PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN <*2<& VOL. 9, No. 26. PRINCE GEORGE, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1926. vV Water Extensions May Force Sale of Bonds This Year Main Extensions Under Consideration Would Require Expenditure of $12,000. Committee Requested by Council to Recommend Work to be Proceeded With. The matter of extending the water mains throughout the city came in ior some consideration at the meeting of the city council on Monday evening. Thin is .in the nature of capital expenditure, and as the civic ship has been travelling on shortened sail for the past three years, it has been the practice to file appli- <*>¦ kVE CENTS. STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF B.C. RECEIVE DEGREES Vancouver, May 6.—Examination results for the University of B. C. have been announced, and 219 students will receive degrees today. William Chambers, of Vancouver, was the winner of the governor-general's medal. Dorothy Dallas, of Vancouver, won the Nichol French scholarship which entitles her to $1200 annually for study in France. PATRICK BROTHERS MAKE CLEAN-UP ON HOCKEY Montreal, May 4.—Lester and Frank Patrick are credited with having made a clean-up on the Victoria and Portland professional hockey teams which they have maintained on the Pacific coast for the past few years. The Patricks are said to have received $100,000 for each of their teamp The Portland team will play PREDICTION MADE * BIG STRIKE WILL n fifth avenue; 442 feet on Kingston; 130 feet on Ontario street; and 18;j feet on Watrous street. There was considerable talk as to the merits of the several application?, and in the end it was decided the he is the only individual in the nation who can find common ground with the contending forces. A break has come in the ranks of the striking tramway employees at Portsmouth. Half of the men who went on strike have returned to work on being advised they would be dismissed if they failed to report for duty. The strikers made a gain on committee should review the lot and j Wednesday night when the union make a recommendation to the coun. I taxicab drivers, who had held aloof, cil as to the extensions which should i decided to join the strike forthwith. be proceeded with. Alderman Opie submitted the report of the board of works as to the rest of the proposed sidewalk on Dominion street from the railway depot to Third avenue. The cost was returned at $777, with probable additions to cover some grading. The report was tabled. As the result of the visit of H. Rosseau, representing the Fairbanks-Morse company, the council decided The Daily Mail has made its appearance as a two-page type-script publication. It scores Ramsay Mac-donald, former labor premier, and J. H. Thomas, union leader, in severe terms and declares they are endeavoring- to emulate the examples of Lenin and Trotsky. The Times has continued to publish with great difficulty. Employees of the paper, engaged in loading an edition upon trucli^. were attack. in favor of the purchase of a com- ed by strike sympathizers. This plete set of cylinders for one of the engines in the power house, at a cost of $2634.10s Approval of the purchase was moved by Alderman Griffith. Alderman Moffat had a recommendation before the council to provide caused a mob to gather and an attempt was made to burn the Times building; Statements as to the progress of the strike are very conflicting. The labor headquqtirters have issued a statement that the response to the new oil tanks at the power station strike order has surpassed their ex-li h k hih h i d tht hi i p antlavoid the leakage which has b oh for several months. p nectations. and that everything is running to schedule. Government ^ f J g Hi), recommendation called for the reports are to the effect that trades expenditure of $750 in the building of a concrete basement with the necessary housing, and the providing of two open tanks at a^eqst of $1070. ft was decided to set the >ecoramen-dation over to the next meeting of the council. The rate bylaw, fixing the mill-rafe*strike. for the year, was given three read- m?rs on terson. motion of Alderman Pat- The finance committee recommend, ed the payment of accounts to the amount of $6380. union tr.duitrrea throughout the provinces are nt a standstill, but t w ork tries. preceding in other A report from Hull states that hunrf't'eds of railway clerks have resumed duty after telegraphing their dil this afternoon in the Vancouver gen. I eral hospital. Higginbotham was | attacked in the prison grounds by a prisoner known as Charles A. Moore, who came to Oakalla on a Penticton conviction. In the course of their quarrel it is alleged Moore struck Higginbotham several times with a stick, inflicting injuries which are said to have been the cause of his death. Following Higginbotham's death Moore was arraigned in the Burnaby police court upon a charge of murder. Higginbotham was an j Englishman, in his 69th year. Moore j is a citizen of the United States, 57 J years old, and a resident of British j Columbia for the past ten years. Printers Taking Important Part in Great Conflict when its members went over the estimates of the various other committees. Subject to ratification by the members of the association, the effect of the committee's deliberations was the cutting of the proposed expenditures in connection with the stampede from $7356 to $6006. The greatest cut came inthe estimate of the grounds committee, which was reduced from $?.l)o to $396. The position taken by the finance committee was that while the proposed expenditures might be desirable it was not advisable to saddle the stampede with the cost of them this year. The work approved by the committee includes the cost of deepening the terat.on of grandstand so that the various stunts can be pulled off in front of it. The removal of the .stumps from the up- per end of the oval, the seeding of the oval, and the extension of the grandstand were not approved of as immediately necessary. The recommendation of the athletic committee for an expropriation of $150 was approved; that of the entertainment committee was increased from $235 to $250; and Midway attractions were accorded an appropriation of $750. Very little cutting was done to j the recommendations of the racing committee. It risked for an appro-^Only Journals Favorable to Cause of «prjation of $4700 and was allowed apping ;some sixty miles away from the scene of the killing. The body of Holtpieyer was discovered by a, trapper known as "Shorty" Webbev while makiiig a trip out of the district to Hudson's Hope, and by a remarkable coincidence it was the sam i mar. who six years later secured the first clew to the manner in which Holttv>eyor met his death. During tne *mc*> had mierveneu u.u .u.a 1.. continued to work the same trap-line. He took a lot of fur, had plenty of money, but as the years went by he came to be regarded as queer by the other trappers, and had little intercourse with them. The the ' con^essi°n of the double killing, 1 Webber saym was made to him a short time ago while he was visiting Innes in his cabin. It came in a tragic manner. The old man was" showing some snapshots, and came th< Strike Will be Permitted to Appear. Premier Baldwin Asserts Nation Nearer to Civil War Than for Several Centuries. Is London, May 4.