day, April 26th, 1921. PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Amateur Sports in Full Swing. \iii»teiir sport is now well away, and about three hundred fans jour-ec| ,(, DuchcSS park on Sunday afternoon to see the boys in action. The .' lU js yet young, and to have three different games staged in one is something of a red letter day for the Amateur Athletic Asso-\t one o'clock Grocker'8 little band of lacrosse players were seen following them the baseball boys pill led off their second prac-;,„,(. and later on the soccer boys dished up a brand of football thai lHkf« outsiders sit up and take notice. Prince will this year establish ;ts headquarters for amateur sport in the central interior. KOSSE PROSPECTS BRIGHT ,,(¦(,. I ¦IllMlll , iiiti«>»-in notion ,i,c nam will " itself t-rosse boys turned out in j ,,,,,(• tor their first practice, '. ir their lirsl appearance played I gnappy game exhibiting form Il.iiieli surprised the fans. Prince is h,cky to have boys who played on the aSt and in the east in real fast company. Vrrangements have with Quesnel to play on the 3rd next, the southerners will iouruey to this city with the expect- ,\ 0| rapturing the laurels, but t sUndayfa game is any indication of clasa of lacrosse we are to have, they will have to step all the way to I made of game. It is also hoped that e |. g, !•;. will have a team in the Held this season, and the prospects ir the inauguration of a lacrosse league are bright. Another practice will be played next Sunday, and a practice some-1 time daring the week. VETS CONTINUE WINNING STREAK The Becond soccer game was pulled off on Sunday afternoon and I a dose contest was witnessed, the! Vets managing to secure the one and only goal of the afternoon. It was. anybody's ^anie all through, and one' or two good chances to score were missed by both teams. The boys were in much better form than last week and put up a good fast game. With a little more practice. Prince will have a brand of soccer that will be an easy winner anywhere in the KMi'ral interior. The Vets appeared i<, have a little the edge ever the! city hoys, but the season is yet j young and the civics feel confident! ihat with a little more practice they I will be able to put it over. For the Vets Ferguson played a \ particularly good game, saving the! day on several occasions, while Ack-j • and Billy fitubbs put up al nice show. Ackerman is somewhat! inclined to hang onto the ball and j would be fur more effective if he! indulged in a little more combina- ' tion. For the City Syd Bennett and j Thornthwaite played well, while An- ! rterson also played an excellent waymen to the bench by the strikeout route, For tbo railway boys Cross pitched Rood ball for six innings in which number of frames he got seven of the city team. He was relieved by McLeod for the last two innings, who added two more to the strike-out column. McLeod issued the only base on balls, and White was charged up with the only case of hitting a batter. Poley secured the single tally for the city team. With one man down he made a nice hit into left field, stole second and completed'the circuit on a bad peg by Alberts which Lockyer let. travel into center field. The railwaymen evened the score in their part of the sixth. F. Lockyer opened the inning with a clean three-base hit into right field, and after B. Lockyer had fanned and Alberts had been tossed out. White to Brown, he scored on Gross' smash to second which went for a single. On the afternoon's play it would seem that the railwaymen have the edge with the bat, but lack the strength of the city te"am on the slab. As for the field work, the ground was too rough for very fast play, and the marvel is that they got through with so clean a sheet. Sweeping Sale , of Furniture .. which will be the Greatest Sale put on in the