PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Women's Heather Hose ?????++?+?++ Values up to $1.">«». . <'l.»iinji Price, Per Pair.......... WOMEN'S SPATS— Rcguliir $1.50. Clearing Price. Per Pair ....... SEE OIK WINDOWS. Baird's (JOOl) GOODS. The members of thr City, council ( for 19 22 held their finnl meeting last ( evenlns; when, after Hie disposal of some routine buslnesB, the municipal record for the year was closed out. The annual meeting of the Nlchql land Isle Pierre Farmers' Institute j Kill be held nt the storn. Isle .Pierre. i mi Saturday. January Gth". at 2 p.m. ; The election of officers tor the year will take place, also two delegates ! and other important business. All| members are earnes'ly requested to ! be present. Drlnc aloiiR B friend. |BtmfrTnTnri«| iBQimirinroal iBiommrapal Car licn is for th year ud chauffeurs' llce.n*- mM are now due. Mr. ami Mrs. E. Carlow kept open I house on Monday, ill the course of which a large number of citizens paid j IliHr respects ti> the first^ police head ! ! Prince Ooorge has had tvbo was able ! to kIm! efficient service and at the j same thno avoid setting the community on Its ear. PEMBINA Peerless Coal O GAS, SOOT, or Clinkers. EGG OU LIMP S17.F... Leave Orders at Bnlrd's Store. A. F. GREEN PHON'K.OOA. ^ligh-Class Tailoring IADIKB' AM) GENTS' KI'ITS MADK TO ORDER. Fit (Jiuiranti'ed. ClcaninK, Pressing and Repairing WINTER & CO. Corner George St. & Second Ave. David Jennings, of r the occasion and an enjoyable evening may lie anticipated, A feature of the evening may be a recital by the losing candidates as to how it happened. |fflcuriunmiiffl| |aaTrniHiiioffi| Lou Jamieson, a well known busi-! ness man of McBrhlc, was in the city iliis week. Rev. Father Leray left last night tor Prince Itupert, where he expects io spend about ten days. ? • • The tea given by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary In the Alexandra hotel, on Sunday afternoon, was nol j the succohs which it should huve ¦ been. The ladies of the auxiliary went to a great deal of trouble In' their arrangements. Tho lobby of the hotel was put into holiday dress, .Hid a good musical program was arranged, but many of those who should have attended failed to put In ;n appearance. That the ladies of the auxiliary are disappointed goen without saying. Neglect of affairs of this nature may create the Impression that further effort is nol worth while. City Auction Rooms All Household Goods, Furniture, etc., Fann Implements and .Mm binei y liought for Cash, Bold on Commission, Stored and Kxehnngcd. -. Auction Snles of every description arranged. Private sales dally. -Open from S to n p.m. P. J. Moran, Auctioneer PHONE 4IF. Next to Rex Theatre. Stationery Ledger and Day Books IN ALL SIZES. V!K CAURV EVERYTHING IN OFFICE 8VPPLIES. ??+•?¦ .M-f ?•?--?•?-? Panama News Stand The C. A. Blue Electrical and Machinery Co. \yn.i. FURNISH on application Estimates on— Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring, Etc. \IA. KINDS OF REPAIRS . to— P.mnbing, Furnaces, Electric Wiring, Ilraziug, Welding, , Lntho Work. Gas Engines Repaired, PHONK 41. STUART STATION SCHOOL SETS THE RECORD FOIt HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT j _______( Stuart Station Hchool, at Stuart j held a concert, Christmas tree, and u basket social, followed by a dance, on Friday. Dec. 22nd.. Tho sum of Furs, Hides and Wool. If You Wish to Rcnlizc 1IIK HIGHEST MARKET PHICE Ship Io The Edmonton Hide & Fur Co. miitm-ioisi St., Kdmonton, Altn The Novelty Shop ?+»????'?? If* After Xmas Bargains IN SILVERWARE, IVORY, CHOCOLATES, LEATHER GOODS AND WATERPROOF APR-ONS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE BARGAIN'S ? ? ???+¦?¦?-?••?• I. B. Guest & Co. $70.75 was realized by \he haakets. ! The entertainment was a great succors and everyone had a good time, j Mr. Dubeau 13 leaving shortly for j Vancouver to undergo an operation at the ShnuKhneaay Heights military hospital. His friends wish hin/j a speedy recovery and return. ff~"^ -------'--------:----------- \ RESIDENCE OF LIQUOR VENDOR AT McBRIDE DE.STROYEp WITH CX)NTI Ralph Veale.'tlio government p quor vendor nt McBrlde, had a nlfr-row escape on Sunday morning [roin. being cremated, with his wife r and, family. He was roused from his '¦ Bleep by the Hrnffll of smoke ami the crackling of flamtjs. He succeeded In j getting his wife land child out of the house In their pfght clothes, but was unable to enter("nie house again to save anything. ' ^lie sales at the ven-' dor's store for t\u$ Christmas senson had been made iA> ready for mailing and were lost in the fire. Thoy amounted to $600. It is believj the firo was caused by a young man who was engaged in starting a fire In the Kitchen stove. He was very severely py>R HALE—One good work horse, weight about 1250. Can be seen nt li. C. Barn. Price $75.00. .io-2p 'i Announcement TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD TWO: I ASK YOIR SUPPORT in my cunilldature for election an Alderman In No. 2 Ward. Should yim hi-c fit to elect me I assure you Mint I will give the iidiiilui.stnitli.n'of your affairs my most cnu-ful consideration nt all time*. \< Yayb.i tnily, C. A. BLUB. Announcement TO THE ELECTORS OF WAK'D ONE: JN OFFERING myself n» a candl-date for election as Alderman in Ward One, I assure you thnt I will nt all times give the administration of your nffalni my most careful consideration. Yours truly, WILLIAM LOCKYER. Wanted: 500 Cash Customers J. ASSMAN OKORGE STR-EET. tiEOHUE STBEFT. PHONE THIS TRACTOR DOES THE WORK OF KIX LARGE HORSES, It develop* twenty-one horw power on the belt. A stationary engine developing lite same powor will cost you over $1,OOO. Tlio Tractor will Plow, Reed, Harrow, Roll, Harvest, Crop, Grind Chop, Chop Straw, Shred Roots, Cut Silage, Fill Hilos, Saw Wood, Pump Water, Sprny Twos, Mix Concrete, Thresh, Clean Cirnln, Haul Grnin, Haul Stone, Cut Ties, Snw ."S.OOO Feel of Lumbor Per Day. Over lT>l.l'so«. Price f.o b. Prince George' $535.00 ED. HALL, Ford Dealer Announcement TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE GEORGE: \T THE URGENT REQUEST of a largo number of ratepayers and ritizenn, I have consented to allow my name to go before you for the vacancy on tho Police Commission. If I am oleclod, I will at all times stand up for tho enforcement ul our law's. Yours truly, THOMAS R. RCBH. Pure Honey CALIFORNIA^' HONEY In Quart Perfect Heal .fnrs, 2a Pounds net vreJght. Per Jar ............................ ??»???»????????? C. C. Reid PHONE No. 1 B. C. BARN Sixth Avenue. Livery, Feed and Transfer Btab!e. Driving and Freighting Done to All Parts of the District. Furnltnro Moved. Thomas Hughes Phouo 4OA for Dry Wood, Don't Readtijig nnlcss you COS* unions }"" »•" * l| require the very bc»i fr0™ Bhoe Itcpulrlng. you do not h«»e to bnck If we fl* ih«"- Wideawake jp YOr AKB»-about your n vice—¦ EAT AT Royalni A. De"188 5" fr.,.: