January 21, 1937 THE PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN Page Three Quality Groceries & Table Supplies WE STOCK A FULL LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Competitive Prices Let Us Supply Your Needs Phone :— 3 William Bexon lone ... ,lder Kl TEVDEES WANTED will be received by the un- for supplying 20 cords of Tgreen jackpine Nothing un-6 inches, and all over 10 inches -. split. Tenders will be received than January 25th. I Wood to be delivered and piled in ioolyard by March 25th. MRS. ALEX HUNTER. George School Board Sot1. J14-2C ORDER NOW WOOD McLEOD RIVER HARD COAL FRED LOCKYER PHONE 124L1 The monthly meeting of the W M S of Knox united Church will be held on Thursday aiternoon January 28tn at T^h at the hOme of ms- Travis, Tenth avenue. LOOK! MEN'S SUITS $14.95 AT BAIRDS Men's Dark Navy Worsted Suits, 36 to A. Hutchison has made arrangements j j for the receipt of a car of cordwood j each week. The wood will arrive in [ 8-loot lengths and he is asking for j lenders for the cutting of it into 16-incn lengths. H.;s announcement appears in another column, + ? ? ' A. M. Dore, of Isle Pierre, lias pur- i I chased the Fraser hotel at McBride and I is moving to " that point horn lile ! Pierre, where he was a resident lor the | past fourteen years dividing his time between merchandising, farming and; tie-making. His many friends will; j wish him succeed in his new venture. ? ? «¦ j For the Valentine dance on February \ 12th, the Community Hall Associat'on wish to announce that a committee j of women will undertake to i the program for the evening, e»^»??????»???> Hedlund's Delicious Soups SPLIT PEA SOUP OYSTER SOUP MUSHROOM SOUP THREE TINS FOR ALL BRAN per pkt. ? o t Phone 1 C. C. REID Phone 1 ??????•»??????????»»??? Professor Sage of the University of are smart two button models and exceptionally cheaD at Children's week of April 19th. help materially" in making it one of He is particularly B. C Felt - #14.95 House Slip pers, sized from 5 to 13, clearing at per pair 45c. very cheap. Thes< e are! the most delightful dances of the sea-son. Keep the date in mind and watch '¦ for further announcements. + + ? . John C.-Kelly has decided to post- j pone his vacat'on trip to the coast until the weather improves. He ex- I wishes to get into touch with as many possible. The Adult Education Institute is planning to hold a ' ^i it-j of meetings at which Professor Sage will speak and hold some kind of round table discussions with old timers. All pioneers in this district are desired to be present. -------------o------------ poets to get away early in March and j to be away for three months, during i pnpMrPD PAXTTTT in W/AC which period he hopes to build up his ! ^KCMItsK FA I 1 ULLU WA5> ZIPPER O'SHOES, regular! health. #2.95. only A few pairs clearing at! 64 YEARS OLD TUESDAY Death came to James Moriarity in. Victoria. Jan. 10—Premier Pattullo #1.65 | the city hospital on Thursday to re-; was receiving the felicitations of his many frionds todav which marked the STRAND plDRSDAl. FRIDAY. SATURDAY "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" [tarring Jeannette MacDoivtld lONDAY. TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY (house of a thousand CANDLES" [tarring Philip Holmes and Mac Clark J 20c 10c move °ne Of ^e Pioneer- residents of lhe distrlct. The deceased was ln his The balance (about 10 Men s Heavy Grey Kersey! 71st year, having been bom in Ireland Shirts, an all wool long wearing j in 1866. He was employed for several ... . years a>s roadmaster on the Canadian garment that usually sells for National, and possessed a sunny dis-i #3.50—To Clear at balance £1.95 Men s Ties in very smart pat- position which even many years of illness could not overcome. He was an inmate of the hospital for the past four years. A nwet'ng of the prince George Women's Institute will be held in Ander-en's hall on the afternoon of Tues- terns at 55c each or 2 for £1.00 2-Onlv Men's Heavv I lUt^r ivm'' ivien s neavy Ulster fens hall on the aftemoon of Overcoats, big warm coats with \ day, January 26th, at 3 o'clock. Good Collars. Both size 38— 1 blue melton for £15.00 and 1-only Tweed for " £12.00 See Our Bargains in Women's House Slippers at ?5c Many Nice Dress Shoes £.1.95 SEE OUR WINDOWS verwaitea 100 % BRITISH COLUMBIA FIRM January Sale SAVE WHILE YOU BUY LOWNEY'S COOKING CHOCOLATE 8 oz. 16c BAKER'S COCONUT per Ib. 16c QUAKER ROLLED OATS, 8 lb. sack 47c" QUAKER ROLLED WHEAT, 5 lk^ack 29c CRISCO, / ? lb. can for 69c WHITE BEANS *> lbs. for 17c RINSQ Large pkt. for 22c OXYDOL Large pkt. for „„ 22c HOLLAND HJ per KegX :rring £i:io KING/OSCAR SARDINES, 2 cans 25c ^HERRINGS in Tomato Sauce, 2 cans for 21c LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD, 9 oz. 14c CHATEAU CHEESE 8 oz. pkt. for 16c P & G SOAP 6 bars for 24c CLASSIC CLEANSER 2 cans for SAL SODA 2 pkts. for 17c 21c Special January 23 Only marmalade ORANGES Per dozen BUIXEN'S FRESH CAKES ASSORTED . Per Cake SHELLED Walnuts Per I'd. HONEY GRAHAM ^WAFERS 16 oz. packet 20& LOWNEY'S BRIDGE MIXTURE per lb. ItiC SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs. for ALL BRAN, BEST FOR BREAKFAST The committee in charge of the Bums'^ffiniversary concert, supper and dance, to be held in the Commodore hall on Monday eveninc. announce there are still a few admission rcket^ which may be had upon application/to W. R. Munro at the Sterling Market. ' ? ? ? The fire department had'a call to the residence of A. McB. Young on Saturday evening where^a chimney f:re caused considerable/ xinensiness. No damage was donc^ , , X t< * A Valentine tea and (sale cf home-cookinp \vj.ll b? spoiTJored by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary in the ball-rcoiTi/m the Prfnce George hotel, on the/afternoon of Saturday. February ys(h. •?