JtO GEORGE CITSEN VOL PRINCE GEOKGE, B. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 192U FIVE CENTS All the City's Money Bylaws Pass by Substantial Majority ELECTION OF MONDAY RESULTS IN APPROVAL OF '11110 MONEY BYLAWS AS DEMONSTRATED 11V THE BIG KK'lTKNs l\ FAVOR OF THRIR PASSAGE—OITV WILL OFFER T11LK DEBENTURES NO COLOR LINE IN ^DERATION OF LABOR i ii.- varloun money byluw.t present (,, itif ratepayers of the city mi omlay lam Were passed In every .,. i,> u large majcrlty only ?:: ,!,.. were polled, bui of thin nuiii ! the dissenters were Btrlklngly in , n>luttiiry i in- result of the poll for tin; liy-vvH us taken from the declaration \u Stanley L. George, returning lcor, was as I'oIIowh: Seventy-two votes wore polled in i i in- bylawB. Tin- Street Improvomenl Authorl-11(,|| Bylaw, No. 102, passed by a ujoritj of '•' votes, with one Hpoil- tin Hot: i hi- Hospital Extension Authorise-,•; Hylhw, No .104. passed by a ma :, of 45, with on* spoiled ballot. ; ii»- Waterworks Extension Auth-i.'.iik ii Hylaw, No. 106, paHsed by majority of *>T, with one spoiled \«r PROOF oi DEATH IN MANSLAUGHTER CASK Clilcr .Justic- Hunter Takes < ast-l'i»«n Jurj <»n Interesting Puint of l.utv—The A-,si/«-s Tin. saday inline befui l.i n ii III! iii i which opened •• Chief Justice witli ihe case charged with In do gTBVlOll! ha rm, W nit! i in llu-im! th Win. >r Illlllit teil Quesnel a e.hargp greement uf man Flaunt keep the peace. I that* Flanner as the ontcom Convention in Montreal, After & Stormy Session, Decided on Rqual Membership Right*. MONTREAL. Juno 10.—The Am erlcan Federation of Labor, In It annual Cbnveution hero today, wiped out the color line and warned Its af filluted International unlona that ne^.i'i/ workers must be- given full membership privileges. The Federa lion's action came at the end of u lunny session which nearly resulted in a race War between the delegate-from the southern states and negroes • n Wed and their .sympathizers. The iudiK Hunter, nation of negro delegates was arous Of Hex ed several times during the debate assault when a speaker referred to them a* bodily "nigger freight handlers," and thell objection t<. such remarks was 8UH inlned by the acting chairman, Jame* Duncan They charged thai the use hi the word ''niggflr" was a slandei 10 tlu-ir race. inst Mr. Alec e case was re. mimon assault i he attorneys T wan bound The evidence bad attacked e of a differ- ut in' Electric Light ISxtenHion An izatlon Ifylaw, No. l^S. passed i majority of 42, with four sppil-liallots. ,. School Building Authorization iw, N'o 110, passed by a major \U the debenture bylaws I in os I similar majorities h< uni involved in the passage h..... bylaws, to be raised for necessary improvements to the . {110,000. The present hond- dehtedneKs of the city is $:.':<:;.¦ and the present assessed • • .; property. $2,130,124.00. it>n these debentures ure issued •\ will have approached the i] its borrowing power, based the present assessment, but a> uvelopnient of Prince George i onfldently be anticipated to iu- ¦ very largely in the future, and . • ¦• ot the rapidly increasing pulatiou and of the railway activ- • Inch centres lie views with ence over stock and farming matters 1 lie .Manslaughter ('use. In the case of Rex vs. .1 IV \\ right uf McBride, who was chargol with ¦: an-laiijihti'i'. an Interesting point n!' law was raised by Chief lustlce Hunter. The case arose over the al-b k 'd burning of t:,ai nam-i Stuurt IJos: . at one time i waiter n local e-uu it rants, who was asleep in '.he \'.l'.ride inn at i time when '.bo nlvice asHed| caught fire. it. was alleged by th-3 pi'isecution ihat tie accuser! whiift •xicated, threw a lamp at a man led Kichurdson which had result. in the tire thai caused ihij leatn