I'RIXCE GEORGE CITIZEN MONDAY AND TUESDAY— Our Mary Pickford in - "The Hoodlum" Bigger than "Daddy Long Legs. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY— Elsie Ferguson "A Doll's House" Comedy--"Ladies First A Mack Sennett Admission Sot-Children 1. I.KITH BROS. HARDWARE. Outisde - That's where the first >warni of Piles will be it your doors art; screenful. 1 —Wo have -, Screen Doors 1 In tw odesigns and thr.ee sizes: I 2-CxG-O. 2-8x6-8; 3x7. Prices from $3.95 to $6.26. Fourteen Inches high. 18 to 28 li-inch extension i 05c. -1' to, 3'6 Vi-inch extension 7.V. 24 to 4 o'/a-Inch extension 80c. Cooking with Oil Is Economical and Pleasant \ —An Intense flame, ready in :i moment. Serves yon as long as you wish. Fuel consump- tion ceases when your cooking or baking is finished. No fuss with fire-lighting. No lost time. No waste of fuel. You will be delighted with a Florence Oil Burning Stove —It will make your housework lighter. The price is modest— Two-Burner .......... $20.50 Three-Burner ........ $25.75 Oven ...................... $0.05 We will be glad to demonstrate the good qualities of these stoves. —We have a huge stock , of Household and other Hard- ware. Come In and see us. jjm^^-Qu^oi-Towu People Write ¦j^^jgmenu. \W will Leith Bros. HARDWARE. Our -ig New Store,¦ Corner fJeorge nn. McLANE'S Auto. Service of tho Citj <>r I'linc-George. TINDER Section 1, the tax per annum for male dogs is two dollars, and female dogs, five dollars, Under Section 3, on tax being paid the person paying same shall receive a dog license tag, which tag shall be securely fastened to a collar on the dogV^neck for which the tax has been patil,. After th>^.7th of May, 1920, any dog found without collar and tag will be lmpountled^under Bylaw No. 9. Section 5, and the owner punished under Bylaw No. 6, Sectional'. Dog tags may be had any morning from 10 to 12 at the Chief c^ttn-stable's office, city Hall. Jl A. STEWART, ap30,2< chief Constable. \\\>< any place at any tirne Dnv Phone 95 One Ring Xight Phone 69lTwo Rings Prince George Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors and Embalrhera (Ambulance in connection) Agents fop Monuments and Tomb JBtones Phone 97-2 rings KORT CKOFIOE LAND DISTRICT. District of Cariboo. 'PAKE NOTICE that Charles Sleeper Edwards, ped William Henry O'Dell, agent, of Prlnej George, B.C., farmer, intends to app.ly for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing :.t a pos, planted 80 chains west of the N.E. corner of Lot 4013, and on north line of Lot 4013, thence 40 chains north, thence 80 chains (more or less) west to ea9t shore of Summit Lake, thence 40 chains in a southerly direction along Bhore of Summit Lake, thence 80 ; chains (more or les; ) to point of ' commencement. Charles Sleeper Edwards. William Henry O'Dell, agent. March 1st, 1920. m2ti.my21 56--McKay's--56 Monday and Tuesday Specials QUAKER TOMATOES—Regular 25c tin; Sale 4 tins for........s...................-.;............ 85c V.C. CURRANTS—Regular 30c package; Sale 2 packages for.................................,.;......45c TECO PANCAKE FLOUR—Regular 20c package; Sale 3 packages tor................................. 50c EXTRA SPECIAL!—We have just received a car of Robin Hood Flour which we will sell for one week at the following prices: 241b.—Regular $1.90—Sale $1.80. 40.1b.—Regular $3.65—Sale $3.55. o.81b.~Regular $7.^5—Sale $7.00. 56-McKay's--56 ? LOCAL AND PERSONAL. ? t + M >f I + I + H . ?f + > Sheriff K S. Potor.s returned l'roni \u business visit n> IXnuach Valley this I iveok. Tin' Oddfellows will parade to ehurch on Sundny evening, mooting at Hie Oddfellows" Hall at 6:45, from ! ; where they will procood to church. Mr. X. Duucan, formerly manager : pf the Union Hank here, has been [transferred from the management of ! the Nelson branch and is now niana- , i ger at Reglna, Slask. TIip Church of England bazaar, j ; held In the Rltts-Kifer Hall on Satur- j day last drew a lar^o attendance and j w;is ii marked success financially and j ' us a social event. A considerable i sum w;is realized. All nutomobile owners, past, pros- , .•ni dnd prospective, are requested to \ attend a meeting at ih<> Prince Uworgo Hotel on Tuesday, May 4th, al 8 p.m. to discuss the formation of ;i liiciil Automobile Club. After an extended business trip to Eastern Canada Mr, S. gj. Magoffiu returned this week to Prince George. ' Mr. Magoffin visited Ottawa. Mon-ir..i! and other points, and left again 1 for Prince Rupert on the westbound ' after a brief stay Here. Mr. Angus Sherwood, who is shortly going into Findlay Forks for Mr. j K Cornwall's Northern Trading Company, arrived this week from the ] oasl with Ins bride, who served with the Harvard girls in France on hospital duty. