V PRINCE GEORGE_CITIZEN Always have the magic WRIGLEY package in your pocket Soothes nerves, allays thirst, aids digestion. 1% Vs.? which Will fill in the greater part of two afternons and in which some twenty horses from various parts of i British Columbia and Alberta will ; be ^ntennl. As an added attraction the celebration management has af- I ranged for the appearance before; tin- grand stand on both afternoons¦ ' <))" the MeMahnn-Whceler entertain-j ers, world famous versatile circus! I performers, aenalists, wire artists! and acrobats. This year there will be no counter attractions al Qtiesnel, Vanderh'oof.i Telkva' or Fort St. James, and this' should result in bringing a record-breaking crowd to Prince George. In. order thai the men-bants may reap; the full benefit of the celeb'ation I it is suggested they should keep) their places of business open during: the morning's of Monday'and Tiies- ! day, and remain closed during the ' iresentation of the programme at i the exhibition grounds on both afternoons, i In view of the absence of counter! pftractUons .it; is expected Prince! George will see the greatest gath'-.i <'iing of Indians in its history while the celebration is on. BAKE YOUR OWN BREAD WITH .Thursday, Juno ?, ifl.->8 THREE USED bmger sewing iviacnines VARIOUS PRJ.CES—BUT ALL BARGAINS A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DfvotPd to the Upbuilding of PrinGe CJ»»or.ge and Northern British Columbia-. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Yearly - - - $2.00 in advance Half-Yearly - 31.00 In advance To U. S. and Foreign Points. % l.flu per nnniNn additional. PRINCE GEORGE PLANS BIG CELEBRATION. The Prince George Agricultural" and Industrial Association has prepared a big programme for the two days celebration which will be held in this city on Monday and Tuesday. July 2nd and 3rd, to mark another aniversary of the birth of the Dominion* of Canada. The attractions this year will include horse racing, POOLEY REPUDIATES CLOVERDALE SPEECH. The Citizen is in receipt of a letter from R. H. Pooley, leader of the Conservative opposition in the legislature, in which he repudiates the statements credited to him by the Vancouver Province in its report of his speech delivered at the Cloverdale convention. In the Province report a hodge-podge of Prince George happenings was presented as indicating the unsatisfactory administration of the attorney-general's denar!merit, and the coercive tac-tic-s of the Liberal organization in Prince George in the levying of political contributions. In the Province report R. H. Pcoley was made to say that because a local hotelman did not come across when he was tapped for funds for Liberal picnics, two stool pigeons in the employ of the government liquor board took a minor into his beer parlor, purchased beer from him and Hcid Office, Montreal BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 ASSETS and LIABILITIES 30th April, 1928 ASSETS Cash on hand ........ $ 91,151,467.43 Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks ........ Deposit in Central Gold Reserves . . Call and Short loans on Bonds, Dehen-tures and Stocks ...... Dominion and Provincial Government Securities ......... Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian . Railway and other Bomls, Debentures and Stocks...... Quick Assets . Loans and Discounts and other Assets Bank Premises .... . . . Liabilities of customers under letters of credit (as per contra)....." Total Assets . 53,715,142.33 19,000,000.00 158,073,980.67 81,642,510.91 42.353.73.6.O4 6,929,569,3,5 $452,864,416.73 388,903,298.36 11,550,000.00 14,869,901.45 . $868,187,616.54 LIABILITIES TO THE PUBLIC Notes in circulation...... 42,644,638.50 Deposits . . . ¦...... 746,40-.4<)9.2<; Letters of credit outstanding . . . 14.869,901.4^ Other liability; . . . 