PRINCE GEORGE 61 VOL. 4, NO. 16. PRINCE GEORQErB^., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, Oliver Very Cautious in the Matter of Coal Price Probe PREMIER GIVES VERY LJTTLE SATISFACTION TO DELEGATION OP VANCOUVER CITIZENS THAT WAS APPOINTED TO TRY AND BRING DOWN THE PRICE OF COAL.—INVESTIGATING jJUGAJL MEASURES. , MIUS. FRED TAYLOR* SUMMONED BY DEATH t HURRICANE IN VICTORIA VANCOUVER, Jan. 31—"It1 seems | BREAKS COMJiflLJNICATl6NS to me that there |s a great question | ------A ¦.; is to how far the jurisdiction of thei Tree Blows DoWn in Terrific and Kllla Frank Smith Near Capital on Sunday as to Province extends In matters lik« these. I will not say that there will be mi inquiry into the price of coal but 1 will request that the Attorney Oneral'fi Department furnish me ' th evidence of what legaj measures VICTORIA, Jan. 31—From 6 p.m. on Saturday until seven p.m. Sunday Vancouver Island was isolated from the world so far as communication tho Province may take in conducting! \)y telegraph and telephone was con-mi investigation, and I will do this, cerned. A storm of hurricane pro. at once, and brtng it before the bx-j portions struck the lower portion of ecutive to decide what action shall, the Island, at times attaining a ve-bo taken. Any investigation should j iocity of 8ixty miies an hour. Frank be thorough, and cover all the points Smith with his wife and three child-ln the dispute." This was the best ren an employee of a logging com-biitisfaction that the committee of isfactio rcsentative citizens of Vancouver, appoint ed to bring down the price of pany near Jordan River was returning home from Victoria when a tree was blown down by the terrific wind, Untimely Death of Mrs. Frederick Taylor in City Hospital on Sunday At 4.16 p.m. on Suniay therte died at the City Hospital, in childbirth, Mrs. Frederick Taylor. Her baby was stillborn. Mrs. Taylor was the wife of Mr. F. D. Taylor, one of the pioneer! business men of the City. The keenest sympathy is felt for him j in his loss, after only one brief, yean of married life. The de£eaee4 lady has been a resident of this" City since the early days of the townsites here. She held a wide popularity, and h>er loss will be felt in the community very deeply. As Secretary of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, MrB. Taylor was prominent and energetic in her work for that order. Deceased was a native of England, whose parents and brothers are now residing in Vancouver. The funeral arrangements are made for Thursday afternoon. The Rervice will be held in the Curch of England at 2 p.m. Bowser Leads a Powerful Offensive Against Oliver LEADER OF OPPOSITION IN THE DELTA DECLARES MINISTERS OF GOVERNMENT ARE MAKING HOUSE TO HOUSE CANVASS IN THEIR ANXIETY TO WIN THE DELTA SEAT. coal, could extract from Premier Oli-i near Coie Creek, fell across the au-ver in a conference with him and. tomobile in which they were riding.' Minister of Mines, Sloan, after a Smith was instantly killed, but the! session which was protracted two others escaped with minor bruises. hours at the Court House today. HIG FOUR HOCKEY NORTH VANCOUVER MEMBER TALKS ON THE P.G.E. At- a meeting of the Agerton Calgary' branch of the United Farmers Asso-for the elation, the settlers of Pemberton The Big Four hockey in last night resulted in a win Calgary Tigers by a score of five to Meadows were recently gratified ov- three. The Eskimos wilted towards er the remarks of G. S. Hainvs, M. the end of the game, says a report. L.A., the 'member for North Vancou- Aml.-rson and Fraser of the tigers ver, The settlers in the Pemberton were both injured during the match Meadow country wefe afraid that and will not play again for about the proposed Clinton-Ashcroft cut. three weeks. off would side-track their country, the Calgary Canadians beat and the objections thus put forward the Dominions by a score of three find support' on similar grounds in to one. The Dominions were in bad Vancouver and especially in North [orrMs^ind the game generally was Vancouver. Mr. Ilaines reassured rather W'or. ..them. M GERMANY MAY REFUSE TO PAY INDEMNITY 1 BERLIN, Jan. 31—Immodi. atelj after the session of the Reischtag today, it was reported that the German government intends to refuse to pay the fifty-five billion dollars indemnity demanded by the Allies, unless theiri proposals are materially altered. The Ileischtag suddenly adjourned, after a short session, "Because of the seriousness of the situation." ALL-METAL JPLANE MADE SPEEDY RACE WESTBOUND Plane Made l4o Miles an Hour from Saskatoon to; Edmonton The exciting voyage travelling from Saskatoon to Edmonton at the rate of 130 miles an hour, with Capt. George Gorman, of Edmonton, in