Two THE PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Thursday, PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN A jreekly newspaper devoted to the upbulldlnc ' of the Olty of Prince George and Northern British Columbia. Published Every Thursday By CKNTRAIi INTERIOR PRINTING CO., LTD. R. A. Renwlck. Xditor. BuDscrlption Rates tfoarly, by mall in Canada .02.00 fftor deliveries to points outside the Dominion of Canada $3.00 per year. Advertising Rates Transient Advertising, per Inch Land Purchase Applications -------- Mineral A6t Applications 0 __50c $10.00 $10.00 __120 __12c Classified Advertising, per line -------- Reading Notices, per line---------------- Special Rate for 100 Inches. Uual advertising at B. C. rate, 10c and 32c Der line. PRELIMINARY SURVEY FOR PEACE RIVER ROAD TT IS reported the provincial govem-¦*- ment has issued instructions for the making of a preliminary survey for a highway to connect the Peace Rr.ver district with the highway system of the rest of the province. W. K. Gwyer, an engineer formerly in the employ of the government in the Peace River, is said to have been entrusted with the making of the'survey. He arrived in the city over the week-end, and left for Vaiiderhoof on Monday evening in company wifh R. H. Moore, Indian agent at that point. It is said the building of the highway is a concession made to the people of the Peace Rrver in the last election campaign, that in the event of it being found impossible to proceed immediately with (the completion of the P. G. E. the people of the Peace River would be given a direct automobcle connection with the rest of the province. Little is known as to the route to be followed by the highway. From the map the shortest rou^e would appear to be through the Pine Pass, which would bring it out in the vicinity of Tudah lake, a few miles north of Mc-Lreod lake, from which point it could be continued soufh to Summit Lake, the head of the inland waterway into the Peace River, wlrch has good high-wav connection with Prince George. This would seem to be the logical route for any automobile highway into the Peace River, but; the decis'on will doubtless be influenced by the survey of the" engineer, and the interests to be served. It is said Engineer Gwyer is to make a trip over the road which been constructed from Fort. St. James to wrthin a few miles of Manson Creek, and to examine the possibilities for a location from the end of this road to Finlay Forte. This involves finding a pass through the Wolverine range cf mountains. There may be a suitable pa?s. but if there is it is not generally known. No matter wh/ch rou'e may be selected for the highway into the Peace River it will mean a long piece of road throuerh a primitive country, and the shortening of the mileage should be one of the major cnnsnderatioois as maintenance ccsts will doubtless be heavv. It will be a strictly summer road as it will pass rhrough section? subiec^ to heavy snowfalls. more Indian tribal groups as separate court and caused many erf the cour- bieirs to turn their thoughts to religion. Among the number was one Rahere. who later became a famous monk. Rahare went on a pilgrimage to Rome vuhere he was taken down with a dangerous fever. In his delirium.¦¦•he saw a vision of St. Batholomew who commanded hJtfn to build a church and and a hospital for the poor. Rahere returned to England and commenced the erection of a church, a priory and a hospital, each, of which he dedicated to St. Bartholomew. Ten years later the king granted Rahere a charter, permitting him to raise funds for the peculiar and dependent peoples. The Indian problem in the United States is an interesting one. In 1886 at the close* of the Indian wars m the western spates, General Miles gave it a br's opinion, that five years of education under an Indian bureau would remove the Indian problem. Forty-eigh years of instruction has made little impress. There are now 320,000 Indian wards in the United. States who have the right \ to . continue as federa charges, living anywhere in the United States or outsdde of it, and serve the s'ate in any capacity including the United States senate or the vice-presidency. 