I ri,Iav. April 15th, 1921. PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Professional Directory. ACCOUNTANTS. KENDALL. BARR & COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. Iiistrkt Representative: H. Hutt, Ruggles Building, P.O. Box 192. Accounts Audited. Books Written Up. LEGAL. INSURANCE. The Sovereign Life Assurance Company of Canada Head Office: Winnipeg, Man. CHAS. A. PYNE NOTARY PUBLIC. Prince George, B.C. Manager for British Columbia. Office, Third Ave., near Royal Bank. P. E. WILSON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Prince Cieorge, B.C. YOUNG & OGSTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Munro Building, over Post Office BICYCLES ARE COMING BACK AGAIN STRONGLY Mukcrs and Dealers are Preparing For Back-to-the-Movement W. P. OGILVIE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ogilvie Block. George Street. M. C. WIGGINS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. NOTARY PUBLIC. General Brokerage* Business. Property managed for non-resident owners. Correspondence invited. Prince George, B.C. < »ffiro: Grand Trunk Building. SURVEYORS. J. F-. CAMPBELL BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Prince George, B.C. P.O. Box 22. Office: G.T.P. Building. F. P. BURDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Successor to Green Bros., Burden & Co., Fort George li ranch. W. F. GREGG BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Prince George, B.C. PRINCE GEORGE MAP AND BLUE PRINT COMPANY J. Bronger, Manager ctural Drawings. Blue Prints icings and Specifications P. O. BOX 115 RUFUS H. KAKLE, K.C. Ashcroft, B.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Member of the Bars of the Prairie Provinces and British Columbia. Special Attention Given ti Business of Clients at Outside Points. NOTARIES PUBLIC. When the old high-wheeled bicycle took the place of the velocipede, the gentlemen with the side-whiskers of the early Victorian period thought that was "going some". Today the development of the bicycle has proceeded to a point when these light, handy implements of travel are both extremely useful in business and pleasure. The bicycle craze in the last decade of the nineteenth century departed with the development of the motor car, much the same as such pastimes as ping pong gave way to the movies. Today the bicycle is coming back again, and. as the advertisement* in this issue show, this handy little vehiclette is being offered in a very attractive form. Locally, the dealers handling the bicycle are Messrs. Leith Brothers and the Northern Hardware Company, who sell the C. G.M. bicycle, and the Prince George Tire Repair Shop, which sells the Hyalop for Marshall Wells & Co. The bicycle is a handy means of travel in this country, where bad points in the road can be negotiated by carrying one's vehicle round. F. J. SHEARER NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Fire Insurance, Life, Accident and Sickness Policies. Millar Section Lots for Sale. Box 37. Prince George, B.C. NEW TELEPHONE CALLS EFFECTIVE AFTER TODAY ALBERT HEYMANN Real Estate, Farm Lands. Notary Public. VANDERHOOF, B.C. HUGH COCHRANE NOTARY PUBLIC. and General Agent. District Agent Great West Life. Over B^ort George Drug Company. P.O.Box 29. Phone 27, 1L, 23. With the distribution of the new directory, which is now in the hands of the subscribers, the telephone company announces that all calls must in future be made by number. Interviewed on the subject, Mr. H. A. Carney, manager of the company, that that the operators have strict instructions to carry the new system into effect from today. The plan of calling a number, if on a party line, with long and short rings, has been eliminated by a new code system, by which party lines are designated by a number supplemented by a letter. SENTENCE WAS "UPHELD DENTISTRY. Archit( MUSIC. R. TRETHEWEY ;aciier of the violin J'li< >NE 78—4 Rings. DR. ALWARD DENTIST. Munro Building, over Post Office Phone 41—1 ring. The appeal case against the con-j viction of a Lucerne Chinaman . named Ah Kep, held in Kamloops Recently, resulted in the sustaining of Magistrate Herne's derision. The i Chinaman was accused of being in possession, of thirteen tins of opium. He was fined $6fiO by the magistrate i at South Fort George. In the ap-| peal Judge Swanson, of Kamloops, upheld the decision, adding a further order of ?75 costs against the accused. DR. BADGERO DENTIST. Office Over Prince George Drug Store. your spring" Suit from Goff & Peterson ..The Tailors-George Street, and your Clothes will be made in Prince George, and Cost you no more. Massie Silver Ribbon, $65 Hyslop Empire, $60 Call and See Them. Garden Tools and Seeds. General Hardware, Sporting Goods. S. W. P. Paints and Varnishes. Northern Hardware Co. P. \V. WHITMORE A. B. MOFFAT PHONE 91 FOOTBALL MATCH ARRANGED A practice game has been arranged for this evening at six o'clock in order to get the men warmed up for the first event of the season to l>e staged by the amateur athletes Sunday afternoon at three o'clock sharp when the Vets football team will meet in earnest combat aggregation Cyril Dupn the city. zen that h< run the Vets off knowing Harry M representing the informs the Citi-has a line-up that will their feet, but llson, it's a case THIRD AVENUE BILLIARD HALL The Best Equipped Hall in the City JOBBERS AND RETAILERS IN TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Full Line—Always Fresh T. A. GRIFFITH pHONE 62 (2 rings) Proprietor of being from Missouri. Although only eleven irwn are selected for this game on each team, it is hoped that all football players who are interested will hand in their names and turn out for the practices. The following are the teams for Sunday's game: Veterans City Team Wimbles Centre .. .. Anderson Caldwell Ins. Right . Tate Mellsou (Cap). O. Right, MacKenzie Littler or Stubbs, In. Left, Paradis Williams .. Out. Left . Thornthwaite Sutherland . Cen. Half .. .. Brown Aekerman Rt. Half .... B. Watson Norrington ...... Lt. Half ...... Knight George .. Rt. Hack Stuart Campbell Young .... Left Hack .... Dupre (Cap) McHardy or Vibbard, Goal. Tom Ogg Fred Shearer, umpire. Fitzgerald and Sales, linesmen. NOTE.-—Since the* above line-up I was drawn, arrangements have been completed with Sydney Bennett to turn out for the city, which will considerably strengthen the team. ADDITIONAL LOCALS The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Q.W.V.A. will | be held at the resilience of Mrs. Her-I bert Hanson on Tuesday, April 9th, j at .1 p.m. Mr. J. Forin Campbell, one of the | pioneer land surveyors of this section, returned from a visit to Victoria Thursday morning, where bo has been residing with his parents. Miss Wilma Young, who has been spending a long visit with her sister, Mrs. W. P. Ogilvie. is leaving Prince George this week for Vancouver and New York to continue her vocal training. Miss Young will train on the coast for some time under Mrs. Lugrin-Fahey. the wonderful Victorian pinger. After training on the coast for some time. Miss Young will nroceed to New York to complete her training under Richard Hage-man. ono of the conductors of the Metropo'Uan orchestra. Miss Young's manv friends here will wish her ev-erv stice1" and will follow her musical career with front interest. waq taken to the with pneumonia. C. C. M. Redbird and Cleveland )icycles are always Favorites....... R WE ARE SOLE AGENTS. CALL AND SEE THEM. Leith Bros., Hardware He is progressing favorably. HYSLOP BICYCLES Priced at $60.00 and $65.00. We Are the Solo Agents For TIm'iu This is the Premier Machine Let l*s Show Them To You Prince George Tire Repair Shop GEORGE sT^KKt, PHONE <$4H. The Home Building and Manufacturing Co. YOU MAY PLAN—WE WILL DO THE WORK. "Keep the Wheels of Industry Turning'