GEORGE CITIZE a no. 15 PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN THURSDAY. APRIL 9. 1931 Five Cents Creamery Report Will be Before Board of Trade Status of the Project Will Come Up For Review at Monthly Luncheon Wednesday PROSPECT IS FAVORABLE Promoters Had Slight Hope that Creamery Could Be Got JnderJWayithis_Year _ The objected creamery, which lias ono-ao-edI the attention of the members n'Ihe board of trade, and of the farmers of the surroundisng districts, so riosely for the past few weeks, will rome' under review at the monthly luncheon of the board which is to be !>cld on Wednesday next in the Prince OIT,KV<~TT feorge Hotel. Although from the tone 1 QUAKES AT oi letteis, appearing In/the press, some ot th» farmers have become impatient' ove- the matter, the members of the beard of trade, who have been sup-nortinK the project, have by no means Shope. SW the agiUtlonfor ttie NORTHERN PART OF NEW SOUTH WALES FAVORS SEPARATION Sydney, April 8—There is a pronounced feeling throughout the northern part of New Sounh Wales in favor of separation from the existing state as a protest against the debt repudiation pf Premier Lang. Either the provincial government will modify its present policy or the separation will take place. - . o AUSTRIAN ASSERTS HE WAS HIRED TO MURDER HIS VICTIM Vienna, April 8—The police have uncovered an unusual incident in connection with the death of, Rudolph Sleinburyr~Serenc—Fischl—was apprehended tome time after the finding of Steinbery's body. He confessed to the crime but maintains he was en oi tlie iiTlhce George uramatic .toociecy. lu is a ihree-acc drama, descriptive of the period of 1000 years beiore the time or c.u'isc, Irom the pen of Mary. S. Hitcxicock, with a heavy tinge oi\ religion, with but a few lines suggestive ol humor, and easily the mcs>& ambiuous un-i dertaking on the part of the mem-Managua. Nicaragua, Apri 8.—There \ bers of the local society. In all there have been a succession of quakes here with'n the past few hours, which have _^___ . _......_ been sufficiently severe to topple over was" istarted those a number of the walls left standing rik-mct creamery was iStarcea uiose 1 a numoer oi me wans icu situiuui^ "nWested have learned a great deal, j after the big upheaval which destroyed hut not sufficient to warrant them in the city with heavy loss of life. The were some twenty-live, characters in me cast, and when, the curtain fell ao the conclusion of the third act the consensus of opinion was the local UNIVERSAL INCOME TAX WENT INTO EFFECT THIS MONTH^ The universal income tax. of which so much was heard during the recent session of the legislatuie, was put into effect on. the first- of the month, and all employers of labor have been notified to deduct the amount of the tax Mills Merger Still Ui> in the Air <£* wages, and to remit the amount of deduct Ions to the government collectors. On the method, decided for collecting the tax few will escape payment. The tax is based on weekly earnings. As often as the wage earner ^Fusion Involves Consolidation of has $15 k th him for a week's Numerous Plants With A Value of £540,00,000 WORKING AT $ : r work the tax will be payable on the full amount 6f his cheque, and will Price Interests and be deducted therefrom by the em- ; rnce incerescs ana ployer In the case of marVed watre-' earners, or of widowers or widows, the tax will'be "payable upon a weekly learning of S25 or more and will be deducted by the employer/ For thrj Hontxeal;"April6-=A~failui-e to agree Lawrence Corporation Not Involved in Merger at Present purpose of computing: the tax persons ki f th l pp p working for the p employer on on terms after protracted conversations fusion Monday. Tuesday. Friday and Sattir- day, or on Thursday. Friday and Sat- urday. of one week, and on Monday |of Canadian paper and pulp