PRINCE GEORGE mi n». PRINCE GEORGE. B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1920. K1YK CENTS Bassoff, the Bandit Leader Captured Near Bellevue OGLE ARRK8TRD AT QUE8NBL ON SATURDAY Acetified Mn|.i,-r.T of Thomas d.mI.1 Submits Quietly to Ajrrest by Senior Count. (Jreenwood. <>1.I> MK\ WORK ON POLISH COMMUNICATIONS I Men and »<»>> ou l.iuos of Polish ( iimmunii :iiions—Women Act mn Courier*. llESPl ' HI I1 ! VIM) WHO SHOT OFFICKKS I SHICK ,\.M> IIAILLIK AT , i \ 11: < \i'Tii:i:i> o\ wkdm:si)av night through c. LUCES coNFKssiox OF tils GUILT. auk 12.—Bason, thei BKTTKW HOUSING COMMITTEE who last Saturday shot SlJET Monday EVENING : and Haillie at Helle------___ uplured last night 'JT Other] Applications Will be Accepted .,: that place ami waa Shortly—More Detail Is . hhridge jail where he! Wanted. rtith murder He haa, ,(j confession oi his part: A meeting ol the Better Housing 1 Committee" war. held in the City Hall of C.P.R HiCi Munda) evening, Mayor F.-ry, Alder mmiu^id la responsible!111811 HalM d"a Marshall Sales, re- , . I rpture rhe des-1 i"'*"-'-"1"^ »»* Q W V A. being pies •,,,,..,, Lbrough a cordon! fntl The Rowing applications for A . ,,; tw6 days agb'and! !°»n Wl" read p Tnompion, $3- ,,, from the place or' ...... ' Amkinj W&00; M Caldwell, „.,,. bloodhounds were put i ;...... K ! Saunters, 13000; A. „, Wednesday Ham {J^llJii- *•-•"'•¦ A McB. toung. .... oh the track and r:r'"u- and ' M McLean. J3600. lu Four officers half Jhl »PP«««««»n« of p C. Saundera made the capture < and J Altu" *ere a«epted, the ire after" (.aid "!lllM~ '"-•»"Ł '"'K1 I>JI » i'ttie more _,' ' . detail. ,iteui) :!raiLANS ARE CHANOED ' ' aia8azine FOR PEACE ftlVEK TRIP Tlu> arrest of Orville Ogle, the' WARSAW, Aug. 12.—Hundreds man who murdered Thomas Dodd,'of conveyances of all descriptions, effected by| tho Mud River rancher, was near Quesnel on Saturday last loaded with barbed wire and driven boys and old men are streaming Britain Shocked at French Recognition of Gen. Wrangel SHREWD DIPLOMATIC (Y>UP OF KRANCE IN REOfKSMTIOX O» OENKRAL WRANOEL FORCES B1WTISH PRKMIEH INTO Most DIFFICULT POSITION—COMMONS ItKASSKMBLKS VIOVDA1 OWING TO SKHIOl'S SITUATION. Senior Constable Greenwood of the through the Polish capital towards1 OKA NT OF (JIN'S provincial police. Th« trail of Ogle' the battle front. Mingled with them' FOU PIPINCE Include 10."Stnni P. Q. E. a letter addrqfesed to his' with rifles. All able-bodied men are iinn and Trench Mortar. Wife. Ogle succeeded In eluding the being relieved from other duties so _______ • police cordon in the Mud River dls-j thai they may be made available in1 Word was received from the War, diet, making southwest In the diree-j the tight fur the defence of Warsaw, i Trophies Department, Ottawa, that I lion of Blackwater and building a1 Wom«n are acting aa couriers. there had been allotted to this city, LONDON. Auk 1:' cially reported that Ll and 1-ZarI Curzon. secret! affair--, plan to meei P lerand at Boulogne oi discuss the ¦ II uat on . th«> French recogniiioi \\ range! o* iii»i to I!. of the h obi Ian situ It \a unoffi-oyd Qeorge rj ol foreign log raft on the Frafeer Hlver he A Paris despatch states that a one iOSmm gun, one trench mortar | George iia = postponed drifted downstream. He was arrest-! great battle i t^i hy Constable Greenwood while| Ruaso-Pollsn In progress on the aDij two machine gun? front upon which these will be forwardej working on the McDonald ranch, n mii SHOOTING ( v,L PRISONER HERE i \.,iin of Francois Laise, „ c.i ut Attempted Murder, 11, Jail Here. ... last tedward Nolan, Lake, brought here Henley to be detained Port George jail pending or charges against !:i- with intent to do . . in ai (derated In t ri»* lo-ihe above charg*- he : by Stipendiary Mag-: a) Praser Lake thai trouble has been ume time between the two >ohii« men named if hi the charge It is four .