MAY UK'I ON KAJk'KK. OTTAWA, June 10, -Premier Bor. ileti iold a deleealion representing the Presbyterian General Assembly, which waited on him on Wedneadaj regarding th>- suppression of race-Mack gambling, that as the govern-in.'in had passed through Parliament everything in thi> direction which ih<' country would stand] he could not undertake to make further re commendations In this direction. Such was the report of Rev. Dr Keid to th»* concluding session of the Prpsbvteriau General Assembly. GOVERNMENT CANNOT CONTROL PAPEK EXPORTS Ottawa Fails to Make Provision For Paper* Threatened With Suspension by Shortage. OTTAWA, June 10—The Qovern tnenl has been unsucceBsful In Its efforts to secure an assurance of con tinned supplies for the Canadian newspapers now fuclng suspension owing to their inability to got newsprint, although quite prepared to pay ih>' < iiri'eni contract prices of export in foreign countries Legislation conserving tin? Canadian domestic re M nirenients of newsprint HePITlH to b« I In- only possible solution of the present crisis Two points are being emphasized hj ihe Canadian publishers: That th" rota! Canadian requirements are lasn Mi.in 1 "i per cent of tile Canadian production; and thai no favor Is be ing asked as regards the price. Canadian publishers threatened wiih suspension are ciiitiK the Inct Mnii certain individual publishers in i In- I'nited States are each receiving] from Canada almost as much newsprint us is required by all the daily newspapers of Canada put together. Proclamation Will Be Issued Today for the Validating Act AiTOlVNKV-UKXKUAL .J. \V. DJ£ B. lAKKIs WIRES MAYOR PERRY STATING THAT HATE OF PROCLAMATION Is SET FOR TODAY. I'VLKSS UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES viiisl. AUCTION SALE TRANSACTIONS WILL HE EFFE( TIVE STRIKE Is THREATENED. the defenc Mr. I' K Wil.MKi. for pleaded thai liis clien in bed for .six weet event with severe Inflammatory rheumatism, was not physically capable ot having colmnitted the act for which he had been Indicted, The deceased had procured a bottle ot whis. key in an endeavor to cure 'Aright, .mil both had become intoxtcared. In nine manner, white! Wright and Hichardson were ill the room, 'he. in this city, the] lamp had been thrown over. »ettin;.? no concern the Bre to th»r house, from which both Progress has been rapid on the re grading of Princess Avenue around the northern end of c'onnaught Park Mill. This work is Hearing comple-who had been tl°n and the yardage moved from the prio>' t( the bill Has almost entirely tilled tlir gri«utul facing the City Hall. \ strike of the lumber and camp workers in ihe mills along the (!.T.iJ. s threatened by the <). H. I., accord-tig to information given to The citi_ 'i-ii by the district organizer. It Is rlaimed that a series of ileinands sub-ii11!i'(l a month ago by the men have May ¦ •¦in ignored by all employers except »ne mill man at D.unster, These de- UK* VS. FISHER CASE STILL PROCEEDING '. Volume of Testimony on L'ltj Mali Methods—Motion to Quash in- diclineiM Is Set Aside. The case ol Kex VH, .«"isln.-i wbicii | opened before chief Justice Hunter yesterday morning was proceeding at the time of going lo press and will' not be coiupieted until tomorrow. in thin case Mr (; It Kisher, former city clerk, is indicted for not accounting for certain city funds.' The case centres about u snin of Jtil'O.lX paid to Fisher for the city by Mr. Thomas Hush The proseCuJ tion which Is conducted, together with all the other cases at the as- sizes, by Mr. Alex. Young, contends that these funds were misappropriated by the accused. 