i. Professional Directory. LEGAL. SURVEYORS. YOUNG & OGSTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Munro Bldg. Over Post Office. \V. I\ (KJILVIK BARRISTER. SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ogilvie Block. George St. P. E. WILSON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Prince George, B.C. P. P. BURDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA LANP SURVEYOR. Successor to Green Bros., Burden & Co.. Fort George Branch. J. P. CAMPBELL BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR Munro Bldg,, Prince George, B.< NOTARIES PUBLIC. DKNTISTRY. P. J. SHEARER NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER. Fire Insurance, Life, Accident and Sickness Policies. Millar Section Lots for Sale. Rox o7. Prince George, B.C. DM. ALWARD DENTIST. Munro Building. Over Post Office. PHONE 103. PK IXCE GEORG I REAL ESTATE ( <> COXVEYAN< E RS F •in \ I late Class ami Vutomol ile lnsu ranee R 1 \.cents and \ aluators N( tary Public in Office 1 ho re 22F. (leor^e St. [>R. BADGERO DENTIST. Office: Over Prince George Store. STATIONERS INSURANCE. M. C. WIGGINS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, NOTARY PUBLIC. General Brokerage Business. Property managed for non-resident owners. Correspondence Invited. Office: Corner 4th & George. Prince George, B.C. 1 hi: CITIZEN JOB PR ESSES ( If ice and Commercial SI at ionery a Specialty. Ou si, e Competition Met in Price and Quality M KS1\(. MISS E. \V. MAX\! 'ELL, II.N. G rad. C in. ( , liege oi Chiropractic Cres cei t Jlock, Jrd Ave., T el< phone ilR I ours": 2 t , 5 and by Appointment Ml »s. .IAXK A SIX! 'li mi; QU VLIFIED NU R Si K\t ; 11S i .¦ experi MIC" in profes- sion. Sp« cial attei tion t> Mater- n i t y i ase s by pre vious ippoint- ment. r,o\ 13 ;. Prince Geor b c. i i > ¦ -;. i on er Baillie ami M ontreal. FRAGRANCE —The aroma of BS34 ¦ii mm wimmmm tmrnnmam betokens the perfection of the leaf. Famous for 30 years, Salada never varies the excellence of its quality. COUNCIL OVERRIDES MAYOR'S VETO ON OIL CONTRACT i Coni inued from Page 1 i 7" ci : j- I supported that at the time because I believed it was the lowesi price obiainabh . When I voted :r " :;. resolution ' considered ! was nt"i ; • roi tract which 1 con n! r i binding. That being t In- ( LSe it ¦• oi, Ir! not ira ke any Ten cp to me il the Snowdon com-:• • i\ rju ¦ •• I a price ol fifty cent s. and fnt this reason I stand with the • iri ginal resi lut ion." Aklern ;¦ n Pat ten on expi • • ised himself in favor of the McLean resolution itncj disclaimed any respon-sibilit> for th- Bnowdon offer being made public. The amendment of Alderman Taylor was then put and was lost on a division of three to four, Mayor Johnson, and Aldermen Taylor and McKay voting for it. and the rest of the council against. The original motion was then put and carried on the sanie division. The tenders for the filling of Third avenue bridge were then opened. A. P, Anderson gavo a flat figure oi $3,980 for a till with a 60-foot crown, and $3,190 fur a 40-foot crown and the necessai y decking. Lockyer Brothers figured tho fill-Ing at 7 ."> cents per yara and tli<; cribbing for a 60-foot crown fill at $800. Bentz & lloff figured 75 cents per yard for the filling- K. J. Garvey figured il'i cents for the filling and the necessary timber PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Friday, Jun W. P. GREGG BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Prince George, B C. Alexander Hutchison, tho local representative of the Imperial Oil company, thanked the members of the council for the consideration 1 shown in tho pia ing of the lubricating oil contract. In this connection I Mayor Johnson called his attention to his statement that he (Mayor Johnson) had been responsible for I Classified Advertisements. FOR HALK SALE—Good Dry Jackpine Wood, $7.00 per cord. Leave or- the entry of the Snowdon company dQra s*ith ,,(1(;k & Gillis. W. II. | into the oil dispute. The mayor a8-| chance. serted he had no know-lodge of the M5-8tp Snowdon company's movements, and poR SALE—Lath and Lumber. Get d i bf bi D to accept the mayor's statement and Saw Mills, Dewey, 1B.C. apologize, Jn!>-6tc T""t8TY VISITOR—Alld == ¦made Prince George tua"** the government vendor's presume? Miss Prince c, Certainly not. It WaK ¦'FroJln?