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood will go Into the Peace River country together to open the now post far! the well-known trading company. Regarding the advertisement in i those columns today by the Indlau , Department, we are advised by the Indian Agent that there are on tho j Fort. George Reserve several work j horses and milk cows which are class-ed as •Reserve capital Improvements' and same cannot loyally bo sold by 1 individual Indians. Intending pur-1 chasers .should, therefore, exerclso | carp when buying stock from In- ! dians of the Fort George band. Seasonable Goods ITEMS YOU WANT NOW—AND PRICES THat Boys' !>ib Overalls, 2 to 7 years.....$1.25, Si j- , 5 Boys' Full Wash Play Suits, 2 to 7 years .... New Line Ladies' Dresses..........$1.75, $2,00 j019? New Line of Ladies' Shirt Waists of All Kinds in Voile and Silk in Voile and Silk. Dress Ginghams......................joe and 45c vard Wash Silks, 36-inch, many colors . . . ,$1.25, $1 .).., >] -,.'' New Summer Underwear for Ladies and Children - Ladies' Wash Skirts. Infants' Jackets, Bootees and Caps. New Line of Dress Buttons and Trimmings I fosiery of All Kinds. Me Arthur Mercantile Co, George Street Prince George Just Arrived A NICE SHIPMENT OF LADIES' RAINCOATS, AND CHILDREN'S COAT SWEATERS JUST ARRIVED—Call in and try these on- D K Y s J. Izowsky GKOKGE STKKET .\h William Fraser, who before the war was for some years in the ¦ inploy of the Fort George Lumber & Navigation Company, arrived in town thiij week from the coast to represent the B.C. Express Company as agent at Soda Creek. Mr. Fraser's experience in the war was very distressing" [If! left here with the G7th Battalion and was badly gassed at Passchen-daele on November on November 17th, 1917. Since then he has been in the military hospitals until a short thai' ago. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. hivery Sunday. 11 a.m., service at Fort George. 1-2:15 p.m., S.S. at Fort George. :? p.~rn.^S.i>. at Prince George 7:30 p/m.^service Prince George. Visitors made, welcome. Minister, Wm. Graham, M.A. ST. MK'IIAKL AND ALL ANGELS1 CHURCH. Millar Section. Services Every Sunday. Holy Communion, 8:30. Matins and Holy Communion. 11 a.m. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Evening Prayer. 7:30 p.m. PEACE RIVER LAND DISTRICT. District of Cariboo. rPAKB NOTICE that A. R. Harrow, of Pouoe Coupe, B.C., land surveyor, as agent for Anton PhilllpH,: of Metchoslu, B.C., farmer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted 15; chains west and 4 4 chains north of the northwest corner of Lot 283,i thence south 55 chains, thence west 34 chains, to the northeast corner of Lot 284, thence west fi chains along the north boundary of Lot 284, thence north 55 chains, thence east 40 chains to the point of commencement, contains 220 acres. A. R. BARROW. Agent for Anton Phillips. April 6, 19 20. ap30,ju!8 Hughes & Drake Ladies* and Children's Outfitters and General Dry Goods Phone 55. I long. 2 short- New Millinery -Novelty Sailor Hat.s in white, navy and black. Also Children's Hats'for early Summer wear ffhltn navy, brown and old rose. Rain Coats -Showerproof/ Coats iu Tweed. Cravonette and Novelt> i lorh Leatherette Auto Coats. House Dresses -Made of fino quality Chambray and Gingham, also I'crcule Morning and IJungalow .styles in quite an attractive variPtJ with white collar*, cuffs, belts and pockets. Trimmings ol \pearl buttons. Colors, pink, blue, rose and tan, Si-* 44-inch. CHILDREN^ AND GIULS' WASH DRESSES. —Smart Little Tub Dresses, for 2 to 6 years, in Gingham, Cham-bray, Crepe. Pink, blue and tan with dainty pockets. ¦ ";-and belts. —-DISTINCTIVE STYLES fofr Gliis 8 to 14 years, in Chambray. Pongee and large plaid Gingham, trmmed white with !'¦''"' leather belt. —CHILDREN'S ROMPERS, made of good quality Wash Material —WHITE DRILL MIDDY WAIS1K all sizes, trimmed navj blue Hughes & Drake Third Avenue, Prince George TRADE w-ft "fc"*)f ^ MARK +++++++++++++++?++++++++?+ Children .................... 15 Cents. Admission ................ 40 Cents. WE PAY WAR TAX. Open 7. I'lrtmrs 7:15 ftllli tt. Peggy Hyland MONDAY, and TUESDAY In tlie Special Production "The Debt of Honor' WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY A picturizatioh (*t' Robert \V. Ghambers' novel "The Dark Star" FRIDAY and SATURDAY A Fatty Arbuckle Feature