t'age Four PRINCE GEORGE CITIZEN OBITUARY MRS. A. P. ANDERSEN The death occurred Friday evening ¦ of Mrs. A. P. Andersen, aged 60. j wife of A. P. Andersen, prominent j builder and lumber merchant of this 1 city. ; Besides her husband, she leaves to j mourn her loss one daughter. Inga. j . now in London. England, where she j has long been a popular stage star, and one son. Henning. residing in Vancouver, who arrived by P.G.E. Stage Lines yesterday. * The late Mrs. Andersen was one of the earliest residents, of Prince, George. She arrived here in 1912 to j join her husband who came in 1911. •and the family. has since resided here continuously. She was born in Copenhagen. Denmark. Her death came as a distinct shock to her husband and their numerous friends as the deceased had been apparently in fairly good health during the week and returned from Qunesnel on Thursday following a brief visit there by car with Mr. Andersen. She had intense pains on Friday and a medical consultation was held in the -afternoon, following which an immediate operation was performed. She failed to recover from the anaesthetic and died about i 8:45 thai evening. The cause of the death was said to be peritonitis. Cables were immediately sent to } London to inform Inga of the news, j Funeral services were held at the i Anglican Church yesterday. Rev. S. Pollinger officiating. Pallbearers were Walter Anderson. Fred Burden. Oscar Haydon. A. B. Moffat. W. J. Pitman. James Quayle. WILLIAM G. McMORRIS A large number of people attended ttie funeral services in the Anglican Church last Saturday afternoon of tine late William G. McMorris whose death was reported in last week's Citizen. Rev. S. Pollinger officiated in the solemn service. Pallbearers were Martin Caine. C. Clare. E. Burden W. J. Pitman. P. E. Wilson and C A. Warner. H. G. Perry accompanied the widow. Mrs. McMorris. and her daughters. Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Casselman. Funeral arrangements were conducted by Assman Funeral Chapel. The Great War Veterans attended at the graveside and the "Last Post" was sounded by Bugler Karl Herger. Mrs. McMorris. who was "ravelling by auto in eastern Canada with her daughter Mae. was not contacted by wire until Thursday afternoon at London. Ontario. She caught a Detroit-bound plane and by several changes of plane managed to reach Seattle by Friday night ai-d there boarded the night boat ro Vancouver, arriving there on Saturday morning in time to catch the Yukon Southern plane to Prince George. She arrived d 24th Kay, 1941. Dear Sir; I am writing to thank you on behalf of all ranks at Oflag VII C for the parcels whi<^ were distributed this week* The total nmaber of parcels was 342* These were the first parcels we have received from the Canadian Red Cross, and we all thought that they were excellent in every »ay» I would be grateful if you would tell your committee and your many helpers how nwch we appreciate what you are doing for us, and also how touch we enjoyed your parcels- Wit h renewed thanks, Yours sincerely, FOR SALE—Small team of mares, harness, wagon. Cheap for cash. Apply A. P. Durocher, South Fort George. 33Op FOR SALE—Hawaiian guitar, case and music stand. Apply at Cycle Shop, George street. 33Op FOR SALE—1936 Chevrolet Panel Delivery, in good condition. Apply first to Electric Radio Service. Third avenue. 33 lp at sched The Great outofVanco^ve?..? extra pa.^ jjJ™* FOR SALE—1937 Ford Coach, first-class condition. See Prince George Motors. 312p Westn^JL track, meeting Ł« further on bo~- . approximate a- k at toe time of tL,, W^- sin Passenger extra ^ man. Su-Ore ^ .f *«* were pi^ New WestanWr ¦'-' 'extra,- and that as tf Brigadier, Senior British Officer. Kriegsgefangenenpost The Secretary, Canadian Red Cross Society, Prisoners Parcels Section, StrsB« \ \uipfang8on 95, Vellesley Street. TORONTO, CANADA. g e red around noon in time for the funeral of her husband, whose sudden death naturally was a great shock to her. Miss M3e McMorris is returning by car to Prince George this week. B.C. AUTHOR FINDS INSPIRATION HERE Accompanying Attorney-General Gordon S. Wismer and his civilian protection organization mission which was in Prince George Saturday and.Sunday was Arthur Mayse. acting as correspondent for a Vancouver newspaper. M. Mayse. a writer of short stories which appear frequently in eastern Canadian and U. S. magazines and are usually in a British Columbia-setting, said that he has picked up considerable material in this district for future use. He is also an authority on sport fishing, but "only had 15 minutes to put a line in the water an the way here—during which time I almost but didn't quite catch a i'ish." he admitted. FOR SALE—Johnson outboard motor. No. 3; garden implements and fruit sealers. Mrs. McMorris. Scotia street, phone 73L2. 