PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Professional Directory. LEGAL. ,____- VOl N< ______——————^—~~—— i a. OGSTON 1! 'J IIMST13 [{g, SOLICITORS, DA1 ETC. Muni' HldK- Over Post Office. W. I . (XilliVIE ISTBR SOLICITOR'AND BAM NOTA1 iV PUBLIC. Ogllvl . Block George St. _—------ ----— P. 1 _____——————— . WILSON HAH USTliR AND BOLICITOR ['rluce George, B.C. SURVEYORS. \v. F. < REG G ————¦- BRITISH < Ol A. MB1 A L AND SUKV k YOU Prince G( rge, D.C. DENTISTRY. UK. ALWARD DENTIST. liulliliiiK. Over Post Office. PHONE 103. V. I'. UUKDKN BRITISH COLUMBIA LAN!/ PURVEYOR. Successor to (jrueu limn., Burden & Co., Fort Oeorge I3rancb. ' .f. p. CAMPUELL BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR Munro Bldg., Prince George, B.C. NOTAICIES PUBLIC Kit. BADGERO DENTIST. over Prince George Drug Store. F. J. SHEARER NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER, Fire Insurance, Life, Accident ami Sickness Policies. Millar Section Lois for Salo. Box 37. Prince George, B.C. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE. M. U. WIGGINS !EAL ESTATE & INSURANCE, NUlAKV 1'UULIC. General Brokerage Business. Property managed for non-resident owners. Correspondence Invited Office: Corner 4th & George. Prince George, li.C. CHIROPRACTIC MISS K. U. MAXWELL, H.N. Gra a model a woman \N.iih bobbed hair. I What's more, he never will. They poof subjects for painters. .|ircini< r-eiccl and his family mh.h taken al Winnipeg a lew days ago. Financial Statement of Hospital Society. STATEMENT OF ASSETS AM) LIABILITIES OF THE (I IV OF PKINC GEORGE HOSPITAL SOCIETY AS AT JUNE ;?<»th, 10212. h< - a v s Dreamland TONIGHT & TOMORROW AGNES AYRES "Borderland" AGNES AYRES was never »¦> alluring h.s in this uppuuling drama of impetuous young love. Lavishly produced. Milton Sills and Casson Ferguson in the cast. The romance of a society belle who loved not wisely but too well. See her lavish gowns unil daring escapades. See her rise through folly to happiness. Alii LTS 10c. we pay tax. CHILDREN I'M. Women are destined to become d greater force In the world, in thi artist's opinion. He also believe: the horizon ot her activity will b< widened. UK II (,n\\ \s OF 1880 AND 11)22 SKKN IN "BORDERLAND'1 \mis Ayit's1 New Picture Will Be I' 11 j..>'•• 1 by Her Women Admirers A ^ 'T of locale from 1850 provides an interesting ¦ harming gowns for In "Borderland," her ' t picture just booked Vdama of Dreamland s showing tonight :' ": " ' This rilm. Bays Mr. <*¦ Ing for the first t imo 1 SURVEY TO 15K MADE FOR B1I1NS LAKE-ENDAKO ROAD Government Proposes to Make Itoiiri Over Lap thai Kills Traffic In a determined efforl to settle the controversy over the proper ; route of the mad to bridge the nap in the road .-> tem between Burns j Lake and Endako, i>. McMillan, a I civil engineer >ii' Victoria, \\a< in I Smithers recently to make arrange-' menta for Blurting a coinprehi nsive mrvey to be run by J, A. Rutherford, who i.; now on Hi" ground. The completion of this little piece I of road will give uninterrupted road systems liKht from, Hazelton down in Mexico and undoubtedly all towns in Hit' Interior have suffered from the break, saya the Interior News, of Smithers. This road has been on the cult nd tr ol the r» ad ; department for ae\ ¦:..] years. A | start was made c . the work, but I there was oppo It ion to i he i oute j j selected via Tchesinkut Lake, the people of Burns Lake and the ranch-j I ers along the railway maintained i that the road should follow the rail-l way. The opposition was all thai I was required to Justify stopping the work. Now a survey i- to i><- made around Tchesinkul Lake right to Kndako nnd ua< k oil tin old Koley There's a j.iz, dancinj; gown of welch >v Stewart road along the pold lace, modified hoop-skirl effect ; railway to Burns to determine decorated with broad hands of Beal-j the most suitable route from the ins with rod ribbon and zellaphane : standpoint of grade, distance and flowers of orange, red and purple. As a contrast, there are several gorgeous hoop-skirts of 1.850, worn by Dora Becket, whose spirit returns to warn Edith Wayne of the consequences of her projected mis- Btep. An Old rose skiit. whose hoops are about eight feet in diameter, is covered with orchid lace from skirt i to modes! neck. Another hoop- j skirt of delft blue and bronze is , decorated with worsted passementerie. Assets Building: Society's investment . $10,951.17 Less depreciation (10 p.c.) 1,095.11 Extension i Invest mem j , Furniture and fixture icokm ... . ;> Less depreciation (10 p.c. i ..... Wards furnished and donated Cash on hand ..