—The printers are taking no mean part in the great $4260, the cut being the result of dropping a couple of rr.ces not considered essential to the two-days programme. The finance committee also decided to make a recommendation to the association as to the charges in connection with the stampede. On motion of R. W. Alward, seconded by C. A. Pyne, it was proposed the ad- strike which has brought the indus-1 mission charge for adults should be tries of the nation to a standstill. There are 60,000 of them on strike, and they have dried up the nation \s sources of news. The London Mail was the first of the big newspapers to suspend. It failed to appear yesterday morning, and in the afternoon the Evening Standard and the Evening News went out of business. A complete tie-up is in sight. It is reported the printers will participate in the strike to a greater extent than simply quitting their machines and presses. There 2s paid to be evidence that they have laid plans for several months, under which they will not onlv see to it'that news unfavorable $1; that children under 14 years should be admitted free during the first day and charged 25 cents the second day; and that the charge for the grandstand seatn should be increased fiom 75 cents to $1.00. These are matters upon which there may be a difference of opinion, but any such differences can be ironed out at the meeting of the association which will be held in the ballroom of the Prince George hotel on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. In the matter of the general admission, while the dollar charge is the accepted one for \shows of the kind, it must be kept in mind the union ixci'iUive disapproval of In Cheshire ten thousand workeiis who were called out ^y^their union disregarded the order arfdvcontimied at work. From Liverpool the report comes that transport work at the docks is still at a standstill, but large num-, bers of volunteers have answered FRENCH WILL RESUME WAR j the government call and TtSs expect- WITH RIFFIANS TOMORROW ' ed the unloading of the ships Paris, May 4.—Peaoe negotiations resumed at once. navmg fallen through, the French i --------------------!— foreign office makes the announce- GLASGOW STRIKERS DRIVE mont that Franco-Spanish military1. OFF STRIKE-BREAKERS operations agair.Pt. the Riffians will I --------- oe resumed on Friday. Glasgow. May 4.—A large com- t I pnny of strikers bombarded with *RANC TOUCHES NEW LOW stones and bricks a number of busses ON NEW YORK MARKET operated between Glasgow andTiam. i\e\v York, May 4.—The French ilton by strike-breakers. The oper- iran.e touched a new low record in eration of the busses was made so roreign exchange trading here today difficult and dangerous that the wnen it was quoted at .0325%. strike-breakers decided to withdraw. to the progress of the stinke is not \ local stampede is handicapped by the ditf eminated, and that printers will be available for the publication of newspapers which will favor the strike and its aims. The scheme, which was organized by a responsible labor man connected with the printers' organization, is said to embrace th« molding of nublic opinion during the progress of the strike and is regarded as one of the most effective weapons which the strike organization can bring against the government. If the ^people of the nation can only learn velopments which are favorable ixikers it will result in tre-being brought to to the mendoup^^ g g hear imon the. government to meet the strikers' dernaeds. In referring to tnV^trike situation in the house of commons:yesterday Premier Baldwin expiessedHhe view Great Britain was nearer to civikwar at the present time than it had been. for centuries. distance of the show ground from the city. Depending upon the class of conveyance which he catches it will cost the patron of the show from 50 cents to a dollar per head to go out to the grounds and return. If on top of this theie i* an adult ad-r.n---K!i charge of one dollar, am! a like charge for a seat in the grandstand, the big show may appear to h:1 nohibitive to the man with a family. One source of revenue which the finance committee appears to have overlooked is a parking charge for automobiles. The seating accommo. -dation of the grandstand is limited. From four to six persons can be comfortably seated in an automobile. and a parking charge of $1.00 should yield a considerable revenue and relieve the pressure on the grandstand for visitors to the big show. This is a matter which will probably be decided on Monday evening. i a photo of Christianson. When his eyes fell upon the photo, Webber says, Innes broke down and told a detailed story of the double murder. The motive for the crime was not disclosed. It may have been robbery, as the victims were known to have considerable money with them, or it may have been that Inney did not wish them to remain in his neighborhood. Webber asserts Innes told him he made a visit to the cabin of his victims on the morning of January 4th, 1920; that he met Christianson a short distance away from the cabin and killed him. He then made for the cabin where he found Holtmeyer preparing breakfast, and picking up Holtmeyer's rifle pumped a number of shots into him. Innes says he buried the body of Christianson in a root-house, and having taken what money there was upon each of them returned to his trap-line. Webber says he immediately went to the camp of Frey and Gregory, when he had heard the Innes confep-siQn, and informed them. In company with Frey and another trapper he returned to the Innes cabin but was ordered away. The story of the confession was then told to Ole Johnson, another trapper, who visited the cabin ostensibly to purchase fur. He found the door barricaded, but through the window he could see the body of Innes on the floor. On breaking down the door it was found Innes had been killed with a shot through the chest from his 30-40 rifle. This is the tangled skein which Coroner Guest and Provincial Constable McKinney will have to straighten out when they reach the end of their leng journey to Deserter's Cabin on the Finlay river. They may find enough to substantiate the confession of Innes, or they may come to the conclusion he was off his mental balance when he confessed to the double killing before taking his own life. STRIKE CAUSES PRINCE OF WALES TO RESORT . TO THE AIR SERVICE Paris, May 4.—The Prince of Wales, while hastening back to England from Biarritz because of the coal and transport workers' strike, ascertained here that all boat trains haH been discontinued. He secured a special airplane and made the flight to Croydon.