PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN ROYAL YEAST CAKES Utah, rlttne, 7t[adc JdAead ^"S-"" Standard of Quality for over 50 Years Shampoo BabuTs Soq • ..mull _____ BesiforYou and'Babu too. PASTURE HORSES AND CATTLE Good pasture for horses and cattle can bo furnished by the undersigned. JACOB SCHIESSER Kidd, B.C. P.O. Dome Creek. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Fort George Land Recording District of Bri-tish Columbia, and Situate on the South Bank of the Nechako River at Prince George. Take notice that Martin S. Caine, of Prince George, B.C., lumberman and tie contractor, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south shore of the Nechako river at the northerly end of Dominion street, Prince George, thence westerly along the south bank of the Nechako river, up stream, to a point two hundred yards west of the Nechako "bridge, Prince George, thence fifty feet north into the Nechako rive* thence east, down stream, to a point fifty feet north from point of commencement, thence south to point commencement, containing approximately three acres. MARTIN SURREY CAINE. August 9, 1927. a25,9p CANCELLATION OF RESERVE Notice is hereby given that the reserves for University purposes existing over certain lands in the Cariboo, Peace River, Cassiar and Ranges 4 and 5, Coast Districts, established by notices published in the British Columbia Gazette on the 20th February, 1908, 6th May, 1909, 27th May, 19*09, 10th June. 1909, 1st June, 1911, 13th July, 1911, 17th August, 1911, 13th June. 1912, 16th January, 1913, 25th June, 1914, and 23rd Julv, 1914, are cancelled. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands- Department, Victoria B.C., 2nd September, 1927. s8,9t Mah Chong Bakery Restaurant Room in Connection. Home-made Bread. Excellent Quality. McBRIDE B.C. COSGRAVE GOVERNMENT IS LEADING IN ELECTION IN IRISH FREE STATE | ANNOUNCING OPENING OF Dublin, Sept. 19.—Althoug-h it will be several days before the result of the polling in the elections is known, it appears likely that the Cos-grave government will emerge from the contest with a working majority. The elections are to be decided upon the proportional system of voting, and where more than one candidate are contesting a single seat it may be several days before the result of the voting is known. In about one-third of the constituencies the results are conceded and show government gains.« The government is conceded 25 seats, the Pienna Fail party 20, with 14 seats scattered between the Labor and Farmer parties. President Cosgrave received a great vote in Dublin city, polling 17,-000, as against 11,000 for his opponent, but in Dublin South the constituency was carried by the de Va-lera party, S. Lemass, chief agent for the party, being the candidate. Dublin, Sept. 20.—With only nineteen seats to hear from, the Cosgrave government is leading the combined opposition by three, having 71 supporters returned to 68 embracing the several oppositions. It is thought the returns from the remaining nineteen seats will increase the government's majority, and that in any event it will be able to rely upon some support from the,smaller factions. Dublin. Sept. 21,—With returns received from all constituencies the Cosgrave government is shown to have a majority of six over all possible combinations which can be made against it. The government will have a total voting strength of 79 in a full Dail of 152. DR. L. E. BORDEN NAMED CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE IN NELSON BY-ELECTION Xelson, Sept. 16.—At one of the largest political conventions ever held in Nelson, Dr. Loren E. Borden, physician, was nominated as Conservative candidate for Nelson riding in the by-election necessary within the next few months in consequence? of the death of the late Premier Oliver, former member. Former Mayor Charles F. Mo-Hardy, who twice opposed Mr. Kenneth Campbell for the seat, was Dr. Borden's only rival for the nomination. Dr. W. O. Rose, a former member for Nelson, who placed Dr. Borden in nomination, was also proposed, but declined to allow his name to go before the convention. After the result of the ballot was announced, Mr. McHardy moved that Dr. Borden"? nomination he unanimous and pledged him his support in the cam-r-rpn The INGA ANDERSEN School of Dance Seventh Avenue Prince Georg-e,-B.C. Miss Andersen has been I studying this summer at several of the leading training schools ; in Vancouver and Seattle, ana -is returning1 to Prince George I with the iatest dances of the season, aivJ will reopen classes for instruction at her stud'o on Seventh avenue, Saturday, Oc-| tober 1st. Miss Andersoi w'l be p!e>>«-! ed to interview prospective pupils and parents at her studio J—c\n Friday, September 30th, from 2 to 5 p.m. CLASSES REOPEN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st. Advanced Class, 10 a.m. Intermediate Class, 11 a.m. Beginners' Class, 1 p.m. COLUMBUS HOTEL L. ZIMMARO, Proprietor. Steam Heated Hot and Cold Water Modern in Every Respect ~ THIRD AVENUE PRINCE G MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd. Babies' Advanced Class, ,10:30 a.m. Beginners' Class 1:30 p.m. Boys' Class, (3 to 10 years, 4 p. m. Boys' Class, 10 years and up, 5 p.m. Ladies' Physical Culture, 7:30 p. m. Girls' Ballet Toe. Wednesday. 