PRINCE GEOROE CITIZEN Thersd&y, Aug Ust 20. CARIBOO LODGE No. 65,1.O.O.F. VISITING BROTHERS WELCOME Meets Every Tuesday in I. O. O. F. Hall, Third Avenue, Prince George, B. C. Prince George Machinery Co. MACHINE WORK OF ALL KINDS. Acetylene Welding and Cutting. Automobile Work a Specialty. Seventh Avenue and George Street. McCullagh The Jeweller C.N.R. Watch Inspector. Prince George, B.C., and Edson, Alta. The Prince George Citizen A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Upbuilding of Prince George and Northern British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Yearly - - - $2.00 in advance Half-Yearly - $1.00 in advance To U. S. and Foreign Points, $1.00 per anniNn additional. Prince George Hotel Grill j[P YOU ARE particular about your Menls and Service, don't st was our stay in your city. "At the regular council meeting of the board held yesterday (August 13th\ the following resolution was unanimously adopted and I was instructed to forward same to you for your records: "Be it resolved, that the Vancouver board of trade extends to the ?e board, of trade, and . of Prince Geortre. the thanks of the entire mem- the Peace River but it canno? close its eyes to the difficulties presented even with the prospect of securing direct highway automobile connection for Prince George 'with the eastern section of the Peace River district. As a solution for the transportation problem of the Peace . River the Monkman pass automobile ! highway can scarcely be regarded as | a present day consideration. There doubtless will come a great cheapening of motor transport costs, but a great gap has to be covered before grain can be moved 1000 miles and meet even the high costs of railway transport from that section. There eis very little known at present as to the winter conditions in the Monkman pass route through the Rocky mountains. It is likely an automobile highway through this pass would be service for but four or five months in the year. This would not be so serious a disadvantage in a road designed for tourist travel, but for the movement of grain it becomes a very grave consideration. Considered as a tourist highway the projected connection between Prince George and the Peace River is highly desirable, but there are so many claims upon the provincial government for highways,to meet purely provincial requirements, and the cost of the Monkman pass highway would be so great, that it can hardly expect to receive serious consideration at the present time. Third Ave. -""Opp. Pitman's. Kamloops has not found the "city manager" system an easy road to perfection. At the last ^meeting of the council a resolution was put \.hrojugfh dismissing City Manager A. S. Fraser. The mayor and members of the council were not satisfied with the manner In which* Fraser carried out work, decided upon by the council, and on top of this they assert work was done which the council did not authorize. The city manager refused to hand in his resignation when it was asked for, with the result he was dismissed from the service. s shown th_ _ its recent trip to Central British Columbia, and to assure the Prince George board that the Vancouver board earnestly desires an opportunity to recinrocate to the best of its ability the wonderful hospitality extended upon this occasion; "And further, that we wish to inform the Prince George board that the Vancouver board stands prepared at any time to assist that organization in any matters which they may bring up, that have for their object the development of the province of British Columbia." "You have placed us under a deep obligation which - we cannot, commence to repay^ until a delegation from Prince George visits Vancouver. We sincerely hope that this materializes in the very near future, and if your board can join with any other organization along the Grand Trunk, as far as Prince Rupert, and come down in a body, we can assure you that the whole board here will turn out en masse to welcome you. "We are also deeply the members of your board who so kindly gave their cars for the run from Prince George to Quesnel. While it would be invidious to mention names, we cannot let this opportunity pass without making reference to Messrs. J. H. Johnson. H. G. Perry and P. E. Wilson. Many-others could be mentioned, but I know that you will assist us by bringing this letter to the attention of the members of your board in as prominent a manner p.s possible." MICA PROPERTY NEAR FORT GRAHAME WILL PROVE VALUABLE. FINDING BUSINESS FOR THE HIGHWAY BETWEEN PRINCE GEORGE AND HAZELTON. (Omineca Herald.) It is expected that the connecting link of the main highway between Prince George and New Hazelton and Hazelton will be completed on Sunday. The first through cars may be expected to arrive any time after that. The Prince George Automobile Association proposes to do some The General Holdlings company is moving a lot of freight to Summit lake for transmission to the company's mica property, about nine miles above Fort Grahame. Since this spring thirty-three tons of freight has been moved through. Prince George to this property. There are about fourteen employed at the mine and die development is said to be very encouraging. It is said there will be 200 tons of freight to move in to the property next year. The merchants of the city should interests themselves in this business and see if they can meet the prices of houses on tlie outside. All that Prince George gets out of the development at the present time is the freight handling. With several months notice the local merchants might be able tcr furnish a considerable part of the j supplies which will go in to the mine next season. Men's Socks Now Reduce*! to 25c, 5.0c, Toe arid $1.00, To Clear 10% off All Men's Summer Underwear Peck & Gillis Co. Ltd. GENERAL MERCHANTS. P. BURNS & CO., LTD. The Shamrock Brand ALL MEATS AND PROVISIONS OF HIGHEST QUALITY. OUR MOTTO:—Service and Quality. Try a Can of SALLY ANN CLEANSER. You Will Find It the Best. Telephone 7. Prince George Hotel J. H. JOHNSON, l»roprJetor. The Prince George has long been known as the best hotel north of Vancouver. Special arrangements have l>een made to provide for the growing.tourist business of the coming summer. Touring parties taking in the advantages of travel to the lake sections of the north country should break their trip for a few days at Prince George and make reservations in advance at the Prince George Hotel. THE GRILL, operated in connection with the Hotel, is under the personal management of Messrs. A. Demas and G. Kolias, who have established reputations as Res-tauranteurs. Convergent Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Fresh Meats FRESH AND CURED MEATS. EGGS, CREAM, VEGETABLES. GOLDER & WIELAND Telephone 60. George Street. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦B Rough and Dimension Lumber FIR FINISH, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, LATH, PLASTER, BRICK, LIME. CE GLASS, BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING" MFFR 3-PLY COTTONWOOD LAMATCO and FIR VENi- McINNIS & WILSON BUILDERS. R r Phone 26R- PrinCC gCt ^ W.H H..,.d THE ROYAL HOTEL Hot «»J CM *""• Prices SO Cent* and Up. Strict Supervision. CAFE IN CONNECTION. All White Help. FIRST CLASS SERVICE. R«»o«» Bu. Meet. Trains bU