PRINCE GEOP.G Thursday, july. CANADIAN TOLICE SEARCH FOR TORONTO HOLD-UP MEN IN CHICAGO Chicago; July 14.—At the request of ;he Canadian police authorities Deputy Commissioner ©'Conner has ordered the secret service men to pick up three Chicago gun-m^n who are suspected of having engineered the holdup of the Canadian National mail car ir. Toronto when upwards of $100,000 was stolen. BRITISH CABINET DECIDES TO ACCEP.T BETTING BILL London. July 13.—The Race Track Petting Bill will be approved by the British of Commons during the ^resent session. This was assured yesterday when the annonucement was . mode that the cabinet had decided to I accept, the bill as a government mea-" sure. NEW WESTMINSTER LACROSSE PLAYERS ARRIVE IN LONDON London. July 14.—The New Westminster lacrosse players who will represent Canada in the Olympic games have arrived here. They were tendered a lunch by the city and later met the Winnipeg team in an exhibi- ' tion game. FRANCE ACCEPTS KELLOGG'S PLAN TO OUTLAW WAR THREE REVELSTOKE MEN KILLED WHEN BOILER EXPLODES ¦Vancouver, July 12.—Three Revel-stoke men. M. Rogers, engineer; \V. S. Stansbury, fireman, and \V. Clay, conductor wore killed near Glacier when (ho boiler of the railway locomotive exploded. Par:?. July 14.—France has formally j riccpted the Kfillogg plan to outlaw j war among the nations. The French! note accepting the United States pro- \ nosals has been handed to Ambassa- J dor Houghton for forwarding to Wash-inaton; SIR HENRY SAMMAN LEFT AN ESTATE OF £1255.000 j London, July 14.—The will of the I late Sir Henry Saraman disposed of | an estate of £428.500. Sir Henry began life as a boy on a tea clipper and later became the founder of a com- j pany operating several steamships. I In The Confidence G Head Office Montreal [ENERAL confidence in the Bank of Montreal is shown by the steady growth of the institution down through the generations since it was founded. No matter how large or how small your financial transactions, the service of this Bank is fully responsive to your needs. MONTREAL Established i8i7 Total Assets in excess of # «30,000,000 Prince George Branch F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager. SENATOR NORRIS NAMED TO HEAD FARMER-LABOR TICKET IN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Chicago. July 13.—United . Slates Senator Norris. of Nebraska, has been placed in nomination for president by the Farmer-Labor party despite a number of refusals on the part of the senator to stand. Will Veereen, of JMoultre. cotton mill owner has been nominated for the office of vice-president. PENNSYLVANIA SHERIFFS WILL CONVENE IN CANADA Erie. July 12.—The 1928 convention of the sheriffs oi the state of Pennsylvania has been moved to Pon Cover, on the Canadian side of Lake Erie as the result of the activities of federal dry agents in breaking up the annual dinner of the sheriffs. The Victory Tower of the T)ominion ''Parliament "Tiuildings at Ottawa, from which the Stirring message of the carillon rings forth. OF EVERY BUSINESS DAY--- SOMEONE IN CANADA BUYS ANEW GENERAL MOTORS CAR OINCE the days of Confederation, ^ General Motors of Canada Limited has been supplying Canada with transportation. Each year as requirements have multiplied, the scope of General Motors service has widened . . the quality of General Motors cars has steadily improved. Each year more Canadians have looked to General Motors for better automobiles, until now, every two minutes of every business day, someone in Canada buys a new General Motors car. These cars are bought by people you know . . by people like yourself . . for the very reasons which would guide you in the choice of a car. They are bought because they are the product of the most progressive organization in the world's most progressive industry . . because they reflect the General Motors policy of constant advancement . . because they are better cars. . . They represent the latest developments of the world's leading automotive research GENERAL MOTORS ^T CANADA laboratory, offering these developments to the public as soon as they become available. They are proved in advance, at the expense of General Motors, not the public. They are better cars because they are Canadian cars. And they embody greater value because of General Motors money-saving methods of quantity buying and volume production. This popularity of General Motors cars holds more than a passing interest for the Canadian car buyer . . for General Motors utilizes increased demand to reduce production costs and to offer still more outstanding automobile GM-1928 HEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES - O5HAWA.ONTARIO CHEVROLET -PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE • OAKLAND • M'LAUCHLIN-BUICK • LASALLE -CADILLAC • AH uHlh »~iy H Fi*h4r GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK « » c « C nr nr r? « BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN I T BETTER Thi, advertisement is not du or displayed by the Liquor n I i»h% Columbia.