PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Thursday, February _28th| CANCELLATION OP RESERVE JVJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the reserve existing over Lot 7241 Cariboo District, is cancelled. Lands Department, Victoria, B.C. 19th February, 19 24. G. R. NADEN, f28,f)t Deputy Minister of Lands ELECTRIC WIRING BEFORE Proceeding With Your electric wiring you will find it to your advantage to obtain estimate's on the cost. Estimates cheerfully furniched free by the C. A. Blue Electric & Machinery Co. LEGAL A. McB. YOUNG BARRISTOR. .SOLICITOR, ETC. Munro Bldg. Over Post Office WILSON & WILSON BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Prince George, B.C. J. M. MoLEAN BARRISTER. SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC Prince George, British Columbia DENTISTRY DR. ALWARD DENTIST Munro Bldg., Over P t Office DR. BADGEHO DENTIST Office over Prince George Drug Store CHIROPRACTIC A. J. STRUDWICK, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR, MASSEUR. Electric Baths, Violet Ray, High Frequcncy,~Sensucoidal. Over Fraser River Hardware. SURVEYORS F. P. BURDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA LANB SURVEYOR Successors to Green Bros., Burden & Co., Fort George Branch. Commissioners Delay Filling Police Vacancy Large I Ant of Applicants for the Office of diief of a Force of Ono Several Ix>caJ Men Take a Long Chance and Offer to TnJto Over the Position NOTARIES PUBLIC F. J. SHEARER NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER Fire Insurance, Life, Accident and Sickness Policies. Millar Section Lots Tor Sale. Box 37. Prince George, B.C M. C. WIGGINS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC General Brokerage Business. Property managed for nonresident owners. Correspondence invited. Office: Corner 4th & George, Prince George, B.C. PIANO TAUGHT MRS. G. WOODAL.L TEACHER OF PIANO Saturday, 2 to 5. Phone 13B INSURANCE R. W. MACLEOD INSURANCE Life, Fire, Accident and A to Insurance Ogilvie Block, George Street, Prince George AUCTIONEER MONTAGUE E. HARPER AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR If You Want to Sell or Buy See Me. Phone 117A. Brince George, B C. T.WHERRY 'TAXIDERMISTCTANNER Bend tor price Hat of * • r k—m tuntlai, etc 629 Pandora Ave., - Victoria, B. C. _ CARIBOO LODGE No. 65, I.O.O.F. VISITING BROTHERS WELCOME Meets Every Tuesday in I. O. O. F Hall, Third Avenue, Prln.ce Oeorge, B.C, Although Mayor Alward and Commissioner Macleod have held two sessions as members of the hoard of police commissioners, t'ley have as yet failed to nominate a man for the office of chief of the municipal police. It is understood tie commissioners are c nsidering an important change in the policing of the city, and will settle this matter before making a s lection of a police officer from the list of applicants. Another meeting of the commission has been called for this afternoon when it Is expected a decision will bo arrived at. There were all told some 2 9 applications for the position of police officer and (hoy came from men with police experience acquired in various portions of the globe. While! j men with police experience in Eng- J I land were in the majority, there! were also applicants who gained1 their experience in Ireland, in Egypt I and in South Africa. The following} is the list of applicants with the' values they set upon their services: yV". Sayer. of Vancouver, several years experience m England, and employed for the past three years as private detective in Vancouver. A finger print expert and speaking Italian. German and Russian-?l«.v. George Leek, of Prince Rupertf five years experience in England.' and two years with the provincial police and two years in Prince Kupert. S. Standen, of Calgary, five years experience in police work in Saskatchewan, and willing to servo for $120. Arch. Macdonald. of Ladner. fifteen years' experience in police work including four as chief of the munl-oiya'ity of Delta, salary $130. A. Attree. of Vancouver, ten years' experience in police work, chiefly v/i(h provincial force, and including hvo years as chi?f at Courtonay. Would commence :tt ?'