312f FOR SALE—Or will trade for house, etc.. outside ciiy limits, hcuse and lot. on Fourth ave. east cf Queen st. John Graham. 332p Th^ conducto of the Great mit-d that th side the train FOR SALE—11-20 Case Tractor, in Al working order. $300. or part cash and remainder beef cattle. P. E. Woods, McBride. B.C. 332c FOR SALE—'Modern house, Eiehth avenue. Phone 99R2. 332c the'white flags* a*r-usual whistle* sjgaa dicate the CX7-~ by a second secfoi running a.s two sec "led train. U belli-the extra for •'-'•' a-nd then track. T?;a fjrc f-? Car.:,.; proceeded Suicide (CONTINtrED PROM PAGE ONE) unbalanced, he was subject to spells of moody discontent. Several times during their acquaintanceship of four years, he had disappeared from their home overnight withotit telling News of Scotland IN EDINBURGH With memories of Highlands and in its storied and lofty castle, Edinburgh biuefmfw: The Prince Rupert Chamber of, Commerce has endorsed the Van-J of ^^ resolution HELP WANTED WANTED—Reliable high school girl as mother's help. Board and remuneration. P.O. Box 304, Prince George. 312p WANTED—Girl to do kitchen work On ranch. No washing, just plain cooking for family of four and a few extras, keeping kitchen ?nd dining-room clean. Must be reliable and respectable. Wa^es $25 month; permanent if satisfactory In Cariboo. Apply first to Citizen office., 332p ¦ in hospital four '-¦-." lision. Approxima'-- ' were injured 2: • enough to recuire -And or.o d'ec Mr'-'- Seale TFMBER avrr. veteran social -Scotland's most ancient houses. Both [ ^ formerly active in C. C. F circles have refused to accept any salary: iin the oka^an and Vancouver, h^s their District rjKi Assistant Commis- been na^^ by p^e Rupert sioners have followed suit. This spirit Sc c F cluhs to oppose premier T. of social service manifested at the D pa^o in the forthcoming pro-too of the t«* ha., *™~^ ^ -"'yi^da, election. Other C. C. F. candidates in the province include Mrs. D. G. Steeves, ONE DOLLAR per hour for 4 hour? a day to man or woman, and assurance of steady work. Write to the J. R. Wstkins Company. 1010 Alberni street. Vancouver. B.C.. for full information. 332c FLOWERS nth day of Atafus? i«l purchase of Iicenc* xwi 2.050.000 feet-of spraT» t>n area compriscg'L«s "> and the east 40 ha* ¦( situated at xhe souŁ adu Lake. Cariboo Land Dssat Three'3' yea- v" -."" , removal of timber Further panicui- ¦ Forester, Victoria - ~* j Forester. Prince Gssij AUCTION TIMBER There will be Public Auction at jxt'cc day of August :?-: z±s the District Forest ?nao BC. the Licence X2S3 300.000 f.b.m. ?: ,:r,:-spruce s:;;i?.;.-:c on :~i-' parts of Lots :.::i S 5946 on the Prase: ?.:~: ¦ Urling Stati trict. Or. i.l) • removal ol ¦; "Provided . n tLe aucti >n tender to be auction :\r.c Funherp i ed from the 1 B.C. or th e Georce. BC their Scottish love of argument to work together in harmony for one North H.E. Nelson. Nel- and H- W- Bride by train ''-nd wtjs .^urrunoned •:• r> e inquest by telephor-: and mes- _____ _________J iWA __ .saces. He was enable to reach here | comm6n purpose. This administra- ir. time, but arrived wttla the jury | tion is. as Mr. Johnston remarked., was considering the available evi- a characteristic British improvisa-1 A- J "Pete"Vetere will be an in- dence. The jury then deriied that i tion; it would break down in many! dependent-labor candidate in Ross- his testimony was not necessary to ! another country but in Scotland it is 1 Jand-Trajl at the coming provincial enable it to reach a true verdict. | working smoothly and effectively be- j election. Zelinski was unmarried and police j cause of the democratic will to make have not been able to trace any. it work. relatives. The outward aspect of Edinburgh • The funeral will be held from ! has changed but little. The castle on Assman's Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. ] its mossy crag still crouches over ey officiating. Escapes Noose WREATHS MADE TO ORDER. Cut Flowers. J. T. Dawson. Sc^jlh Ft George. Phone 72L3. 