1,771^0.45 Tofcil Liabilities to.Public . SKos/^n,^.; ^5 Excess of Assets over Liabilities to Public $ 62^493,756.89 standard of Quality for over soj/e ars Pitman's WXX&Xt. Store PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. liad him fined $300 for an infraction of the Liquor Act. Mr. Pooley was made to say in tlnf Province report that Attorney-General Manson would not stand for the conviction and entered an appeal, and that when the City of Prince George refused, to refund the amount of the fine that the attorney-General reduced the salary of Police Magistrate Moran. The statements credited to R- H. Pooley were so obviously ridiculous to the people of Prince George, who were familiar with the matters referred to, that The Citizen deemed it a duty to comment upon them and to point out how. wide they were of the truth. Incidentally it was stated it was impossible for political leaders to be familiar with all the local happenings throughout the province, but also that it was difficult tc appreciate how Mr. Pooley could be so completely taken in as to make the statements lie did at Cloverdale. In his letter (,f repudiation to The Citizen Mr. Pooley says some kind friend sent him a copy of The Citizen of May 24th. He says he hardly recognized his speech as the subject of the comment, and asks why The Citizen reporter mentioned the reduction in the salary of the police magistrate a? he never referred to the matter at nil. The Citizen is pleased \o absolve Mr. Pooley in view of denial, and to give it as .wiu'e nubu'icity as its first comment, but '.<. desire^ to point ouf to Mr. Pooley the report. conrnlained of was not the report of The Citizen but that of the Vancouver Province, and that it was properly credited as such in Tho Citizen. The oub'?equent flfvo!nnr>:"nts fully justify the action of The Citizen in making the comment which it did. The report eoniTilaincd nf wa« a tissue of misrepresentations on the part of Mr. Po-iley or the Province reporter but it failed to attract notice in VarK ccuver becail?0 the 'newspaper loaders in that citv had no knowledge of t'-p several incidents referred to. So' fir ns ha« been noted Mr. Pool-ev h*< not seen fit to ask the Pro-vinrof or nr>v correction in its report rf his C'overdhle speech. This j-ro'^Titj one to ask whether Mr. Peoley hap become so case-h.irdem'd ar, to (.be indifferent to neivsymner renort? of his -.1 iterances, or whether The. Citizen i-- a mofp widely read newspaper than the Province. CITY OF PRINCE GEORGE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES The undersigned will receive, until noon, 2'J June, 1928, sealed tenders endorsed, "Tenders for School Fire Escapes," for the erection of four (4) ' Wrought Iron Fire Escapes and Exits therto for Prince George Schools. Plans may be seen and specifications obtained from the undersigned at the City Hall. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted! V. Randolph Clerihue, 1tc. . Secretary. Little Gem We specialize in Foods Cooked in Canadian and English methods. The best Merchant's Lunch in the city at a nominal price. The Cafe noted for serving the Best Cup of Coffee. Evans and Jorgensen George street and Second avenue INGA ANDERSEN assisted by her pupils and Ipcal artists at the CAPITOL THEATRE Friday and Saturday June 8 and 9 .Commencing at S.15_p.m. 27 Different Numbers Admission Adult- $1.00 Children 50c Tickets On Sale At Prince George Drug Store UPPER HOUSE IN NOVA SCOTIA CEASED TO EXIST Halifax. June 1.—The legislative' council of Nova Scotia, which oper-ate.d as an upper chamber to the legislature, passed out of existence at midnight as the result of legislation which was introduced by Premier Rhodes on February 15th. PENSIONS BILL CHANGED TO SHUT OUT CLAIMANTS UNDEJ* DEATH BED MARRIAGES Ottawa, June 2.—The special committee of the senate has con mended the drastic changes in the pension's bill approved by the com-mons to bar claimants under death bed marriages. buy the same of car Over 87% of all McLaughlin-Buick owners answer "yes—a greater degree of owner loyalty than any other leading make of car can claim . . Owners know car values! Drive a McLaughlitl-Buick and learn the fullest measure of motorcar satisfaction. M-2-6-28C PIDGEON & MORGAN BUICK DEALERS - Prince George lien Better Automobiles Arc Built — McLaughlin-Butck Will Build -