-.hots were fired, if he • by Nolan, who used u .: tin .tifair. •.•• us ¦•'! is known as a fine •r ii the Francois Lake considerable sympathy : ¦ m in this matt.-r A 'i:-ntiiil men have a\K- Ilingnesn to go bail for ¦ >'i| "i our years In the appeared as a witness igatloil alleged to !)•' liny Interests. Further ':'•¦ • ¦ ¦'ipmentB In this case to Im pending. |xHl |tt-M i, TAXES l'\i;n INTO THE PEACE I'M formpi im tbe fir !<" the Peai Utthracit, lt,_ Hi, froths r Pioneer of Ontiyil In-uliitts Party Inspecting Coal. ¦ week Mr. Neil Oeth-'•'¦ I'rince Georfee, and 1 Ihe office of mayor ii ' ampaign here, left Stiver by way of Suni-¦ party of twelve -¦ : '¦¦men. The objec-: • la the coal field on in which Mr.Oething nterested. ¦ ¦'•¦ 1906 Mr. Gethlng, the late Capt. Geo. ian officer who fell at 1 *'Us very well known here, located the coal '¦ Mouth of Piue River. ¦ ¦ baa been examined it ' •¦ a valuable semi '-• which those Interest- " SJ-tU the Pennsylvania Going bj River. !"i Summit Lake by 111 ; ai i aiigementH have -" ' iii'-Ki tu proceed ' '¦•'• ¦-¦'1. Parsnip and tioata a prominent /'¦ Party is Mr vY 8 ' ' " nine gue , who Is a - A1' Jonnson wlio dle.l "iver, was Known ,as, King," controlling '"¦ Ints^eats and •*"ik in contempiat- ' l0Pment of the Peace ; ""« iitiing carried : ¦ ilgnlflcant of '• nlng to this proa1 '¦''";'"--'s Mrr. W. a " ¦ visited this coal 1 of the pa: t> i3 brother, and his. "¦'Jin the United ' ll-"1 not Been his thirty yf-ars until '¦'¦'I'i'ig, of Vander- Vancouver tUiur.1 of Trade Will Visit Peace River \ia Edmonton and Railway. Under a.u-- of August bth, Secne-'•>' > W 1' lJa>ii*\ of the Vancouver Board of Trade, wired to .Mr. Pen-1 yvick", secretary of the local Hoarfl, stating Ihfll the Vancouver visitors to the Peace River country will not proc.....I, m> originally intended, by way of tho Summit Lake and Par-¦ niji route, down the P<*ace River, bin are coming via Prince Rupert ami l'iiii..f Georg.' to Edmonton and into the Peace by the new C.P.R. brunch line. ; Kxplalned the .Situation. Sometime ago Mr. Fenwick ^x-plained th«- situation to the members ¦ it' the Vancouver Board of Trade In .i lei ter as follows: In the first place I would point out that the trip from Summit Lake to Hudson's Hope will cost $" ">0 for thirty person:; or under that nuni-b. i The time occupied covering itii.-- pan of the Journey will be about live days A cook and 'bull' cook will be provided, but*you will hi- required to furnish provisions and equipment These can be purchased in Priji.ce George after your arrival here. I understand boats run from Hudson's Hope to Peace ftiver Crossing twice a week. The charge will be between $^Ti and $:io per head. Including meals. This part of the trip takes two days At Hudson'^ Hope yon will be able to hlr,. saddle UOlttes to rid,, over to Rocky Mountain Canyon, which, fc* ahout the only thing of interest at that point. No cars, 1 believe, are availably here. The boat, on the trly from Hudson's Hope eastward, makes several stops, the principal one bein^ at Foii St. John." The road to Summit Lake has been given the complete "once over" by the road department hero, and the' party would have been able to make excellent time over the Parsnip River" route, which would have given It a wonderful Insight Into the country to be traversed by the P.O. E., and would also have given these members some Idea of the difficulties which settlers In that country have to face today. hangs the fate uf Warsaw, according to get In tbe hay crop. I to Information reaching the French "i guess you've got me," he said! foreign office when approached by lifleenwoood.l I-atef despatches to the Echo de and he put up hie hands. Constable! Paris rroui Warsaw represent the Greenwood b. a *>ll known provln-j military situation aa Improved, and clal officer lie served in the navy, the Hole^ are foregoing relnforce-durlng