Eighi THE PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Thursday, August PICNIC ITEMS Paper Plates, Cups, Napkin Covers Etc. from KODAKS from up , ... ........___...... $1.25 Films from Roll up ____'........____.__.......-... 25f^ Subscriptions taken for all* Periodicals at Publisher's Prices. 1 FELIX ORANGE DRY, per bottle______ I FELIX GINGER ALE, per bottle .... _ 1 PANAMA NEWS STAND The Produce of British Columbia Spare Ribs lb. _____ Hamburger lb. ... ----- Halibut lb. Fresh Lake Fish, lb. .. ' Dairy Butter 2 lbs. __„ 45^(. Creamery Butter 2 lbs. .55^ TENNIS AT QUESNEL Prince George Players Take the Odd Match in a Card of Eleven Events Eggs, Fresh, 2 doz. .. HOT WEATH^ SUGGESTIONS Head Cheese .Baked Ham Cooked Ham Meat Loaf CHICKEN a la KING A Meal for 3 for 50^ BURNS & COMPANY LIMITED Quality 8C Service Constale D. J. Bingham, who is on leave in Vancouver, effected the rescue of Mrs G. Grosskieg from drowning on Thursday last. In company with Constable Grosskieg and his wife, Bingham was waiting in an automobile for the arrival of the ferry at the North Vancouver ferry dock. Mrs. Grosskieg started to take a walk around the dock and fell into the inlet without being observed. Bingham heard her cry for help and with difficulty brought her back to the dock where the husband assisted in getting her out of the wat- A number of Prince George tennis players paid a visit to Quesnel on Sunday where they were entertained by the members of the Quesnel club. During the day eleven matches were played, nearly all of them being* carried into the third set. The Williams Lake players were also in Quesnel but their play was altogether with-the members of the Quesnel club. Re'fresrments were served during the afternoon by the ladies of the local club. The eleven matches in which the Prince George players (participated resulted as follows: Men's Doubles. Mr. Hornsby and Mr. Foot defeated Mr. Hitchcroft and Mr. Robinson 6-4; 6-4. Mr. Newman and Mr. Izowsky defeated G. Ainsworth and Mr. Lee, 6-2; 2-6: 6-2. Mixed Doub'es. Mr. Hornsby and Mrs. Baird defeated Mi1. Hutchcroft and Mrs. Grierson, 6-3; 2-6; 6-3. Mrs. Robinson and Miss I. Marion (Quesnel) defeated Mr. Foot and Miss Corning, 6-4; 6-4. Ladies' Doubles Mrs. Grierson and Miss Marion defeated Mrs: Baird and Miss Corning. 6-7; 6-4. Mens' Singles. Mr. Hornsby defeated Mr. Hutchcroft, 6-2; 6-3. Mr. Foot defeated Mr. Robinson, 6-2; 6-2. Mr. Newman was defeated by G. Ainsworth, 1-6; 7-6; 3-6. Mr. Izowsky defeated J. Allison, 6-2; 7-5. Ladies' Singles. Mrs. Baird was defeated by Mrs. Grierson, 4-6; 5-7. Miss J. Corning was defeated by Miss J. Marion, 2-6; 2-6. -------------—O------:---------- BAXTER - LUND er. F M Dockrili is meeting with success' in his efforts to drum up business for h's coal mine at Telkwa, The market for the coal in Prince George and Prince Rupert is Improving and this week he received an order from CNR. for the delivery of 750 tons at section houses between Prince George and the coast . _______i—o---------;----- G C Sincla'r has produced the prize Windsor broad bean of the season. The pod has a length ofjtwelyeJnches,. and is well filled out. Fed on Wie-land's bone-meal, Charlie says it is almost impossible to say when the beans will stop growing. C. E. Arnett ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING MOTOR REPAIRING Phone 63L1 or Harper's Plumbing Shop. A pretty wedding was solomnized at Knox United church on Sunday morning, August 9th, when. Margaret Lil-l'ar> Baxter was united in marriage to Gustine Albert Lund. The event was of great interest, and the church was crowded. Rev. Adam Crisp, was the officiating clergyman, and the wedding music was played by Mrs. W. J. Pitman. During the signing of the register Mrs. John Mall's sang "O Perfect Love." The church was tastefully decorated with a profusion of summer flowers. The bride was given in marriage by her brother Robert A. Baxter, and wore a gown ^of white flat crepe, with veil to match, and- carried a bouquet of roses and fern. Attending her sister as bridesmaid was Miss Harriet Beatrice Baxter, gowned in cose pink crepe de chine and carrying a bouquet of sweet peas and baby , breath. Mr. Herbert A. Lund supported, the^ groom. —The happy pair ^were showered with rice and confetti while leaving, but they braved it all to shake hands with their numerous