332p KXOX IGNITED (Fifth and Brunswick) Minister Rev. F. E. Runn3lls. B.A., B.D. Sunday Services. 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m British Columbia's own battery that has proved sturdy, reliable and economical— BATTERIES Dealers: ELECTRIC RADIO SERVICE PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. ¦ bounds for sight-seers. Princes Street er relations with his wife, was stand-is as beautiful as ever; is even more 1 ing at a distance of about 20 feet, gay with the uniforms of the High-' end immediately tackled the slayer : land regiments and the less familiar j and was shot through the right hand I uniforms of the troops of the Allies, and in the right hip before Kiraw-! Among these Allies none are dear- chuk was disarmed by him and er to the hearts of the Scots, and j Mike Strawa. ____ I none have become more familiar, I than the Poles. The Poles first arrived on Scot- 1 tish shores in a rather battered con- ; dition. They had fought i n their own country, in France, some even in Norway, always against heavy I odds. Individually or in small groups ! they had succeeded in reaching Bri-r tain by devious routes. Not bn& but TWICE SENTENCED Krawchuk, 47 years old, swarthy and heavily moustached, was convicted at the fall assize of murder and sented by Mr. Justice XL B. Robertson to hang on January 1(K The case was taken to the Court of Appeal on the grounds that the trial judge had .not properly instructd ' th | had saga of adventure behind nim f[ Enacted the lury' on the weight hundreds had stark tragedy .dodging which should be given to immediate their footsteps. One officer's "-story, provocation, and a new trial was was typical of many; eluding the;ordered. Gestapo m Warsaw, he reached safe- The conviction before Mr. Justice ty only to hear that his wife and 1 Smith followed, with the sentence of daughter Hkd been shot in cold blood | death to be executed yesterday be- as revenge for his escape. Small wonder, then, that the Scots opened their hearts and their homes to the exiles; without doubt the Poles will never forget the foster country which gave them new hopes and new prospects of happiness. ing imposed on Krawchuk. Mr. Hurley applied to the Supreme Court of Canada for leave to appeal again, but was refused, and as a final resort made an application* for clemency to the minister of justice. CONNAUGHT HILL LUTHERAN W. A. Knierer - Pastor Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pjn Sunday School & Bible Class 9:30 a.m., Young People (Walther League) Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.. Ladies' Aid. 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 8 pjn AUCTION S.4 TI.MBKR SMI There vri!! be o'Ux Public Auction y. "••'cc x September 194! in District Forester BC the Licence 4.949.0OO f b m of s Lot 5520. south ¦'¦-___, Lake Cariboo_Lan< &&>! Two f2) ¦ e ¦¦¦ -- "•". removal of timber 'Provided anyene ';: Ute auction in >=:; tender to be opewc, auction and ::?}'"' »Jg 1 Pur:hf-r p.>r:c;.:.Ar; - *¦ * !ed from the Chiei F BC or the D:s:::r 1 George. B.c i Sealed tenders "- 'the District Por^e: BC not later tr^ lotli day of a:^-^ ' purchase of .pee-*-; Eena like W'^of THE SALVATION ARMY Captain and Mrs. F. Fierce Services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. Wednesday. 2:30 p.m.. Home League. FERNDALE OUTPOST (Sergeant V. J. Carlson—Sunday School. 11 a.m. Salvation Service. 2:30 p.m. Friday. 7:30 p.m., Young Peoples' Bible Class. PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Rev. A. H. Towsen - Pastor Sunday, Sunday School, 10 a.m.: Services, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Week Days: Tuesday at 8 p.m Prayer Meeting; Friday at 8 p.m.. Bible Studv; Saturday at 8:30 p.m CA Meeting. BETHEL GOSPEL HALL Third Avenue—H. B. Persbiff. Pastor Meetings every night at 7:30 excepting Monday. Living Messages. Tender/ f^g^- JS« hase of l"e . ,.• chase ST. MICHAEL and ALL-ANGELS ANGLICAN CHURCH (Ontario Street, two blocks south 'pf Connaught Hill) ,' Rev. S. Pollinger SUNDAY SERVICES 8:30 ajn. 10:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m