'Mayor on Stand. The defence, which Is In the hands: of Mr. Suiari Henderson and Mr \V P. Ogilvie, claims that the charge is noi sustained, and thai louse book. Keeping and incompetence are responsible for the alleged deficit The first witness on the stand was 'eriy. who testified to the duties nf the city clerk Under cross examination by Mr. Henderson, Mr lOllI 'graphic . • ('i t y II. the A Hi 18 follOW received rday laat .i which "Have bringing force .ii confirm in •lil.-il to alltiating •<• Will when p becomes effeiM l-'arrits. JVtii.n This telegram I'll it her wire \\ In Hall on VVednesd I lie I'ollo will g 11......a l'.i- 11 Pei ry: "Dote uf proclamation ing into force Prince • leoi law No. VH. Validation .1 inn- 1 I tb. !:¦ j" I W oinnieliil V' I Ititu lie latei lamat Ion I \V DeB ay (Jenerul " was followed i>> u Ii n-.nlnm! the City y. <\ bleb contatued ¦in.'..- in Mayor bring lie by Act. This ordina ry which i he city bin! fallen I preceding l op ill ions tii l>y e.nmeat <\\>- subject U ill Is rinjis tn in UUi I it It end ipi urred (red fi ami I.-Mill i'f ;¦ asl sal. mi ii the roll! [i Ictober •\tru-eillps when This down in the Legi end uf the past 60, to fiiv effect he lot- which ipality a i the sab- aftei it^ legality opinion, was made ipecial bill brought ilat lire inwards the .'¦>-iiin as Hill No tu ih'' -ale, with mauds include an 8-hour day with a Perrj admitted that Fisher was a minimum wage of $4 per day and political opponent of his. The deficit board; semi-monthly payment of! was first noticed by Mr Hutt. for the wages in cash, and the enforcement auditing firm of Kendall. Barr *;¦ Co. anltary regulations as lafcl down the Provincial Government united field o< the municipal as is evidenced by the result j oil escaped, but tho icmains ot ltos.s, who was asleep upstairs, wero found poll, In the ruins His Lordship's Prerogati .'©. chief Justice Hunter withdrew the iKiMIKJ? OLIVER REFERS Lease from the jury before the coru-T<> Pl'LP AREAS HERE pie tion of the argument. He stated' ______ j that theie was no proof thai the. Four Aeroplanes on New York to Nome Flight to Land Here in July PRINCE UEORUK A LANDING J'L.Ui: IN GH'EATEST CROSS COUNTRY FLIGHT EVER ATTEM1* Ti:i>—I Ol K 1)K H.WILA.M) MA-CHINKS EQUIPPED WITH *#0H.P. L1BK1MV ENGINES TO MAJvE FLIGHT—90O0 MILE KOl!3>—(APIAIN HOWARD DOUGLAS \im.\\<;lNC. FOR LANDI-C "j •*. •• >»NU. J i after the dismissal of Fisher No 1 propel receipt was given for the ¦ money paid by Rush, but an entry , made in a counter check book, which : never appeared in the cash hook, is the subject of conflicting contentious ! on the part of the attorneys Other Wituesses. Miss Mae Gross, assistant iu the i city clerk, gave evidence with regard ! to city hall methods. Her testimony j n ; was not shaken in cross-examination, | f and .ihe appeared lo know more than the city clerk about these methods. The city auditor, Mr. Kendall, tes. About July 9th there will arrive of :;ou yard* for fifty yards on either; t,fled |ha tbe bookB at tfae dly hal, here-~their first landing in British .side of the road, and the trees which were just a jumljle of figures, and that they had been very badly kept, Columbia—barring the hazards surround this cleared .space will be which beset loug-distauce Bights, felled for a distance of about l°0:ancj Mr Hutt of this firm, who contour of the United States Oovern-1 yards beyond this landing ground ^'l ducted the audit, followed' Mr. Ken-ment'a military aeroplanes, piloted: order that the machines may ap-l(1,(11 tIls te3timOny was severely 'Houfft John" In Speech to Canadian death of deceased was directly due hy mliitary aviators in the great j proach their limited landing ground' mutacturers* Association Re- 16 the fire. The man was iast seen' (,rob3.CL,uulry flight froiu New York j from a very low altitude. in a drunken sleep. His death might U) Nom(J Aiaska The Noitb Koute This week Captain Howard Doug-1 'After leaving here the machines j werp , ti s,. ,,v Kt,[)t Ulil Ul,, he ,,.„, " 1'""" Us arrived here from the headquar-, will fly direct to Hazelton. and from iera of the director of the American I there to Wrangel, the American port uir service to make arrangements for , on northern exremlty of an Island landing ground here Captalu j at tne mouth of the Sttklne River f'Ys to Pulp Po9slbiUtie«. Ud by President T P. Howard rd other prominent visiting uiauu-cturers, a spoutaneous and pioloug-i outburst of applause followed the nclusion of the address of welcome • Hon Johu Oliver at the Board oi rade'a luncheon to the Canadian have preceded the outbreak.-of fire. by a number of causes death at the bands of the accused had not been proven unJ Wright svas discharged cross-examined by Mr. Heuderaou, and it appeared that he had conduct- I ed the audit as though the books were correctly kep th© Irregularities certain limitations This bill was withheld from effect until the pro clatnaiiim that i-- to be issued today, according u> the advices received from the Attorney-General Kurt tier < Rejections. Information bas reached The Citizen that certain further objections from a new quarter have been forwarded to the Government this week which may defer the proclamation. but it seems unreasonable to consider that further isolated objections from individual property holders will aJJ-fect the situation now that a decision been reached at Victoria. There will lie a very general isfaction at the passage of the" final stage of this Validating Act. as the rejection of this measure would un- The Fisher case, dealt wltu In an- Douglas was tlie otticw wbo made | From Wftngel the final route Is not not Investigated very closely Motion Quashed. At the conclusion of Mi doubtedly result in chaotic conditions and would further complicate the already involved mass or' business In connection with these matters at the City Ha 11 WELL KNOWN WHITER IS IN THE CITY j Captain J. Gordon Smith. Publicity Hutta ¦.iiiillai arrangements for ih6 traus- as yet Uetermined. but it will prob-.uutmental flight from New York to ably follow the water route from testimony the defence made a motion to quaah the Indictment on grounds that the charge had not the other column, occupied the Court until the time of going to press facturers' Association convan. I 'onunenclng on Monday, the Watson j SaQ FraDClsC0 aud dack laflt October White Horse to Dawson, and from, 5U3talned His Lordship ruled, that t the Hotel Vancouver at noon| '_'ase wU1 opfcn lf. *° f nZ *-\ He uaE completed all arrangements Dawson the great final leap from the the flgurea rnaking up the deficiency for landings along the route from latter city to Nome across the wllde! snown by tne prosecution had not -May last The demonstration Driscoll case The caso of Rex Smith will probably be traversed over to the fall assizes The cases will pcgupyCbiei Justice Hunter's court all neit week VANDERIIOOP BASEBALL TEAM IS COMING ilame Is Schedul Bd »o> We. lnosday N'rvt at 4 p¦">•—First 4Jmn e «'f the S i,-HSon A 1 ele gia.....••' eh.-.l 1 i> M i Mai "hall Sal ea, secret ary of the Prince < looi v, ,, Mllletic X il ion. today, states th at ihe V anderh oof I iaseball team bar , ucccptei 1 the asMic latlon's uch ^s la seldom tendered to a ic speakoi and bore eloquent niony to the appreciation ur tue in manufacturers for the :ittj ot tue reception-given them epreaentatlvea of the province i ity >'la'iiliig lua Bpeech the Premier 'i that the tremendous ppssiblll •i this province's resources could • dwelt upon In a few moments poke at_Boniu length upon the ol manufacturing industries to lop iaw material now being' "d away from the province, and • Hi in-,i upon *? he iron