PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN • Straw Hats For the popular Boater style... Sennet and fancy aids. Priced $2.50, $3-00 and $4.00. Special in Summer Caps for Men and Big oys. Light weights, in silks and Checks. To .ear, 75c each. BAIREfS Leith Bros. Hardware Just Received, Rules, 2 feet STANLEY'S feet GUARANTEED TOOLS— ................25 Ratchet Brace............................................ 3.00 ..'............40 Levels........................................................ 1.50 Try and Mitre Square Also a Large Assortment of Planes, Chisels Auger Bitts, etc., at reasonable prices. McCIary's Stoves and Ranges SEE DISPLAY IX OUR WINDOWS Local Happenings GOOD GOQDS China Glass and Crockery Ware \Vre have a full stock of Covered Crocks in sizes from .one to .five gallons. Dinner Sets, in. Red Burmese. Blue Band and Clover Leaf Patterns. Special, Ramsey's Water Glass Pound Tins, 20 cents Dominion Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs. Wool. Tapestry and Axminster Rugs. Kirsch Flat Curtain Rods. Window Blinds. Beds, Springs, Mattresses. Automobile Accessories, Oil, Tires and Tubes- The Fraser River Hardware Co Third Avenue. Phoae 22A. Prince George, B.C. FIT-REFORM MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS CANVAS FOOTWEAR. JACK O* LEATHER SUITS FOR BOYS. A. M. PATTERSON If It's Men's Wear, We Have It. ANNUAL DANCE Prince George Fire Department The Annual Dance of the Prince George Fire Department in connection with the observance of Victoria Day will be held in the Ritts-Kifer hall on Music by Prince George Orchestra. Friday, May 23 Tickets, including supper, : $1.00. Bairds are showing white canvas shoes for ladies and growing girls,] with cushion solos and rubber heels, straps or oxfords, at §2.95. Word was received in the city this week to the effect that the firm of i P. Burns & Co. lias purchased" the j butter and cheese business of the Ed- j monton City Dairy. This is one of i the largest business deals of the year, j The non-arrival of a quantity of water pipe has prevented the freight office staff of the Canadian Xat!on;>l from moving into the new freight shed. As soon as the water connections can be made the move will take place, and the old building will be demolished to make room for the gardens which Mr. W. L. Armstrong lias planned for the area to the east of the station. Dixie Moore, government agent at Fort Fraser, arrived in the city on Tuesday, 1'he St. Andrew's and Caledonian society will hold another card social in the Andersen hall tomorrow evening. An extra way-freight will bo put on by the Canadian National about the 20th of the month. This will give a daily way-fseight service oast of Prince George, with the exception of Sunday. C. R. Gilbert, the insurance adjuster of Terrace, spent a few days in the city, following his adjustment of the loss on the contents of the railway station building at Vnnder-hoof. The concrete pipe plant of the-Canadian National tions about the first ed f onth. will be k'-nt busy until winter in - making of culvert pine for the stern end i f the system. Ge W rge P llow R to, erec and wi hi? per ent* . ection foreman r, has purchased a lot side of Third avenue, t upon ¦ which F. .1. ing. Prudente intends e-story lodging house, the f it die in y a This management al attention. The annual bazaar of the La Aid of Knox church will be he the Rjtts-Kifer hall on Saturda ternoon from 3 to G o'clock. his year the ladies have a largo ranpe of fancy, plain and children's sewino: for sale. A committee will be in the hall from one o'clock on Saturdas to receive donations for the home-cooking and tea room. Two men who refused to respond to the demand of District Forester Gibson to assist in fightincr the fire on. the east side of the Fraser will be given a. chance to explain before the police magistrate. The penalty for refusing to assist is by way of a fine graded up to $100. The forest department pays 25 cents an hour and board for fire fighting service. Dan Gonech has taken out a permit for a $500 extension of his house on Seventh avenue. A serious fire is reported to be burning in the Mud River bottom in the vicinity of John Munrp's farm. A. P. Andersen is building a $1400 residence for Harry Thacker on Second avenue, between Victoria and Vancouver streets. The regular meeting of. the local aerie of Eagles will be held in the I.O.O.F. hall tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. P. C. Coates, principal of the high school, has taken out a permit to expend $3000 in finishing the dwelling on the Millar addition recently purchased by him. A whist drive will be held in the I.O.O.F. hall this evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. Rebekahs and their husbands and Oddfellows and their wives are invited to attend. The Oddfellows of Prince George are making arrangements for the holding of a picnic at Six-Mile Lake on June 11th. The picnic will be given under the auspices of Cariboo Lodge, No. 65. Melvin Prestlein, a rancher living in the vicinity of Newlands, and Minerva Pearl Bedore, of Newlands, were married by Rev. \V. ('. North, at his residence in Central yesterday morning. Alderman Lambert, chairman of the health committee of the city council, announces that the health squad will begin its rounds within a few days to see that the bylaw regarding the cleaning up of premises has been complied with. The board of school trustees has decided to close the public school, with the exception of the entrance class, until May 2f>th. This action was taken as the result of the case of diphtheria. During the vacation the school will be thoroughly fumigated. By reason of the necessity to complete the voters' list as quickly as possible the sittings of the court of revision at Gisconie and Hutton have been dispensed with. The court will sit at McBrid.e on the 22nd, and will also have a short session at Dunster on the 23rd. Sheriff Peters sold the southwest quarter of Lot 3113, range 5, Coast, under the Execution Act, yesterday morning. The property was purchased for the amount of the judgment by A. McB. Young, acting for the plaintiffs in the action, the Stuart Lake Trading Company. Dr. C. Ewert, medical health officer for the city, has directed the exclusion of all children from moving picture theatres and public meetings, and the closing of all Sunday schools until after May 26th. This action is taken to prevent any spread of diphtheria. "'"ho Perfection of Divine Law" will be the subject of Rev. S. T. Galbraith's discourse at the morning service in Knox church on Sunday. In the evei ii the pastor will speak on ".Mar.1.- Fundamental Problem." A change in the time of the trains on the Canadian National will go into effect on S mday. This will bring the east-bound train into Prince-George at 2:46 in "the afternoon, and it will depart at •'! :2<>. There will i'. but one minute differ-ence in the time for the arrival and departure of the west-bound train. T(he Ontario Ladies; College, of Whitby, Ontario, will celebrate its ilden jubilee from June 8th to June 12th. a marking the period of from 1874 to 1024. All former stu- uents resident in Prince George and vicinity are invited to attend the commemorative exercises which will ark the five days at the historic'old college at Whitby. Joe Guay started a fire on the east side of the Fraser on Tuesday. He was burning brush under a permit when the fire got away from him and the forest department was put to an expenditure of something like $100 to get the blaze under control. Guay lost about 200 cords of dry wood which he intended to cut and haul into town which had a considerable value as it was only three miles by road from the city. Clearance Sale of Ladies' Suits EPERY SUIT IX THE STORE MARKED DOWN' AT A GREAT REDUCTION. ALL IN EXCELLENT STYLE, QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP. COLORS, NAVY AND TAN. SIZES 15 to 44. HUGHES & DRAKE LADIES1 AND CHILDREN'S OUTFITTERS Third ATenue. Phone 55L. Prinoe Goorge. ANNOUNCEMENT Woodland Butter WILL MAKE ITS DEBUT IN PRINCE GEORGE ON MONDAY, MAY 19th. It is a pleasure for me to introduce WOODLAND BUTTER to you, knowing that its quality is unsurpassed. A Trial Order will convince you. ON SALE IN ALL LEADING STORES. J. B. Lambert Representative. My Wardrobe Open Under New Management. Cleaning and Pressing Neatly and Quickly Done ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRING Work Called For and Delivered. VVe aim to please and a trial will convince you. AH guaranteed. 1'rices reasonable'. Phone No. 19A. Next Door to Club Cafe. England Hand-made Fly Hooks, ordered specially for this count Best quality of English LINES, REELS, RODS, ETC Cutlery. Pipes and Stationery Kodaks Your Film* Developed and printrd in One Day- I. B. GUEST & CO.