June'22, 1933 ORGE CITIZEN Three ORANGE PEJJOE'' BUND TEA "Fresh from the Gardgris" Summed Drinks LEMONADE-POWDER, Malkin's Best, per tin LEMON; JUICE, Grantham's, 13 oz.bottle LIME JlilCE, Mbntserrett, 19 oz. bottle . ^ORANGE CUP, C. £c B., 26 oz. bottle . PASSION FRUIT CORDIAL, a New Zealand Product. Large bottle 25c 35c i Victor L. Williams, game warden ! stationed at Pinlay Forks, has been ^created coroner for the northern portion of the Fort George police district. Heretofore whenever the services of a. coroner have been required in the vicirtfty of Finlay Forks' the nearest available officer has been at Prince George, necessitating heavy travelling expenditures, and at certain seasons of the year unavoidable delay. In his office as game warden "Vic" Williams puts in ten of the twelve months in the northern district. Miss Amy Edwards, of the mothers' pension bureau, arrived in the city on Sunday from the west. Miss Edwards is on one of her trips of inspection investigating disbursements on account of mctheis' pensions, payments out ,oa the sick and destitute vote ot trie^pro-vince, and cases of neglected children. COME AND TRY OUR — Old Country FISH and CHIPS EVERY FRIDAY EVENING Or Take Sonie Home With You SUNDAY CLUB^ DINNERS A SPECIALTY Help Ail^White GLUB CAFE Third Avenue Prince^Geprge 75 75c Phone 1 C. C REID Phone 1 ? Special Prices for [Permanents I !! PERMANENTS FOR ? SWIMMING SEASON j §5.50 i HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS $4.25 o For Apr^ir-Iments Phone 122L2 :: Alf s Beauty Parlor MRS. TILLY SAUNDERS BRINGS DOWN LARGE BEAR WITH TWO SHOTS Mrs. Tilly Saunciers. of Kidd. brought down a large black bear on Monday morning with two well-placed shots from a rifle. She noticed the animal crossing the river and waited for him. When bruin lumbered up on the bank Mrs. Sa'unders opened fire. One shot struck the animal in the shoulder and a second entered its head.- The bear was in good condition, and hunters who sized it up placed its weight as high as 600 lbs. Rt. Rev. Walter R. Adams, Bishop of Cariboo, will conduct, 'confirmation services in St. Michael's church on Sunday evening at 7^30 o'clock. The 'funeral of Helen Marie Pallett. wife of Robert_ M Pallett. of Mud River, took^plac'o on Sunday afternoon and was .attended by a wide circle of friends. SCHOOL TRUSTEES Notice to Parents and Guardians VER DEAL WAS COMPLETED their monthly meeting on'Tuesday. June 27th in Andersen's o'clock. Every Andersen's Hall at 3 was playing along the creek ,in corn-member is requested pany with some older children about -_!-. „; thO I forty yeards from the Hensbee home. Peter Veregin appeared to have been ^Se^rSth^n^^e'oldTrthe : forty yeards rrom tne. n.eu— .,_,.,, sincere in 1928 whrn he announced to bung .s?met?J?,s to be solct at The older children left the little, one his''intention "of moving his Doukho- " '¦ "•¦- *-•— *-~ ~r> uan\r home bor settlements out of Saskatchewan Notice is' hereby given ^ Prince George Board of School tees requires the parents or puarduns, of all children whom they desire to enroll for the opening of ¦ the^ _spnooi term en September 5th to fuvn ) l I li ifti with res following information with respect to ; otj..cn thW. Name of the child, present an- j dress, and da*e of birth. This, lnftfr- | mat'on is required - to be filed w,. tn .the board of school trustees noi latei than!Thcursday, July 13th. 1933./ A - M. PATTERSON. / Jun29-2tc Secretary after telling: him to go back-.home and it is presumed the child slipped Jnto the creek after they left and was h k is a to bg home cooking stall. The work of renewing the deck on th Hudson : ered Constable MacKinley and Coronei the tra the Ale^mder company' t the Ale^mder cpy There is no word yet as to when rid s the Doukhobos tion known as the Christian Commun h L'itd y ployment for some tim l ployment or e cently secured employment in the vi it cently securd py cinity of Kamloops, where he was wait.