und G to 8, or liy appointment. MISS F. M. MAlTNDHEIiL. Matron. A CREDIT Vi> VOIP. OITV— HI.I.P is KEEP IT SO—AND PATRONIZE ¦ THE - Princess Theatre so.mio coming Attractions— NAZIMOVA .................................................... in "TOYS OF FATK" JANE COWL.................................... <n "SPREADING DAWN' MAE MARSH ........................................ ii. "SUNSHINE ALLKY' MARY PIOKFORD................................. in "DADDY LONG LKGH' Also CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDIES. You will always sec a good show at the PIPINCKKS THEATRE. lose the member. Good surgical n'ork was responsible for the almost complete restoration of the injury and he was transferred to the Hying corps. When the armistice was signed he had practically completed tin' course of aerial training und was ready for his commission. Mr. Burden has resumed his profession of land surveyor and is at present employed by the Dominion government in ihr Hazelton district. \nothor early resident of this dls-tricl returning from overseas this \wik is George Roussell, lute poHt-master and merchant of Dewey, He hit here in 1!H6 and saw considerable active service and after the ar-niistiee was signed vfSs with the Can-adian army of occupation in Germany, He is returning to Dewey to iv ume business, COME ONE, COME ALL! Hig1 picnic on C.onnaught Park Hill July 16th. Everybody welcome. Uring lunches and happy spirits. A good time promised. Don't forget — Jul> lilth, from noon on on Con-naught Hill. HONOR ROLL. 'Omitted from South Fort Cieorge liiml Report.) Proficiency- -Div.2, l{oris Moore. Deportment—Div. 2, Ellen Kinney. Regularity and Punctuality—Div. liUkie Moore. CIRCUS HER!E MONDAY. You cannot afford to miss the holiday offered by Col. Geo. W. Hall's Trained Wild Animal Railroad Show. The amusement loving public is fickle, but never for an instant does it lose its f.'uth in. the blare of the band, the clashing of cymbals, the shrill piping of fifes, the roar of the linns, tin rumble of the heavy-loaded n'li wagons, the smell of sawdust ru! 1 lie siiout of merry oH clowns. Performance 2 p.m. Doors to menagerie opin one hour earlier. According to a notice appearing 11 the B. C. Gazeette, the open season for bear for a period of four years rom April 1st, 1916, has been res-•inded as of the 1st of July, 11»19. and a close season established for his and next month. During this lose season it is unlawful to kill or rap bear in any part of the province. ST. MICHAEL'S AND ALL ANGELS'! CHURCH Millar Section. First, third and fifth Sundays, Holy j Communion at 8:30 am. Every Sunday— Bible- Class 10:30 a.m. Morning Service 11 a.m. Sunday School 3 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. THE PKESBVTERIAN CHURCH 11 a.m. Service at Foit George. 12-15 p.m. S.S. at Fort George. 7:30 p.m., Song Service at Fort eorge. 3 p.m. iS.S. at Prince George. 7-30 p.m. Service at Prince George. me and worship with us. Minister: Rev. Wm. Graham, M.A. WATER NOTICE. Diversion and Uae. Take Notice that Canadian Northern Railway, whose address is 817 Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a licence to take and use 80,000 imperial gallons per day of water out of an unknown stream which flows north and drains into FTaser River about Mile 27, B.C., west of Yellow Summit. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 900 feet from centre line of Canadian Northern Railway on S.E. quarter Lot 5662, and will be used for water tank purposes upon the subdivided Crown land described as S.E. quarter Lot 5662. This notice was posted on the ground on the 17th day of May, 1919. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act, l!(14," will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince George. Objections to the application may be filed with the aaid Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local neuvs^ paper. The date of the first appearance of this notice is 25th June, 1919. Cunudtan Northern Ruilwuy, Applicant. My S. Morrison, Agent. Try an Ad. In the Want Columns New Dry Good s Sport Stripes and O-e^c. HEAVY SILK POPLINS, iimny colors- „,,, ,„.,. ., "$8'»8 Ni m»w ...................................... "' ¦>~"<t lll»> 12.88. CHILDREN'S MIDDIES LADIES' MIDDIES ... 5«h| WHITE DRESS MUSLINS, SBLF CHECKM AND HTHli>V° l2<BI1 — »c ^ anl. NEW (M)ODS OP ALL kinds. ------—-^ McArthur Mercantile Co, Gtmvrm Q Fi eorge (First door ninth ,,i th D irst door ninth ,,i r} • _ the Drug storej Prince G DREAMLANn \ TimpU of the SiUnl Drama^U + Paramount and Artcraft Pictures Shown Here Exclusively. TONIOHT AND THURSDAY— GERALDINE FARRAR in the siv-lj.-.i Laskj h>at,,M "THE DEVIL HTONE" In ilw role of Martha Manot, Miss I'aimi's Interprvtjdion reach HUbUnie lu'iRhtN of artistry. She is ably Niip|M>rteil l>j ;l [Kiwepfni cast including Wallace Reid, Tully Marshall and Hi.bnrt |{nsnorth —Comedy— "Colonel lleeyjt Liar Captures \illi." I'KIDAV AND S1TI HIl.W- WALLACE IC*:i|) in "LESS THAN KIN" Always (.uimI Conioily. DREAMLAND Admission - - 25c W\Children You Pay War Tax - ¦ 15c MARK Rattenbury Lands LIMITED Head Land Office - - TKLKWA. 500,000 Acres LOCATED IN Bulkley Valley Fort Stuart Lake Ooka Lake Anaham Lake /fNaas River ICTS $8 to $12 per acre Kasy 'J'kijms Prince George Real Estate Co. Local Agents - , - — Prince George Agents for North Const Lands.