'The Indians are by no means poor. Due largely to the discovery of oil on Indian lands the Indian bureau now holds for them approximately on2 billion five hundred million dollars, or enough to give each man, woman and child a stake of $5000. Despite the fact that the bureau has the funds witn which ma kin? to carry on its program of ..... —j white men out of-the Indians, it i-3 now proposed to depart from it and to encourage tain their status more profitable for them, is now before congress to the Indians to re-as Indians as the and a bill make it a crime for a1 person "not of Indian blooa to represent himself as being an Indian. The United States is now being urged, by those who oppose the proposed change in Indf'an policy, to follow the example of Canada of enfranchising the Indians and dropping them from the government payrolls when by culture they become entitled to the white man's status. This it is asserted is the most effective method of setting he Indian firmlv upon his feet in an era which has become completely changed for the Indian. -------------o------------ \\'; J. Alder, who is administering the ' affairs of the city of Prince Rupert in the interest of the bondholders, has put into effect a new schedule of rates for domestic water services, with a view to makvng the municipal water service more nearly self-sustaining. The new rates, while increasing those previously in force, are still much lower than those obtaining in Prrnce George; bu*i there is this difference. Prince hospital by the holding of an annual fair. Th-'s fair proved a great success, and when Rahere died in 1142 he left his four institutions well endowed. Things • went well with all four of the institutions until the revolution-came in the reign of Henry VTII, when the king confiscated all the properties of the priory with the exception of the great church. He failed to provide any funds for t(he upkeep of the church, however, and it became necessary to rent portions of the structure for commercial purposes. The crypt was let for the storage of coal and wines, schools were held in the galleries, and at least one blacksmith set up a forge and shod horses in one of the aisles. The Lady Chapel was eased to a fringemaker, who converted it into three-floor premises. The top floor was sublet to a prin-'er, where Benjamin Franklin was working n 1725 before he migrated to the United States to found the Satoirday Evening Post. The close at the side of lie church was the home of many 'amous men. After the restoration of he monarchy John Milton, the blind poet went into hiding there and probably saved his life by so doing. The St. Bartholomew hospital fared >etter than the church. When Henry VTII confiscated the property of the hurch he also seized the endowment the hospital, but gave back enough George remains solvent while Prince 0 keep the hospital in existence. Its ago.: For some years after its waterworks and power services were installed the city of Prince George operated them at a loss; but first the power service and then the water ser- Whittington, perhaps the most famous of all the lord mayors of London. The St. Bartholomew fair was also a signal success, being.a popular annual fix- vice were brought out of the red, and ture for nearly 700 years. In the end while the rates continue high the ser- I it developed into a rowdy festival, and g vices axe now yielding substantial surpluses over operating and capita! charees. PREMIER BENNETT HAD VERY CHEERFUL MESSAGE PREMIER Bennett had a very cheer- • ful message to the people of Can- } ada in his address on Friday night at Lhe sixty-third annual banquet of the Canadian Manufacturers-" Association in Montreal. The high note in his address was the premier's confidence that while Canada's minister of finance could not hold oat any hope for : a. balanced budget for the current year ' such improvement has come in busi h bl was suppressed by the civic authority, i The grounds upon which the fair was • held were known first as Smooth Fields ; which later became changed to Smith I field. It was here-that Sir William { Wallace, the Scottish patriot -was exe-and here also scores of martyrs KEEP The pioneer knew thrift as a stern necessity and by its homely virtue gave beginning to a nation. His example is one to be followed today. ' Regular deposits in a Savings Account are the sure road to financial independence and security. THE ROYAL BANK O F CANADA PRINCE GEORGE BRANCH—-—WH^HORNSBY, Manager were burned to death. Some of them because they were Protestants, others because they were Roman Catholics and still others because they were Anabaptists. The people took their religion seriously in those days, and Smithfield is said to have been stained contributed to the defeat in the general elections. Monet on. June 11—J. Sulhv, believes he holds the Canadiai for long service. He lias . years continuous service on publication. During the grea of the time he took an at-in the public life of his provi of late has experienced diffi keeping in step with the advi change. 