PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN MILLS OR- PULP COMPANIES Requiring* TIMBER will be promptly supplied by the Rattenbury Land Co., Ltd. write for full information. L. Vibbard (KM 6 Local Agent, Prince George, B.C. Rattenbury Lands, Ltd. 713-18 Metropolitan Bldg., Vancouver, B.C. Farm and Ranch Lands TWO MILLION ACRES From $4.00 per acre. up. Hurm & Gagne FIFTH AVENUE GARAGE Expert Mechanics — A Makes of Curs. P.O. Box 2H0 Phono 26 1 r.l 8 Fokd Service Station Ford Parts Mini Accessories F. B. TAPLEY Cleaning Pressing : Repairs St. ELMO HOTEL Third Avenuo. _> Phone 27 1 rin^s. Loggers' Shoes Penetang arid Paris AIR'S Al. Gardner Painting, Kalsominmg. Paper Hanging. Phoue 31, 1L, 4S. Sing Lee Laundry. Quebec Street. First-Class Laundry Work Guaranteed. 'AMATKU19 Films Developed and l'rintod. Prompt Service. \ Satisfaction. PARADISE & TRUBShBR, Prince (Jeorgo. SMUGGLING IN (JKIIMANY THOROUGHLY SYSTEMATIZED Customs Officials Are Faro of (icnonil of *oworlc*«« in over tho Dutch and Danish front i-rs, which tho German government has gone to groat ef-fnrt to suppress, again fa flourishing "on a colossal scale" and at Borne points with tho full knowledge and connivance of many government officials, according to reports reaching here. Smugglers are declared to be outbidding tho government for the aid of dishonest officials and the "veritable army of'customs officers On the borders have permitted 'millions of marks' worth of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, coffee and sugar to cross the border duty freo within the last few months." Plying squadrons of customs officer™ have been organized by tho government to catch the smugglers, who are said to hav? so thoroughly systematized their operations that "cusoins receipts are rapidly falling back io nothing, for customs control Is again only on paper. Quito Op<'ii Fifty thousand pounds of coffee are. being smuggled over the border daily at one point, .1 report says, and smugglers everywhere an> working with the sympathy and assistance of all dwellers along tho frontiers. Men, women and ovon children are said to he engaged in this traffic with tho connivance of customs officials and the depreciated value of the mark are credited with being the principal eauses for the widespread violation of import and export regulations. The smugglers aro described as boing so well organized and bo confident, they carry on their business ''by land and on a wholesale scale quite openly." HAZELTON FIRE HAS RUi\Trcr> main skctiox Mass of Ruins for Block of Fine Buildings Follows (1irist*nas Night Fir© Omineca Street at Ffazelton is a sorry looking sight downs its -entire length. On the north side there is a gap from the Unipn Bank to the drug store and on the south side . from the Omineca Hotel to the Sealy J residence, all is bleak ruin where a week ago stood sorrm of Hazelton's most important business houses, houses, which were destroyed in the fire on Christmas night. By far the heaviest losers through the recent1 fire will be the Lamson-Hubbard Canadian Company. This firm had a large general stock val-j ued at $40,000, which was complete-j ly destroyed. It is understood fhat I there was $25,000 insurance. The building was owned by W. J. Lark-worthy of New Haz-elton. TO THE ELECTORS OF NCE GEORGE Having decided to offer myself as a candidate for Mayor, I take this opportunity of soliciting your support and influence— AND YOUR VOTE DR. R. W. ALWARD. TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD ONE James McKay is another heavy loser from the blaze. The Galena Club building, which he purchased a year ago and has since improved considerably, was destroyed. This marks his second loss from fire in j th> past few months. It was just I a short time ago that his residence j was completely destroyed. MIGHTY PROUD OF BROTHER WARREN I solicit your support and influence in my behalf in .my candidature for Alderman in Ward One. I pledge myself, if elected, to further the interesf^jof this community by any means within my power and to work for the advancement of Prince George tN.l THOMAS AUSTIN Police Commissioner TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD ONE C&a'olyn \Zbtasxs When President-elect Harding reached Washington for his last appearance in the Senate, one of the first to greet him was his sister, Carolyn. She is Mrs. Votaw, head of the Social Service De-lartment in the U. S. Health Department. This picture was taken i she ^called aOhe McLean resi-¦nce, where tho Hardings stayed inc the three days spcn thorp As a Candidate for Alderman in Ward One, I solicit your support and influence. I advocate the relinquishing by the City of First Avenue, East of Georgr* Street, for Warehouse and Trackage facilities, which i3 very urgently needed, particularly at this time when Prince George is on the eve of great development, as an industrial and distributing centre. The immediate opening up of a permanent road direct from George Street to the Fraser River Bridge, is also very essential. • Ward One has never received equal consideration in the' way of Improvement*, to roads and side walks. I promise to work to this end. a \VIIj14{\-M SOMEflTON. January 11th, 1921. TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE GEORGE A SIMPLE STORY OP A SAVED SOIJBt Many folks think they hare to visit a bank window to pmo tice THRIFT! That is a good way. The trip* can be more numerous IF that stitch in time is taken. MORE GOOD UPPERS on SHOES hare been thrown away than were ever worn out. Think It over! "WHILE-YOU-WAIT" Service if you desire. THE SHOEMAN Oposite the G. T. P. Telegraph office on George Street. 1 take this means of soliciting your vote and influence in my behalf as a candidate for School Trustee. If you elect me I shall do all in my power to prove worthy of your confidence. \Y. G. I). J1ARPKR. TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE GEORGE 1 .-"illicit your support and influence in my candidature for School Trustee. If elected 1 shall do all in my power to prove worthy of v >ur confidence. M RS. GEOROE A BHOT/ Prince George Undertaking Cg Funeral Directors and Embalm.era Motor ambulance id connection Amenta for Monuments and Tomb Stones Phone 97-2 rings CARIBOO LODGE I.O.O.F., No. 65 lny in I O.O.K. Hail lu^, Ueorge Slrtwt, MeotN every Tue Riitw Kif«r Huik I Yin 0 VISITING BROTHERS WCLCOMc WHITE HOUSE Tea and Lunch. ~, A. SIDDALL, Next to Bank of Commerce.