history of this city. We have a laree stock of New Gbods now en route and have decided to make room by putting on a sale at prices hxed without regard to cost. Pick out Your Bargains. The railwaymen were called upon t'o extend themselves more in the field than the city team as the result of White's very effective work in the box. Taylor in right field was particularly good, pulling down hits by Taft and White whicfi looked good for bases in the opening of the sixth. Of the city field Foley at third and Powers at short gave promise of some good work in the summer, and they each gathered one of the three hits credited to the team. The score of the game is: City Team AB R McLean, If ..........4 Foley. 'Ah ...........4 Ackerman. cf ......3 Powers, Bagley, Brown, O'Neill. Taft. c ss 2b lh rf. The grounds were heavy owing to j the work of the grader not being j rolled down By next week the | ground work will be completed, and the goals will be changed so that the play will be across field and will enable the full corners for both Before the gamp the city team li^lil a meeting and Tom Ogg was • erted captain and Syd Bennett. captain. Ogg is an old timer at ';>•¦ and the boys are lucky to ave him at the helm. THE BALL GAME : ¦ ball game was commenced only alter 2 o'clock and although the field is still very rough, the boys ivp ;i very interesting exhibition. ying ci^ht innings with an even "• of one all. The pitchers had ' • ;';'-:n>'n at their mercy thrOUgh- game. White for the city as particularly effective. i White, p 2 b B., Lockyer. l.ockyer. Alberts, c (Iross. p &• 2b McLeod, ss & Feren, Ib Loberge, cf . Mader, rf Gagne, If ..... .X.R. Tfam AB R H 11 PO A E 0 1 0 0 1 2 n 1 0 •) o 0 1 :>, o 0 0 o 0 0 o 4 0 1 1 0 n c 0 12 2 0 0 o ^> 0 24 PO 1 ft 0 A K 1 I LIBRARY TABLES Solid Oak, Fumed Finish Regular $18.75. Sale .. $14.50 Regular $27.50. Sale .. $21.00 Regular $28.50. Sale .. $22.50 Regular $37.50. Sale .. $29.75 .DINING TABLES Solid Oak, Fumed Finish. Round Top, Heavy Pedestal. Regular $49.50. Sale .. $41.75 Regular $59.50. Sale ... $48.75 Regular. $72.00. Sale $59.50 TABLE OILCLOTH While it lasts ................... 45c HALF PRICE All Silk Lamp Shades Half Price. All Metal Frame Pictures Half Price. fanvus Folding Cots _Half Price. DRESSING TABLE Triple Mirror, Wahnut Finish. Keg. $52.50 for $41.: TEA TRAYS special line of Fine Tea Trays. Reg. $4.50 for $3.25 CLEAN-OUT REDUCTIONS ON RIGS Decorated Grass Rugs, ilxti ft. To Go at......................^. 95c Heavy Pile Hugs, 18x30 inches. $3 and $5.25 tor ........ $2.45 and $4.20. Tapestry Ifugs, 7}ax» feet. Reg. $28.50. Sale .. $23.75 Tapestry Hugs, 9x9 feet, Keg. $36.50. Sale .. $29.50 British Axminster Rugs, 9x12 ft. Reg. $125. Sale .. $83.00 CABINET PHONOGRAPH Fumed Oak, splendid machine. Keg. $135.00. Sale .. $09.50 CARPET SWEEPERS 2O 1'er Cent Reduction en the+ie. SLIDING COUCHES Special Price ................ $21.75 CRETONNES, CRETONNES A Fine large selection of latest patterns and colorings— Keg. OOe Yard, for .... $0.35 Reg. 75c Yard, for .... $0.55 Reg. $1.50 Yard, for .. $1.15 LACE CURTAINS Nqvelty Lace Curtains in white cream and ecru. From $3.75 to $11.50 Less 2O Per Cent. OTHER SPECIALS Brown Wicker Table— $2$>.5O. Sale ............ $28.75 Fumed Oak Buffets— $90.00. Sale .......... $67.50 Tea Wagons— $30.O0. Sale ............ $23.75 China Cups & Saucers at .. 25c Water Glasses, thin— Special at per doz.......