charge, the Imperial Oil Company's second all-metal monoplane reached here the latter part of last week. The start was made from Saskatoon at 11.30 a.m. The trip was made witfiout niinhap. His four companions were Major Breadner, Inspector of the Dominion Air Board; P. S. Myers, factory pilot; Earnest Burl, a factory mechanic from the Air Craft Company of Long Island, N.Y., and Pete Derbyshire, of Edmonton, 'mechanic.. P. G. E. MINERALS SOLDIEIfiS MEETING TO DISCUSS GRATUITY MATTER VANCOUVER, JaJn. 31—A mineral deposit between Lillooett and Prince George. British Columbia,'* is the title of a hundred-page publication of the Geological Survey, by Leopold Reinecke, just issued at Ottawa. The publication of this memoir makes available authentic information on the minerals of this country, adjacent to the whole of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway. VANCOUVER, Jan. 3J—Interest in the Delta bye-election on Thursday increases hourly}, ..{Speaking at Cloverdale on Saturday, Mr. Bowrfer said that the election of MacKenzlo would make Oliver more careful in watching Attorney General Farris on his Moderation Act. The leader of the opposition dwelt on the anxiety of the Liberals in this election. How practically every member of the Cabinet was mixed up with the light, even going so far as to make a personal house to house canvass of the riding. '(They are spending money like water; they are making reckless promises, which, even when fhe Legislature meets, I will Bee that they keep, or know the reason why," stated Mr. Bowser, in referring to the eleventh hour promises. "Where has this increase of twenfy-eight millions in tho public debt gone to during the past four years?" he asked. "I 6o not want to decry the credit of any country, and my presence in t"he Delta during this campaign is really to educate the people as to where their money is going to." "Since the December election the Oliver Government has borrowed another million dollars, making a total of six millions they owe to the Bank of Commerce branch at Victoria. These are subjects which Premier Oliver does not dare to touch on in his wanderings around the district.'1 Ban On Liquor Imports in Dry Provinces Starts Today HI !!i:v LIQUOR! ASHORE FROM WHISKEY--JLADEN VESSELS FROM SCOTLAND AT HALIFAX BEFORE LEGAL IMPORTATION L.\rS-KS.—DELAYED VESSELS CAUSED ANXIETY. Canadian Soviet Organization Discovered at Hamilton, Ont. Meeting of Returned Men in Ritts.' Rifer Hall Tomorrow N iff lit To Discuss Matter A mass meeting of returned soldiers has been called for tomorrow niu;ht in tho G.W.V.A. Hall to dis. cuss the matter of the proper atti- UNCOVERED HY RESIGNATION OF ONE OF ITS OFFICERS.— tiuin in respect toHhe glatuity qu?s- PLANNED COMPUJLSION UPON LABOUR EMPLOYERS. ti o n.-----------------------------------i, ORGANIZATION WITH DANGEROUS RADICAL OPINIONS HAS A sentiment seems to be growing CITY WIN'S FROM VANDERttOOF ON RINK HAMILTON, Out... Jan. 31—Infor- i LIFAX, N'.S.. Jan. ?> 1—Eigh-i ami cases of whiskey are. r ishi d ashore from the bold ¦ Go\ irnment Steanyjr "('ana-1 Runner", which arrived here lays out fro.m>,Glasgow, and 1 days overdue, twenty-four before the lega\ importation, ; lor into the Province of Nova • -. ¦ A good part of the ¦ •¦ aboard the Canadian Run. o is igtied to Nova ""Scotians i la> fn the arrival of thife vis-ausod considerable- anxiety. Ottawa despatch states that bitionists of Canada will not 'err any Federal Legislation on/j ubjec't this session, but are dra-| l to await' the working qj>r of nclal plans, according to an as-] n today of Dr. Grant, bead ofi •ntario Referendum Committee, with 1). B, Harkness of Winni-saw thi> Premier today, e ban on liquor imports goes on i now In Nova Scotia, Manitoba, itdiewan and " Alberta. What! r is taken Into those provinces h supposed to go only to pro-al Kovernnjent warehouses for or medicinal purposes. TRAGIC FATE OF STtlANGK UK'AJj GIRL "Queen of the Hoboes" Ii«';:|H to Her I)<•;:(It from New Westminster Bridge Siiifivday in the ranks of the returned men. indicating that the gratuity question is far from being a dead issue. Following tire endorsat!on of the The curling match between, Van- GiW.V.A. local of Madoc, Ontario, iler-hoof and tho City was won by by the local of this City, a mass t.h*e Citj after a close struggle, by erating here for ,¦• ¦ meeting was organized in order that ., s(i(iI.. of .. meIs .„ , T|,,, v.ia. weeks, leaked out on Monday^^n ^"rned-raon of rill descriptions d ho f . k yl ;. .,,.,, ,,- M w olficfal who resigned fr6m tire bod>'« might have an opportunity to expre* < ,— ' .'¦• ¦."