June 28th, 1921. GEORGE CITIZEN Classified Advertisements. FOIl SAJJE pOR SALE-froni building, port George. -A two-roomed store-Apply Collins, South J28-lp |.()K SALE—Oarage, 10x14, doue boarded, also 1920 Ford Touring i!. practically new. W. E. Rarteck, , Bnird's Store. J28-3p Wed at > nea r K SALE—Linen, cups and sau- and cut glass. Call evenings or nesday afternoons. Mrs. Hume, rs. Lilian Hall's, Dominion St., City Hall. J21-3c FOR SALE—Team of horses, young, harness and light wagon. See falhoun, 2nd Ave. E. J14-fc FOR SALE—Woodstock typewrit-er in first class condition, $80.00. Apply Citizen Box N. J17-tfp FOR SALE—160 Acres, three miles from Foreman, $3.00 per acre. See rii''. James Alexander Munro, George Street. J24-3c FOR SALE—Splendid 7-roomed house, well finished, $1,250, Get particulars from James Alexander Munro, George Street. J24-3c WANTED only. Finder please communicate with Mrs. A. Aronson, Fraser Ave WANTED—Housekeeper Box B, Citizen. Apply 2 4-tfc 100 MEN WANTED—Soles saved at our Shoe Repair Depot. Northern Supply, George St. tfc. WANTED-- Second hand baby carriage. Apply P. O. Box 4. J21-3p MRS. (JRAHLMAN, local representative of the Spirella Corset Company, Morley Street, near Depot, wishes to state that appointments may be made at any time. A perfect fit is assured, together with comfort, style, durability ;.nd economy. PERSONAL FOR SALE—Near the proposed dam ;tt Nichol—148 acres on railroad, one miles from station, next to post office; cabin and outbuildings; 6 acres ready for plough, 17 ncres cleared and cross-drained; 4 0 to 50 acres Al flat agricultural land, easily cleared; large meadow tract; saleable timber on balance. Creek Mir irrigation, three good roads on property, large garden planted Attractive price for immediate sale. Soldiers Settlement red tape methods (too old at 40 years of age) — sole reason for sacrificing this excellent property. Ideal poultry and truck farm. Edwards <£ Sons, Nichol, B.C. J23-2tp. LOST AM) FOUND FOUND—Bunch of keys in Tourist Club, Third Ave. Can be obtain.><1 at citizen Office. M30-f WORK DONE BY THE DAY — Children taken care of, -washing done or any other work. Apply Box C, Citizen. J28-3p FOIi RENT FOR RENT-—Suite of nice rooms. Apply Ed. Hall. J24-3c FOR RENT—Three rooms, partly furnished. Apply Mrs. Naslin, 2nd Ave. East. J21-3p. FOR KENT—Fraser Valley. 4.000 acre ranch at Strathnavar, on P.G. E. Grade. Stock and machinery to be bought over. Further particulars ! b.Ut from hif rfmarks il * from G. Tainsh, Strathnavar P. O. J19-3p A(T Certificate of linprovcnuTils VT.OTICE—Peace River, Selwyn. North Star, Una and Calgary Fractional Mineral Claims situate in the Omlneca Mining Division of Car-i Olll-V able to Procure the timber elude the possibility of a statement by the promoters in August as to when work upon the same may be expected to commence. Another detail which may be fixed by this time iw the definite location of the paper mill. Upon the site chosen may hinge to a certain extent the plans to be adopted for the construction of the plant. Mr. Perry nays he saw five sets of different plans which have been worked out, and the fixing of the site may be one of the details to receive the attention of Mr. Jones and his associates on the approaching visit. Just how long it will take to perfect the harnessing of the Nechaco and complete the erection of the plant Mr. Perry did not feel warranted in expressing an opinion, but he gathered the work upon the water power, and that upon the paper mill would proceed simultaneously. He did understand that work upon the river would only be carried on during the summer, and as the season would be well advanced before a start could be made it might readily be surmised the construction period would be extended into the second year. Returning frotn the coast on Saturday night, General Manager Ty-hurst, of the Fraser Timber Syndicate, which is the concern at present carrying on the paper mill negotiations, states that everything in connection with the pending sale of the timber is progressing satisfactorily. Mr. Tyhurst stated that the large area of timber "which has been cruised, is rapidly being put in shape to offer for tender. Asked whether his company anticipated any competition in the purchase of these limits, he stated that this was a contingency, gathered that it would be a remote one. The syndicate owns 225 miles of timber of its own, on the upper reaches of the Fraser river. This area, with that which is to be offered, would give a source of supply which would make the undertaking attrac- i tive to the people owning both areas. to a greater extent than to a concern in- London Cafe For those who want nothing but the best. ????????»?? ALL WHITE HELP. ?????????? ??<»????? ??»»? + ??? BigClearance Sale NOW IN FULL SWING Gents' Furnishings at Astounding Reductions FINK PANTS AT HE LOW fX>ST. UNDERWEAR AM) SOCKS AT ."