PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Thursday, November 4 ,00 NICHOL AND ISLE PIERRE FARMERS' INSTITUTE Armistice Day Basket Social and Dance The members of Nichol and Isle Pierre Farmers' Institute will hold a" Basket Social and Dance in the Community Hall, at Isle Pierre, on the evening of Armistice Day, November 11th Visitors will be welcomed. GEO. E. BOOTHROYD, President. TIMBER SALE X6035 Sealed tenders will be received by the District Forrester not later than noon on the 1st day of November, 192G. for the purchase of Licence X6035 near Dome Creek to out 735,000 board feet of Spruce, Balsam and Fir. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the District Forester Prince George, B.C. oct 28 It IRISH FREE STATE SEEKS LEAGUE APPROVAL OF ITS CONVENTIONS Geneva Nov. 2.—The governmeni of the Irish Free State has createc considerable surprise here by filing1 for approval with the League of Nations three conventions or agreements which it has negotiated with other portion's of the British empire. CANADIAN LEGION First Annual ARMISTICE DANCE The first annual Armistice Dance to be given under tl^ auspices of the Prince George branch of the Canadian Legion will be held in the Ritts-Kifer hall on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, MONDAY, NOV. 8th Tickets $1.25, Including Supper. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Red Line Ta Kl Office In St. Regis Block, George Street Telephone No. 150. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. We are using new 1927 Model Chevrolet Autos, and carrying full insurance for our patrons. Our Motto: Comfort, Protection Service. We are prepared to make trips to any part of the Northern Interior. MORGAN & ATKINSON Proprietors. Thanksgiving Supper and Concert MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, Under Auspices of Official Board of Knox United Church Supper from 5:30 to 7:30. Hot Turkey Supper Concert at 8:00. Tickets, $1.00. For Concert Only, Admission 50c for Adults, 25c for Children. Tickets may be obtained at C. C. Reid's, Allan's Confectionery store, and Pitman's Music Store., Get vour tickets early, as there are only a limited number. Prince George Hotel J. H. JOHNSON, Proprietor. Rooms, $1.00 per Day Large rooms, with bath, $3.00 per day and up. Convenient Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Body of Clarence Henry Guile Laid to Rest Today Impressive Masonic Funeral Services Held in Church and at the Graveside. Large Number of Citizens and Outside Residents Pay Respects to His Memory. The funeral of the late Clarence Henry Guile took place from Knox church this afternoon and was attended by a large number of citizens and raihvaymen from all points along the railway. The deceased was one of the best known of the locomotive engineers who have run trains out of Prince George having made his city his headquarters off and on since the railway was taken over from the contractors by the G.T.P. company. Possessed of n sunny disposition, with a cheery word for everyone, he was known everywhere along the railway as "Pop Guile." It was his privilegf to know he enjoyed the good opinion of everyone, and he held it in a greater measure than falls to the lot of most men. The funeral v/as conducted under the direction of the officers of Ne-chako Lodge, No. 86, A.F. & A.M., the services in the church and at the grave being performed by Rev. S. T. Galbraith, and the pall-bearers were mtmbers of the order who were associated with the deceased in his railway activities—Brothers F. Mof-fatt, A. Watt, C. Yost. F. Ball. M. Mclvor and D. O. Watkins. The various railway brotherhoods as well as the B.P.O.K. organization were largely represented at the funeral. The floral offering were eloquent testimony to the esteem in which the deceased was held. Among the great number were pieces from the follow, ing: Leslie Guile, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Wilson, J. M. Butterley and fam. ilv and