. o5 with maximum of $150. Capt. Edwin Croft, of Soutl: Vancouver, married, 49 ystrs of \^", experience in police work in Africa and Canadian cities, salary $14 0. H. A. Stewart, of Prince George assistant engineer at power house salary $160. Neil McMillan, at present in city employ as police officer, salary $150. S. P. Welch, of Prince George, willing to serve for $130. David McDonaldt of Dewey, required salary of $200. W. Boden, of Fort Fraser, no experience stated and no. salary mentioned. J. H. McDonald, of Hutton. willing to servo for $175. Robert Souter, of Prince George, no police experience, salary of $120. Norman J. Arnold, Prince George four years' experience with R.C.M.P.,' willing to serve for $140. W. G Drummond, of Vancouver, and Hugh Godwin, of Edmonton, no experience and no salary stated. D. McDonald, of Vernon, three years' experience in Metropolitan police in London, salary $140. Henry Edwards, of Sandwick. Vancouver Island, experience with C.P. R. police, salary $125. Fred Cowan, of Penticton, several years' experience in England and Carmda. salary $100. Eldon Pinkerton, of Vancouver, short experience with provincial police, salary $125. Frank Fiala. of Vancouver. R.C. M.P. experience in Vancouver, at present employed as private' detective, salary $125. W. W. Hemingway. Brighouse, Lu lu" Island, several years' experience in police work in England, salary $140. Thomas F. Guest, of Vancouver, no experience given and no salary stated. Charles Claude, of Vancouver, four years' experience in South Africa, willing to serve for $100. John Rao, of Vancouver, no experience stated, willing to servo for for $125. Albert Elliott of Vancouver, ex-perience with C.P.R. policn. salary $100. Arthur F. Solly, of Hammond, R. C.M.P. experience, salary $115. Alexander Elder, of Vancouver, Egyptian and Irish policn experience, salary $120. I Opening at Nichol | NICHOL, ono of tho best hunt- J ing and fishing renters in tlds J section, will havo a general • store during tho first week in • March, which iviil be operated under the flrni name of Ferreira &Son Tho senior member of the firm is "Jinunio" Ferreira, who for ft number of years acted as eJerk at tho Alexandra and Prince George hotels. He will open at Nichol with a complete slock of Groceries, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos and Confectionery, and will make a bid for the tirade of tho district by marking all goods at Prince George» prices. \ A loc«l store will bo a great ', convenience to the people of < Nichol and vicinity, and Messrs. J Poiroira & Son., solicit trial * orders from all residents with « nn assurance of good service at * competitive prices. \ ¦ >©oooo oooooo Sanitary and Low-Priced Here are the rugs that have taken the "weep" out of "sweep" — the rugs that make cleaning-day a joy. But this is only one advantage of Congoleum / "This frhttkr thon the dully btatmR i OxG 0x9 9x12 ..... The Wm. Bexon Co. J. H. LePage Opt. D. REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST 703 Yates Street, Victoria, B.C. WILL BE IN PRINCE GEORGE At the PRINCE GEORGE HOTEL on MARCH 15th, 16th, and 17th Inclusive. Page will carry complete equipment for eye-exam-arid fitting glasses. Full assortment of frames, etc, ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FOREST BRANCH Department «f Lands EXAMINATION' FOR THE POSITION' OF FOREST HANGER PA RE NT-TEA CHER MEETING A inooting of tho Paront-Toacher association will ho hold next Tuesday evening at S o'clock in the city hall. Object. These examinations are for1 the purposs of filling present vacancies and to enable candidates to qualify for future vacancies and increases in staff. Assistant Forest Rangers. Assistant Forest Rangers are employed during the fire season of each year and this period is extended where possible by work on improvements such us trails, etc. Re-appointment is made each year as long as satisfactory service is given. Promotion to the permanent staff is made by merit and examination as occasion offers. The salary is $100 per month tho first year and $110 per month the .second year, and $120 the third year. Travelling expenses are also paid. Qualifications for Candidates. Candidajcs must be British subjects resident in British Columbia for at least one year, of good character, good physical condition and with woods experience. They should have experience in fire fighting; possess the ability to organize work and handle men; and have knowledge of the Forest Act. The examinations are partly writ-^ partly oral, and are designed to test the candidates' ability aleiu; the above lines. All statements made by applicants as to experience, education and fitness are subject to verification by the examining hoard. Preference is given to returned sol-diors with the necessary experience The Examinations. The examinations will be held at the places and on the dates named below. Each intending candidate should apply to the District Forester of his district for application forms and for information regarding the hour of tho examination and the building in which it will be held. Ap- plication forms should, in each case be filled out and mailed to tho Dis trict Forester in time to reach bin at least six days before the examlna tion. Apply to Distric Place and Dato. Forester at Vanderhooff March 14, Prince George Prince Oeorge, March 17 " G. R. NADEN. f29,3t Deputy Minister of Lands FOI9 SAJLE FOR SALE—Three Cows and Two yearling heifers. Apply to Frank Payne, The Cache. f29,2tp FOR SALE—Buff Orpingtons, Best winter layers, 5 pullets and rooster; first prize birds. See Claxton, Central Fort George. Phone 3IS. FOR SALE)—Purebred Turkey Hens and Gobblers; also some purebred hens and roosters; breeds: Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks and Leghorns. Also turkey eggs for hatching. P. J. Moran, Connaught Hotel. f21,2tp FOR SALE—Two 2-year-old Heifers. In splendid condition and very quiet. Apply Centralia Dairy. f21,2c Found-CJentleman's gold finger Engraved on inside. Owner can have same by identifying property at "Citizen Office" and paying for this advertisement. Feb. 28, 2t HEMSTITCHING—Leave orders fit The Music Store. f29.tfe FOR IS5Nf FOR fCENT—Four-room Furnished house, close in. Apply S. Roberts. WANTED WANTED—Will Buy Whito Rabbit skins and black and blues, solid olors, for cash. Jas. H. Rycknmn. Box 171, Prince George, B.C. f 214p IVANTED—To Hear from Owner of good farm for sale. State cash rice, full particulars. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis, Minn. fl4,3tp FOR SALE — Chinchilla Rabhks. Grey Giants, Black Giants and Checkered Giants. Jr.s. H. Ryckmnn, Box 171, Prince George, B.C. f21,4p FOR SALE—Ono Incubator, Perlee' hot water, 24 0-egg. Apply V. Ylnk, Montreal Street. WANTED—Two Heavy Logging Teams. Apply H. Lewis, New-lands, or W. A. Martin, city. AGENTS WANTED HAY FOR SALE—If You Want No. 1 Hay, write or wiro Fred Watson, SmitJierss. Present price $20 per ton F.O.B. car, Smithers. fl4,4tp FOR SALE—Standard Blue Flame Colony Brooder, capactity of 600 chicks. Noble, Central Fort George. fl4,3tp FOR SAJLE—Purebred White Wy- andotte hens, good layers. Apply II. Wood, South Fort George. f29,2p FOR SALE-—A Few High-grade Swiss Toggenberg milk does, bred to pure-bred bucks and dua to fresh en around the 10th of April; also hornlpss pure-bred yearling buck. S.ce what you are buying and save express charges. Apply Chas. W. Moore, Fort George. f2 8,4tc AGENTS WANTED to Soil Made-to-Measuro Raincoats direct to wearer. _ Good pay. Send at onco for particulars. Goodwear Raincoat Co., 332 Bleury, Montreal, Dept. 57. f "21,2tc PERSONAL MARRY IF LONELY—For results try me: bost a«d most successful Home Makers," hundreds rich wish marringe; strictly confidential; mont reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club." Mrs. Nash, Box 656, Oakland. California. SKATES SHARPENED at the Wideawake Shoe Shop, George St. d27tf FOR SALE—First-class Seed Oat*, Loader and Arloff varietiesi at $2.25 per 100 pounds. Apply Peter Bonnet, corner Six-mile and main highway, Pineview. f28,4tp McCullagh The Jeweler O. N. II. Wat«h Inspector. PRINCE GEORGE, B.C.,-AND EDSON, AI/TA.