rosourcesf! ¦lie sugar l»pet industry. For l»a|)Cf Mills. "" In the Ka«t, and ull over the •iit are suffering from a short- 11 paper," he Bald. In British nibfii we have millions of acres '¦"¦Ih'g pulp wood." Then the ter took the audience on a "trip" >Rh-.the interior. In plcluresquw iwiBe that stirred \v\* auditors hi* "' the opportunities for the es. ¦liineni of paper mills at Ques-l »f t.he mills, and in fact New York to Prince George, aud left of Alaska will be made This route; been eKpialnc.d and that lhe case on the train Wednesday night for! will perhaps run over circle. acro9s llazclton. where the next landing the Yukon River and just south of be airangeJ ioi the mach- place ifier A 4500-Mlie Route. The air route, from New VoiK to Nome will cover a distance of about 4500 miles on the course projected iiv iti>- American fliers The much iih-^ will probably follow a direct bombing and phol route from New York through 1'enn- .-,ance work. Th H.vlvanla, Michigan, Wlscpnsi.n, Minnesota and North Dakota, entering Canada at North Portal, south o( Reglna^ The return journej will, bettlea to Nome The Machines. The machines that aie being em ployed in this flight are of the De Havlland ^H type TheBe machines, during the war; came into extensive use early In 19K Tot long-distance graphic Teconnals i ar<- fust, gieadi machines and theii usefulness In the Allied forces was n great factor In the wonderful execution accomplished by the air service They were de-] invitation to play ihe city leatn Oil Wednesday next. The gnme is called for i p.m .and Hi,, local ball team expects il large attendance of Prince GeorBC fans to ultness the tirst ftxt.uro iii their cal-iMidnr. It is hoped that r-veryhrtdy will i urn "in f"1' ¦'"' occasion IIK.HK.n PORTAL RATIOS. OTTAWA. en1 t<» the P the House it was roriuirod was the ma- >FFJCE AT WOODPEC^HJR. striving ..for four years, the in the vicinity of Woodpecker .mile 10 An aineiKl-jstoffice Act introduced by the Government, in the regis- fee Oil loiters and Other matter passing through the mails, from 5 to 10 cents. The rate o> postage on newspapers and periodicals primed and published In Canada sued al intervals of lea month is Increased from two cents per pound i thereof. and Is-than one ,• cent to fraction therefore, include a distance of miles. From North Portal the course will veer northward to Edmonton Kiom Rrtmonton through the mountains the route Will follow the line of I be Ci T.P. ill a rough direction The Mi^hi from Edmonton lo Prince (JPOI'KO will be broken by a landing place al .lasper. In the heart of the Kooky Mountains, where a landing place has .'been arranged by Captain I.e Itoyer, uf the Canadian Air Board, who has been detn'led by Ottawa to accompany Captain Douglas and as->i>.i him in every possible way in making? his arrangements. Captain i.e Woyet remained at Jasper to arrange for n landing ground there, t)ml Captain Douglas rejoined him mi Wednesday night's train. They | race. will proceed together as far as Daw- mannei if lh. Rovul 1 signed by an off I ¦ Plying Corps. The present models are equipped with 400 h.p Liberty engines, and I hey will carry about 150 gallons of gasoline. The pilots Will be chosen from nmotvgst the American military air pilots for their experience In the air and knowledge of the machines, in case any repairs are necessary on the route There will be two pilots In each machine, and amongst the number are officers who have already carried out successful long-dlstnnce tliKhts ¦ While lliU \ol a Race. ||,,> verdict i must proceed Mr. HA Carn»-> then took the stand and wui under examination at £he tune the court adjourned Kl'HTHluR 'A;AUE DEMANDS US BRITISH MINERS Roneni Smlllei, of Uritlsh Miners K^deration, Confers I'pon Pro« l»osi'«l