PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN t;;riil">-.....»¦¦ ism, 1!(,., Special Prices on Fir and Spruce LUMBER 821.00 $23.00 $22.00 $24.00 $24.00 $26.00 $25.00 $28.00 $35.00 ,1 1-Inch Hank, 12 t<> 2« Foci Long, per M., $26 * $2S ALL LUMBER DELIVERED. l-Ineh llougli, per M. 1-Inch, Sized, imm- M. 2 I's, I'lim^li, jx»r M. I's, Sizoint and Flooring, per M. Briscoe's Lumber Yard COKXF.K FOURTH AM) WINMI'KC. Special Prices on Silk Hose < OLOltS IH.ACK, WHITE, BROtl'X, GREEN AND BROWN STRIPPED. IZOWSKY'S SALE OF WORK. The Lndics1 Aid of Ivnox Presbyterian <"ltur«h Will Hold a Sale of Work TOMORROW AFTERNOON, SATURDAY, JUNE IT PROM :i to U P.M. IN THE I.O.O.F. HAM.. A Large Assortment of Useful and Attractive Article Will Be Offered for Sale. PITMANS STORE Pianos——Singer Sowing Machines. Canton Crepe Georgette Mignon Duchess Satin J)l( HISS SATIN. Fin. White Embroidery Linen, Heavy Natural Knihi-oidci'.v Linen, Turkish r> a t h Towels and Lace Cloths. The Crescent Ladies' Furnishings HAPPENING* been made by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church Cor this Kale, a table full of thiiiKH left over from the bazaar will be offered at attractive prices. * * * II. W. Gibson, from Findluy Forks, is a visitor In the city. * * * Messrs. Mutch and Craig, two Vancouver realty operators passed through the city this week on their way into the Peace Illver country to inspect oil wells in which they art1 interested in the Peace River Block. Last year their well was blown out by salt water an! wei gas pressure. They have a plan to shut off the salt, water and hope to make a producing well. » ? • There was a good lacrosse practice last night al the Duchess Park grounds, and a largo attendance to see the play.' An offer of $200 for expenses has bet1:: sent t<> the Ques-nol team to com* lure for a match on Dominion Day, It is especially requested that all players will turn out on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock for a practice match. Attendance; in uniform is requested. * * * George Rowland Fisher has received the appointment as fishery overseer for the Cariboo district, the position held by the late IV F. M. Perkins. * * • Those who have been over the road to Vantferhoof say it is now in a fair state for travel. .Most of the culverts have been repaired and th>' wet spots have dried out. It is said to be a safe proposition for motorists to make the Vantlerhoof trip in connection with the coming football match. C. R. Gilbert, of Terrace, spent a short time in the city this week on business. He says \)\r> damape to the strawberry plants as the result of severe winter frosts will affect three-fourths of the plants around Terrace. * * * Officer Cousins, of R.C.N.W.M.P., returned from the Francois lake section this week. Ho says the forest fires came in close to tho Francois Lake settlement on the north shore of the lake and wiped out the new school house. The fire also destroyed the houses of two settlers in the vicinity. •, * • Miss K. Milligan has carried off the first prize again for physical drill in the class rooms of the city schools. This prize is awarded by Inspector Gower in all the schools In his inspectorate. * • • The sale of the city bonds to the Morris Brothers has been perfected and the money for the same deposited in the Royal Bank. The sale disposed of $4 1,000 worth of bonds at 00 cents. * * • Born, to the wife of Major M. A. Burbank. yesterday afternoon, June 15th, a son. Mrs. Burbank and the infant are reported to be making excellent progress. * • • Marshall W. Westcott. a former resident of Prince George, died on June 6th, at Mobile, Ala.. U.S.A. * • * Mi:">s Maisie Golder, of Willow River, is visiting friends In Prince George. The district engineer of the de- j partment of public works has set I the date for bids on the clearing and grading of portions of Project 16A on the Cariboo road, ahead, for seven days. This will give district, contractors longer to gel their tenders in. This road project i< the section between Prince George and Quesnel, and the work is on the northern part of the road. liids are to be in hy noon of June 28th. * ? * n Members of the Prince George Farmers' Institute are informed that the regular meeting for July will be lii'ld on Saturday. June 24, ;it 2:3.0, in Pineview School. This is on account, of the first Saturday in .July falling on Dominion day. The institute hopes that there will be a large attendance as the spring rush of planting, etc., is past. + * * Bexon &• Co. are giving away '_'">() ickets in a drawing for a 42-piece dinner set cf Limoge'a chinav/arc. One tickrt is given with every $1.00 purchase of soap. The tickets are placed In u Bealed box and will 1)3 drawn in the Citizen office. * * • The Crosceht wishes to announce that the hemstitching machine installed In that establishment is now in first class running order. * • » Mr. Cas.sell, assistant manager for British Columbia of the Monarch insurance Company, Has Deen a business visitor in the city. * * * The Ladies' Aid of Kno : Presbyterian Church _is holding .i sale of work tomorrow afternoon. Saturday, June 17th, from :'. to 6 P 'u. in the I.O.O.P. hall. In addition t > the many attractive articles, which have ----) Stationery Envelopes JF YOU WANT CJOOI> STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES, wo can supply you. Also a large stock of Books and Magazines by tho Boat Authors at Publishers' Prices. Si INSCRIPTIONS T A K K X — IJeware of outside subscription sharks. .. News Stand Women's Tweed Suits at $25.00 HAVE JUST TEN of these Suits which we are offering at Tremendous Reduction*. They conic in light and dark colour*, Home nre. plainly tailored while- others are in tho Helled Norfolk styles. No two suits alike. Slzce 10 to 4'-i. Regular Values up to $.">.*>.(><». SALE PRICE $25.00 ? »?????»??????'???» Ladies'Velour Coats, $12.50 qnill'KK OP THESE COATS---Colours. Green-Tomato and Cadet. Regular up to $2*JI.5<». SALE 1>1UCE $12.50 Hughes & Drake LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTERS. PHONE 55L. Third Avenue, : Prince George. ....... The New ....... Evaporated Pacific Milk Th»« Only Milk Produced in B.C., Unequalled in Price and <^unlit\. Groceries, Flour and Feed, and Produce. J. ASSMAN •honk no. gkok<;k stkkkt. Rough and Dressed Lumber LATH AND SHINGLES CEMENT MOULDINGS LIME DOORS PLASTER WINDOWS BRICK GLASS fun; brick ROOFING TILES PAPER FIRE (LAV Andersen's Lumber Yard, 3rd Ave TKl-Kl'HOXK 55A. I\ (). BOA II CARNATION MILK, Tails 15c. Seven for . ST. CHARLES' MILK, Tails 15c. Seven for BftOOKFLELD CREAMERY BUTTER, 52 Pounds for 10. C. I). BUTTER, 2 1'ounds for ROGERS' GOLDEN SYRUP, r» Pound Can 1O I'ound Can ............... SWIFTS WHITE LAUNDRY SOAP, 15 Bara for 81.00 si.oo 850 81,00 81.00 FRESH KILLKI) MEATS AND A GOOD ASJ OF GREENS. Prince George Public Market NK 87. THIICI) For the Three Essentials Quality, Economy and TRY Haydon's Grocery PHONE i:tM. THIRD AV