-........................... i'ash in bank ................... Petty e.isii i matron i ......... Accounts receivable (patients' ledger) City ol Prince George (Maint. fees due) I! «'. Gov it::mi nt i Bonuses due | Drugs, diessings, linen, kitchen, etc. ui Liabiliti Vccounts Payable (Traders' ledger) . . City (Sundries, light, water, etc.) Loan pending receipt of liquor profit Royal Bank of Canada (Loan) Salaries i .1 tine) .. C-Ray fund I Watch) - Outstanding cheques ......................... Surplus Account— Assets In excess of liabilities. 1920 13,053.08 Assets in excess of liabilities, 1SJ1 5,289.55 Assets in excess of liabilities. 1922 4,302.30 t 9,856.06 D31 . t; r. 303 .16 — 2 ,72 8. OH 1. ::> 1 5, 00 27 8. 01 2 5. Oil 10 o 0 0 51 pro N.I 1 ,49 -• IT $ 1 .14 (l n,, 1 ,20 9, 75 2 ,99 9, 74 1 .mi n. Oil 51 6, 0!< 1" n. LTi 4 o 86 $29,652.61 Pacific Great Eastern Railway Co. Time Table for All Points Between Quosnol and Vancouver 1:30 p.m., arrive Williams Lake Wedn a.m. Leave Williams Lake Sundays onl> Return Fare Quesnel to Vancouver, Good for Thirty Days, $34.-10. One-Way Fare i«(ll».2.">. For further information apply P.G.E. Railway, Vancouver, B.C., or Agent, Quesnel. 1 Motor Boat "Rounder" The Fastest Boat on the River. \\ piiYINO BETWEEN SOUTH PORT GEORGE AND QUESNEL CARRYING HIS MAJESTY'S MAILS, PASSENGERS AND 0 EXPRESS. ? ------------ ? Leaves her dock nt SOUTH PORT GEORGE every TUESDAY AM) FRIDAY at 8:30 A.M. Leaves QUESNEL every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY at 4 A.M. Liquid Assets '"ash on hand...................................................... Cash in bank ................................................. Maintenance fees due from City .................. Bonuses due from B. C. Government ......... Accounts receivable (Patients' ledger) $7,229.50 Less bad anil doubtful . 1,216.35 22.ti44.93 40.00 278.01 inn. 00 513.73 t 6,013.15 $23,652.61 $t;,'.t44.89 s Ai/res and Casson <--. Bfltes and famih l'rom Montana are tho latest arrivals and have located near the Kulstedl ranch, where thej are building a fine log cabin, Many more would come In if there was any hope of a bridge being built al Isle Pierre station, The only means of"¦ getting across to the railroad is by a small boal and consequently it is impossible for any products to be marketed until Buch time as n bridge is put in. Charlie Byers has a; tie contract this year ami will cut smith of the river this time. Edwards and sons will also cut lies this year oil their own property near Nlchol station. RECORD IRON CONTENT IN HUDSON'S HOPE ORE A large boniplo of iron taken from a deposit located In the vicinity of Hudson's Hope lias been take:; to Vancouver by Fred Blanchard. a pioneer farmer, who has just returned from a prospecting trip which "Borderland," besides presenting took him up toward the heal waters an Interesting sartorial contrast, is i (>f the Peace. said to ho an unusual dramatic nov- According to Mr. Blanchard, the elty. The story is by Beulah Marie] stripped area <»f the ore was Too feet Current Liabilities Accounts payable .......................... $ 1,140.99 Royal Bank of Canada (Loan) .. 1,000.00 Outstanding cheques .. ..... 40.SG Salaries i June) ... ..... al6.o;i Citj ol Prince George (Loan) 2,999.74 X-Ray fund 100.25 Surplus 1,146.96 PROFIT A\I> LOSS ACCOUNT Interest, discount and exchange Board Salaries .. ...... Fuel ........ General ex] enso ...... Building i Deprei lation Furniture and fixtures (Depreciation Laundry Insurance Jrups, etc. ... General repairs Fee? earned Donations Iiivi-iniiifiit grants . City grants, otc Memborsnlp fees .. -Oovemmptit bonuses Subscription tickets Furniture and fixtures (Donated) Profit nnd Loss, being Profit .H44.89 Loss.' 52.46 3,109.88 6,047.96 I,G30 86 ¦1 17.8 7 1. ii!'a. 11 303, It', i,ii4t;..r)ii 2 05.2 0 2,948.17 4 75.45 0.1100.Oil 1.430 on I 32.00 3,170.15 831.00 E 01.7 5 RtoacllOS Destination the Same Day. THE CEDAR CREEK ROUTE. The Vanderhoof Hotel IS NOW OPEN Under the Management of Mrs. Jas. F. McCormack Booms, 50c nnd .s i .no Meals - - 50c Sample ISuom in Connect ion. li.-iili l'i ivilr^i-s Allmiril to Quests of the House Free. We Employ White Help Only. Third Avenue BILLIARD HALL The Best Equipped Hnll in the City. JOBBERS and Retailers TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES. Full Line— Always Fresh. T. A. GRIFFITH IMfOPIUETOR. •HONK (12. PHONE 62. $21,664.92 $21,664 STATEMENT OK RfJVEXUK AM) KXPKNDITURK llSOn in * Scene from Ul£> BorderUnd ' Itavcnuc Goveriinienl grttnl (Building) (idverninetit bonuses Goveriinienl liquor profits City grants, special, $^:iii; monthly, $1,200 Membership fees ......... .............. Subscription tickets ___...................... lhmat ions............................... Patients' fees earned $9,525.75, less 1 r> p.c, bat X-Ray fund (watch) ........ Advance from city on liquor profits .. 441.17 ! ,430.00 132. o 0 831.00 74.27 8,096.90 1 00.25 ¦_>, 9 <> i<. 7 4 $22,834.:U Rough and Dressed Lumber V____________________________________J LATH AM) SHINGLES CEMENT MOULDINGS LIME DOORS PLASTER WINDOWS BRICK (il.ASS FUSE MUCK ROOFING TILES PAPER FIRE CLAY Andersen's Lumber Yard, 3rd Ave TELEPHONE 55A. CITY CARTAGE AND TRANSFER CO. Forwarding nnd Distributing Agents PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Phone I's for Coal It. J. GARVEY, Proprietor Phono l in. P. O. BOX JJ Dix. Paul Powell directed, with In width and over three niilus long. " S L DON FLOWING ROUES Costumea r« Abbreviated n Acwhetic votf n6*Uty5l "I0 ""PP" will come a dr»Ped In ,1 womallhond, u type n lt'c flowing robes of old Harry Perry ut the camera. Includ-land the indications pointed to the ed in the cast are Milton Sills, Fred covered urea being great. A.ceord-Huntley, Casson Ferguson, Bertrom j |nK to analysis secured from me Qrassby Sylvia Ashton. amelters at Trail, it runs over 60 per _--------1------------------------------------------- ' Cent. pure iron. Blanchard and aev- Greece and with plenty of unbobbed oral associates staked the hnlr, says Haskell Coffin, artist, va- urea. eatloninj; at Atlantic City. Rumors or various mineral < - In place of tho Bhort skirt, which coverlea along various of tno tnou-has been the vo?ue. will come ! tarlos of the Upper Pear- are pre-dresses which touch the earth in | viiIpiU, and as a result a nuniKor ot graceful swooping lines, lending tin j old-timers from Grande I ran-e nave Hellenic touch to American feminln- i responded to tho call and hiked to-Ity, Coffin declares. This will come j ward ths foothills. KvpiMulituro Hospital building fixtension .................................... $6,912.90 Furniture niul fixtures..................... 454.55 Repairs nnd renewals ................................................ 475.4i> Interest, discount and exchange?............................... 52.46 Hoard of patients nnd staff.................................... 3.109.88 Salaries ..............................w...................................... 6.04 7. it R Fuel ..............................................,............................. 1.6 30.8 6 Laundry ........................................'............................. 1,046.SO 205.20 M_ .. 1.112.40 f ^°' ... 447.87 , VISITI1SU -T"~ (n x. O. O BXpendUure 1.338.28 , M~wJ£%rd Avenue. Princ Prince George. B. C, August 15th. t?23.---------— *2/.:*J4" j G«or«#' BlC> ,rU«Od Corrctt. aEO. W. FENWICK. Auditor. j W. G. D. HARPER PLUMBING AND HEATING Sheet Metal Work 4th Ave. Next Citfreri Office. CARIBOOLODGE Insurance ........... Drugs, etc.......... General pxpenso Surplus, being amount of revenue over expe FRESH Fish Meats Poultry Golder & Wieland PHONE 00 4 Cer