Mrs. George Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Rourke, Mr. and Mrs. James Mclnnos Noble and Mrs. Finlay and boys. L. C. Jamieson, Nechako Lodge No. 86, Jasper Na-sonic Lodge, Brotherhood of Loco, motive Engineers, B.L.E. 898, B.R. T. 727 B.R.T. 869. O.R.C. R74, B.P.O.E. Prince George, and B.P.O. E. Edmonton. DEMOCRATS MAKE SLIGHT GAINS ON TUESDAY The Democrats made slight gains in the United States elections £ on T-^sday the Republican strengthen the senate being cut by two, with the chance that corplete returns from a number of close districts may cause control of the senate to pass from the straight Republican following. Governor Smith carried New York for the Democrats with a large majority, and Senator W. M. Butler, chairman of the Republican organization, was defeated for senator in Massachusetts by David L. Walsh, Democrat. AIMEE SEMPLE M'PHERSON COMMITTED FOR TRIAL ON CONSPIRACY CHARGE Los Angeles, Nov. 4.—Aimee Sem-ple McPherson and her mother, Mrs. M. Kennedy, have been bound over to the superior court to stand their trial upon charges of criminal conspiracy and perjury growing out of the evangelist's sensational kidnapping story. HOSPITAL DONATIONS The board of management of the Prince George hospital wish to thank the I.O.O.F.. Masonic Lodge, Eastern Star Rcbekah Lodge No. 34, and the Elks for their donation of easy chairs, which are much appreciated, and will give the patients who use them a sense of home comfort. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING JUS i ICE D. A. M'DONALD WILL PRESIDE AT ASSIZE COURT NOVEMBER 17 There are but two cases on the criminal calendar for the assize court which opens in this city on Wednes, day, November 17th. Aaron Kosta a Roumanan, who is well known in Prince George, will stand trial upon the charge of having murdered a settler named Maurice Orioli. in the vicinity of Quesnel. The accused and Orioli had land hold- j ings in the vicinity of each other, | and Kosta is charged with having klled his neighbor. In this case A. M. Johnson, formerly deputv attorney-general, will appear for the { crown. The second criminal case is that of Rex vs. Dan Naphan. in which the accused is charged with having carnal knowledge of a girl under fourteen years. In this case the frown will be represented by J. M* McLean. Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald will preside at the assize court sittings. J. H. HAWTHORNTHWAITE DIED IN VICTORIA MONDAY FOR SALE FOR SALE—Pure-bred rabbits. 10 females 2 males; $125 for the lot. Apply Chas. Me Lane, Prince George n4,2p FOR SALE—One Team, good sized work horses, harness, sleigh and wagon, two three-year old twin colts, well matched in size and color; also good work horse, 9 year-old, and a very good mare 9-year old, good single of double. Will sell together or singly. A, T. Thompson, McMillan Creek, Prince George Post Office. oct 21 4tp FOR SALE—Young pigs. Apply John Munro, Mud River. ol4,op FOR SALE—Pure-bred White Wy- andotte cockerels, Stebbings and Solly strain. $'A to 5. Apply Mrs. J. R. McDonald, Willow River. n4,.'Jp FOR SALE—First-class team, with harness; 7 and 8 yean"; about 2900 lbs.. $325.00. Apply W. H. Bearman, Newlands, B.C. n4,2p FOR SALE—One stump puller. For information call on or address j Mc-Lane Taxi Prince George. al2tf LOST—Tire for Ford car instant. Reward for i\on 25ll> same to Dave Cormack 2 ?? °* hall. ' dL the fir oct. 281 » FOUND keys. tif Purse, with a n l keys. Owner can\ IV ?ber identifying and paying fo, Ti?-e vertisement. ' th's FOR RENT ~^ FOR RENT—Modern _ Apply M. D. Hurrn. FOR RENT—Seven-roo^ c able dwelling, hot w™er wH garage, stable, etc. K,,,,,, ,-, n ed; George Real Estate Co r'nce ¦ FOR RENT—Furni.hed room. Ad ply Mrs. A. J. Rogers. ()28\Pc; HOUSE TO RENT-An app^ tenant may rent rny fu,Pnish J four-room house on Eitr'th Apply A. Gagne. "-tn i.k j FOR RENT—C. P. R. ^ Rooms, with baths. Ran-, cents. 