friends. Later Mr. and Mrs. Lund left by motor for Vancouver to spend their honeymoon, the bride travelling in a costume of blue. -------------o------------ The women's association of Girl Guides will meet at the residence of Mrs. William Bexon on Friday evening at 8 o'clock to receive Miss A. S. Williams, secretary of the Oirl Guide organization, of Victoria. WMinB^MJwmMMmisxmjMP&E^Jszmm w < I Quality Groceries & Table Supplies Preserving Fruits are arriving in good Condition. Phone your orders" now for Peaches and Bartlett Pears PHONE 3 A BRITISH COLUMBIA PRODUCT WILLIAM BEXON Born, in the city hospital in Thursday, August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. O'Ruark, a daughter. —x— A. E. Read's general store, at Long-worth, is reported to have been destroyed by fire on Sunday night. Alderman' P. D. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor returned to the city on Thursday evening following a three-weeks auto tour on;the Pac f ic coast. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Littler left on a vacation trip on Saturday, motoring south over the Cariboo highway. Provincial. Constable R. McKinlcy has been transferred to McBride and will leave for his new post tomorrow. He will Ibe replaced by Constable Mc-Glfnchey, formerly of McBride. who tas been transferred to the city detachment. \ Dr. R.:-W. Alward, M.JL. A.., has received a' telegram from Hon. R. W. Bruhn to" the effect he has been obliged to cancel his visit to this city on Saturday. -The minister of public works an appointment with Hon. H. H. Stevens, in connection w'th the carrying out of the relief employment programme, which he must fill before starting on his trip to this section, and Which may set him back two weeks on a previous arrangements. George Prudents has let a contract for the stucco'ng of the Europe \\o'o\. The scaffolding i.s up end the work is :o be taken in hand at once. Qodfrey Morgan, of the staff of the ocal branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has received notice of transfer. He will relieve at tho Van-c!erhobf branch of the bank for three veeks, following which he will report at Vancouver and be advised as to the ?oint to which he has been transferred. —x— The British Columbia Public Library Association has secured permanent quarters in the Princess theatre bulld-ng and will be suitably housed in the course of a few days. L. C. Gunn, C. E. started out on Tuesday morning to locate camps on, he location of the highway extensjotv between Prince George and Swift 3reek. It is said the engineer favors he establishment of a number ')f camps, rather than two large camps as at present proposed. Wht;n tho camps have been established, construc-ion will begin at orice. It is the in-ention of Hon. W. R. Bruhn. minister of public works, to leave as litc!2 un-inished work as possible, and the oad machinery will follow close upon he grubbers. Work should be got under way by the first of the week. W. G. Rogers, of Isle Pierre, spent Tuesday" in the city, the same being first visit for twelve months. He ays there has been a very healthy o-owth in the various settlements in lis vicinity. A number of new settlers lave arrived since last winter, and here would have been more but for misfortune met with by some in toeing ¦jailed out on the prairies. —x— Mrs C. J Babcock, of Washington. . C, is paying a visit to her sister, vlrs. Robert Carson, of trl's city. Bruce Parker was relieved of ticon-iderable qantity of men's furnishings in Tuesday night, when thieves ef-ected an entrance to his business premises through a window in the rear of he store. . The thieves apparently made a leisurely examination of the tock, carrying into the rear room the goods which appealed to them most, ind from which they made "their selec-ion of shirts, runn'ng shoes, underwear, neckwear and socks. Although ;here was silver change in both of the Lls in the store it was not taken. The premises of the Prince George Drug Company were entered on Saturday night or early' Sunday morning, hen a quantity of cigarettes and silver currency was stolen. The th'eves effected entrance by the use of a diamond glass-cutter, on a window in the back, which enabled them to open it. It was thought at first that narco-icb might have been sought by the hieves, but a careful check on the tock showed none had