compan- of the1 next week, will be required to; ies. The negotiations may be resumed pav the tax if their earnings for the i but If they are not taken up so early period reach the prescribed amount i the merger is certain to be the object fixed for one week. ! Of further efforts in the-near future. per week. Without any ^^^^^^^S^^^rS^^ ^ateVel-?andwm be&7SSb«TtS | oyeproducton has been ieached. ac the taxation to which the wagerearner; cording to interests in touch with the i h ii itti nrise They have learned it is no longer •he pol'cy of the provincial govern-l to support creamerie-s as co-op- I l f thi tho concerns In place of . his the | May Or ThOHipSOIl dramatists had -acquitted themselves ..,, ,„„...........___..... , . m a h'ghly creditable manner in their ¦ t-pmntine to proceed with the enter- recent disturbances have brought to I character interpretation) of the depart-.lut-inH"" & r ; nn r>nH ail wnrk of vprrmstrnetion led Syrian race. i The outstanding features of the pro- j duction were the stage setting, and ! the costuming of the members cf the j cast; The stage setting and scene painting was the work of George Oli- j ver and his assistants, and was oi high ¦ artistic order, although much of it was j losr, by the audience by reason of the height of the stage. From the galleries | a much bettor view was obtained, a is subjpct under income tax. the Meets Defeat in Chicago Election ¦¦'ovemment favoi*s advancing a sub- stantial part of the capital for the |. undertaking as a loan at a low rate j of interest. The new policy may i noFsess advantages over the former, one but it involves the ra'eing of capi- j tal locally, and under existing condi- tions this would be difficult, even with the assurance that the government' -------- S"!ii SSSyUSS tender war, not? only the lowest carles R.'powlor as receivers. 1 Mil-!01 cl?ll!-; but it was approximately1 -¦ ... in stewardess the part of of the palace. An-and parity between the two. Her her emniciaMbn acting left- was excellent and little to be desired. Of the male characters j. P. Myers as it would have been impossible to | successful candidate, and complete reraise the capital necessary in the j turns are likely Jo ^increase the dis-cxisting business depression. COMMANDER KIDSTON CUTS DOWN TIME FOR FLIGHT FROM ENGLAND ters."~Judge Lyle had the active "sup- j had an excellent make-up in thn par' ' port of most of the Chicago churches. I of Ben Hassen. the Arab chief, allv Capetown Arjril 6—Commander Glen ! as well as that of the "Better Gov-j to Naaman. and to it he cave a sood Capetown. April b-^pmmanaer vjicu en{... ajjeociatrons. in the primary stage presence, which might hp tnken and his two companions nave ^1a/,H/vri O,,H in thp lil?m of yesterday's for an example in future productions. When Mayor Thompson carried the in the part of Naanvin. had the most S11000 lower than the next lowest Ono r>rablom of th« Industry is the $ The^se^ral 'endci-s wctc: Sri J «f «««»U>»ity of PulpvVooci. With son,, Cameron & Co.. Limited. $4G.282.04; plants near their supply and others Pacific. Engineers Limited, $57,044; L. I obliged to haul wood many miles H. Rawi'jis. $59..r>07; Wai.son .^ Stewart tlirough;foi-ests or, tlie ni-$5J.959.90; A. H. Gr*en & Co., .$(50,- tias between costs and returns m\- t\\-3GI5.1O: Stewart cK: Boxber. $72.1 L'fl.G'O: i tremely varied. One mill with nearby William Greerilees $7H.176: and E. H. I lumber ran operate at a lilRh degree of profit. wliUe anotheiv —supporting long haulage charges, operates on a basis that becomes increasingly mi- exception of the cement for the con- j profitable as the price of the. product crete piers'and the timbers for tn--' j falls. Howe truss structure, as well ns the usual bridge iron. With these ad- • , .