THE PRLYCE GEORG K T1T1ZEN Thursday, Augysj 1929 Ladies' & Children's in Various Styles PRICES REDUCED HALF CANVAS SHOES from 50c up SALE CLOSES SATURDAY Parker's Pennants and Souvenirs Sjouvenir.s and lx>ks of local interest arc appreciated bv everyone. We have a full line of- fishing tackle, kodaks, Films and stationary for picnics and fishing" trips. Subscriptions Taken at Publisher's prices PANAMA NEWS STAND THE BUSY SPOT George Street—Phone 108 Quality Groceries & Table Supplies Place your order now for Preserving Apricots, Raspberries, Blackberries and Loganberries. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Sealer Rings, etc. We Have Everything Good To Eat—If Your Grocer Does Not Stock It TRY— WILLIAM BEXON PHONE 3 PHONE 3 JEWELERY for Summer Wear We have the very latest in fancy chokers, bracelets, pearls, dress ornaments, etc. See our windows. "The Store With The Stock." Let us do your watch work. We do expert work and give prompt service. All repairs guaranteed. If It Conies From Wright's It's Gdod Wright's Jewelry Store THIRD AVENUE oca ipemnp. A public reception will be held in. the Prince George Hotel ball room on | Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5.30, i August 14th in honor of the Hon. R. j B. Bennett, leader of the Conservative i party of 'Canada. The reception will ! be under the management of the ladies of the Conservative Association. The Central Interior Motors announce that they have acquired the ! property known as the Corless Garage j and have entered into possession. , A dance will be held in Brad's j Store on Saturday evening from 9 to 12 o'clock. F. D. Whitmore returned on Tuesday from a business trip to Vancouver which he made over the Cariboo highway. ¦ . . The evening service at Knox Church will be resumed on Sunday. Rev. P. Connal having returned from his holiday trip will preach at both services on Sunday. . ' Mrs. E. W. Heden and family left on Tuesday morning's train for the east. Mrs. Heden desires to express her thanks to the residents of Prince George for the many kindnesses extended to her during the last illness of her deceased husband, the late E. Heden of the R.C.M.P. Week-End Specials Ladies' Hats, each................................ Ladies' Bloomers and Combinations 2 for Ladies' White Silk Hose, 3 for ................... Ladies' Corsets, small sizes, pair .......... Girls' Wash Dresses. 2 tp 12 years ......... ('.iris' Straw Hats, 2 for.................... ' Girls and Boys' Sun Hats. 3 for ..................... Girls' and Boys' Socks, 2 pair for .'.................. Girls' Cotton Stockings, 3 pair for.......... Girls' Cdtfjon Knit Bloomers, 3 pair for Girls Rain Capes........................................""' Broken Lines in Stamped Goods, each And 2 for ........ HUGHES & DRAKE Ladies' and Children's Outfitters Third Avenue Phonp 27 The failure of the Goodman Supply Company, of McBride. will probably be a disastrous one for the creditors of the estate. The liabilities are returned at $31,174.91 with assets of $34,288.57. An examination of the assets discloses 'that collections were rather well cleaned up. Accounts receivable are given at $9,107.71, but of this amount $8,810.40 is a personal liability of J. Goodman to the company, which is considered worthless. Real estate and buildings in McBride are valued at $5,450, furniture and fixtures at $3,362, and merchandise, as per inventory, at $14,819.64. At the creditors' meeting held in Vancouver on Friday the statement was made that Mr. Goodman had disappeared and could not be located. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Redel, Rosanna Lucielle, born on Monday, June 24, died at her parents residence on Saturday, July 20. The Princess Beauty Shop specializes in the very latest of the most recent hair dressings. Make your appointments early. Phone No. 102A. eow Rev. T. dePencier will conduct the religious services in the Scout Camp at Salmon River at 8 o'clock on Sunday morning, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at Mud River, and' at 10.30 a.m. and at 7.30 p.m. in St. Michael's church. There will be no service in St. Michael's at 8 o'clock in the morning. The management of the Woodpecker I Fair Association will hold another of its popuar dances in the fair building at Woodpecker tomorrow evening. PRINCE GEORGE HIGH SCHOOL MATRICULATIONS The following pupils matriculated as the result of the examinations in the Prince George high school: Dixie A. Blue (S), William D. Perry. Spencer Graham, Martha M. Huble (S) Eva M. Morrell, Dorothy McGowan, Lawrence D. McLean, Samuel D. McLean, Rose A. Rice. As the result of examinations of pupils making private study two. candidates were granted partial standing. --------—a------;------ DOROTHEA AITCHESON DIED IN THE CITY HOSPITAL ON WEDNESDAY FROM INJURIES Little Dorothea Willa, the eight-year-old daughter of J. L. Aitcheson, of Pineview, died in the city hospital on Wednesday from injuries received on her father's farm. The circumstances attending the accident were very distressing. The father was engaged in clipping a horse and gave the little girl the shears to return to the house. In doing so the child fell, and the points .of the shears entered her throat, setting up an infection which resulted fatally. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon from Knox United church at 2.30 o'clock. Toronto, July 31—Dr. Forbes Godfrey, provincial minister of health, makes the announcement that arrangements have been made with physicians to supply free of charge all serum required for the treatment of cases of infantile paralysis in the province. Dr. Hugh Dickey EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT SPECIALIST of Vancouver will be at the PRINCE GEORGE HOTEL until AUGUST 9th. EYES TESTED FOR GLASSES Selecting Diamonds at McCulIagh's $21.01) and un REQUIRES NO KNOWLEDGE OF QUALITY OR CUTTING. OUR SELECTION FOR YOUR APPROVAL CARRIES OUR PERFECT STONE GUARANTEE. McCULLAGH, The Jeweller High grade watch repairing at m oderate charges. Mail orders ?iv-en prompt attention. After AH- McCULLAGH'S - For the Best FIT-REFORM MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS Extra Pants for Suits up to $75.00 fo r.................$3.00 STRAW HATS AT REDUCED PRICES Boys Overalls and Koveralls A. M. PATTERSON IF IT'S MEN'S WEAR WE HAVE IT "BETTER MEAT FOR LESS MONEY" The ECONOMY Meat Market Hack Bacon, half or whole, per Ih.........................37c Tot Roast Beef, per pound ..........,.................................. 23^ Full Line of Cooked Meats We Deliver—Phone your order 123-B—Don't forget our FVigidatre plant protects meats during the hot weather. Buildings For SALE SITUATE ON LOT 1, BLOCK 170, CORNER OF GEORGE STREET AND 6th AVENUE—KNOWN AS THE PENNY BUILDING. Apply PIDGEON & MORGAN "The Quality Meat Store." Fresh Killed MEATS SMOKED HAMS AND BACON Paul Wieland GEORGE STREET