the war in the motor boat pa-j meat oi tne northern army In coni trol and won the D.3O for destroy- forma* with the advice of General n.g j lierruan submarine in the North Weygand of the French mission Sea lie also served in the 16tband! The Polish army is s-aild to be equal n»3rd Battalions. | numerically to the Soviet army. The Preliminary Hearing. AI the preliminary hearing befortej <'HINF.SE GAMBLERS and shortly that Scotuna which •r lousnass ii. Kin| Magistrate Herne this morning at I tie provincial barracks, Ogle was! charged by the provincial police with, the murder of Thomas Dodd on Mon-day July 2 6th. No new evidence WERE FINFD *1OO KAISER IS VERY ILL, rhe Hague, Aug. 12.—-The former Kutser is in very bad health. He !¦'•-¦ frequent seii-urc-s umi i« »efy weak. While other reasons t>ro giveu, it is i.ii..»u iiu.i It is i.i condition which haa wiu.-f.i his sons, Os-tar :>i..i 1.11.-i i i. .i< ii, i. to come to his i>. .1-1.1. In the past r«»» «ia>.i there t.;i><- i.n'ii several consultations by physicians, l ti. . i t elebration Ends !•• Jud^e Robertson's Court. nineteenth of July proved to ery expensive day for Llm JCENSES WKlUt GRANTED TO CLUBS Lloyd Qeorge mo iei red lA.-i night 11 ..-^-ii.oies on Monda seriousness of the t jiui the b'rench gove nitiOD of General V\ I aoiitLi.-i a liussiaii ui Prance haa appare e^i Britain intu sucn Premier Lloyd Georg tend recognition or bined liotit which tt lies t.a> a hitherto pre Russia rhe at tivn, < gur.ti-ki j- a ;iiit««i i to* the purpose «ii tin tain into lu the United Stat pnn with R which * a piuituced, the testimony being be practically a repetition of that given Chung festivities at his placv cost.i-Bl iiih coroner's inquest. intf him >100, and what rasped Llm's The lirsi witness, Roberts. who soul was that he was not even there Reported the death of Dodd to th'e on that day to participate in the police, gave the same evidence as frolic thai at the inquest, as also did Dep- On in,, evening of July 19. Chief uty Inspector Parsons, Harry Dhry Sinclair, hearing loud and raucous man, Marvin Kaska, Fred Dhryman and Fred Klnzle, who was the witness called before the court iouriied at noon to hold session again at ^:;>0 this afternoon. lloy Witness Weeps. iiimult issuing from the home of last Llm Chung, walked in, much to tho adv astonishment of about eighteen Celestials who were there busily play-Ing fan tan, nix kum arous and other Chinese gambling games. Sinclair Harry Dhryman. the 13-tyear-old pinched the entire party. Hills and hoy who saw Ogle kneeling at the silver were heaped on the table, and side of the dead man when he. with there was a wild scramble to grab Marvin Kaska. came upon him, the money, but the chief was there broke down and cried when Inspec- first and copped the prize. Ono tor Parsons asked him if that was - agile Celestial grabbed his roll and Ogle" in the prisoner's dock, and if attempted to make a flying exit that was the man he saw kneeling through the window, but the chief .it the dead man's side when he came pot him In midair, tapping,him on upon them. The boy in answering tho cranium with his night stick, "yes" broke down and sobbed as ha and It suddenly became dark, black cam a frightened glance at the Egyptian night for the Chinaman, prisoner. Inspector parsons conn, who woke up later after having been forted the boy and he was himself attended to by nlnd friends, again in a few moments. Lira Chung all this time was ab- \ll through the examination of sent being far away up the line, nut . ~ " the witnesses Ogle sat apparently it was found that Llm knew of these calm and collected, hut evinced a little festivals at his house, in fact keen interest in all that was going encouraged them—-for a consider- .. . < . . .. on. He watched every move of the j ution—and in the County Court on two boys, Harry Dhryman and Mar- Tuesday morning Judge