24th,'1921. PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN MUST -IP YOU'LL EAT THEM THATS Tell yqu wmat til- vo mom.1.1 ' I'LL EAT TH€ SHELLS FOR. AtfOtri 2S,an Wimbles Perl h(? is on the coast shortly, in ' further reference to housing ment • °ame ln the lalest develoD-- ltl the matter of the 1919 in- spection fees, and came in the form of the ruling of the city solicitor, in the matter of Alderman Wimbles' application for the rebate of inspection fees charged against his house, which he built under the Better Housing act in 1919. The city solicitor ruled that as there was nothing in the contract about the inspection fees they could not be charged. This means that Alderman Wimbles will receive back the fees he has been charged with in the loan made on his house in 1919. and this sum. with others likewise affected, will result in the charge to the taxpayers of a sura of about $500 in a matter with which they have nothing whatever to do. Mayor Wilson, following up his position on hospital matters, laid on the table a typewritten resolution. This resolution was moved by Alder- man McKay and seconded by Alderman McMillan. It read as follows: "That this counsel express a vote of confidence in their representatives on the hospital board and approve their efforts to try and reduce the cost of operating the institution." Mayor Wilson is one of the council's representatives and Alderman Wimbles the other. The opinion of the city solicitor on the manner in which the city interests should be protected at the government lot sale was read. It develops that a stated sum of money must be applied for by a money bylaw, and that this must be used as determined in such bylaw to prevent lotB passing away from the city's taxation power. An amendment to toe Trades License bylaw was read three times. This makes the payment of these licenses due at the City hall on July 15. and not payable to the chief of police, who has had to collect them in the past. An amendment to the building bylaw also received three readings, which protects the city from damage to overhead wires in the matter of moving buildings. A motion was passed expressing the sympathy of the CQuncil to Mr. Alex Moffat on the death of his wife last night. An argument was presented by John Assman against the present poundkeeper and pound system. This resulted in the proposal to make certain changes in the matter of the city herding regulations, an advertisement of which appears in this issue. In routine business, the report of the works committee was adopted. Accounts passed by the finance committee, totalling $2,692.50 were ordered paid, plus a sum of $1,500, the first estimate on the hospital extension construction work, in progress. A letter from the lands department was read in the matter of the I lot occupied by the firehall. This I stated that there was no permission | to the city to build there on record : at the department. The matter of ; obtaining this property was left to Alderman Wimbles, who will take the matter up when in Victoria. A grant of $25 was made to the Salvation Army in its red shield drive. The club manager's license for the Tourist club was transferred from J. Lafonde to T. M. Watson. A letter from the police magistrate was read, regarding a rebate of fees imposed on Joe Ross in connection with moving a house. The council decided that there was no authority to rebate. At a meeting held previous to the council, the fire, water and light committee, after dealing with routine matters, investigated a complaint against City Electrician Freeman, brought by the Blue Electric company, regarding the disposition of certain wiring and other electrical supplies. The council instructed the city clerk to inform Mr. Blue that all the articles referred to in his letter were properly accounted for, and to state that if any charge was to be made against Mr. Freeman, that this should be made in writing to the council. The council further went on record as having perfect confidence in the city electrician. ... PETE PAVICH ... CONFECTIONERY THE FINEST ICE CREAM IN THE CITY. SODAS AND SUNDAES. Chocolates, Loose and in Attractive Boxes. Always Fresh. Tobaccos, Cigars, and Cigarettes. THIRD AVENUE. Dr. Hugh L. Dickey EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST of Vancouver Will be at the Alexandra Hotel From June 21 at to 25th McLaughlin Canada s Standard Car. ????« Due to Arrive this Week >?? Present Lines of new Master Six and Light Six series will be continued in the 1922 season. Beginning June 1 st, the new series and prices will be as follows, F. O. B. Oshawa, Ont.: Master Sixes: Three Passenger Roadster, Cord Tires Five Passenger Touring Cord Tires .. Three Passenger Coupe, Cord Tires .. Five Passenger Sedan, Cord Tires Model 22-44 Model 22-45 Model 22-40 Model 22-47 Model 22-48 Model 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring, Cord Tires Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan, Cord Tires .. OLD PRICE .$2550.00 . 2550.00 . 3405.00 3920.00 Four Passenger Coupe, Cord Tires .......... 4O0O.0O 2895.00 435O.0O Light Sixes: Model 22-02 Roadster .................................................... 1895.OO Model 22-03 Five Passenger Touring 1805.00 Model 22-02 loupe, Three Passenger ....................... 2040.00 Model 22-63 Sedan, Five Passenger ............... ........... 2O85.0O Sales Tax Extra. NEW PRICE $2215.00 2245.0O 295)5.00 S445.OO ;W45.00 2595.00 3795.00 1015.00 1050.00 2390.00 2435.O0 ? ???« McLaughlin Motor Car Co. OSHAWA, ONT. Limited. ??»???????? D. CORLESS, Local Dealer. WALLACE RTBID A 'TEACHER OF CHARM But Only in His New Picture "The Ch.-uiai School" Does He Give Lessons Wallace Reid has become a teacher of charm in a young ladies* school! The pupils are taught how course comprising lessons in Grecian j making themselves charming he con-and modern dancing, swimming, del- verts the institution into a "charm" sarte and beauty culture. But before Mr. Reid is., swamped school and changes all the methods of instruction. There is a wealth of with letters of inquiry from admir- j romance, a breezy plot and many ing screen fans, it should be said [ other delightful features. that this is only a part of the star's latest Paramount picture. "The Charm School," which will be shown at Dreamland tonight and tomorrow. According to the story. Mr. Reid, as Austin Bevans, inherits the girls' school from his aunt. Believing that to make themselves charming, the women should devote more time to The story was written by Alice Duer Miller. Tom Geraghty wrote the scenario and James Cruze directed. Lila Lee is leading woman and Adele Farrington, Beulah Bains, Edwin Stevens, Grace Morse. Patricia Magee, Lincoln Stedman. Kate Ton-cray and others are iu the cast.