PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Professional Directory F. J. SHEARER NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Kire Insurance, Life, Accident and Sickness Policies. Millar Section Lota for Sale. j!ox 37. Prince George, B.C ALBERT HEYMANN Real Estate, Farm Lands. Notary Public. VANDBRHOOP, 13.C. HUGH COCHRANE NOTARY PUBLIC. and General Agent. District Agent Great West Life. Over Fort George Drug Company. >.O.Box 29. Phone 27, 1L, 2S. LEGAL. P. E. WILSON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Prince George, B.C. YOUNG & OGSTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. ;•• rge Street, Prince George, B.C DENTISTRY. DR. ALWARD DENTIST. Leith Building, Third Avenue. Opposite Telephone Office. • Phone 41—1 ring. KENDALL. BAR R& COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. District Representative: H. Hutt, Ruggles Building, P.O. Box 192. Accounts Audited. Books Written Up, SURVEYORS. J. F. CAMPBELL BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Prince George, B.C. P.O. Box 22. Office: G.T.P. Building. PROJECT TO OPKX TIIK BEAR R1VKR COALFIELD Mr, George J, Hammond in the City for Purpose of IHivuloping Coalfield. For tho purpose of meeting the pulp and paper magnates who are expected here tomorrow, Mr. George J. Hammond is in the city from Vancouver. Mr. Ha'mmond is the principal in the Bear River coalfield project, in which he is the largest owner. This property is a natural coal basin lying on the Bear River. The engineers' r«port on this fi«lr) ?hov that it is of large extent and that the coal is excellent for steam purposes. Th« operaion of the pulp mill here will necessitate the development of this coal property at an early date. Surveys for a line of railway to the coalfield have already been run by-Mr. F. P.' Burden. F. P. BURDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Successor to Green Bros., Burden & Co., Fort George Branch. EATS FISH THAT IS SEVEN' YEARS OLD W. F. GREGG BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Prince George, B.C. Inventor Says He Has Discovered a I*roce*iH of Preserving Fish ' for Indefinite Period, INSURANCE. The Sovereign Life Assurance Company of Canada Head Office: Winnipeg, Man. CHAS. A. PYNE NOTARY PUBLIC. Prince George, B.C. Manager for British Columbia. Office, Third Ave., near Royal Bank. DR. BADGERO DENTIST. Office Over Prince George Drug Store. MUSIC. CHAS. P. BALAGNO TEACHER OF PIA.NO. Terms Moderate. Phone 4 4—2 rings. M. C. WIGGINS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC. General Brokerage Business. Property managed for non-resident owners. Correspondence invited. Prince George, B.C. Office: Grand Trunk Building. LET YOUR PROFESSION BE REPRESENTED IN THIS COLUMN. An electrical process for the preservation of fish for an indefinite period, and in such a manner as to maintain all its nutritive qualities is an invention of a fish merchant in Grimsby, England, that has attracted considerable att ntion. The fresh fish is apparently submitted t» a process which instantly drives every particle of moisture out of it, and makes it as dry as a b >ne, and as hard as a rock. In this condition it is impervious to the rav.ges of time, yet on Ireing immersed ih water for three days it becomes like fresh fish again. While the scheme has not been demonstrated in this country, the inventor has secured patents in all countries, and is apparently satisfied With the success of his invention. The value of the invention, it is suggested, lies in the fact that the great quantities of fish caught, and hitherto wasted, or thrown back into the sea because of a glut or because of no market at all, can be rapidly cured and made available for sale throughout the country at a cheap rate. In its dried form it seems the fish can be milled to a fine flour, which, me inventor says, upon being mixed with water, assumes the properties of the original fish. Alexandra Hotel PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. J. H. Johnson, Manager. ¦ ¦ i 1 -{''* v| it.- 31 • &i 1 hJ 1 II 1 1 First Class Dining Room Service Laundry and Bar in Connect ion The Finest Hotel in Central B. C. Every modern comfort and convenience. Large Light Sample Rooms. PRIVATE DINNERS and DANCES H|xK.-ially catered for. Phone 96 Free 'Bus Meets All Trains Phone 96 As indicating a revival of interest in mining in Cariboo, a movement is now on foot to organize the Cariboo Miners' Associati n to encourage mining and the mineral developmen for the district, says the Cariboo Ob server of Quesnel. Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase In the Cariboo District', Recordin District of Peaces River, and Sit ate on Cowie Creek a Tributan of the Murray River rpAKE NOTICE that Arthur Rober Barrow, of Pouce Coupe, lane surveyor, intends to apply for per mission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted chaiHg and 59 links north, and 15 chains and 5 links west' of th« norh-west corner of Lot 2 8 3, thence 4 0 chains west, thence 4 0 chains north thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains south, and containing 160 acres more or less. Dated November 12, 1920. n2G,9t A. R. BARROW. CAKIBOO DISTRICT. Canadian Pacific Railway CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES, I.IMITKI). B. C. Steamship Services ( r 8.8. PKIINORSS BEATRICE For Ketchikan, Juneau, Bkagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupert. | ¦ ... December 13 and 27. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert, December 4 and 18, January 4. For'rates, reservations and sailings apply to W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent, Cor. Third Avenue and Fourth Street, Prince Kupert, B. O. y IS HEREBY GIVEN that I. lone E. Wilcox, of Prince Gtu>rgt\ B.C., intend to apply for a license to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gas on tlie following described lands: Com'mencing at a post planted at the southwest corner of District Lot 7 08, thence north 8 0 chains, thence ^east 80 chains, tihence in a southwesterly direction along the west bunk of the Fraser River to point of commencement, said land being known as D.L. 79 8, I Group 1, Cariboo District, B.C. Dated Oct. 30, 1920. lone E. Wilcox, nl2.5t I. I1- Wilcox, Agent. Advertise in "The Citizen" CITY OF PttlNCK GKOlWiK. COURT OF REVISION.1 Voters' List 1021. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Court of Revision will be held in the City Council Chamber, Princes George, on Friday, the tenth day of } December, 1920. at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of revising the Municipal Voters' List 1921. List will be postel on the Notice Boarl, at the City Hall, on the 5th of December, 19 20. D. G. TATE, n30,d3,7 City ClerK. The Home Building and Manufacturing Co. YOU MAY PLAN—WE WILL DO THE WORK. "Keep the Wheels of Industry Turning" Telephone 55 —2 Rings Say Boys! f'ome over and visit our newly opened POOL ROOM vVe carry a full line of TOBACCO and SOFT DRINKS Great West Pool Room GEORGE STREET AUCTION DEEDS Deeds to all properties purchased at the Auction Sale held in October, 1919, are now ready and may be had at City Hall. . No further assignments will be accepted on these lots by the City. Deeds must be accepted by the present owner. > Lumber A Line of Building Material. Mouldings, Laths, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Brick, Cement Andersen's Lumber Yard, 3rd Ave SMART SHOES From a fine Stock. SHOE REPAIRING Done by latest machines. —Also— Hand-made Loggers. Prince George Shoe Store WALTER ANDERSEN —and— VIO WILLIAMS, Ex-Sergt. Shoemaker Can. Machine Gun Corps C.E.P. Cor. 4th Ave. and George. v)pp. F*»tlme 'Poolroom. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY Twenty-pound Sack of Granulated Sugar .................. $3.00 Brookfield Creamery Butter, 3 lbs for .......................... $2.00 Sunkist Orange Marmalade, 4-lb. Tin ........................ $1.00 Swift's Empire Picnic Ham, 4 to 10 lbs.....................35c lb. Enemark's Cash Store ¦ i '¦4*®, I