..,' V, , Ver r eW«tive on Saturday declared that ¦•¦ ' ' " '- ¦¦';.;„,.:" ;;."M, i,,,,... ., Vl\n: in :w.. we.l- tl.e^soeu.uon ha lu Canada, has been organized and op- 11 V E1 j. :i. 20 Eve y;i Rurtei i'¦ : i ce t; >orge, len pt to lesth . i N >' \\ \V( sti >ins ,.• Bridfi i | iis aft ¦rnoo n. ch,d it: a sough E: i1!' i mle attire in whi it i: t ii< 1, ¦/. had ina' ii ¦ rib Sli appeal ed at Lhe h ¦T',1 > i .f Mrs. U al]ili Yat >s, oi South \Y estmi:ii 3J M", i week ago, ; nd threat em Ml j. [(] ('. She was l>hu yd in t Ik {', |rl )eten tion IIoi 118 at Vanco I1VI 5r, but •j. ed from t hut In. stitution an (1 n t linn d' to New We st- AH returned soldierrf sre neing a urged to attend 'h's meeting in or- ' tier trtat a representative meeting ' may !ip>called to olvrles to find ttie r locnl sontiment. This meeting li,as nofhing to do with any returned men's organization. i ii.. Viihderhoof team lias had 'l;i'"-''(1 ;l membership of two bun-hance to practice na there is no '"fil"; and well known fn the cen- ,V, IIltf'rir>r in connection with his (i('M ruction work on tho G.T.P. and ' '•- . Mas loft for Vancouver. He L:f ¦°mi)anle<1 hy Mr' R- G. Mac-Wfirson^ ex-M.P, for Vancouver. from n(K?aloStoWan' has Just returned -v h ?°ld °oa9t' whore'hla com. fany has been awarded a huge con L the Gol(1 ^oa«t colonia'l Sffi Is the ^ fien awarded Horn,011' conoern by any African n 'T7nt "mlflth^ first, important Wt In the fl^ld of world, busi- Won fe a/Cana- WOrk In^^« con- and ^reakwat- l,.Z7V!l] °Qlf1 Coast seaports, f minster-. While engager! in a dispute with tho bridge offier today, she suddenly sprang/over the rail into the. Fraser, to-ner death. In the above bald words a press despatch which reached this paper yesterday told tli<1 last tragic details of the little Butler Kirl, who left her homo here recently without in-; forming her parents, and excited considerable comment among the passengers of the steamer "Prince C-eorge" by her wild antics in tho I ship's rigging. It was on this trip, a' lap in a journey round the world,] upon which sho declared herself en | route, and beating her way, that she was dubbfid "Queen oLthe HoboesrH by a journalist who ^uhlishod that ' incident in her career. It appears that the girl, whoso j parents live here, and whose mother: is prostrated by tho terribh? news, was a wildly romantic little creature, j fond of hectic fiction and daring to t a degree of recklessness seldom witnessed. She had a certain facility] for writing wierd fiction- stories, I and it is bvlieyed by some of her in-' timatea that, she went on her- odd quests to Beeuro material for herj Mtoriea. Certainly there was no evil' in her disposition, if one may credit! all the strange facts which have comv to light regarding her strangely coloured career. If ia more or less evident thr\t the deceased girl was not entirely well balanced 'mentally, but her recentri-cMtiefl have generally been credited j to a wild and romantic nature, and it baa not been thought possible that theae would load her to such a sad end as that which is recorded aboje. Much sympathy is felt for her parents here, who have been unable to restrain this strangp girl, and who would lose* her for long period* when '.he wanderlust orereame her. In^enikn Motel and Efcsldence of J. ('. Scaly Destroyed—Chinuinan . Loses Life HAZELTON, ',lan. 31—For the second, time within a mouth Hazel-ton lias been visited tiy a serious flre which broke out in the old Ingenik» Hotel, which for flit* past six months Sam Lee lias bB,en running as th» Royal Cafe. Th<> residence of J. G. Sealy, adjoining, was also destroyed. Sam Lee. proprietor of the Royal Cafe, was burned to death and the-contents of the cafe destroyed. Th» vr-'ater part of Sealy's furniture wm salvaged. The total loss was abo«t J8.000. partly insured. EVELRN BUTLER4^ DK.ATII BELIEVED ACt'IDKNTAl* Theory that l^'iip from \e\v \Vo»i- minster Bridge May Have I{«m»i» "SMint" is Plausible MOW WESTMINSTER. Jan. SI— The theory is now advanced that Evelyn liutler, the Prince Goorg* girl who committed suicide by jumping from the Praser River fridge oil Saturday, afternoon, did not intehi to end her lifV, but thought she' could swi'm to Safety, not. roalizing' that this would be a feat beyond h«r ¦ powers^ This thedry would b<> in iccord with her previous actions, a»-suming that they wero merely fool-'lardy at'iin'ts and not the actions at mi insane person. The foregoing follow-upj)espat«k on the tragic,death of thtQittla Ru*-'er fr'rl. wb'rb was received today, is considered here to b« a like%" 1Vi"orv whfcri accoiiffa (">r her d>''tk. The wild daring of fhe dead girl ha« iilwa.VjB been a matter of comment, ¦"id her desire to/^rontribute new 'hrills to the record of her darrnjer ^"feer may well have been responil- r ble for this tragedy. A.