75 cents and $1.00 On day and night. Quebec street " i\ 3tc HOUSE FOR RENT-An approvtd tenant may rent the furnished four-room house on Eighth avennp Apply Matt Hurm. oll,3p HORSES TO WINTER—E D Van derberg, of Punchaw, fifty miles south-west of Prince George is prepared to take horses for the" winter' _____________________0 28,3tp WANTED WANTED—Bids will be received for the furnishing of 1 r> cords of drv jackpine, fir or birch. Wood to be measured and later cut on premises ten cords into 16-inch and five cords into 24-inch. Apply "Conhvood" Citizen office. ,-,4^t WANTED---Strong schoolboy with wheel for delivery on comniissii n basis. Box No. P., Citizen office. ____________________ n4,3c WANTED—To hear from owner of good Farm for sale, State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn.______ o26.4tc PERSONAL FOR SALE—Bargain. 176 acres of land containing 2,000,000 feet of spruce and balsam, near Newlands; $1000 cash, clear title. P.O. Box 242. Prince George. n43n LOST AND FOUND STRAYED—One Holstein 3-year-old cow. Finder please leave word at this office or wilh J. Henderson, city. Business Opportunity Applications are invited for appointment as Resident Representative for an old established dividend-paying Company at present expanding. An attractive contract is offered to man of aggressive character with good reputation and local standing. Address communications to IMPERIAL FINANCE & SECURITIES COMPANY 827 Standard Bank Building Vancouver, B.C. Victoria. Nov. 2.—James H. Hawthorn thwaite. who for several yeai? was an outstanding figure in provincial politics, died here yesterday. Mr. awthornthwaite entered politics in 1901 when Hon. Ralph Smith surrendered his provincial seat to enter the bouse of commons, running as a Socialist candidate. When party lin"<--were introduced in 1903 Hawthornth-waite held the balance of powe** in the legislature for about three years and caused the newly-formed Me-Bride government a lot of worry, although he.was careful not to vote it out of office. The deceased wa3 a man of marked attainments and was keenly interested in the development of British Columbia REDUCTION IS COMING IN DOMINION SALES TAX AND TAX UPON INCOMES PRIXCJK CJEORGE LODGE No. 122 B. P. O. Elks Regular meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday; in each month. H. WOOD, Secretary. MARRY IF LONELY; Wst and ra0Jl successful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich wisn marriage; striotlv confidential; i^ost reliable; years experience; description! free. "Tl" Successful Club," Nash, Box '•->'. , California. MISCELLANEOUS MISSING---Information is desired r specting Karl Hanson. He vvns employed as cook on P.G.E. surveys in 1914. and was lost heard from at 150-Mile House in the spring of 1915, Anyone having information oi Han-sen since this date is requested to communicate with E. Limlstid. e:.iv P.O. Box 2U6, Prince George, n l.'p TAXI SERVICE McLANE'S TAXI SERVICE—Sub ject to call at any hour. Passengers bonded to extent of $10,000. Telephone 95. s9,tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY The City of Prince Rupert now open for a live man to handle our pallets there. Apply The J. R. Watkins Company. 1150 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B C. RUBBER STAMPS Orders for Rnbber Stamps of all descriptions promply executed. ?end all orders to The Citizen, Prince George. B.C. Ottawa. Nov. 4.—Hon. James Robb minister of finance, has issued instructions that a survey be made of the sales tax and income tax for the past three years with a view to suggesting reductions in. these taxes at the approaching session of parlia-ment. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS TO THE SHIP'S.SIDE The Canadian National Railways have made arrangements to operate tourist and standard sleeping cars through from the Pacific coast to the ship's side at Montreal and HalL fax, in connection with Old Countr' sailings during November and December. Full information regarding rates, reservatiens, passports etc.. can be secured from any agent, Ganadian National Railways. o21,6 BAL I AM,