Wage Increase^ LONDON, .luiie in Under the presidency of Robert Sniille, the Miners' Federation held a conference in Memorial Hull today and decided to formulate a demand fur an increase in wages as a share iii the increase in the price of coal. The federation also adopted a resolution pro testing against military domination in Ireland, and instructed Its Parliamentary committee to summon a special conference of t ratios unions Man of Lands Department. Here on Publicity Mission One of the province's «'ell known writers vl3lted this city this week In the person of Mi I Gouion Smith, who hus ctiargf of the publicity in connection with tue provincial Department of Lands, und wno la now preparing u booklt-t on Northern and Central British Golilmbia for the gov-einnvent He has been ->t Prince Rupert¦¦foi -cine time and h*z cpent period-: i tween thi way here For ve.u- i tori.i Colon!; t well known <¦ tie act*ed a: :-i the London \l tti<.' point ming country iA H.izc-itou on ted « it ti (ti>- \ Goi don Smith ii-h rolumba ¦ hilt II.i III Jlipjl loll. I'ii- f tiU i and . llliliM II .mil -I»..ikU-ii I uf Hi V'lc elal in to deal wiih handling of and' Poland. the pr in unit inn duction and for land I ISIIKK NOT (HILTY. ssuc is • the I'isli pint; "r cas "The The flight." said Captain DoVlglaa hande 1"i0 miles from Northern Asia,' h" remarked, in order to illustrate ihe men WilS down. (liief .lustier Hun-tci's clwii'ne Indicate! the stupidity and Incompetence of the nccu.sed, which did not indicate fll.sl)O!lCSt,V, After'retiring; for h few inolnoiits th<' jury broHRlM in « verdlcl of "Not <;uil«y." The chief Justice .«.tat«Nl that rinhei' IukI only himself to blame f°r the position in winch he had been placed, hikI Indicated Mum liis i'olea8e I .-,l Press When the wa '¦ (iordon SmItli I i i li.i t rt hlch I'-' l« i joineil i he T -'nil 1 i n i iM'i'iiii nit-'. I hi lie com mantled .i ri ; 1 I :: i.t. but on reach ¦¦ i',.\•i.rled to I In- rani in order to retich Hi This is f'aptain ! fir's I vimi io Prince i 'i i i lie remarked '> statil i:il grow ih a nil ! t his cit v since hi- in bell- In- spent some it- the parposc . the gqverunii mi i rv oke out i 'aptul.n similar work to perfoi mlng and liattuUi mill ii comp lati im lOngliind Jn-- uf Lieutenaul • front qulck'l> fjordon Smith's Gl'ftl'gH sillCi- upon the suii leyel'opment of -i visit. While time securing nf bringing up nt bulletins on i iii - \(> AIM'OIN I'MKVI N'i> appoint men f for the position < The municipality plications from n Wednesday I 3^ miles south of the city, on j ed trom Quesnel isar, have secured a pbstoffice| morniiiK. bringing up a number "ill he opened immediately, passengers amongBt whom was ( with ndian Battalion, has. been ap.| the sQUt$> on Thursd postmaster. cnrg« flight will assist in the explov rry and Captain J, B. Danlell, of Hfion of a countiy very difficult of j froni tills jVivfltion wa« largely a tti'lb-of the Royal Air Force, visited this] aocesa, and aerial photographs which u(ja>le lo the Investigation work .on of Krouhd and airangfements were made will be taken along the route through Ul<> lH,(tliH which had been carried Alaska ami other places of which oll< |,v ^|r. Cnrney, who was mayor little is knovtn jWill assist in the;nf ,|lo Pjfv durtnc his i tenure of (Continued on page 10.) ilear ¦ o-way landing Rround for the machines on this spot. The ground will be cleared for a distance' of ,j,e rj(v durtng office. 'liis yet been made city clerk here has received ap-large number of qualified men. some of whom have lind a long municipal experience. At ;i rather stormy meeting of the city council held last night, criticisms were passed over the council tuhlo relative to ihe latest developments the Validating Art matter. in