4:30 p. m. Boys' Step Dancing, Thursday. 4:30 p. m. H. G. PERRY & Co. Have been appointed our Special Representatives for Prince George. Remington Typewriter Limited Dalton Adding Machine Division 556 Seymour Street Vancouver, B.C. PRIVATE AND CLASS INSTRUCTION Ballet Stage Training Toe Ru.-sian and Italian Classic (Technique Soft Shoe Minuet Oriental Scotch Grecian Irish Spanish Hornpipe Hungarian Ballroom Eccentric Fancy Ballroom Step Physical Culture Private Lessons by Appointment. Phone 68A. CANADA'S FAVORABLE TRADE BALANCE DISAPPEARS IN HALF-YEAR'S BUSINESS Ottawa, Sept. 17.—Canada's favorable trade balance of $47,000,000 which was disclosed for the first five months of 1926 has almost entirely disappeared in the trading for tiie first five months of the current year, being cut to $7,000,000. For the period the imports amounted to $443,675,240 and the exports to $•450,410,23 4. The customs revenue for the five months was $71,504,795 as compared with $G4,50D,775 lor the corresponding months of tne previous year. MAJ.-GEN. GRIESBACH HEADS ARMY AND NAVY VETERANS Edmonton, Sept. 17.—Maj.-Gen. Iriesbach has been elected president, of the army and navy veterans' aso-ciation. The next annual meeting of the association will be held in Quebec. In the matter of affiliation with the Canadian Legion the association went on record as favorable to co-operating with the legion but unwilling to sink its own identity by amalgamatir " PRINCE dEORGE LODGE No. 122 B. P. O. Elks Regular meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays in each month. H. WOOD, Secretary. CANADIAN LEGION General Meetings of the Prince George Branch of the Canadian Legion will be held in the Legion Club every second Thursday in tht. month at 8 p.m. Reginald C. S. Randall, TAX SALE I* HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that on Friday, the' 30th day of September, 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, I will sell by Public Auction, in the City Hall, Prince George, B.C., all properties within the Municipality of the Corporation of the City of Prince George, in arrears for taxes since the first day of January, 1925, unless the amounts ©"wing for taxes as at December 31st, 1925, as well-as interest owing upon the 1925 and 1926 taxes, ape" sooner paid. A list of the properties to be offered at this sale has been uosted^at the City Hall, at the Fire Hall, and at the PostofTjee in the City of Prince George. GEORGE E. DAVIS. Collector. PVince George, B.C., September 22, 1927. BRITISH AIR MINISTRY OPPOSES PLACING BAN ON FLYING OVER ATLANTIC Quebec, Sept. 19.—Air Coinmo- , dore Balndy, controller of commun;- ! cations in the British air ministry. ) arrived here on Saturday. Discuss- j ing the proposal of the Canadian ] government to discourage stunt-fly- ' ing across the Atlantic, he said British aviation circles would oppose the placing of any ban upon Atlantic hops. COMMUNISTS IN ANTI-LEGION DEMONSTRATION AT GLINCHY Paris, Sept. 20.—The first of the promised Communist demonstrations against the United States Legion meeting was staged at Glinchy yesterday when French and United States flags were torn down. In the disturbance which followed a number of shots were fired and a number of heads cracked, but no one was seriously injured. ONTARIO MEN QUALIFY FOR OLYMPIC GAMES Hamilton, Sept. 19—The annual Canadian marathon was held here on Saturday to selpct members for th.» team which will reproseM Canada at the Olympic games at Amsterdam The race was won by Cliff Brisker n* GMt. with Harold Webster, of Hamilton, second. We ConpiALTY Welcome Small Accounts" Jvt the annual meeting of th sj 'Sir Frederick Williams "Taylor,) General Manager, $ aid: I should like to take this opportunity of saying that we cordially welcome small accounts at all our offices" Jit tke BANl^OF MONTIJgAL no .account is too small to receive the undivided attention, of its officers BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Asset*-in excess oC 6780.000.000 F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager Prince George Branch