Thursday, Mny 28.1925. PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN McDonald's Hotel and Cafe -trtrCrtrttic The Best Table in the City, Prince George Residents Pay Quesnel Visit MOSES B. COTSWPRTH HOPES TO CHANGE WORLD'S CALENDAR Comfortable Rooms, Rate* from 75c. Up. About Twenty-five Cart Made Over the Highway for Empir« Day Celcration. David McDonald George Street. Moses B. Cotsworth, the New Westminster resident, who is hopeful of being able to induce the world to change its "calendar, so that there Trip will be thirteen months in the year of twenty-eight days, is on his way home from Europe where he has been making arrangements for an Prince George Ball Team Took Brace international adoption of his system. of Games With Close Margin Cotsworth will proceed to China, Ja-of One Run. .pan and India in the course of a few ---------. ] weeks to talk calendar to the Orient. Upwards of twenty-five cars' made ' Improving the world's calendar the trip from Prince George to Ques- h.ns LT-n the- bif -itle™ ^th Cotsworth , o . . , . , since his arrival in B.C. fifteen years nel on Sunday, in connection with ago He J3 not aversc to getting RAW FURS Ship or sell us your Furs. We are now selling our Fur direct to manufacturers, therefore we can afford to do business on a small margin of profit and do not fear competition. All shipments will receive our jiTompt and careful attention. T. PAPPAS George Street. Prince George. SEE A. H. BOOTH For Sash, Doors, Screens, Window and Door Frames, Mission Furniture, Store Fixtures, Etc. Fifth Avenue, Near Quebec. Quality and Prices Right, Res. Phone 50R. "EeUo Daddy-don't Slip & packag* in your pocket when you 60 home to -l$h Give the youngsters this wholesome. bn£-lasiin$ sweet - for pleasure xnd benefit. Vse \\ yourself after •smoking or when Ytorkdrais. Its a great lltHe fctwh«ier The jdealcr vrLo Recommends Shoe & It* Best tor You s Babu ioo " You Buy Flavor you buy delicious H632 I the Empire Day celebration at thejother things right in the interim. !railway terminus. There are still About ten years ago Judge Young of i between six and seven miles of the the ^ount/ court\ discovered ^ots-. , . worth and passeu him on to his highway to be put in shape. Some (brother, Hon. H. E. Young, provin-of the road is very rough, and for a cial secretary, as the man who could couple of miles the travel is still up- be counted upon to remodel the pro-, on the railway grade. There is a vincial public service. Dr. Young large crew of men on the job, how- found it a lot easier to engage Cots- j ever, and each week should see a . worth than to get rid of him. He I considerable improvement, jwas inciined to atick to the public The chief attraction in connection service like a with the celebration was the ball not reforming the provincial service games between Prince George and he was seeking proselytes for his new Quesnel teams. The first game was ealeudar. It is said the only way started at 2 o'clock on Sunday after- Drc Young could vacate Cotsworth's noon. It resulted in a win for the office was" to lock' it up when he was j visitors with a score of 9-8, but nad fortunate enough to find Cotsworth a garrison finish which might easily out. Cotsworth got his revenge a | have reversed matters. In the «>pen- short time later when he associated ing game Prince George iielded a .himself with the publishers -of the team composed of Ryan, 2b; H. Taft. >"Crisis" and fed the electorate with p.s. ; Giles, c. and l.f.; A. Taft, l.f. sufficient half-baked findings upon and c.; Macleod, "3b; WaJdof, lb; the pernicious effects of speculation Terrian, c.f. ami p.; White, p. and in the natural resources of the pror- ince to succeed in turning the ernment out. It is really uniquramoncj; teas. Pure and ricK yielding* Three Hundred cups to the pound. Royal Bank of Canada Absorbs the Union Bank bur. and when he wask . Minister of Finance Consent- the ¦ sorapp ! = »- •« - ed to the Merger on Friday Afternoon. r.f.; and Kennedy, r.f. and p. The Quesnel line-up was Thorne, s.s.; Trueman. r.f.; Praser, 2b; Hill, c; Roberts, l.f; Williams, lb; Lands, p; Miller, 3b; and Ke'enan, jc. Prince George copped a four-run lead in the first inning. The boys gov- SOLICITOR- GENERAL WILL PROBABLY LAND PLACE ON SUPREME COURT BENCH Winnipeg, May 26.—Despile the picked off another in the second, and j careful staging which has been given closed out the ninbh inning with an- to the retirement of Solicitor-Gen-other four runs, giving thei'i a lead j oral McMurray front the, Mackenzie of Pve. The Quesnel boys were not King cabinet and the boquets which downhearted when they cai-.e up for;have b'een handed to the retiring their half of the last frame although j minister, his friends assert he has been forced out of the cabinet by his colleagues. The legal firm of Wilton & McMurray were debtors of a !:<-!ue run. Trueman and Proper j the Home bank at the time of the both managed to get on. tha paths!crash, having made an original loan and Hill then came through with an-(of • $30,000 to nuance some real es-other circuit hit, and Quesnel was ; tate deals. T