-----V— i--- j «.v. flight OJeCUOll. tUia 111 Hie uriu rn m'avor the citv has had. He was| thrMlinsr drama secure I a safe e-levat'on ovpr ptx>bab.lp- ii-e- net. pi-ofit for securities. jams, which will also give a bettor It- is cons'idemt probable that efr gi'Dde for the approach to the' norm forts will be renewed soon, possibly end. this week, .to bring about an agree- Tlie buildins: will mean ernploymen1 meut On merger terms among thrw or for a crew of about forty men for five all of the companies mentioned. Tlie United States. All tho tax ?, . for the'vear 1929 have been hypothe- io the call of the societv for cntrd and those for 1P30 cannot issue ! snnnor'j Tbp nre.^n^Hon. n- ' th t vear bv rea j wnv -"x>rthv and those Victoria, April 7—Dan Mclntosh,! , who enjoyed the distinction of being | '. the oldest living mariner in this city, i has passed away.. The deceased made I the passage out from England in 1870. j t>y way of Cape Horn. He built the j __ H-cond schooner on the Pacific Coast' and introduced the first gas boat. | BRITISH During the past few years he conduct- j ed a boathouse and was widely known. GERMANY FAVORS MEETING FOR DISCUSSION OF TRADE WITH GREAT BRITAIN , ,ii lateinThe present vear bv rea- j every whv -owthv. and those son of irregularities in connection with | missed the first niirht «hoiurt ma Vhf a>--sc?sment. It is asserted th.- c'ltv' a ,-ioint to is iu such straits that an additional | minor. Thr> be made to ihe exist- ., metf servic to provide funds for i>,«; rnPr,^v>ori May. FIVE SHIPS SAIL FROM BIMTISH PORTS WITH CARGOES FOR ARGENTINE Price interests and the St. Lawrence Corporation were not Involved in the recent discussions. HE CONTRACTORS BUILD BRIDGE OVER THE NECHAKO RIVER U rn couroarernent. Ijondon. April 8—The benefv. result- A. M. I»re, of Nlchol, , {?rnat exposition in Buenos He says the mo;>t noteworthy tiuj>]>rn-Avi-f-s. which was oix-necl by Dip Pniv\'; iu^ ir> tlu> vicinity of Nichol is the of Wales, hns been instant, nncl prom- ! building of the brid«o across the ^f•* "LONDON" TO PROTECT | NATIONALS IN AZORES j Tondon Ai>ril.:.-Thc Brlt'sr> cniis- | or -i-onfion" has been ordered from -------. , mbraltar to Hideira Island, in the , London, April 7—Tt is announced I Azores, the residents of which ar«re-that Germany has given a favorable! .-.-ned in active revolution as^unst the , [eply to the proposal for a conference; pn-fueuese autho^itv. Thp rnnsers between British and German repre- mission will b« the safe-truardmcr oi i 'ontatives for the discussion of trade! t\y0 interests of British subjects m matters, it is reported Chancellor. irouble area. A rii«ivucn EAGLE LAKE SPRUCE MILLS RETIRING FROM DRY GOODS BUSINESS Brv.ening and Forefgn Minister Curtis! i-.on ^i^es the Portueuese ., «1U attend the conference on behalf I ha^ rieclnred a rtnlo of war foists, ana °' Germany. Si-n ba^erVs of nrtiUrrv »»nd 600 m- ¦-------------o------------- I iqntrv have been dispatched to re-I VANCOHVER POLICE ' "'^ nrf1or- SO111P tr011--P »-a-s -—' UNCOVER JAPANESE MURDER SYNDICATE i sent,hack to i -o- Vaaiouver, April 1—With the arrest | 7th regiment being of tliree men the city police believe j them, ftey have uncovered a Japanese mur- j aer syndicate which is responsible for| Tw a number of deaths in the city, and ( p^ni-sr&ve admissions are said to have w^n made by one of the trio. One w the suspects has been in charge of ^private hospital and an investigation *v oeing instmited into a nimiber of deaths which occurred in the hospi-aiitK 2ppucaUon- te beins made for ^urnorlty. to exhume a ; number of lKlci«s. trial revival. for 1to Anr'l "7—Tn<* Canadian of Commerce has nlac^d to ao-ii'nori H-io <=tn+^mpnr tbat is returnine [o C«nada. The Eagle Lake S«i'Ut-e Mills has decided to retire fi<;m the clry-jrnodr. business, formerly conduct ed at Giscomc, and the company's entire stock lias In't'n purchased by Ben Bairtl. at