been taken. The members of Northern Rebekah jodge. No. 34. will meet in the I. O. O. F. hall this evening. All girl guides are requested to parade in uniform in tlic Prince George mllroom at 10 o'clock. Saturday morning next. Hon. R. W. Bruhn. min'ster of public works, will open the new bridge at Hagwilget canyon on Friday next. The >eople of Hazelton will stage a big celebration in connection with the formal opening of the hr'dge. The many friends of Harold Shaw, tax collector at Smithers, will regret to learn he is exper'enclng all of the difficulties of a one-armed paper-hanger. While ^moving the safe in the vault of the government office his left hp.nd was crushed against >the concrete wall, three fingers being badly mangled. Mr. Shaw will be remember-j ed as the holder of the cribbago I championship while a "member r>f the staff in the local government office. agfisaaagnuaaraianraiaiai^^ New FELT HATS For Fall A selection of very smart felt hats for fall wear. The newest shapes. Popular Prices Only. HUGHES & DRAKE Ladies' and Children's Outfitters Third Avenue Phone 27 «B!fi!fMgU«fiira^ ffiJRfiHfflffiiKfiifiH^^ "BETTER MEAT FOR LESS MONEY" Week-End Specials OVEN ROAST BEEF, per lb. .. SIDE BACON, as cut . ........ ...... SMALL HAMS, per lb. . BUTTER, Creamery, per 4 lbs. CASH AND CARRY ON THESE 15c 23c $1.05 The ECONOMY Meat Market PI-fONE YOUR ORDERS — WE DELIVER S Hi Hi bR I Hi Hi Hi Hi The ninth annual p'enic of the Prince George Farmers' Institute will be held at Pineview on Wednesday, August 19th. A full programme of sports will be presented including horseshoe pitching and a baseball match. D'nner ' and supper will be served on the grounds. There will be a dance in the evening under the auspices of the Cariboo Women's Institute. —x— Coroner D. Trefry has been unable to complete his inquest into the death of Mrs. P. J. Strand who was killed by being struck by a passing C. N. R. train on the line between Dome Creek and Bend. At the time of the fatality Mrs. Strand was engaged with her iiii.sband in searching for stray horses, but so far as is known no person witnessed the ace'dent. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from the Cor-less undertaking parlors. —x— John A. Fraser, M. P., passed through the city on Thursday's train on his way to Burns Lake, where he gave the delegates to the convention of the associated boards of 'trade a medi-c:ne talk. Mr. Fraser was met here on Friday afternoon by the members of his family and proceeded south to Quesnel over the highway. Rev. T. V. L'Estrange will hold ser-vicr; on the beach near Salmon River bridge on Sunday, August 16th, at 3 o'clock. Messrs. Dawson & Whitehead mad-.1 an assignment on Wednesday tor the benefit of their creditors. Policies fo: fire insurance constitute their chief assets, their business premises beiim gutted early Saturday morning. -------------o------------ Men's Solid Leather Black Calf Oxfords—good roomy easy fitting shoes with rubber heels and substantial all leather soles. Sizes 6 to 10. This week at Bairds for $4.50. -------------o------------ • DAWSON & WHITEHEAD GARAGE MAKES BIG BLAZE ON SATURDAY MORNINf. |_____ j The Dawson & Whitehead garage on 'Third Avenue made a big blaze early on Saturday morning. The fire so; ' well started before the alarm was turned in, and the floor being saturated with oil it was difficult to handle for a time. There were three cars in the. garage undergoing repair work and when their gasoline tanks exploded the fire was shot into all parts of the building. The building was .gutted above the ground floor, but a number of cars stored in the basement were not damaged. The building was owned by Messrs. H. B. Guest and S. J. Watson, who carried insurance of Sl.oon The garage firm carried insurance on the contents of $2000. The alarm was turned in about 2 o'clock in the morning. Extra Trousers FREE with any Fit Reform Made-to-Measure Suit FLANNEL TROUSERS Boys' Pants and Overalls A. M. PATTERSON IF IT'S MEN'S WEAR WE HAVE if Vf ??¥??? VTTVTT Vf ??¥? ??¥?? TTTf TV? f TTfT f f t_f f .*.? SPECIAL! Two Reconditioned Johnson Outboard Motors 10 HORSE, PRICE #110.00 6 HORES, PRICE #100.00 ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ / .These Motors have been thoroughly over-hauled,' and we guarantee them to be in A1 CONDITION. NORTHERN HARDWARE & FURNITURE Co. Ltd.