><> PER CENT. OFF SEE THESE AND MANY OTHERS. SPANER OPPOSITE FIRE HALL. >????????????????? ????? LOST From G.W.V.A. club room, books and cards belonging to auxiliary of above. No value to any out-side person. Communicate Citizen please. f LUST Black pup, male, 2 or 3 months old. Reward on return to • 'itizpn office. LOST Between Fraser Ave. and City hall, old fashioned silver and gold leaf brooch, of value to owner iboo District. Located on Mount Selwyn, Peace River. TAKE NOTICE that I. F. P. Burden, acting as agent for Robert .1. Miller. Free Miner's Certificate No. 16968C, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, -"under section 37, must be commenced before the issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 16th day of June, A.D. 1921. Jun21-Agl6-law. H. <,. PERRY CONFIDENT OK PULP MILL DEVELOPMENT i Continued from Page 1) carry the same through to completion without the ordinary co-operation of thf> financial market. '1 am absolutely convinced that Mr, Jones and his associates mean business," is the way Mr. Perry ex-pressed himself. 1-To all intents and rposes it may be assumed the menl of the paper company has satisfactorily concluded. There V be ;i few loose ends to tie up n the promoters come to the I in August, but I regard this Bimply a minor incident in lerfection of the agreement and i meeting of principals to shape »ain features of the agreement I;t"n'iisp. The great considera-'°n with Mr. Jones has been a satisfy assurance as to a necessary |P'y of pulp wood, and this has :i given by the exhaustive cruise II the provincial government has III !>" completed. Mr. Jones was beei may whe the lint the not in possession of all the details of this cruise when he was discussing the matter with me, but he had sufficient information as to the general information disclosed by the same to warrant him in assuming the desired supply is available and that he and his associates will be able to come to terms with the government as to the securing of it." Mr. Perry stated the program of the paper mill promoters covered the erection of a paper mill in close proximity to the city of Prince George, such mill to have a capacity of 100 tons of newsprint per day. It will also be found to provide for the development of the Nechaco water power upon a scale sufficient to take care not only of electrical energy requirements of the paper mill but also to meet the requirements of the city of Prince George. There is still some data to be secured in connection with the hydro-electric project of the company, but Mr. Perry is of the opinion that this will not pre- eluded in the recent cruise by the forest department. District Forester Bonny, who is a man also a figure in the big pulp enterprise, through his work in connection with timber supply, also returned from the coast oil Sunday. He stated that the timber area set aside and cruised for pulp purposes, would be offered as a unit. The sawmills have all been protected by reserves to give them supply for a long period. The timber would be sold with a proviso that a sum of at least $350,-000 would be expended within three years, and bond of $50,000 would have to be put up at the time the contract was signed. The district forester states that the data for the cruise is all in hand and the advertising of the limits, which must extend for sixty days, should be published shortly. PRINCE GEOliGiE BOY SCOUTS There will be a parade of Scouts and Cubs on the Duchess Park ground on Wednesday 29th, at 7.30 p.m. Uniform will be worn as far as possible, but Scouts and Cubs must understand clearly that they may j come whether they have uniform or not. If wet, the parade will be in the basement of the public school, 7th avenue. W. COOPER. Scout Master. If you have an Edison Disc Gram-aphone. I would like you to hear how an Ora-Tone attachment will play Victor Records on your machine. Pitman's Music Store. Third Avenue. J28-2c THIRD AVENUE BILLIARD HALL The Best Equipped Hall in the City JOBBERS AND RETAILERS IN TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Full Line—Always Fresh T. A. GRIFFITH PHONE 62 (2 rings) Proprietor AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAi CORPORATION OF PRINCE GEORGE. Please Take Notice That 1921 Taxes are Due June 30th, 1921. The Municipal Act provides that 15 per cent of the 1921 Taxes shall be added if payment is not made on or before ^e due date. "Send Your Remittance Today." S. W. GEORGE, P. O. Box 42. Collector. LET IS Ql'OTE YOU OX YOUK W1K1XG Motor Repairs, Electric Appliance Repairs, Ma/.da Lamps and Fixtures LENNOX ELECTRIC PHONE 47K. NEXT TO CITIZEN OFFICE We are Headquarters For the Following Teas Tetley's - Golden Tip Ridgway's - Lipton's Supreme - Blue Ribbon Nabob - Malkin's Best A. J. Peck & Co., Ltd. POST OFFICE BLOCK