Tuesday, October Slot,'1922 PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Professional Directory. LBQAli. YOUNG & OQBTON BAHRISTERS, SOLICITOUS, ETC. Munro Bldg. Ovor Post Office. \V. P. OUIIAIE BAHRISTBH, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ogllvlo Block. George St. P, K. WILSON BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Prince Oeorgo, B.C. DKNTISTIIY. DIC. ALWAUO DENTIST. Munro Building, Over Post Office. Office Closed Until October 1st. 8VHVKYOH8: W. F. GIIEUQ BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND SURVEYOR. Prince Qeorge, B.C. P. P. DUItUEN DRITI3H COLUMBIA LANI SURVEYOR. Successor to Oreeu Bros., Burden & Co., Port Goorge Branch. NOTARIES PUBLIC. DIC. BADUEKO DENTIST. Office: Over Prince George Drug Store. INSURANCE. M. C. AVIGn tier of seats, rising around a cen ral amphitheatre, lent Itself admlr ably for Btich a purpose. The salute I enjoyable performance. There will be a matinee especially arranged forl Riven to the Grand Muster of Lng children, as well as an evening per- land by Brother Grand Mauter o I (ormahce - 'IrelilIld inul Scotland was a sight thn i________________I will never bo forgotten by those whe 1 SOUTH FOIPT GEOKOE j witnessed It. Nine thousnnd pair P. T. A. ELECTS OFFICEHH | of hands clapped In unlROn as the SENSATIONAL SCENIC EFFECTS IN EQUALLY SENSATIONAL with its first introduction to this country seven years ngo la tho revival ol "aniriii," the H:\llan spectacle which was show,, at tho Hex 'ii'iitre lllfi| nlRht. and Is appear- ln8 again tonight and tomorrow. rom coast to coast motion picture •i'is have evidenced their Interest in "° reappearance of (his photoplay *""'" apparently bus novor lost its favor. ¦lie picture was produced under "'« direct ion of Oabrielo d'Annunzlo, wno wrote the scenario, supervised '•• making of the costumes and set-I'KH, rehearsed a majority of the C(X'iob ami actually dlrecto.l tho Kreutur par, of lh0 tllmlng ' •>'• high spots of the story, which '"i* with tho struggle of Rome and llIl''"Bo. ure the crosslns of tho ..m- *he bwmIng of the Roman fleet, , H'°<-mlng of Citra and Carthago • "> Uio mammoth-scenes of the Teni-"luof Moldch. ':"m<)0t°nt .acting blends with "Pectacular ofrects to make "Cnblr-nTh p'cture ^af has endured In ' "" th* groater ptm ot a 'IDOLS OF CLAY" NEW FITZMAURICE FILM AT DREAMLAND THEATRE ouon "Cublrta" 1h the first hnvo beon showa mre o hnvo beon showa ittJL 11 ^Vhlte Houflo lawn, n 8Peclal Pro i. "B ll(lvlnG been roquosted by ' ^Ident wilBOn during his first m in office, when the picture was WBed oi-'Kinally in this country. -p 111C LANGOHOUS South Sea Islands mingle with London's timehouse j slums In George Fltzmaurlce's latest I production. "Idols ot Clay." which j in showing at Dreamland tonight J and tomorrow. Mac Murray and David Powell am tho featured players. Tho Blory was written by OnMn Her- | gere. The central characters aie Faith I Morrill u pretty, innocent creature, HvUiR with hnr father, Jim Merrill, a derelict, and his dissolute partner, j lillnky, on an obscure South Sea Island. Merlll and Bllnky sell Illicit rum to tho natives In return for 'smuggled pearls. To the island Icomes Dion Holmo, a young sculptor, ijvho Is drifting around tho world In an effort to forget an unfortunate affair with a Lady Cray. In London. Faith picks him un half-conscious on tho beach, and under her cure not only his health, but bis considerable talent for working In clay returns. Later. Jim Merrill is killed In a drunken brawl and Dion, completely restored, returns to London to take up his career again. The exciting adventures that befall Faith when Bhe attempts to follow him form the remainder of the action. Don"t forget this will be tho bill at Dreamland tonight and tomorrow. FOB ENSUING YEAR Organization for the winter's program of work was the keynote of thfi meeting of tho South Fort George Pnront Teacher Association, held in the'school house at South. The following officers for the ensu-j ing term were elected: Hon. president, G. H. Gower, Inspector of schools; president. F. B. Anfield; vice-president, Mrs. Dixon; secretary, Miss A. M. Johnson. Great Interest In the work of this association ifi being shown, as was evidenced by the attendance, and many plans were -dlscuBsed to help on tho work In hand, that of bettor-Ing the Kchools. through tho active Dreamland Toijight & Tomorrow Mae Murray and David Powell in Idols of Clay Adults 4Oc. Children 10c. We Pay Tax. salute was given. When tho Grand Director or Cere monies presented the young Princ of Wales for investment In office the applause was at first of the con ventional form, but gradually tradi tlou und custom waro forgotten ai cheer upott '.cheer aro. e from the thoUBandH of throats into a uilght> roar. There was a hushed momen as the slim figure of tho prlnco swayed by emotion, moved forward Ills voice waa well under contro when he spokft, and could be heard all over the hall. The prince was conducted by the Grand Master to his place. In the lodge to tho roll of drums, whlcr added another note of Impressive ness to the scene. nONAR LAW ASKED TO KNTHLSK, WITH SLOGAN FOR I'l.'.WV LONDON, Oct. 30—A uid« line of amusement la forthcoming In the slogan proclaimed by th« Dally Express which. a» already announced, has assured itself It must be the new pre mler'u party organ. "Penny a pint of bei-r." demands the E??>?¦?.?» (Jet Our Prtc«i* The Palm PHONE 55B. D ubber Stamps Rubber Stamps help Advertise your bnsineds, Protect your checks, Collect your 1)1I1m, and Save time. Our Indellblo Linen Marking Outfits, protect your linen. The only business of Ita kind between Edmonton and Vancouver. Out of town orders for stamps, stamp inks or pad«, by return mail. Prince George Rubber Stamp B. SKINNER, Prop. Phone 67. CitlXM Otflc*. Dressmaking L, B. UEBAGLIATI. who hue just arrived In town, ia opeulug up a high class Dressmaking establishment, and Is open for customers. + Your patrouuga U solicited. For Appointment j Phono 20H. Corner Sixth nnd Dominion. LAND ACT. Form of Notice Cariboo Lund District. District of Port Georga •TAKE NOTICE that we, Robert L. Walls, Hoy O..Mingor and Walter tion far LOUD SHArOHNKHSV DKNIKfl E IS OOI.VO TO isiu.vrm.v ah J Wilson, of McBrJde o^upat^njar-I mere, intend to. apply ">r to It'uHH the fo-Howin lands: — Commencing at a post 1. S. W. corner. wWch <»J* f"'"9 corner of L. 5S8J. " . s ta ^o 2 postV tnenco"north JO chain..to No. ng from rom Wushlngion to tho effect hat ho U likely to go to Wellington s tho arabossndor or comnilssloner or Canada. " ^"^'hobert lee walls. roy q. m1nger, walter wil8on. Dated Hth August,-1928,