3*1 ness that it balanced budget may rea- .................................. . conably be expected, and will be real- There is no reason to believe the ized if the improvement which has cort of construction will be unduly heavy, and :n any event the people of the Peace River are entitled 10 direct connection wi+h the rest of the pro-vine?. The time is opportune for the building, as it will admit of the engagement cf a very considerable volume cf unemployed labor, and with the payment of a fair wage the men emnlcyed should be in a position to main ana themselves throughout the next winter without becoming a r.hjir.nce upon th= state. An arrangem «.iv to i^ period in 1933 by $16,500,000. ensure this might be nut info effect by improves:erii has br ii: eeneial wi'hholding a part.of the wa^es earned for winter maintenance. The Peace River highway is a fairly larce project, find it is to be hepod it ,will be carried through to completion with the mini- marked the first two months of the i'scal year os maintained. This is quite an innovation in government As a rule the f.nance minister is too optimistic in his budgeting, and surpluses are promised which fail to materialize. For the first ten weeks of the year- Premier Bennett told the people of Canada on Friday night that, the federal government revenues nave overrun the revenues of thp.correspi'.rid-: ............................ The ing a comparison be! ween Lne first four months cf the calendar year with these cf the current • vear Premier Bennett .'.aid the value of goods '.iolcl in Canada had increased by 51 per c g had increased by 51 per cent, while the p mum-of errcro in location as we!]ps vMiie of goods" imported increased by in. construction. For a road of [his I 46 per cent, and the total trade of the natureit. appears the shortest feasible, aerninion ha*l increased by 49 per cent, routp between two fixed pom ¦¦ .should In the mat,er of employment provided ll<1 """¦"¦"' n" " "¦'"¦'-¦ '- ¦ ' h" '•""- ft marked improvement was shown. As at the first of May there were 356,000 persons on the coun'ry's payrolls, an increase of 141.000 as compared with the corresponding period of the previous ye^r. The revival in business has bsen reflected in the earnings of Canada's two transcontinental railway systems. The revenues of the railways have increased 29Vi per cent and car-leadings have increased by 31 per cent. Premier Bennett's message was de- be derded upon, which cculd be connected up with adi^cent dis1 riots desired to be eeryed after the. ma.a highway i.s constructed. -------------o------------ CANADA AN EXAMPLE TO THE UNITED STATES. (~^ANADA is being again cited to the United States as an example. The policy adopted by the Uir.ted States in rle-alins with the .sale of alcoholic beverages, following the repeal of prohi-hition. largely copied from Canada. It is now proposed the United States could with advantage copv the policy cf Canada in dealing with its Indian ".yards. For sixty years the United S'ates Indian bureau has been en-dt-avorine; to make white men out of the Indians by instruction in agriculture, in industry and the arts, but it )s now proposed to reverse the policy and to preserve the two hundred or GOOD VALUE Hot Weather Suggestions CANADA DRY Prange Crush, bot. _ Lime Rickey, bot. ORANGES doz ......30^ Extra Large __ 45^ -t—t- THE CORNER GROCERY livered on the eve of the approaching provincial elections in Ontario and Saskatchewan, but this offers no rea-son for questioning it though it doubts-less was delivered with a view to Its political effect. Premier Bennett has guided the affairs of the dominion through the most trying period in its entire history. That he should be able to emerge-at the end of the period of depression with anything approaching a balanced budget must be regarded by lall as a major achievement, nnd something to hearten the people of the dominion. St. Bartholomew Church has Stood Over 800 Years Adjoining Field ^on which Annual Fair was held was Place of Martyrs Execution Founding of Church was Outcome of Death of Only Son of Henry I The church of St. Batholomew, the oldest church in London, with the exception of the chapel in the Tower, as well as the hospital of the same name, is a survival from the time of 1120. Its erection had a connection with the death of the only son of Henry I, who was drowned in a ship-png disaster in the North Sea Tne dea'h cast a gloom over the royal Start the day WHISTLING! BEGIN at breakfast with a bowl of toasted Kellogg9s Corn Flakes. You get flavor and refreshing crispness that puts a real edge on your appetite. But more than that. Kellogg's are rich in energy . . . easily, quickly digested. The kind of food that leaves you fit! Enjoy Kellogg's for lunch, with milk or cream and add fruits or berries. Fine for a late bedtime snack. And what could be better for the children's evening meal than these delicious easy-to-digest flakes? No trouble or cooking to serve. *, Kellogg's are always oven-fresh, thanks to the heat-sealed WAXTITE bag—a patented Kellogg feature. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. 1/