- fil i: p wife and family Thur-iday the police were able to establish to the satisfaction of the court that, immediately prior to making his application for government re-V-ef in 1931, Kobra withdraw from one of the chartered banks a very considerable sum of money. He entered a plea of not-guilty on Thursday but the magistrate held him to be guilty and sentenced him to serve two months imprisonment at hard labor. Kobra migrated from one of the countries in central Europe. ^f?????????¥???VTTTfff bm-cments in;advandng the purchase Sve^She"cityonf^riday to confer Hackney/claims Ke secured-Purchase ^ Han,y BoJNvniani the company-s and cn lO'.OOO.OOO-acres cf land so that Veregin could have a wide choice the price of- the lands rangi'ng from $15;) to $15 per acre. Later four groups of the- -Doukho'jors inspected the -lands colcn;zation and agricultural repre-tentative, for the province. Mr. English will probably rejturh ca^-t on day. FOREIGN RESIDENT .selected one million | Tnc cpm meptil^ "cf KnoxWM^s.; CONVICTED OF FRAUD Pasteurized — MILK — CREAM and BUTTER INTERIOR CREAMERY aci-cs for.which the owners wf™J° wlveh ^as^arraa^ed^to^be h^eld on . ]N RECEIVING RELIEF receive $0.00 per acre and T"" ""'"' ' - ^ *~" lr'-;-ccnnr'F.'-icn of one dollar 1030 tlir> nnrciia-c \\". y . the purchase w^ssiiil on arid Hackney claims that on the request, of Veregin he . advanced $34,791. to the American Slavic Colonization Limited to be used in bringing certa'n' Douk- i h Hackney, c^'ui-dav afternoon, at the home ot in July j Mrs. Aifken. has had to be postponed Stipendiary 'Magistrate Milburn on Thursday found J. Kobra, residing in the vichV.ty of Lindup. guilty of fraud in the receiving of relief from The Prince George Women's L'beraOJ the provinciai governmetnt. Kobra*.? Mr.s. A as had to e pop , owing to Mi-5S Isabel Mclntosh bein 1 unable to reach the city until a later date. in the SOUTH FORT GEORGE COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, JUNE 30TH ^ • Music By — ALFOMIANS — Refreshments Two Door Prizes Sees from Russia to join the j as™a£on will no!d a tea on SaturdayToffenc^ dates back to 1931. but the | Z Ladies 35c Gents 3?c Paiia'dian boukhobors on their ar- I "fternoon'Vt'rthe_home of Mrs. H. G. rivtti in Mexico. Since then Veregin pe •• ' -led off on the purchase and-as —?— The South Fort George Community association will sponsor a dance m ]jolice did riot have the evidence to jwoceed agains'i: him unt'l recently. On n result Hackne'y comnienced lvs ac- EmigOBBb STRAND THEATRE/ THURSDAY, FRTOAY, SATURDAY "RADIO PATROL" with Robert Armstrong MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 7 "NIGHT WORLD" w'tli Lew Ayers — Admission — 40c aOc r Doreen Beauty , Salon Solicits Your Patronage PERMANENT WAVES $5.75 FINGERWAVES AND MARCELS 50 LIME FOR YOUR ffi "and 1- of the river until feh ¦London7jim7 s with the s wit" u Box li • Prince George B. C Box 11 J 2t-The plan which most favor for ad- wheat calLs for uf in the .wheat P exerting country by Per cent. A plan is also beinfi out to absorb the presejfi surplus within two years. The '. p11t surplus has had a de- ^ ct iiUn wheat prices. One bM loriti.es in the United StotS Edicts dollar wheat before the end of tne >"ear- CHIFFONIER in Fir 6C Walnut finish, with 4 large Drawers at ^J O.0r- FIR DRESSER, 3 Drawers, Finished in Walriut color, with Large Mirror, Price Jpl.*j.95 I SIMMON'S^ COUCH, with Mattress and Pillow, Drop Side. Price $13.50 STiVlMON'S BED, Spring and Mattress Complete for $19.50 SIMMON'S HEAVY PANEL BED, with Coil Spring and Good Mattress. Price J$2T.OO See the new "BURBANK RANGE" finished in Ivory and Green — Now on display. Northern Hardware & Furniture Company