January 12, 1928. COAL PEMB1NA LUMP COAL $11.00 PER TON NO SOOT NO ASH NO CLINKERS A. F. Green PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Time Limit Goes on Speakers in the Next Parliament Premier King and Opposition Leader Bennett Will be the Only Exceptions. Phone 9OA. Orders taken at Baird's store. Rules of the Commons Changed Cut Down Growing Length of the Sessions. to B. C Transfer Company GENERAL TEAMING EttimaUl gi»en on «reight« in, .i>d «ener«l contr.tl work- Agent* (or DIN ANT COAL One of the best domestic coals to enter the Prince George market. Coarse Screen Lump delivered at $11.00 PER TON Dale & Somerville PROPRIETORS Telephone 4lB. Ottawa, Jan. 9.—When the commons reassembles for its 1928 ses sion on Jan. 26, its business deliberations will be governed by a brand new set of rules, calculated to shorten debates, preclude all night sittings and relegate the back bencher in parliament to a position where, generally speaking, he shall be seen and not heard. The new rule book is the product of a special committee which spent its parliamentary recess a few years back in devising means of lightening what the average member of parliament considers to be his burden. Sessions have averaged nearly five months in length over the last decade and there is some hope that the new rules will curtail the length of the pension itself. Outstanding amidst a host of more or less intricate alterations is that which limits to forty minutes the length of any ordinary member's speech, unless that member is moving a vote of want of confidence in the government, or replying to a motion of want of confidence. The prime minister and the leader of the opposition are exempted from such regulation, and like the babbling brook may go on forever in whatever dis sertation they care to make. As both these principals in the present parliament—Mackenzie King and Richard Bennett—are notoriously long-winded in debate, the concession is conceded to be aptly extended. Premier King is usually about midway through his introductory remarks in forty minutes. Curiously enough, very few parliamentary observers expect that the new rule book is gomg to effect any shortening of the Canadian parliamentary session, which has been growing a little longer on the average each session or so, until there are numerous advicates of two sessions a year. The great trouble with rules for parliament is that parliament can break its own rules with ; the utmost impunity. All that is | necessary for parliament to break a ! rule—and it's done every day in the 1 commons—is for the speaker to say. | "Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Smith, moves that rule so and so be sus-j pended. Carried." And the rule is { chloroformed with probably not more I than one-twentieth of the member-, ship ever having paid any attention I to the swift operation. hand and in banks amounting to $183,651,551, equal to 23.12 per cent, of public liabilities. All principal accounts in liquid assets show substantial increases for the year. Cash, including gold and Dominion not s, stands at $113,393,682; Dominion and provincial government securities Jamount to $73,307,380, up from $64,733,057; Canadian municipal securities and British, foreign and colonial public securities, other than Canadian, $31,296,236 as compared with $26,880,492, while total call loans of $151,288,034 compare with $101,717,445. The extent to which the bank is helping to finance the increased volume of trade and commerce throughout the country is reflected by commercial loans in Canada of $225,-536,860, up from $197,759,230. The growth in commercial loans outside of Canada is by comparison, considerably smaller. Total commercial lot'.ns are $381,190,498 as compared with $338,727,692. Lai ger Earning Powei. The profit and loss account also sets a record for Canada by reporting profits for the year of $5,370,145 as compared with $4,516,239 in the previous year. With the balance carried forward from the previous year the total available for distribution amounted to $6,779,820. This was appropriated as follows: Dividends and bonus, $3,984,988; contributions to officers' pension fund, $100,000; reserve for bank prenv ises, $400,000; and reserve for Dominion government taxes, $485,000 —leaving a balance at credit of profit and loss of $1,809,831, compared with $1,409,674. During the year the paid-up capital was increased to $30,000,000. With the premium on new shares allotted to shareholders, the reserve and undivided profits now stand at $31,809,831. The statement. is one which is certain to be received with a great deal of satisfaction, not only by the shareholders of the bank, but by the people of Canada generally, as it indicates in a striking manner the active and prosperous conditions that have prevailed in the Dominion during the past year. Boy's Mackinaw Coats and All Wool Sweaters Boys9 Underclothes at A Great Reduction PE K & PRIMROSE Ltd. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS and CHILDREN'S WEAR. THIRD AVENUE PHONE 45 CANADIAN LEGION General Meetings of the Prince Coorge Branch of the Canadian Legion will he held in the Legion Club every second Thursday in the month at 8 p.m. Reginald C. S. Randall, Secretary-Treasurer. PIUNCE WEORGE liODGB No. 122 B. P. O. Elks Regular meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays in each month. H. WOOD, Secretary. Royal Bank of Canada Makes New High Record For Canadian Banking Total Assets, Total Deposits, Capital and Reserve Reach Record for Canadian Bank. Striking Increases Reported—Largest Gain Was in Deposits, an Increase of $110,000,000. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Revised Statutes of Canada, Chapter 115. Cranbrook Sawmills Limited, of Prince George, in the province of British Columbia, hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public W rks at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Kamloops Registration District, at Kamloops, B.C., the plans and a description of the sites of certain piling and booms proposed to j be constructed in the Nechako River ' in the vicinity of Prince George and Miworth in the province of British Columbia. And take notice that after the expiration of or.e month from the time of the first publication of this notice Cranbrook Sawmills Limited will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works, at his office in the city of Ottawa, for approval of the said sites and plans and for leave to construct the said piling and boom?. Dated at Prince George, B.C., this lGth day of December. 1927. Cranbrook Sawmills Limited, Per "Wilson & Wilson, its Solicitors. d22,5tc Procurable Pure Scotch Whisky. RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bottled and f«>im»t*«r removal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the ahction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief forester, Victoria, B.C.,or District r orester, Prince George, B.C. n24,8 Banking history for Canada is made by the Royal Bank of Canada in its annual report for the fiscal year to November 30th. For a great many years the bank has been forging steadily ahead, but it has remained for the year 1927 to see it make not only its greatest forward movement but also to establish in practically all departments the highest records ever recorded by any bank in Canada. , The shareholders of the Koyai Bank have almost become accustomed to marked gains from year to year but it is doubtful if any could have anticipated the growth indicated in the report now going forward to th€Total assets at $894,663,903 are not only by far the largest ever reported by any Canadian bank, but represent a gain for the year of over $128,000,000. As is natural with an institution which enjoys to such a marked degree the confidence of the Canadian people, the largest gam was in deposits, which now stand at $722,636,090, as compared with $612,860,288 a year ago, an increase of nearly $110,000,000. Strong Liquid Po.ition. While handling a very much larger volume of general business throughout the country, the bank has maintained its usual strong liquid position, by reporting liquid assets of $455,433,842. equivalent to 57 33 per cent, of liabilities to the public as against $367,280,083 last year. Included in them is cash on TIMBER SALE X8681. There will bToffer"ed for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the l^th day of January, 1928, m the office of the District Forester! Prifee George B.C., the Licence \*681, to cut 19,186,000. f.b.m. Spruce and .Balsam on an area situated on the south side of the Fraser River, vicinity of Grand Canyon, Cariboo District. Twenty (20) years will be allowed for remoVal of timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the ahction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." * n\x\* Further particulars of the Cniet Forester, Victoria, B.C.or District Forester, Prince George, B.C. n^4,8 Prince George Aerie No. 2076 Fraternal Order of EAGLES Meets first and third Wednesday each month at 8 pm- Pacific Great Eastern Railway Company TRAIN SCHEDULE BETWEEN VANCOUVER AND QUESNEL NORTHBOUND Steamer leaves Union Dock, Vancouver, Mondays and Thursdays ................................................................................ 9:00 a.m. Train connection with steamer at Squamish Dock .................... 1:05 p.m. Leave Lillooet ............................................................................ 9:35 p.m. Leave Clinton ............................................................................ 1:47 a.m. Leavv Williams Lake ................................................................ 8:35 a.m. Arrive Quesnel ..........................................................................12.20 a.m. Tuesdays and Fridays. SOUTHBOUND Leave Quesnel Tuesdays and Fridays ........................................ 4:00 p.m. Leave Williams Lake ................................................................ 8:15 p.m. Leave Clinton ............................................................................ 2:10 a.m. Leave Lillooet ............................................................................ 6:05 a.m. Leave- Squamish Dock ........................................................ 2:45 p.m. Arrive Union Dock, Vancouver .............................................. 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Stage connects with trains at Quesnel for passengers to and from Prince George and Barkerville, weather permitting. Round trip tickets issued at reduced rates from all points. Sleeping accommodations on all trains. Time table and illustrated folder from Agents or Passenger Department, 533 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mah Chong Bakery Rettaurant Room in Connection. Home-made Bread. Excellent . Quality. McBRIDE B.C. lUlllllllHIIIUIBIIOIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII Rough and Dimension Lumber FIR FINISH, SASH, DOORS, MOULDINGS Shingles, Lath, Plaster, Brick, Lime, Cement GLASS, BUILDING PAPER, ROOFING. 3-Ply Cottonwood Lamatco and Fir Veneer. McINNIS & WILSON BUILDERS Phone 26R. Prince George, B.C. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦I I I s