Robertson vin Kaska. as they were giving tes-j lined him $100. tlmony. and when little Harry was Llm paid, asked if he thought Dodd was dead j —;-----------1-----------¦ And Stella Hacker Will sell Ne&«-Boer—Information on dobs. The i'U>• council inei Tuesday evening with a full council board, the following being present: Mayor Perry, Aldermen Wimbles, Balrd, Keegan, McMillan and Livingstone. A large amount of routine business was gone through and accounts were passed to th.' amount of $3207.14. Applications I'rom five clubs for licenses to do business bore was granted, two of those clubs basing Chinese. Application for a near beer license wan also granted to Stella Hacker. When tbe club licenses came up, Aid. Keegdn asked for information in regard to these institutions. Ilu wanted to know if they wore being run in a proper manner. Chi.1!' Sinclair, who on or»r the Kr :i- aa shod; to ofl ii u 10 «H eqinMltl cognltUi I! i:\TS- I,AST CHAN't'K TO I'W UtHKAHS th.'lr ii.-r am Im.- >nr« ¦< in arrear ght will have to gel ami pay I h«>i r accounts ii theiir lifchi will l»e dipconnected and the water shin off. Cltj Clerk Tate has cast-iron instructions to *htlt off lighl and \\;itcr ;it once .>t Lhone \yho iir ¦ in arrears, and ihl in th»» last warning that will he *rl\en hoWskk >ii:i:ii\(; AT im:i\ci:ss on Monday question was also given considerable attention It was con-to get a supply of In early, as it was understood not only the freight rates wer"e k*>- (.lei of (ipposiiion House Will Addre On Monday niclij Bowser will add res: the Princess th Provincial M«>etln« \v jllK ing up Imii that there was a possi-, Aveiut hillty of there being a coal shortage Bowse i public meet-riieaii*'. Third upon t he public issues Mr 'oines here direct from i h>* when he came upon him, a smile! tured Ogle. Dr. Ewert, who wa.s to came over Ogle'H face, I Kive expert medical testimony, Is out Photographs in Evidence. of town, and after bearing the above Inspector Parsons had photo- three witnesses the hearing will b-e graphs and maps of the scene of the adjourned until the doctor returns, crime and these were of a very comprehensive nature and complete. Other witnesses to be called this untry nfternoon are R. ( orless, who brought the body to the city, Mrs. Dodd, wife of the murdered man. The city clerk had been Instructed peace RIv to write various coal companies for |,,.,.,, looking Into the prices. ThM he had done and had an,| other problems i received replies. A. F. Green, local tiers in the grain c coal dealer, also wrote the council n,m johti Oliver Pi tendering prices for coal, and It was province was also h found on comparing prices that Rivef, and the rival i . Green's tender was lowest, and he „„ n,,.,,, „,, ,),,, mihlii 5 provincial constables, as thev , . . ' "•' lllMt '"' '"' l"""" ' ( was accordinglv awarded the con taking no chances of any The prisoner Ogle whil-p In box 1« being carefully guarded thri aje the by; t rict Toward event happening. The accused Is being defended by; sAI) HKTTLKKS AIUC and Constable Greenwood, who cap- Mr. P. E. Wilson. <;VPl»Kn BY GYPSIES Flye rs Left Here at 8.40 and Landed at Hazelton 12.15 Today linnri of Gyppfeti \< tus.mI of i.ij;lit- Work Along the. Road. The >lov- . hall PLIGHT ItFSUMlcn FHOM HKHK TOI>AY—MACHINES TAKE WKLI/—EXPEDITION I\ HIGH SPIRITS—AVERAGED <>«» MILES PER HOUR. After eiffactlng «xc-pllent repairs on Captain Street's machine, following In-, crash when he lauded here In a driving rain and thunder otoCiu on AiMinUv. Lnd lust., and after subae-quen| dalay In securing a landing ground at llazelton, when Captain Street condemned us Impossible the • it,, selected there, the whole expedi left the ground b.ei)b this morning al 8 4ii ami landed at Ha/eltou at 12 li» i'he repairs to Captain Street's machine were executed by local men ,i,,i iin1 flyers Btatfi that this work wn? done us well