tipht THE PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Thursday. The Produce of British Columbia PRIME STEER—Pot Roasts, per lb. ._„„.;.____.:.__._14^ PRIME STER—Boil Beef, per lb........_____„._____12^ PRIME STEER, Beef Stew, per" lb. .'.______..........-15^ HAMBURGER—Freshly Ground, per lb. ¦_„._.._—...15^ BUTTER—Dairy, 2 lbs. for ..........-------------------55c EGGS—Strictly Fresh, 3 doz.....LV----.......-.......-__--85^ SPRING SALMON—per lb. '.........___1____:.....-35<£ FROZEN SALMON—per lb. .._._•___„_________22£ HALIBUT, per lb.....__.------------------,-----....^0^ FRESH HERRING—2 ib. „:............---___. „ _25p-' proximately 75 cases. All Indians given to travel have contracted the disease. but those who have remained on their reserves appear to have escaped. REID LAKE RIPPLES Mr. and Mrs. Cha.s. Cook were hosts on February 7th at a very enjoyable "house-warming" when about sixty of their friends and neighbors gathered to celebrate with them the completion of the new two-storey wing oi their home. Miss Helen Mitchell cf Vancouver, arrived last month to assume dut'es as teacher of the Reid Lake school. Much sympathy is felt for Mr: Lars Kaldestad in the recent death of his wife. Mrs. Kaldestad came to this district two years ago ns a brid? and those who knew her found in Jim ;i friend of sterling qunlities.- Mr. F. Ellis had the misfortune to lose his team In the Nechako Rivr" while hauling ties at Isle Pierre The breaking of a neck-yoke while coming down the hill caused the driver to lose control of his~team and Lhejio^*5 were forced off the ferry by the weight of the tie-laden sleigh. _ Announcing THE ARRIVAL OF A LARGE SHIPMENT OF OF NEW SPRING GOODS,,EARLY NEXT WEEK AND CORDIALLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Mrs. IZOWSKY Fit-Reform arid Cambridge Made-to-Mcasurc'.Suits New tiartt Shoes SPRING OVERCOATS / Boys' Pants and Windbreakers AM. PATTERSON IF IT'S MEN'S WEAR WE HAVE IT