onc-tliird of its cost. It consists of excellent nmdes of men's and boys' wear, women's wear, shoes fOT men, women and children, and all thnl pertains to a general dry-goods stock... It is the intention of Mr. mini to place the sroods on sale, at astonishing prices. The sale will be conducted in the premises formerly occupied by Oliver & Bennett," on Third avenue, next to the telegraph office. Tlo- *ali» will open on th« mor-iinir nf FrMay. \pr»l !7th, and no uoods will be sold before this rial e. Sec next week's Citizen for prices and details of sale, JUSTICE ALBERT SEVIGNY IN CRITICAL CONDITION creat. thMitrs. Fivo vessels cleared from Brltisli ports yesterday and to-'• dav. the cariroes of "which were com- j I-prised of British manufacLures which ! will find a market in the Areentin". i Thr Pr'nco of Wales promises to ! eclipse in thr Argentine the former j record l-.old bv liimself n.s the world's i mo^t. .successful trade drummer. ! I'RINCE OF WALKS (iKTS ASSURANCE AS TO THE CONDITION Or TIM: KING.] Rio de Janeiro, April P,---The Prince i of Wales was in telephonic com muni -I cation with London today aiid "received 1 assurance there .\ya.s an improvement in the condition-of h!s father,'King ; George. The prince and his brother i George have made arrangements' to I ."-ail for Enslnnil on Saturday on thr I liritish mail liner Arlanzi. ,b0 b"sines t anv ^ of than dnrine th*» prwkiuRj^-and TKrints mops ad business and indus- Quebec. April. 8—The condition of Mr Justice Albert Sevigny, ¦who wafe struck down on Friday by a motor car, is more serious than was first supposed. The judge has suffered a posed. The jug iracture of the skull, chence for recovery. has slight WEATKEK RETORT R. B. Carter, local i meteoroloy:cal ag-ent. says the probabilities for the next few days are for fair weather, cool nights, and .showers today and tomorrow. During ihe week endin chako by Allan Poyd and Thomtus VVien, to iacilltatc the movement of ties from the north side of thr river to the C. N. R. tracks. Tile bridge Ik about half built. It will have sixteen bents in It. with a center .spun B0 l>et wide, through which shears will shoot the driftwood coming clown the river. Forty-foot piling is being used, and tho timbers are being driven into the river bottom for sixteen fcec. Tnc-d«tJk of the bridle u\J| b.> aboiji ( J hi feet above tJic present wotor iuvil which will lx: about lour feet above ordinary high .water; A number of settlers Ln the Reid-Lake district arc Riving their labor in the bridge biilM-lng in the hope of having a serviceable bridge after the movement (if tips :-, completed. The construction work is subst-antial, and It .should be feasible to maintain the bridge For a number of years. There am approximately 500.000 ties nort.ii of thp river to conin over the bridge. The use of this brir|<<<-will give the settlers in the Re'd Lakn district an entrance to Prince Georufi, without passing throuch Isle Pierre, and may. postpone for some t.imo tru* building of the orop'-"d h'-'rl^p ^». mated cost of which was Tuesday April 7th. there were 37 that point for some time, the estl- hours and 54 minuted pf bright sun- '------- - • • shine, w?.th a trace of precipitation. The maximum and minimum temperature readings for the period were: Wednesday............................. 48 22 Thursday .................................. 56 17 Friday1 ..............,........... 58 20 Saturday............................:....... 61 29 r Sunday .................................. W **" Monday.................................... «0 44 Ttuesdfey................................ 52 34. LADY- WYNDAM. FORMER BRITISH ACTRESS DIES . London, April 7—Lady Wyiulhaiu. widow of the actor and din -tor Sir Charles Wyndhum. died here 'xh". Under her stage name. Mary Moore, the deceased'was one of the nation's favorite actresses.