an If executed by expert aeroplane vvo(k W done mechanics. This bv A. P. Andersen, C alnqialr an'd lloiightallng and il Qwilig io reports of the Hip llu'i'llou Held and the dilYI lti" oi' approaohes there, Captain tef'i win! on in advance by train It took the combined diplomacy-OFF of the provincial and thx- city police AfUH'T to move a band of gypsleB out "' the olty last week. The band arrived ' here from Quesnel and u 11 through Master ElectKiclanl thplr route lUH Bypsles, It is alleged, tuuk everything that remained" loose .iivniiiii the comniunltles in which they visited. Word reached heie toi great the order oft !je'tr('n them for stolen articles, bui *i a ali that was founu was s beaver aklti i i> vvhlcn was confiacated by the provln clal police and the Owner haled Into courtf wnore be \*aa lined the 'jutn of 11 m by Magiistrate Herne for con lion of the! Game Vet. It was then gently Intimated to them that a. forward movement on their part A prominent visitor here is \li-;nes c i.aut. the well ktiom writer, whose work is famlliai L'anadianu through the columns > i lie Saturday lOvenlhg i'o.ii,' "M( MnBH/.ine,......Poronto Satm Kirkpatrk'k and .1. E, KngLJsh taxied to tbe north end oi the Held and took off down tbe road In excellent manner'.' The machines followea In No 3 machine, with Lieut. Q tl. Cjtiiiiiine in the pilot's seat and Seifjt. Long u.n observer; No. 2 machine with Lieut Clifford C. Nutt in command, with Lieut. Eric Nelson, engineering officer of the-fllgbt, as lraVt'" ih.-iver 'the last to leave the I m ila> Night" and oil join nala M l-.i I .aul Id" ou Iht nips of exploration 31 promT ground, following service regula- (Ions, was Cant. St. Clalr, Street,! away from this olty. would be great- tiaveller auu a \ ¦ raatlle writ.i i i,, objet i .M \i>: b i. i «-nt Hii British i . luinbl ed rt n Ii iHttii e iuui na pi i .- and .i 3 in- Is * e pit) ied with die i ut ui I-id id, Miitisri i olunibid development, it is fell Rill pfofil bj iictf fatu « hen and wherei ei t he) Iy appreciated. They took the advice, and left for d kindlier section of the rommander of the expedition, Sergt. iienriques. The machines circled for some time, to gain altitude, and picking up flight formation they sped away Into the' iXltDNCIL DECIDES TO BOAitD OF TRADE IND i»IR MEETINGS TOXIQH1 The lit) Hail tonight will '•< the scene of two important publli meet- noithwe&t. They were repoifted m panning over Vanderhoof at 9:4b, ami they landeti at Hazelton at SSLiL CITY BONDSj mgs which those Interested In sh< 'not fail to attend. The first • Tbe coi..^;i at. Tuesday uignt'sj special luoetin* «f the Board UV15, all the machines landing iwell,! me«Ung decided to sell 36,000 of the city's bonds to the National Bond Company, of Vanvouver, at 84. their twelve days/ ,' Htay 1 the expedition has entered in-« hei '"a..,,. fl1 The ciiristiiui Endeavor som or Lhe PresbyteTlan church at its meeting next; Tuesday night ai ¦* band, Nell, will o'clock win be led by MiM (;"r'F,rr1^ Xeo-haco Valley Lawa'on, on tho topic; f'L«saona "lion they are tbe*PoetB." All young people of in city arfi urged to be,pr*3«nt. 11(,l found It linpnmiible as a landing! ,o ,he utB Of tbe city wltti evident i l t h fild oommenco 'i r;ui'-, w and Is failed to dlscnsR • i other niutlei-s, the roposed excursion p There were 1110,000 bonds offer-; to I'andeittoof on Day. grt>nnfl "n of tfraln c«t, nnci lsh«d last night. to have a field this work was fln- npp*clatlon for the efforts of^the ed and an offer was received from: lowing (hte the annual meeting or rltlzens to make their stay pleasant, the Vancouver flr>n. the aldermen ( the Fort (Jei*rge Agricultural & lu-and they leaVe many fast frlendb deciding to sell the above amount. , dusuial Ajm out their en- V>r*ywho wish them the beat of luck! hospital and. school bonds, the will be held and lection of officers carried out.