Eight THE PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN MEAT SPECIALS Bacon Cues, Ib. ... 14Y>C Roast Pork, Ib. L .. lie Picnic Hams, Ib. L 14><£ Pork Steaks lbs.... -25€ Cottage. Rolls, ib. 16; ^C Halibut Cuts lb. ..... 20 Salmon Cuts lb..... 25<> - big Special 1 lb. Pork Steak .;:___ ._ 1 lb. Sausage Patties __.•____ 1 lb. Creamery Butter ....._____ 1 lb. Bacon ......... BURNS & CO. UMITED QUALITY and SERVICE ANAMA ICE CREAM 75C PER QUART Order a gallon for your party ___.............•„.........§2.00 Support Home Industry W. J ALLAN Third Avenue Prince George H. S. French, district agriculturist, i left on Tuesday's train for Vanderhoof j vfaere. he will complete .arrangements for the holding of the annual convention of the farmers' institutes comprised in District "C\ which is to be held in Vanderhoof on Monday and Tuesday- June 20th and 21st. H. B. Morley, of Penticton, grand master of^the Masonic Grand Lodge of British Columbia, arrived in the city on Sunday evening for the purpose of paying an official visit to Ne-chako Lodge, No. 86. The grand master was accompanied by R. J- McDou-gali, of Penticton. P.D.D.G.M- for the Okanagan. Having some time on their hands on Monday the the visitors made a trip to Summit Lake. On Tuesday afternoon the visitors were taken for a i run to Six-Mile Lake by Mayor Pat-] terson They left for the south on | Wednesday morning, and will pay an I official visit to the Quesnel lodge in I the evening. FLANNEL SHIRTS New- Assortment of Men's Flannel Shirts HARTT SHOES Oxfords ana High Cuts ' Boy's Corduroy Breeches A. M. PATTERSON IF IT'S MEN'S WEAR WE HAVE IT Deccrate Painting yoar and Home Kalsomin-• ing Paint Prices That Suit the Times yoitr DAN Building the P. O. Box 14A Paint Man H. S. French, district agriculturist, has within the past few weeks visited every farmers' institute in this section of the province, with the exception of rha.1 of Dome Creex. He is said to have been the first district agriculturist to make his,way into the Hoodoo and Chief Lake sections. He says the crops throughout the district are backward through the lack of sufficient rainfall. Prank Wnitmore is desirous that all interested in the motor-boat races, to be held in connection with the Dominion Day celebration, should get into communication with *iwn at once so that this feature of aquatic sports may be made as attractive as possible. Buddy Taft took his troop of dancers to Quesnel on Saturday where they gave a very pleasing exhibition of tap and toe dancing to a very appreciative audience. The visitors had a very enjoyable time, and their manager was assured of a hearty welcome should he venture on the road again with his show. Re-.'. Father P. J. McGrath, par'sh priest at McBride, passed through the city this week on his way to Prince Rupert, where he will spend a few days. Father McGrath has been elected to represent the Prince Rupert diocese at a convention to be held in Rome in September, and will leave for Europe shortly. He will also attend the Eucharist congress in Dublin. Father McGrath was formerly located ' at Prince Rupert. Under the new train schedule which becomes effective on Sunday the way-freight will leave Prince George for McBride on Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock in the morning, and will arrive from McBride on Tuesday and Thursday The way-freight for Endako will leave on Wednesday and arrive from Endako on Thursday. —?— The trustees of the Marten Lake district are having a lot of bad luck with their schooL The building wa* burned early in the spring forcing the use of temporary quarters- The new building was approaching completion last week when it was caught in a forest fire and reduced to a heap of ruins.. Troup No. 1 of the Boy Scouts are holding a dance on Friday evening at 9-30 in the Commodore Hall. The proceeds will be used io send the boys camping Arthur Read, of Longworth, will cater to the tourist travel this summer. He has now :n the course of construction Toneko Lodge, a two-story structure, fashioned chiefly from cedar logs, which will contain ten bedrooms A feature of the lodge will be the commodious living room in which there is a large fireplace, trimmed with attractive marble. Mr. Read expects to open the lodge witli fitting ceremonies on Dominion Day. Bairds have jtutrTeceived a shipment of Forsyth Country Club Shirts and Underwear. Each garment is wrapped in cellophane, there is a variety of colors to choose from price 51.95 Ties to match the shirts $1.00. -" The Public Library Commission branch office in the Princess Block will be closed from Monday, June 13th until June J20th. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF WHITE PANAMA HATS WITH ASSORTED COLOR BANDS. Price $2.50'and $1.95 HUGHES & DRAKE Ladies' and Children's Outfitters THIRD AVENUE PHONE 27 Phone Your Order, we Deliver, Phone — 138 The ECONOMY Meat Market SIDE BACON, as cut lb. ________;..._...... 14V2C ROAST BEEF, lb. ___„„__„-..._____ 12c BUTTER, CREAMERY, lb. ___......r,_____ 20r The Above are Cash and Carry Prices Only HtighLDickey,3¥LD. Specialist EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Office: Prince George Hotel EYES TESTED GLASSES FITTED Holiday Season is Here !! PHOTOGRAPHS — Help to Remember. Films to fit all sized Albums etc. Get the best Magazines, Books, and Papers. Let us Help Make Your Vacation a Success PANAMA NEWS STAND Hans Anderson will be captain of the ferry at Isle Pierre this summer, and it goes without saying he will be the most popular one in the Central Interior. On Saturday evening he had a house-warming for the new home he has erected at the ferry in which all the people in the Isle Pierre district participated and had a thoroughly enjoyable time. --------,------o------------- TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the Ice Cream and Soft Drink concessions for the Dominion Day Celebration. Tenders must be in by Saturday, June 11. P. J. SHEARER A garden party under the auspices of Kr.ox church will be held at the home of Mrs. Pitman on Saturday afternoon from 3 to 6 pjn. There will be a tea room and ice cream and home cooking will .be on sale. An excelleni program will be given during the afternoon. The women's local association of Girl Guides will hold their monthly meeting on the afternoon of Tuesday. June 14th, at 3 o'clock, in Judge Robertson* chambers. All members are request-cd to attend, as important busine^ welcome before the meeting. -------------o------------- Steam Baths at CPJl. Room open si) night. Your patronage appreciate Ip O o D o o D o BIG JUNE FURNITURE and HOUSE FURNISHINGS CLEARANCE SALE COMMENCING TUESDAY, JUNE. 14TH o u © n O WE NEED THE CASH—HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR 2 only—DRESSERS, walnut finish, Sale Price .- ___$12. 2 only—VANITY DRESSERS, wal. finish, large mirror. Sale „ $24. Dresser and Bench. Sale Price ___ _____._......--_______$95. Walnut BED ROOM SUITE, consisting of Bed, Cheff, Hollywood 1 only—Solid walnut revolving BOOKCASE and library Table .$24 1 only—McLagan CARD TABLE, solid wal. combination. Sale $27 1 only—Walnut HOPE CHEST, reg/#29.50. Sale Price .....$22 I only—Natural Red Cedar HOPE CHEST, reg #21.50. Sale $15 1 only—4 pc. Mohair Chesterfield Suite, reg. #185.. Sale .. .$145 1 only—3 pc. Jacquard Chesterfield Suite, rg. #175. Sale __$135 1 only—9 pc. Solid Oak Dining Room Suite, reg. #165. Sale .$129 5 only—Occasional Upholste/red Chairs. Sale Price ____......__$10 Simmons' Beds, with Simmons' Coil Spring and Felt Mattress ___$22 OFFERINGS—BUT EVERYTHING IN THE STORE MARKED DOWN 95 95 00 95 50 50 00 00 00 00 9o» .50 Dominion Linoleum Rugs, size 6x9. Sale Price .....________$ Dominion Linoleum Rugs, size 7V?x9. Sale Price..,...... $8.5O Dominion Linoleum Rugs, size 9xlO1/2- Sale Price ....._____....._ $11.50 , Congoleum Rugs, size 6x9. Sale Price ., , . •_____„______:__,__$5.95 Congoleum Rugs, size 734^9. Sale Price ..___:__,„„...... ___i......$7.50 Dominion Inlaid Linoleum, per sq. yard. Sale Price .....-_________$1.35 Dominion Print Linoleum, per sq. yard. Sale Price ____!.-£.........___85^ Axminster Rugs, 27x54. Sale Price ....._..............._____.r........$3.75 Window Blinds, cream .or green, each____.............„,_____................ 75C --Drop Side Couches with fine Cretonne covered mattress, each $15.00 and ___________________ v $17.50 KITCHEN CHAIRS, finished golden oak, each t ........ $1.10 ALL BRIDGE AND PIANO LAMPS, FANCY CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS AT HALF PRICE * /' ALL GOODS WILL HAVE TjHEIR ORIGINAL PRICE MARKS ON AND YOU CAN NOTE YOUR SAVING OR COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH CATALOGUE PRICES. PLEASE DO NOT ASK US TO CHARGE—BUT BRING YOUR CASH SLE THE BASEMENT FOR USED FURNITURE, WASHING MACHINES, ET