-?'¦ -' Thp Elks' rifle shoot scheduled for Monday, January 25th will be post-j poncd until Wednesday. January 27th { en account of Uie Bums' concert. ? ? ? The annual meeting of the Prince j George board of trade will be held in I the Prince George hotel on the even- j ing of Wednesday. January 27th, being i preceded with a dinner at 7 o'clock. : j The business will include the receiving of reports and the election of officers for the ensuing year. The meeting will also decide the matter of continuing j the Dominon Day celebraton. under the j auspices of the board, in view of the ; ',ignal success achieved last year. The Women's Institute have again taken charge cf the soup kitchen at the pubic school, and anyone desiring to | help by sending soup bones, vegetable ! cocoa and milk an<£ sujjar may do so by getting in touch whTi Mrs C. Ewert. Cclin Ross Malcolm, manager of the Burns'Lake branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, was reported burned on Thursday morning last wh'Je assisting to fight a fire in Phillip Brunnell's general store in the vicinity of the bank premises'. The bank premises were 1 '.r\\v6 but the general store was corn- j pletely destroyed. Later it was learned/ : after Manager Malcolm had received a i flcod of -.yinpatheti: messr.ges, that he had not been burned, but that the ! victim was Carson McGuire whose face I was scorched while.shovelling snow to ' cheqk the blaze. 4- > ^ A very successful American badminton tournament was conducted en - Tuesday night at the Princess ballroom end will be tried out. ai:ain in the near future. Commencing this week-end a Indder competition .will be started for which players are requested to select 1 their partner-s. after which the committee will designate their handicap. M^. A. Duc^os motored up from th?^ roopt at the week end. accompanied by" i Cyril' Morgan of the Columbia Paper Company. ? '.? ? Robert Frame died on his homestead in the Isle Pierre District on Saturday January 16th. Funeral services were I conducted on Thursday at 2 o'clock. from Assman's Funeral Chapel. '4- +;- + The comm'ttee in charge of the public library expSf't to open in the library I room in the Legion building early next month. In the interim they_make the request that those who are.contemplat-, ing the donat'on of books will communicate sii'cji intentions to any member of the committee 64th anniversary of his birth. CARD OF THANKS Dry Cord Wood For Sale File-killed Jack PinR in 8-foot en C3xs in the C. N. l-allway yards at Pjince Georpe. Haul it vdurself. if desired. Prices fob on track ip/iT foot lengths at $3.50 per cord.. / 8 foot lengths/Slivered S4.00 pea-cord in 2 cord lots. A car-let estch week will be available fill requ rements are esiimated. "Kindly axticip^tfe and order in good time. Tenders wanted for the cutting and hajiling of this wood to 16 inch lengths j when desired. For further ptaxjticiila.rs see Shots.. The Brommeland family, of Giscomc. v.-ish to thank their many friends for the sympathy and kindness/pxtended to them and for the beairtiful floral tributes, in the recent/loss of their beloved Cimand. 15/years old, who met death in a ski/accident on January 12th. / Hutchfsen, Fort Gecrpe, B. C. Eurn dry wood and pet the maximum of heat with the minimum danger of fires through creosote forming' in yoor pipes. Our Annual Stocktaking COMMENCING THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 22nd AND ENDING SATURDAY, JANUARY 30th 8 DAYS ONLY Everything to be Slashed at BOTH STORES. Sale is for Cash Only and No Coupons given on Sale Goods— HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OUR OFFERINGS: AT THE HARDWARE STORE — to $1.25 TEA KETTLES SALE, VACUUM BOTTLES. CLAW HAMMER & HAND SAW' HACK SAW SPECIAL, with 3 Blades O'CEDAR MOP DEAL to Clear, Reg. On Sale at HAND BASINS to Clear at ALUMINUM DISH PANS, to Clear GENERAL-FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES — 2 for POCKET KNIFE SPECIALS AT THE FURNITURE STORE — $1.75- 1.25— OCCASIONAL CHAIRS at ' ^8.95 1 -Only, 3 Piece CHESTERFIELD SUITE ' Special Price at this Sale $110.00 DOMINION PRINT LINOLEUM, sq. Yard— DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM, sq. Yard at WAT NUT BED OUTFITS; Consisting of Bed, Coil Spring and All Felt Mattress at $20.00 KITCHEN CHAIRS, Golden Finish, while trfey last at SI. 2 5 52-Piecc DINNER SETS, English, while they last at on'v Jj>o.75 OTHER DINNER SETS, TEA SETS & ALL CHINA REDUCED 2Q'< FANCY CUPS & SAUCERS 50', Northern and Furniture