^ at a5 Cents per Pint. Phone 34m FOREST F1RKK WRKAKINCJ HAVOC WITH ItKMOTK TIMBE POH SALE—One 3-Sided Planer. ^ „.„„ ~........ "m -^U: ou ,r Illtlh—Tiniotbv Hav ;•¦„ , Guaranteed in Rood running ord- (on Uuion ¦ ¦¦"..;.. a 3R . er. Price (300.00. Apply Briscoe ,-gA Lames, j>hon(j Country at HtwiwaU'i's <>l' Parsnip Rivor is Abla/.i—Willow River Timber in Danger Lumber Yards, Prince (.J^orge. B.C. J6-4tc lt SALK—Two Milch Goats, one to freshen about July 30th. Also ing Young Hens. South Fort George. M23-«c —¦—. °"ti Wehrea M23.»c I Three Turkeys, one gobbler and I poll BALE—Ford SiiTr7T~7~M~~ forest firr havoc is now be- I hm% AppIy p Q JJox fJ * TwQ Seater ^^-i Mod, g familiar Fur three weeks Jnl6-tfc Bplendid running order. Apply ctt The com in sorest fires have been raging all over the Fort George district and there has been no rain. The damage to timber h:is been enormous. hut the areas .: :• cted arc, in the main, timber that is not easily ac- ll SALE—Six Voinm Pigs. Ap- zen Office. In ;itl- tf. ply c. Goglln, west of Cemetery. giNGEU SEWING MACHINE? . Jnl6-4tp $r,.00 down and $3.00 ] •IIK-Ks roll SALK— ak.' 2 weeks , mollth- You can send it] k at an, , . , . : time, or. if von keep to 2 months, from bred-to-lay , ¦ cessible, but which would, if the stock. Also Chicken House. Apply I)n<" Wlthont »nter< development of timber in this coun- cor, 2nd Ave. and Victoria St. ' ¦ol"s tr> was activeh undertaken, be util- Jnl6-2tp e' the Musi ESO-tff ¦d in the con Returning fi ad waters of e divide betv e McGregor. .1 of time. ;i trip to the Parsi iii i i\ or, in SALK—Double Co location, fenced and planted m 1;iil .,,..... an(j j potatoes. cheap for quick sale. k McGaghrati, who "' T^J QUICKS KOK SALK—il. 1 2 with moth' r for I? ply F. D. Boothi oyd, Nil h so other lots for sale cheap, Ap- made the trip . W. H. O'Dell, P1* cor -1"1 Av" and Victoria St. p>oi: s.\l.K—Tw,. ^ states that a bis fire is burning ________ Jnl ~-tp weighing 300 pi from the mouth of Swam]) river. near Davis lako on the Crooked ----------- FOR RF\T '" ^''rpl'^ Duroc Om' Yorkshire B WANTED IKKIMHI) HOISK I-OK KKNT furnished.^ close in. Apply Moran, Connaught Hotel. .' o , WOMAN COOK WANTED M23-tfc »* river, which has run through to the poll KKNT—Three Roomed House Pigs. 2 weeks old; head of the Parsnip river Some on Laurier descent. Apply Brood Sow to fair. swamp lands have served to stem Mrs. .!. C. McKfenzie. J9-tfc 3 first class Milch this fire, in pi......1 but in many di- -----------------------------—--------________ Enquire at B.C. Bai rections it threatens lo travel to snow line, on the mountains, before it dies out. (>n the west side of McLeod Like. Class, for hot some years ago. a strange thing oc- AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE. wascs. Apply immed curred. A regular cyclone swept . Hotel. through the timber for a distance of >|O,;(;AN ,* MELLSON AUTO '------------------777^777^ son,., miles and tore the living trees SERVICE. NOTK h down, leaving them piled in a greal *_______ swath Into this ready made fire At the Panama News. /\ MEETING ol the R: trap of the woods some stricken ,. ... . ,. „ v-: . . r-., . . ,. .,, Farmers' Inst Dav riiniif 1 08. on Saturday, July NMght Phone 9 mind allowed a fire to ere.-p. perhaps bj accident, or perhapa by de- Germain, for the ladies, and Mr. the Hartley School Horn sign According to Mr, McGaghran Germain for the gentlemen. Mrs. bers are requested I the flames from this fire reached out Booth and Mr. D. Tato won the con- G. A. Sutton of the I half way across McLeod lake, in the solation prizes. Boara, will addn recent high winds. This fire is als doing much damage. There is yet another fire on tl Arctic slop.-. the headwaters i which reach as far a< Summit lafc thirty miles north of ibis city. Th is on the Pack river, fifteen miN Mrs. \V. P, <)L'ilv:'-. accompanied by "I'.Hli" Ben'', thr origin younp son of Mr. r.nd Mrs Ogilvie. left the < ity a few days ago tci spend some weeks al Portland, 1 ire, . on .1 visit. If "Children's I >aj " from the mouth. The path of this ,,,.,.,;,,,, Vilth ,-,,. .,. is across the Parsnip river and up to j K,|nx Churcn S.S 1 the 1 lui.