$1.05 Writing Desk— $18.50. Sale .......... $13.75 Jardinier Stands $8.75 and $9.50. Sale $7.25 & $7.00 NEW WALL PAPERS 22 ins. wide, semi trimmed, all new patterns. Less 15 Per Cent. WAGONS, WAGONS, WAGONS All Wagons, Ck>-Caits and other wheel goodt? specially priced. HEAVY COCOA DOOR MATS A Big Special at................ 95c This Sale will Close on Saturday, May 7th The Furniture Store Third Avenue. J. D. CORNING 'Ut tlif 'Mill '¦ixlini 29 1 4 24 r> 3 Summary: Three base hit, F. Lockyer; two buse hits. V>. Lockyer and O'Neill; stolen base, Alberts: left on bases, city struck out by Whit •> Innings 7. by Mc bulls by McLeod 1 : across this park, and teamsters . and . others are warned that they will be _ prosecuted for any infraction of the Traffic By-law in this connection. D G TATE, City Clerk. A22-2C 4, C.N.R. ' .°.; 14. by Gross in od i>; bases on hit by pitched NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPI/I TO PURCHASE LAND IN CARIBOO Land District. Record -*¦ ing District of Fort George, and B C oxnctlv fourteen of the mil-'Von Summers ball, White 1. rmpiros Tullv and I 1UK ' ,,„,?„„ bc w,,, a........«,-o " i situate near Hutton. U. L. H. W. Wyatt Announcement have now succeeded in 'gaging a First Class Tail-r and will make a specialty Ladies Work Cleaning, Pressing and Repairs ln Our Usual Style. SHOE SHINE PARLOR in connection. Opposite Roya! Hotel Phone 19—2 rings ERT WHITE, A.F.O.M. VIOLINIST AND TEACHER •rchestra Furnished f( r Dances, Etc. By Appointment Apply Rex Theatre. Corless Limited Funeral Directors Agents for Monuments and Tombstones Motor Ambulance St. NVx< to Royal Bank IMione !>7.\ CJTY OF I'KIXCi: GEORGE , LOTS FOR SALE Revised list of City Lots for Sal may now be obtained at the (it. Hall. Prices include 1921 Taxes Full payment must be made with al> plicat ion. D. (I. TATE, City Clerk A22-2 TAKE NOTICE that the U. G. G Sawmills Limited of Hutton Mills. 1$ C . Lumber Manufacturers, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at South East corner of T.L.32924; thence south forty chains; thence AVest forty chains; thence North forty chains; thence East forty chains; and con taining one hundred and sixty acres more or less. March 2nd. 1921. U C G SAWMILLS LIMITED. T J. LARGUE, Agent mchS-Stiawcl FORT GEORGE LAND DISTRICT District of Cariboo rpAKE NOTICE "Whitteinor- CITY OF PRINCE GEORGE POUND KEEPER Applications will be received by the undersigned up to noon on the -'8th April for the position of City Pound Keeper. Duties will commence 1st May. -Remuneration $75.00 per month, plus 50 per cent, of Fops collected. D G TATE, City Clerk. A22-2C THB CITY OF PRINCE GEORGE DUCHESS PARK The above park is city property, and is being improved for sport purposes. There is no thoroughfare that I, Richard Andrews of Fort George, B. C, occupation farmer, intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lauds: Commencing at a post planted at the N. E. corner of former Timber License No. 3* 3 7 0: —Thence 4 0 chains south, thence 40 chains west thence 4 0 chains north, thence 4 0 chains east to the point of commencement and containing 1G0 acres more or less. Dated March 14th, 1921. Richard Whittoniore Andrews. ________mch29-8tc. CITY OF PRINCE GEORGE HEALTH The First Week in May has been declared "(Mean Up Week," and Property Owners and Householders are requested to Have their premises thoroughly cleaned up. Collection of all Garbage into barrels, boxes, etc., will greatly facilitate the work of the Teamster on his rounds. Chairman Health Committee A22-2c More .... Sensajive ami more delicnte ihan the works of the fiinest watch is the mechanism of the eyes. The eyes of comparatively few people are without defect of some kind, and unless corrected, the defect increases and causes annoying headaches as well as a persistent feeling <>f fatigue and weariness. TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES .... STEACY .... OPTOMETRIST. THIRD AVENUE The Dunham is the only real satisfactory Low Pressure Steam Heating apparatus. Let us explain this for your new home or building and show you. No noise, no leaky valves. It is the best. High Grade Plumbing Fixtures. W. T. ATW00D PHONE 24V. FOURTH' AVENUE OPPOSITE CUSTOMS OFFICE.