( ii at tli In con I- TO COM work for a 40-foot fill at $270 On the yardage estimated by the engineer the cost ol the Garvey tend' 1 r would bo $1,8ft8.2fi for the fill with a 40-foot crown, This tender being the cheapest, il was accepted subject to the sale of the bonds be ins perfected, A storm blew up over the action of ih'1 athletic association in fenc ins Duchess I'arl; mnfi n portion of the roadway without the consent of the council. Messrs. Fraser and Motfat were preseni on behalf of the resident ratepayers, and while they did not object to the fence-, which is a wire affair, they dia vie la k< . i nfl t her,' seems to be some danger of it reaching the Sum mit lake sect on. During his bunting expedition up the Parsnip river. McGaghran and O'Dell secured two bear.; They sav, Innumerable heaver In the creeks, and numbers of moose were sighted The latter were heavily framed ani inals but they were in very poor condition. be observed renoon service ( 1 1 o'clock 1. on Sum!.iv the 1 81 h 1 • st. The children will repeat lessons learned during tho session and will i'i: lei appropriate hymns, while ¦ ¦'.! • ¦ ¦ ;• ¦ r vico t hi diploma1-' gained will be pi nted 1 'arenl s :¦ r 1«1 ;••:>''. n| th<» children arc cordially in-, it' d to attend. CE \ LEI) TEN 111 der for < 'ai ih celved bj the II 1 1. • , ; Public A Wednesday, the 1922, for •¦leu in t ion - of the above Plans, specifics obtained i>t the Rev E n Johnston, pastor of the | office, Court Hoi District Engineer The irip made by MoGaghran and Firsl Baptist Church of Athena, Ore-O'Dell extended by water from Sum t,on wh 1 has arrivotl hi the city in or :it tne Public mit lake down the Crooked river In- connection with the colonization of Parliament Building to McLeod lake, and down McLeod n tract of land on the oast of the Kach tendoi mi lake Into the Pack, to the point Fraser. will give a lecture this even- J by an accepti where this river empties int., the ing in the G.W.V.A. ball, on Fourth Bank of Canada, Parsnip, and up the Parsnip for a : avenue, at 8 o'clock. Subject will I $3,000. I b(> ' distance of about 125 miles to the he "Was Jesus Christ the Son of ful tendered will headwaters. God, or an Impostor." Dr. Johnson curity for the due- Fires throughout the Fort George is an earnest defender of "the Faith formance district are so numerous that it is | delivered to the saints." and all | factory completion The lowest or an> c< ssa rfl v accepted difficult to pet a prop'!1 idea oi Christian people and doubting ones, those of major or minor Importance, and Indifferent ones, are cordially At Willow River a big body of splen- invited. "Come and let us reason did timber i in danger of being together." killed by a fire which has crossed the Fraser river from the Little Salmon river country. The forestry department sent 100 men out yesteday to try and stop this fire from doing havoc to the timber limits, and with favorable winds it is hoped to bold the flames on the fringe of the hip timber. coon after her arrival in B.C. The IiOOAJj HAPPENINGS Edwards', father and sons, fought in France. The father is also 11 voter- J, Bedford Edwards, eldest son of Harry lOdwards of Nlchol, has been appointed patrolman at Red Pass, B.C. II" servea with the isth Battalion in France, being badly wounded and gassed at Arras. His intended wife Balled from Wales on I he Sth. and they will be married Tho Ladies' Auxiliary to the G.W. V.A. wish tn announce a military an of the Boer war. They live on a ranch at Nichol station. whist drive to be l'Md In the G.W, V.A. hall on Friday next, June 23rd, WESTERN HALL Admission 7r,c, including refresh- Western International -- Calgary inents. Prizes and a good time pro- | 2, Edmonton 3; Vancouver 15, Ta-mised. coma 1. *> * ¦* , _______________________________________.._________ The Prince George Tennis Club's j The steamer ConestOga, loaded whist drive, held on Wednesday with wheat, bound from Port Col-evening in the CJ.W.V.A. hall, was borne to Montreal, burned to the attended by a goodly number of peo- water's edgo in Cardinal canal at pie who enjoyed the occasion gTeat- Ogdensburg, N.Y. Tho Iohh is esti-ly. The prizea were won by Miss mated at 8250,000 ii r Public V\ i Department of Pilhlj1 ment Buildings. June 2, 1922. A lot of people are having Ice Cream Delivered- ?????¦ ¦? ?? Whyd on you The Palm nre 1" T"flI1 Tho Cooler BSB. ?HONK